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Cannot create post (Error 500)


@tophee wrote:

Since my last discourse upgrade and rebuild I can no longer post anything on my forum:


The error log gives me this error:

MiniRacer::RuntimeError (Error: Could not find module `pretty-text/engines/discourse-markdown/bbcode` imported from `lib/discourse-markdown/formatting_bbcode`)
JavaScript at requireFrom (<anonymous>:128:13)

It also has some of these Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addPreProcessor' of undefined but those I have been seeing for a while, so these are probably not related to what I’m seeing now. I think they are from the doi-resolver plugin which I have long deactivated.

The browser console looks like this:

Any pointers where I should start?

UPDATE: I also just noticed that my installed plugins page is not working (no plugins shown):

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API call to have a user watch specific category(ies)?


@SwisherSweet wrote:

According to a reply by @Falco on my post, there’s a way to set users to watch categories using the API. I’ve spent hours searching the web and combing through the API documentation but I cannot find this call.

Does anyone know what API call could be used to set a user to watch a specific category?

Thank you.

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Error with facebook Registration


@Jeremiah_Schultz wrote:

When I tried to register with a Facebook account it gave me an error saying that I had to supply an email. I tried again a few minutes later and it worked fine… Any idea what the problem might be?


(facebook) Authentication failure! csrf_detected: OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2::CallbackError, csrf_detected | CSRF detected


/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/logster-1.2.7/lib/logster/logger.rb:93:in `add_with_opts'
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hostname	ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-app
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HTTP_HOST	lazulu.net
REQUEST_URI	/auth/facebook/callback?code=AQAh6KF41sNt8MNxcHxL_sYNyh5lQbcWgx-AFOGMmxS6I_fcsbFb6RK5khI5tCa8ZyDkk3_Cp0xnlgbH6HFrMLw9KLsheURJcO5tD-g-rpSjFMnT-xh39Raa8VDswjK_NyF6P6K2n2aQ452VzYRfdZW7TJHyZfaR7vpjGQV0OOxgs3N8CL9SnTjkLLgbQ1ckFeE1XboEpGAxWj5cxItPQtqU8PG2uRk2Uk4TRLQcUtY_zJosxnP2_KOAyC6EVxTyA5sSDWYFhUC4IWYxHVag1_pXLdw3Uo-AZu6TC0HAwg5RM9n2hv5F7nF8_qQex7agEEkk57nHnXvLAwrz8geIR3vLVn2avBx1yZrZ1lZ44fYqpA&state=6ead19155f72e795f5bc063b1d0b04f1a014ca966ada67bb
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HTTP_ACCEPT	text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
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state	6ead19155f72e795f5bc063b1d0b04f1a014ca966ada67bb

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Change error-text for blacklisted email domains

Looking for someone to customize discourse to create a forum site


@Caitlin_Phillips wrote:

Hello, I have an idea for forum site, but don’t know the tech side of things–I’m a social worker. After researching, I think Discourse is the best option for the site–but I would need someone to customize it and develop the site. How can I find people who do that? Thank you so much!

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Language Changed to Japanese for multiple users


@RyanK wrote:

This morning I noticed that the interface had changed to Japanese and I had no idea how to change it back. I assumed I must have somehow pocket switched it on my phone, but then others told me the same thing happened to them. It self corrected within a few minutes, but we are still a little concerned. Is there a way to find out how this happened?

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Redirect Sign Up button to external URL


@donlucas wrote:

We’re using the discourse-ldap-auth plugin to authenticate off an external LDAP service which also provides member registration. When disabling local_logins, the Sign Up url redirects to the login prompt. Can this behavior be redirected to the off site registration instead?

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Issue with reply to post


@Andrea_Roberts wrote:

Hi All,

When engaging in a topic with multiple posters to a topic, I thought there are 2 ways to reply:

  1. to hit the grey “reply” text which should display directly under the post the user is responding to -AND-
  2. to hit the blue “reply” button which should display at the bottom of the thread in that the user is responding to the whole topic

I’m finding that in our community, no matter which reply is used the comment is posted at the bottom of the thread which is becoming confusing. Is there a setting I’m missing out on or is this functioning properly?


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Help: Kcptun on server and No Space for Discourse now


@xiasummer wrote:


I’m from China, and as the VPN was stoped by the government. So I build up the shadowsocks and Kcptun service on my server to help me surf the blocked websited.

But a few months passed I found my server space all occupied, don’t know why.

I tried to clean up enough space for my Discourse, but found it quite hard.

  1. My server is a 20G Diskspace KVM with Ubuntu 14.04

  2. I checked my docker images, and I think it is already minimal

# docker images

REPOSITORY             TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
discourse/base         2.0.20170728        184b98f3b1d2        7 days ago          1.81GB
rethinkdb              latest              be24926bde9a        6 weeks ago         183MB
samsaffron/docker-gc   latest              54ca424ca8d6        21 months ago       57.7MB
microbox/etcd          latest              6aef84b9ec5a        24 months ago       17.9MB

  1. I checked my file system, found it almost full

/var/discourse# df -h

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev            487M  4.0K  487M   1% /dev
tmpfs           100M  1.1M   99M   2% /run
/dev/vda1        20G   16G  3.2G  83% /
none            4.0K     0  4.0K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
none            5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
none            497M  300K  497M   1% /run/shm
none            100M     0  100M   0% /run/user
none             20G   16G  3.2G  83% /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/7c578ba7383b1be9d612c1ffe25c6a9850656194cb789a24d0a6d40177b7b28a
none             20G   16G  3.2G  83% /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/21dc2b95807397afafa9c7ceff8b45de217c210eb16c00ecfd5d39228b78763b
none             20G   16G  3.2G  83% /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/aab561dca2fec40e8c8d0dca9b27261e947f8e7cc4865fb8d11efd42584e631a
shm              64M     0   64M   0% /var/lib/docker/containers/18d7cc386a10ad7cc05123d9f8a4fe53279d2e625a30f169ad9a994be4e9f11a/shm
shm              64M     0   64M   0% /var/lib/docker/containers/ce0c1771844e3f2bda150db5cffe1f5af0950e7e00ba1060e01b2b671d7f055c/shm
shm              64M     0   64M   0% /var/lib/docker/containers/abde6e9e4a25482ee1f60033e124691c88046369449734139e431c538c86fc52/shm

  1. I checked the biggest file/folder and found

/var/discourse# du -sk * | sort -nr | head -10
9338104 shared
172     image
112     templates
24      samples
20      launcher
20      discourse-setup
12      scripts
12      README.md
12      containers
4       Vagrantfile

Can any one help me?

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Pop out editor pane


@AndreKR wrote:

It should be possible to open the New Topic (and preferably even the Reply editor) pane in a new tab/window.

This annoys me every time I use a Discourse. I was hoping the feeling will go away, but even after years of using several different Discourses this still bothers me a lot. It feels like working on a Netbook (you know, those tiny notebooks that were popular a few years ago).

What makes the problem worse (for me) is that I can’t seem to remember this problem before I start drafting a new topic. So what usually happens is:

  • I middle-click “New topic”, it doesn’t work, so I click it normally.
  • I start typing the first few words.
  • I realize I need more space, so I resize the editor
  • I realize the space isn’t enough, so I grunt, middle-click the Discourse logo to open a new tab and move that to the other screen
  • I resize the editor in the new tab to the maximum height that Discourse allows me
  • I close the editor pane on the original page.
  • I use the original tab to surf around the Discourse and gather all the information I need for my post, while making sure that I don’t click the Discourse logo because it will ask if I want to abandon my post (uh, no!).

For a system that obviously has put some thought into feeling natural, this process feels very unnatural to me.

I realize that the “Quote” workflow as it is might not work well together with this, but that’s a small price to pay, and could probably be easily solved by storing the Quote (just like the draft is currently stored) and adding a “Paste quote” to the editor.

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My first upgrade :o

Password reset email should send IP info


@pain wrote:

is there a way to make it so that when a user requests a password reset, it sends the ip in the email as well?

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Where are the docker images or Discourse backup packages?


@xiasummer wrote:

I want to download the backup packages directly from the SSH kernel.

Could you please tell me where to find the image or packages?


The backup package is in


File Name like


Just download the backupfile.

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How customize limited length categories?

Summary emails are not honouring the 5 min editing grace period


@tophee wrote:

It is my understanding that email notifications for new posts are delayed by 5 minutes (or whatever your grace editing period is set to) and I think this is an excellent feature which illustrates the attention to detail in the developer team (and community) :+1:

However, it looks like summary emails are not following this logic. When I just created a new topic, one of my test users received s summary email within 1-2 minutes and that email had my new post as its first (in fact: only) “Popular topic”.

I’m inclined to call this a bug, but maybe I’m taking the grace period feature too seriously? In any case, I think it would make sense to have summary emails ignore topics that are less than editing grace period seconds old.

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Way to permanently delete posts and messages as admin?


@Ham wrote:

Is there a way to do this? Or a plugin or easy way like phpmyadmin to view the database and delete from there?

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Any Autolinker solution for Discourse?


@denharsh wrote:

Hey Guys
Do you know any solution for Discourse forum Auto linker.
For example:
If in the backend I assign that when ever ShoutMeLoud is mentioned, it should auto link to https://ShoutMeLoud.com

Is there any solution out there??
Thanks in anticipation!

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Missing Dutch admin translation Adsense/DFP/Amazon

Semi-public sub-categories?


@tophee wrote:

My forum is currently a public forum with one category (apart from staff and lounge) limited to a specific group. But I have a feeling that in order to encourage more posts from my users, it might be a good idea to give users the possibility to post semi-publicly, i.e. limited to logged in users. My idea is to do this by creating a semi-public sub-category for at least some of the categories. But I’m not entirely sure where this might lead us and whether it’s really a good idea. So before I propose this to my users, I’d like to discuss this strategy here. Is anything doing anything similar?

I currently see two main caveats:

  • technical: sub-categories cannot have a semi-private sub-sub-category
  • community development: discussions might concentrate in the semi-public categories, making the forum look dead from the outside and, by consequence, attract fewer new users.

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Trying to change email - haven't received the confirmation


@gaby wrote:

Hi, I’m registered on another Discourse forum and I went to my preferences to change my email. I saw the message that says I’ve been sent a confirmation to the new email, and I have yet to receive one (it’s been a while). I tried triggering it again, but when I click to edit the email, it just takes me directly to that same message.

My existing email is still there, but now I’m wondering if it’s stuck and I can’t change it at all if I never get the confirmation and can’t re-trigger the confirmation.

Any ideas?

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