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Generating a mixed content warning with a oneboxed link


@chrisc wrote:

I realise this has been discussed several times before but there still doesn’t appear to be a solution other than having a admin manually edit posts that have HTTP URLs on single lines?

Would it be possible to have an admin option something like “Disable Oneboxed HTTP URLs”?

The post that caused me to come looking for answers to this can be found here.

UPDATE: Initially I misunderstood how this problem was caused see the third post in this thread for an updated explanation.

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Which image file does the Discourse application use?


@hellorich wrote:


Just trying to get to the bottom of why our communities icon doesn’t appear when it’s added to the Discourse application. Is there a definitive guide to which of the icons / logo files added in settings ( /admin/site_settings/category/required ) appears where? We have images added to all of these and it still won’t show up so I suspect it’s a file format issue, or perhaps theres some cache thing going on.



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How to fetch all new topics and users replies within 24 hours by cron?


@Muzammil_Ahmed wrote:

I’m new to discourse and want to create a cron which fetch all the topics with users replies from last 24 hours and integrate that cron into discourse docker container.

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Dev environments scripts


@LeoMcA wrote:

I’ve been using the docker scripts bundled with discourse for a while, but I’ve found they don’t work particularly well with my want to often switch between different dev instances (for instance, one running tests-passed, one running a branch where I’m developing an awesome new feature, one running a plugin I’m developing, and so on).

So, I rolled my own, heavily inspired by the originals:

I’ve been using them for about a week now and they haven’t set anything on :fire:, so I humbly offer them up to anyone else who may find them useful.

Basic usage is explained in the README, but to give a taste:

  • Setup a foo environment:
    source discourse-dev-scripts/setup foo
  • Create the discourse_dev_foo docker image with the bar plugin mounted as a volume:
    create -p bar
  • Run rails:
    rails s

There are some known limitations documented, and probably others I haven’t thought of, which you’re more than welcome to submit a PR to fix, or just complain about in the posts below!

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Emoji parsing regression


@tgxworld wrote:

Looks like we’re allowing spaces and invalid characters in the Regexp?

:email, class_name: 'UserEmail' => :email, class_name: ‘UserEmail’

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How can you change Discourse's default homepage view to a static html landing page?


@norandom wrote:


is there a way to set a custom html landing page for the home view?

Like http://mydiscourse/ -> start.html

I would like to generate my own start page for my Discourse instance.


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Trouble with Top Traffic Sources Data


@RyanK wrote:

I have Google Analytics setup via Admin > Settings > Basic Setup. When I visit GA there is an alert that says my tracking code is missing. This appears to be an old message, so it may not longer be relevant.

When I visit my ADMIN area in Discourse I see that Github is often a top referrer. It’s my understanding that while not accessible via Discourse, that referral data should be easy to get from GA. I’m checking traffic Channels, Source/Medium, Referrals, but nothing shows any reference to GitHub anywhere. Am I looking in the wrong place or does this mean my GA setup within Discourse is not right?

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Importing old vb(s) into Discourse


@Sara_Noel wrote:

I’m currently working on importing a handful of my smaller topic-related vbulletin forums into a single Discourse. Things are going swimmingly. Seriously. Very happy.

The only remaining problem I have is that some of these vb communities have photo galleries (vb paid add-on). I am looking to see what Discourse folks think is the best way to manage/still use these photos. If these were just memes or goofy photos, I’d flush them. They aren’t. There isn’t a Discourse separate yet integrated photo gallery option like what I had with vb. Not complaining.

My objective isn’t necessarily a community photo gallery add-on. But I’d like to try to move these vb gallery images and have them still tied to their authors. Then of course, moving forward being able to maintain a system for people to share photos that matches the way I managed the first set of imported vb gallery photos.

What is the best current solution? Just want the best option today on what to do with these photos that are currently in a vb photo gallery. What would you do?

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SSO User getting denied - "could not be registered"

Vanilla Importer (vanilla.rb) - Import timeout error


@harinayar wrote:


I am trying to migrate from vanilla into discourse. I am trying the import steps outlined here.

The import job errors out always while importing users (see screenshot attached). When I rerun the script the error repeats for a different user leading me to believe that the issue is not specific to a specific user record but instead a problem with the the db schema or a timeout of some sort (as evidenced by the line in the error dump - “Javascript was terminated either by timeout or explicitly”)

I tried combing thru vanilla.rb to check for timeout values that I can maybe increase but I couldn’t find any such references. Thoughts?

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Tags, information on notification

Disable serve static files


@leo.proctor wrote:

Somehow i want to disable public access to assets. In development by config.serve_static_files = false, it serves the purpose. It routes requests to upload controller, where i can authenticate or deny access. While in production it doesn’t seem to be working. In my app.yml file


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Way to find "hot" topics?


@jsha wrote:

At https://community.letsencrypt.org/ we have a lot of “support” posts that are quickly asked and answered in a straightforward way. We also have a few longer-form discussion threads that can sometime get heated. When I have limited time to read, I usually want to see if there are any hot threads with lots of recent posts. Is there an easy way to get this view? If I click “Top,” I get a list of all-time most popular posts. If I sort by “Activity,” I get the threads with the most recent posts, regardless of number of posts.


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Category description on mobile


@ThePassenger wrote:

Hi everyone! i am trying to set up my community and i found a problem:

This is a screenshot of my phone with the categories page:

and this is the chrome inspector of the same page:

as you can see, in the “responsive” version the category description will show, but in the real mobile version it won’t.

I’m kind of lost on why this happens, so any help will be great! thanks!

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Invitations via facebook?


@RSnie wrote:

Hi all,

Is it possible to invite users via facebook if you don’t have their e-mail address?


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Safari default zoom makes links to parts of pages be off


@DaniSpringer wrote:

Safari High Sierra has a feature that lets you choose a default zoom level per site.
I made a discourse website default to 115% percent.
When selecting a question from Discourse reader, it used to bring me to the place of that question on a page.
Now it’s off, by a lot - enough to have to scroll up and down to find the right post.

Is it a bug, and can it be fixed, or am I doing something wrong?

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Putting username in header link


@Kiejr wrote:

I’m trying to add the username into a header link like so:

   <li class='last'><a id="pprefs" href='http://webchat.ghostsirc.net/?channels=kiejr' target="_blank" title="Kiejr Chat" class="nav-link"><span>Chat</span></a></li>
             <script type="text/javascript">
               var currentusername = Discourse.User.currentProp('username');
               document.getElementById("pprefs").href = "http://webchat.ghostsirc.net/?channels=kiejr&nick=" + currentusername;

But the username is coming back undefined, and making the link

It’s probably something minor that I’m not quite getting here.
Help would be much appreciated!

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Empty response on discourse login API call


@hnaseri wrote:

I have about 6k login api calls per day. However about 5% of them do not have any response from discourse. The interesting thing is that there is no sign of these 5% failed api calls in the production.log file too.

Our login api is this:

public static function Login($user_name, $user_pwd){
        $data = array(  'login'=>$user_name,

        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, self::$discourse_url."session");
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data));
        $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("X-FORWARDED-FOR: $ip"));
        $response = curl_exec($ch);
        return $response;

What could be wrong? and where should I look for more information about this matter?

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Ability to force subscription to a category


@hudrob wrote:

Hi all,

Is it possible to force all registered users to be subscribed (for email) to a particular category?

When we ran mailman, we could enforce subscription to a particular list (our organisational announcement list). We’d like to be able to do the same in Discourse.

Is this possible now, or is this a feature that could be built?



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How to find my replies that didn't get a reply?


@Sujan wrote:

Is there a way to get my replies (answers to posts) that didn’t get a reply after that?

As moderator in a dev (support) forum, I am sometimes more a triage bot that asks people for clarification, missing data, etc. Now some people seem to think it is ok to just ignore these and I want to see how many there are.

Is there a way to find my replies that I wrote in topics and that didn’t get a reply?
Maybe even with an additional filter of “2 posts in topic” to get those where only the initial topic post and mine exist?

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