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Escaping the "#" character in search


@JagWaugh wrote:

Is there an escape character for search?

One of our users was trying to search for “pozidrive #4” and it returned no hits, searching for “Pozidrive” works, but he was looking specifically for #4.

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Send activation mail with self-signed certificate for SMTP


@Chopper wrote:


I just install a new discourse instance and i never receive the email activation.

The configuration of the app.yml with the SMTP information :

  ## TODO: The mailserver this Discourse instance will use
  DISCOURSE_SMTP_ADDRESS: smtp.domain.com
  DISCOURSE_SMTP_USER_NAME: forum@domain.com

The certificate of the SMTP is self-signed so i add DISCOURSE_SMTP_OPENSSL_VERIFY_MODE: "none" then a rebuild everythings with ./launcher rebuild app

Log file tail shared/standalone/log/rails/production.log

rocessing by FinishInstallationController#confirm_email as HTML
  Rendered finish_installation/confirm_email.html.erb within layouts/finish_installationB)
  Rendered common/_special_font_face.html.erb (0.1ms)
  Rendered layouts/_head.html.erb (0.2ms)
Completed 200 OK in 24ms (Views: 23.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

Sent mail to forum@domain.fr (60252.4ms)
Job exception: Net::ReadTimeout

But when I click “send email activation”, I get nothing. Any idea ?

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Make another hamburger menu?


@Silvanus wrote:

Is it possible (and how) to make another hamburger menu?

I know the basics of adding an icon into the mix, I did this to create a button for latest stuff, in :

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.4">
api.decorateWidget('header-icons:before', helper => {
    return helper.h('li.header-dropdown-toggle', [
        helper.h('a.icon#latest-button', {
            title: 'Latest'
        }, helper.h('i.fa.fa-bolt.latest-button-icon')),

Is it possible, in a similar way, to make another menu?

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Allow people to enter email to get notified when feature request is complete


@MatthewFoyle wrote:

We have a category for feedback, within which people post feature requests, and can vote on existing feature requests.

I’m trying to understand the best way to have people ‘subscribe’ to a feature request with their email. We can then pull the list of people waiting for a feature and when it’s ready, we know exactly who to email first.

Wondered how other people have handled this in Discourse?

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Discourse SSO + normal login


@bufordtaylor wrote:

Haven’t seen this topic popup. I’ve inherited a Discourse server and I’m looking to implement SSO without abandoning all the previous users who logged in without SSO.

Basically this flow:

  1. User on Discourse is logged out. Clicks ‘login’
  2. Can type in Username / password, or click “login via [my site]”

I’ve got the SSO working thanks to this great thread: Official Single-Sign-On for Discourse
I’ve got the normal login with username / password working.

But not both at the same time. Is there a feature for this? current settings - https://i.imgur.com/LtYo0Y9.png

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Plugin not loaded when route not found


@jack2 wrote:

Whenever I start Discourse on an unknown route (such as https://www.mydiscourse.org/tag/zzz where zzz is a tag that doesn’t exist), my plugin doesn’t load. Is this the intended behavior? If it is, is there something I can do so that my plugin is always loaded?

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Bublle box in message?


@NotAfk wrote:

hello :slight_smile:

I see in lot of discourse forum, a “bubble box” with contrast in the message.
How i can adjust like that please ? :slight_smile:


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400 Error when adding a new Group Owner


@Martin_Cash wrote:

I’m getting a 400 error when adding a new group owner. Tried clearing cache/cookies, different browser, etc…



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SSO Authentication Issue


@Martin_Cash wrote:

Today, I had a case of a member that would be redirected to the “confirm your email address” page every time they signed in to Discourse. They are able to sign in to other assets that use our authentication method just fine.

After some digging, we found that the email address stored in Discourse and on our authentication server had capital letters which they don’t actually type when signing in to anything. I had the member change their ID to lowercase and now they can sign in to Discourse without a problem.

I asked my authentication dude if I should send a ticket to him and he recommended i notify you guys as this “seems like a Discourse issue.”

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How do I get the categories on the homepage to display without the subcategories?


@qmmhardy wrote:

At the moment I am trying to tidy up our discourse forum because it is looking a little cluttered. So I am aiming to display our top level categories on the homepage minus the sub categories to mirror what CodeAcademy have done with theirs (example below).

Any ideas on how CodeAcademy did this?

Any help is certainly appreciated!

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Facebook/google and also twitter login error


@NotAfk wrote:

After a ./launcher cleanup, the problem is solved.
What is it the origin of this problem ?

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Failed rebuild (Could not find 'rest-client)


@huulbaek wrote:

I tried upgrading from 1.8 to 1.9 but ./launcher rebuild app fails. Here’s some lines I think important:

I, [2017-08-02T06:27:53.765784 #15]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake db:migrate'
rake aborted!
Gem::LoadError: Could not find 'rest-client' (>= 0) among 173 total gem(s)
Checked in 'GEM_PATH=/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0', execute `gem env` for more information
/var/www/discourse/lib/plugin_gem.rb:18:in `load'
/var/www/discourse/lib/plugin/instance.rb:379:in `gem'
/var/www/discourse/plugins/df-core/plugin.rb:27:in `activate!'
/var/www/discourse/lib/plugin/instance.rb:326:in `instance_eval'
/var/www/discourse/lib/plugin/instance.rb:326:in `activate!'
/var/www/discourse/lib/discourse.rb:125:in `block in activate_plugins!'
/var/www/discourse/lib/discourse.rb:122:in `each'
/var/www/discourse/lib/discourse.rb:122:in `activate_plugins!'
/var/www/discourse/config/application.rb:179:in `<class:Application>'
/var/www/discourse/config/application.rb:26:in `<module:Discourse>'
/var/www/discourse/config/application.rb:25:in `<top (required)>'
/var/www/discourse/Rakefile:5:in `require'
/var/www/discourse/Rakefile:5:in `<top (required)>'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/rake-12.0.0/exe/rake:27:in `<top (required)>'
/usr/local/bin/bundle:22:in `load'
/usr/local/bin/bundle:22:in `<main>'

Help very much appreciated.

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Possible to have all new items in a post thread on top?


@Ham wrote:

Looking to create a category. Have the users make a post and within the replies have the most current replies at the top. Is there a way to do this?

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Problem with my SSL certificate


@craisp wrote:

Hi there

I have an issue with my SSL Setup.

I’m running a discourse app on a linode, DNS records are alright.

Back when I installed the app I followed this howto:

My ssl certificate expired yesterday, and I don’t know why it hadn’t got renewed.
I tried to rebuild the app, what works without errors, but in the logs I have

nginx: [emerg] PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX("/shared/ssl/MYDOMAIN.cer") failed (SSL: error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE)

The certificate file is not written correctly:

ls -l /var/discourse/shared/standalone/ssl
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Aug  2 10:18 MYDOMAIN.cer
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3243 Aug  2 10:18 MYDOMAIN.key

In the acme.sh.log is this line:

MYDOMAIN:Verify error:Fetching http://MYDOMAIN/.well-known/acme-challenge/vo77X_i6E6fgkPJ1YwOQijTaE8Uys-5p-O_tn2XYIis: Timeout

Any ideas?

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Rebuild app has stuck


@Alexander_Wright wrote:


I was prompted to refresh the launcher and run ./launcher rebuild app for the latest version upgrade.

It’s now got stuck here:

155:M 02 Aug 08:34:46.052 * 10 changes in 300 seconds. Saving...
155:M 02 Aug 08:34:46.054 * Background saving started by pid 2373
2373:C 02 Aug 08:34:46.439 * DB saved on disk
2373:C 02 Aug 08:34:46.439 * RDB: 36 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
155:M 02 Aug 08:34:46.456 * Background saving terminated with success

It’s been 30 minutes, and nothing has changed. The machine docker is running on (an Amazon instance) is running at 99.9% idle in top.

The last part of ./launcher logs app is:

229:M 02 Aug 08:18:55.087 * 10 changes in 300 seconds. Saving...
229:M 02 Aug 08:18:55.088 * Background saving started by pid 22525
22525:C 02 Aug 08:18:55.371 * DB saved on disk
22525:C 02 Aug 08:18:55.372 * RDB: 31 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
229:M 02 Aug 08:18:55.389 * Background saving terminated with success
229:M 02 Aug 08:23:56.044 * 10 changes in 300 seconds. Saving...
229:M 02 Aug 08:23:56.044 * Background saving started by pid 22911
22911:C 02 Aug 08:23:56.367 * DB saved on disk
22911:C 02 Aug 08:23:56.368 * RDB: 31 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
229:M 02 Aug 08:23:56.445 * Background saving terminated with success
229:M 02 Aug 08:28:57.006 * 10 changes in 300 seconds. Saving...
229:M 02 Aug 08:28:57.007 * Background saving started by pid 23268
23268:C 02 Aug 08:28:57.528 * DB saved on disk
23268:C 02 Aug 08:28:57.529 * RDB: 25 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
229:M 02 Aug 08:28:57.604 * Background saving terminated with success
Shutting Down
run-parts: executing /etc/runit/3.d/01-nginx
ok: down: nginx: 0s, normally up
run-parts: executing /etc/runit/3.d/02-unicorn
ok: down: unicorn: 1s, normally up
run-parts: executing /etc/runit/3.d/10-redis
229:signal-handler (1501662563) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
229:M 02 Aug 08:29:23.364 # User requested shutdown...
229:M 02 Aug 08:29:23.364 * Saving the final RDB snapshot before exiting.
229:M 02 Aug 08:29:23.684 * DB saved on disk
229:M 02 Aug 08:29:23.684 # Redis is now ready to exit, bye bye...
ok: down: redis: 0s, normally up
run-parts: executing /etc/runit/3.d/99-postgres
2017-08-02 08:29:23.718 UTC [225] LOG:  received smart shutdown request
2017-08-02 08:29:23.721 UTC [255] LOG:  autovacuum launcher shutting down
timeout: run: postgres: (pid 225) 2929742s, want down, got TERM
run-parts: /etc/runit/3.d/99-postgres exited with return code 1
When using programs that use GNU Parallel to process data for publication please cite:

  O. Tange (2011): GNU Parallel - The Command-Line Power Tool,
  ;login: The USENIX Magazine, February 2011:42-47.

This helps funding further development; and it won't cost you a cent.
Or you can get GNU Parallel without this requirement by paying 10000 EUR.

To silence this citation notice run 'parallel --bibtex' once or use '--no-notice'.

ok: down: nginx: 9s, normally up
ok: down: cron: 0s, normally up
ok: down: redis: 8s, normally up

Help please!

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Err too many redirects


@kiki wrote:

We just upgrade to the latest code (tests-passed, commit 13bb69bacac7412c1743ad78f26944341fbaa9f3):

It’s OK the open the start page. For the topic page, we get this error:

there’s Chinese text in the title, slug=encode


Started GET "/t/xxx/280" for at 2017-08-02 09:46:54 +0000
Processing by TopicsController#show as HTML
  Parameters: {"slug"=>"xxx", "topic_id"=>"280"}
Redirected to https://mydomain/t/xxx/280
Completed 301 Moved Permanently in 45ms (ActiveRecord: 9.7ms)

Started GET "/t/xxx/280" for at 2017-08-02 09:46:54 +0000
Processing by TopicsController#show as HTML
  Parameters: {"slug"=>"xxx", "topic_id"=>"280"}
Redirected to https://mydomain/t/xxx/280
Completed 301 Moved Permanently in 45ms (ActiveRecord: 9.7ms)


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In title bar, diacriticals in title are clipped like this: Ñ, Ằ, ขึ้น


@sujato wrote:

In many languages, Thai and Vietnamese being examples, multiple marks may be added above letters. Normally extra line-spacing is incorporated to allow for this. The main heading in the title bar has line-spacing of 1.1em, which is not enough, so such marks get clipped. I’ve even seen plain ol’ apostrophes get clipped.

This will vary depending on font, so may not show up for everyone. But it’s good practice to leave plenty of headroom, especially in the title.

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Category Moderator Lite


@angus wrote:

This plugin allows you to create a category-specific workflow for moderators. It’s a work in progress. I’m posting it here now, as there are probably aspects to moderation I don’t understand or appreciate and I’m hoping to get some feedback.

This plugin does not, in any way, restrict moderator’s powers to specific categories.

Restricting moderator powers to a particular category is the subject of this specification. If it is to be done, it will be done by the Discourse team, as it would be far too complex and unsustainable to do in a plugin.

I have said a bit more about why I think this plugin makes sense here. In short, for my purposes at least, if I were worried that a category-specific moderator would ‘overstep their bounds’, then they probably shouldn’t be a moderator anyway.

For me, category-specific moderation is more about focusing a moderator’s attention on a particular category. This more limited goal can be achieved much more easily than full-blown restriction.

Current implementation:

  1. Allows moderators to be assigned to a category in the category settings.
    51 PM

  2. When a moderator is assigned to a category:

    1. The ‘moderation’ notification count on their hamburger icon will only be for flags specific to the category they have been assigned to (currently does not include posts pending approval - see below).

      07 PM

    2. In their ‘Flags’ UI there is an additional category-specific list that only shows posts flagged in their assigned category

To do:

  • Apply the same treatment to Post Approval, i.e. create a separate count and make a distinction between assigned-category and ‘All’ in /queued-posts.

  • Update the email reminders for flags and post approvals so that moderators assigned to a category do not get reminders about flags and posts outside of their category.

  • Probably more. Suggestions welcome.

Feedback and pull requests are very welcome. Moderation is a significant responsibility that I know little about.

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Feature Suggestion - Rejected Posts and Category Edit Change


@Utopia wrote:

Hi there - I’ve read through some topics on this discussion site before, but only just joined today.

I’m an admin on a discourse hosted site and love the features and layout etc of the Discourse platform, especially when compared to the old boxy PHP styles.

The site Im admin for use the Trust levels to protect the site from instant trolls and spammers - so, the first 5 posts that a user makes, all have to be approved. If the posts are all tyraids of adverts for porn, pharmaceutical products, etc, then they’re just Rejected, user banned and neither the post, nor the user ever see the light of day.

Sometimes though, the post simply has come to the wrong place and needs to be cut’n’pasted then emailed to one of my colleagues. For these situations, it would be great if all posts which I click [REJECT] on, could drop into a REJECTED POSTS category which only myself and my fellow admins could see and access.

Also, we sometimes get a very valid correct post in the approval queue, waiting to be approved, but the use has selected the wrong category/sub-category for the post. Currently, whilst a post is in the approval queue, I can edit the Title, edit the post itself, but I can’t change the category, even though I can see it and can …almost… click on it. So, what I’m having to do currently, is approve the post, into the wrong sub-category, then manually move it to a different category later.

Could the above two suggestions be added to “the list” please, for possible inclusion in a future update? Thanks

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Some devices gets desktop version instead of mobile


@BaldvinTh wrote:

We have received reports from a few of our players where their mobile devices are receiving the desktop version instead of the intended mobile version that other players enjoy. This causes them numerous issues, including posts being largely vertical.

With the assistance of one of our players I’ve managed to reproduce the issue by emulating one of the affected phones using Google Developer Tools.

Edit: Another player came back to me with more information about their device, reproduced the same issue using the screen resolution provided by them.

Device 1 - Nokia Lumia 920

  • Their Browser Window Size:
    • 383 x 581 css pixels
    • 768 x 1280 device pixels according to spec
  • Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8
  • Microsoft Lumia 920
    • User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; WPDesktop; Lumia 920) like Gecko

Device 2 - Alcatel 40600

  • Screen resolution: 854 x 480
  • Chrome
  • Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow

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