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Is there a way to change the "owner" of a forum?


happycollision wrote:

I don't think "owner" is the proper name, but I set up a forum for someone and now I am getting lots of people asking me questions because they see my username in the PM they get when they first sign in.

I have literally nothing to do with the forum other than initially setting it up and doing updates every now and again.

Is there a way to hand that message over to the site's actual administrator?

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Google's Cache renders empty topics


Kane York wrote:

After reading this post and going back in time to this one, someone linked a Google search query and, of course, I had to try it.
Well, the topic came up in the search (of course), so I tried clicking on the cache link: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:KQQcCO_syekJ:meta.discourse.org/t/will-posts-show-up-on-google/1184+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=za

This results in an empty page with Google's standard 'cached page' header, along with several errors in the JS console:

The "Text-only version" link correctly gives the <noscript> version: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:KQQcCO_syekJ:meta.discourse.org/t/will-posts-show-up-on-google/1184&hl=en&gl=za&strip=1

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Uncategorized "pinned" post not shown for anon user?

Mail not being sent


illspirit wrote:

I just upgraded to the latest and now my mail isn't being sent. I think it has something to do with this:

if ENV.key?('SMTP_URL')
    config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = begin
      uri = URI.parse(ENV['SMTP_URL'])
      params = {
        :address              => uri.host,
        :port                 => uri.port,
        :domain               => (uri.path || "").split("/")[1],
        :user_name            => uri.user,
        :password             => uri.password,
        :authentication       => 'plain',
        :enable_starttls_auto => true
      CGI.parse(uri.query || "").each {|k,v| params[k.to_sym] = v.first}
      raise "Invalid SMTP_URL"
    config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :sendmail
    config.action_mailer.sendmail_settings = {arguments: '-i'}

In the admin panel I'm seeing the following instead of my smtp settings.

Delivery Method	           sendmail
arguments	           -i

I switched back to the old production.rb file and it's working fine again.

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Logo alt attribute doesn't escaped when site title contains quotes


Anton Batenev wrote:

When I set (in admin settings page) 'title' to string with quote ("), the alt attribute of site-logo image breaks. For examle, set forum title to:


and enjoy xss.

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Enough with the sample files


Sam Saffron wrote:

Recently, I deployed Discourse on a Digital Ocean droplet. It is an excellent exercise for me to be doing cause I can easily nail down issues our install that should be addressed.

One very big problem I had with the install with install were all the magic sample files.

Let me describe my install process in laymen term.

I started by deploying a droplet, easy peasy. Ubuntu was up and running in minutes. Next I created some accounts, installed rvm, postgres, nginx and redis which was all pretty straight forward (the biggest annoyance being postgres security and all the custom apt repos needed)

Anyway, once this was all up it was time to get Discourse configured and that is where I saw the most pain.

Copy production.rb.sample to production.rb ... mess with it.
Copy redis.yml.sample to redis.yml ... mess with it.
Copy unicorn.rb.sample ... mess with it.
Create a bunch of tmp folders for pids and sockets

At the end of this process I have a directory structure that kind of looks like what we have in git, but has a bunch of local changes spread across the filesystem.

This also raised a fairly serious issue in my mind.

What happens when we update production.rb.sample or any of the other samples? How do users know they need to update them?

Case in point.

At some point we introduced:

config.enable_mini_profiler = true

How do users that have the production.rb file prior to this change know that we added it? It is busywork and fragile.

There must be a saner way.

Can we rename production.rb.sample and for that matter https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/config/redis.yml.sample to the same without the .sample? That way we can still customise stuff using ENV, however we at least can have reasonable central list of what we expect is configurable and what is not.

This also raises the issue with us having a special database.yml file, which should be addresses, however production.rb and redis.ym are probably the most urgent.

This would very much ease deploying Discourse and more importantly ease updating it. There will be a slight amount of pain during the change, however I feel this .sample approach is a failure which we should move away from.

cc @eviltrout @Neil @zogstrip

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CSS customisation for RTL


Amit Friedmann wrote:

I am customising my Discourse instance (only CSS stuff so far) to fit the hebrew reader, already done some funky changes so it will be more right to lefty.
There is a specific change I am trying to do but keep failing: RTL align the email being sent to a user, the digest and the notification email (reply on topic, private message). I can't find the right element I need to modify its style.
Can anyone point out what is the class or id of the div (or other) element that need to be set for text-align: right?


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Discourse should render LaTeX


Why not? wrote:

LaTeX support should be easy to implement using MathJax.

IMHO this should be an official plugin (but maybe disabled by default).

If you agree, Like this post.

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Awesomenesssss it is


Anna wrote:

I've just discovered Discourse and I just wanted to say THANK YOU! The work you are doing is awesome! Keep going and I will try to spread the word about you in the meantime ^_^

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Allow view for topics in all children categories


Kane York wrote:

If you go to the category page for a category with children, the default view is "Only topics in [parent]":

While this may make sense sometimes, it offers no way for me to see all the topics in the parent and all of its children at once.

Now, even if that might not make sense for their forum (I think it still does), it certainly breaks down when you have something like this:

Could you add an option to that dropdown for "All subcategories"?

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JS and CSS size has exploded ever since upgrading to Rails 4


Sam Saffron wrote:


EVERYONE, edit your production.rb file with the additional lines:

config.assets.js_compressor  = :uglifier
config.assets.css_compressor = :sass

I will be following this up by nuking all the sample files this week, we will ship with a production.rb file

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How/when to bind to events on ContainerViews?


Thomas Smyth wrote:

e.g. line 37 of TopicFooterButtonsView says this.trigger('additionalButtons', this);

How can I bind to that?

In the poll example plugin, the topic_information_summary.js file does this:

(function() {
  Discourse.TopicSummaryView.prototype.on("appendSummaryInformation", function(childViews) {
    // Add the poll information
    if (this.get('topic.archetype') === 'poll') {
        tagName: 'section',
        classNames: ['information'],
        templateName: 'discourse_poll/templates/about_poll'


However, when I try this in my plugin, it seems to execute before the Discourse.TopicSummaryView object is created, resulting in an error.

What is the correct way to do this? Help very much appreciated.

(I also noticed that in the latest version of discourse, TopicSummaryView has gone away. Will update now. But assuming the same thing will happen.)

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Categories not displaying on Category List page


Kevin wrote:

I'm having a problem on the category list page. It only shows one category for everyone other than admin. Admin can see all categories. I've checked the settings and searched here but cannot seem to figure out what I have done wrong.

I've updated to the latest version and the issue is still there so I assume I've changed a setting somewhere.

Any help or direction would be appreciated.

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Canonical is using CDN incorrectly

Google's Cache fails to render topics


Kane York wrote:

After reading this post and going back in time to this one, someone linked a Google search query and, of course, I had to try it.
Well, the topic came up in the search (of course), so I tried clicking on the cache link: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:KQQcCO_syekJ:meta.discourse.org/t/will-posts-show-up-on-google/1184+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=za

This results in an empty page with Google's standard 'cached page' header, along with several errors in the JS console:

The "Text-only version" link correctly gives the <noscript> version: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:KQQcCO_syekJ:meta.discourse.org/t/will-posts-show-up-on-google/1184&hl=en&gl=za&strip=1

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What fonts and colours are used?


Donald wrote:


I would like to alter my website (example.com) to better match the appearance of my discourse forum (forum.example.com).

Could somebody please tell me what fonts and colours are used for links, menu items, paragraph text, headings etc.?

Also, is there any "simple" way to change these fonts and colours?

Many thanks

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Broken icons in Firefox


Charlie_Shum wrote:

Some of the icons are broken when the forum is viewing on firefox
But it is normal in Chrome

it seems to be the problem of charcater encoding or font?

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Wp-Discourse Comments has error


Jason Wojo wrote:

I just installed the wp-discourse plugin and checked the box on a post to override the comments with Discourse. I have this error where the comments should be. Anybody else have this issue?

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/mysite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-discourse-master/comments.php on line 32

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"Add another login" like StackOverflow/StackExchange


John-Kim wrote:

Is "Add another login" like StackOverflow/StackExchange a planned Discourse feature, or something that can be easily added to a custom Discourse install?

I created an account here on meta.discourse.org using my custom domain email and a site-specific, unique password. These are the default details I always use.

Now, I'd like to add Google as a login for the one-click convenience across multiple sites.

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[en.x] kind of messages (working in vagrant)


Kasper Peulen wrote:

I'm using vagrant, and many times after I'm trying to test something, I get this kind of stuff.
I thought this maybe a mistake in my code, but even if I remove the code back to the original, then I still have this.

The only way I can get rid of this is by completely reinstalling vagrant. Is there an other way I could fix this ?

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