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Discourse on 512MB Droplet


@rhukee wrote:

Would Discourse work on a DO 512MB droplet? does this depend on how big or small my community is? if so, how many users would this handle?

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Dynamic of community with a chat and discourse page


@awb715 wrote:

Has anyone started building a community from the ground up and used both chat and discourse as primary uses for the users?

I want to build a community that uses a chat like gitter/telegram to have correlated channels and categories. The chat is obviously better for some issues while the forum is better for others.

I’d just be curious to hear about people’s experiences launching a community

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Have a question


@Evanhdc wrote:

I’m interested in this forum a lot. How can I get much knowledge as you guys? Hope to get more knowledge from you all!

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Discourse Preview Not Working


@Shukaze wrote:

Discourse Version: 1.9.0.beta5

I’ve ran into a particular problem with the preview, it doesn’t show content on any browser since I’ve updated it from ~1.7

I don’t know what’s wrong, have I missed something that I needed to do?

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Cannot attach SVG from draw.io


@toksvaeth wrote:


I use draw.io to render technical diagrams. It is often of benefit to attach these to discussion topics to further a conversation or demonstrate an idea. Draw.io has the ability to export in SVG format, which is my preference when working with other discussion software.

When attempting to attach an SVG image generated through draw.io to a Discourse topic, I am unable to do so. Instead, I receive this error:

Sorry, but we couldn’t determine the size of the image. Maybe your image is corrupted?

I am currently uncertain if there is something special about the SVG format that draw.io uses, or if Discourse is having trouble dealing with SVG files.

Steps to reproduce

A sample SVG file is available for your use. Alternatively, follow the steps below:

  1. Head to draw.io and start a new diagram.
  2. Add any arbitrary shape (just one is fine) to the diagram.
  3. Head to File > Export As > SVG…
  4. Accept the defaults and hit Export.
  5. Create a new Discourse topic.
  6. Attempt to upload your SVG file.

Expected Result: SVG file is attached to the topic and (hopefully) rendered for users.

Actual Result: Unable to attach file. Error message received as follows:

Sorry, but we couldn’t determine the size of the image. Maybe your image is corrupted?

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Can't Install plugin

Navigating very long edit histories


@Tom_Newsom wrote:

Some of our wiki topics are heavily used. I’m currently tracking down the date of a particular edit and it’s quite tedious having to click through one by one. It would be nice to have a “Go To Edit #” button/box. Maybe the (current<->rev) text could be clickable?


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Tagged and pinned topic does not appear

Pdf onebox showing file size as 0 bytes

Bulk Invite from File resets the Invite Forum Mailer customized text


@Nicholas_Tolstoshev wrote:

This started happening after I upgraded to v1.9.0.beta5 +30.

When I do a bulk invite from file, I change the Invite Forum Mailer text to be specific for that set of invitations. Then I change it back to a different text for single manual invites. This worked fine until I upgraded to the latest version.

Now what happens is that I change the Invite Forum Mailer and save it, and it looks like it saves ok. But when I actually send an invite it uses the old text, although when I look at the Invite Forum Mailer setting again, it appears to have the new text in it. If I do a bulk invite from file, then it sends out the old text and it resets the text in the Invite Forum Mailer custom text window to the previous version.

Anyone else have this issue or able to reproduce it?

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Wrong reply-by email reveals PMs


@sebastianh wrote:

So a user probably tried to reply by email to one he received that was a PM, but instead of the email being sent to my forum-reply@… inbox for it to be parsed, it was sent to the defined “from” email, which is webmaster@…

This seldomly happens, but I wonder… why? I doubt the user manually changed the “to” email field when replying? Not sure what to do here

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Download My Posts failed


@moparisthebest wrote:

User informed me they could not download their posts, I tried as well (button in user/activity), I get a message saying “Data export failed” and this is in the logs:


Job exception: undefined method `name’ for nil:NilClass


/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/regular/export_csv_file.rb:226:in get_user_archive_fields' /var/www/discourse/app/jobs/regular/export_csv_file.rb:66:inblock in user_archive_export’
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/activerecord-4.2.8/lib/active_record/relation/delegation.rb:46:in each' /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/activerecord-4.2.8/lib/active_record/relation/delegation.rb:46:ineach’
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/regular/export_csv_file.rb:65:in user_archive_export' /var/www/discourse/app/jobs/regular/export_csv_file.rb:48:ineach’
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/regular/export_csv_file.rb:48:in block in execute' /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.3.0/csv.rb:1282:inopen’
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/regular/export_csv_file.rb:46:in execute' /var/www/discourse/app/jobs/base.rb:154:inblock (2 levels) in perform’

hostname hetzner1-smf
process_id 1372
application_version ae8bd6c8258f729025656705545a45992fa82f9c
current_db default
current_hostname forum.moparisthebest.com
job Jobs::ExportCsvFile
problem_db default

opts null
entity user_archive
user_id 1
current_site_id default

I am on current discourse stable v1.8.4 installed the supported way through docker on ubuntu.

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Discourse Hosting and Space


@gina_riley wrote:

I am fairly certain I read this here but I can not seem to find it using the search function. If this has already been answered, please direct me to the link.

In the meantime, I am in the process of trying to set up my own discourse for a “Writer’s Forum.” Before I do, I need to know a couple of things. First, I already purchased a domain name - as I want to link the forum to my blog site. I am planning on hiring someone to manage the forum for me.

Before I fork out a great deal of money buying the wrong things, I need to know is there a certain type of hosting I need to get and how much hosting space do I need to purchase? Does it matter with whom I go with such as Bluehost, iPage, etc.?

Thank you/Gina

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"Failed to create swap, sorry!"

Video tag is not inserted when I upload mp4 file


@yms9654 wrote:

Discourse version: 1.8

Before upgrade to this version, video tag embedding works well.(version 1.6)
But now it shows just a link when I upload mp4 video file.

Could you give me some hint to fix this?

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Problem getting session/current.json


@alep wrote:

I’ve problem to get session/current.json from a chrome extension (chrome-discourse-notifications/Source.js at master · alepolidori/chrome-discourse-notifications · GitHub).

The response is 404 and the request is made in this manner:

this.getUserData = function (cb) {
try {
var url = [ this.url, ‘/session/current.json’ ].join(’’);

            url: url,
            type: 'GET',
            cache: false,
            dataType: 'json'

        }).done(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
            try {
                if (typeof data === 'object' &&
                    typeof data.current_user === 'object' &&
                    typeof data.current_user.id === 'number' &&
                    typeof data.current_user.username === 'string' &&
                    typeof data.current_user.unread_notifications === 'number' &&
                    typeof data.current_user.unread_private_messages === 'number') {

                    that.userId = data.current_user.id;
                    that.username = data.current_user.username;
                    that.messagesUrl = [

                    that.counter = data.current_user.unread_notifications + data.current_user.unread_private_messages;
                else {
                    cb(new Error('malformed data'));
            } catch (err) {
        }).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
            try {
            } catch (err) {
    } catch (err) {

I’ve tried also adding:

xhrFields: {
‘withCredentials’: true

to the request as explained in other post, but the 404 remains as reponse.

p.s. I’m logged to the discourse site (https://community.nethserver.org/) from chrome itself.
I’m using this request to get the user id, username, unread_notifications and unread_private_messages.

What can I do ?

The estension can be downloaded from chrome web store Discourse Forum Notifications - Chrome Web Store

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Failed to register/update a ServiceWorker


@jylinman wrote:

Hey y’all,

I have been trying to rebuild the app from the ./launcher as well as rebooting the droplet (on DO) allowing all the services to refresh but I am still getting the following error:

Failed to register/update a ServiceWorker for scope ‘https://----.com/’: Load failed with status 500 for script ‘https://----.com/push-service-worker.js’.

Here is the production log:

// Firefox
Started GET "/push-service-worker.js" for xx.xx.xx.xx at 2017-08-08 10:27:34 +0000
Processing by DiscoursePushNotifications::ServiceWorkerController#push as HTML
Redirected to
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 9ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
ActionController::UrlGenerationError (No route matches {:action=>"enter", :controller=>"static"})

// Chrome
A bad HTTP response code (500) was received when fetching the script.
push-service-worker.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE

The ember inspector isn’t really showing me much information regarding this…

Any thoughts on how to resolve this?

NOTE: I have already tried uninstalling the push notifications plugin and rebuilding the app.

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Upgrade failed: null value in column "updated_at" violates not-null constraint


@tanmaya wrote:

I see below error when trying to to upgrade a discourse forum from 1.8 beta 4 to 1.9 beta5:

/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/rake-12.0.0/exe/rake:27:in `<top (required)>'
/usr/local/bin/bundle:22:in `load'
/usr/local/bin/bundle:22:in `<main>'
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::NotNullViolation: ERROR:  null value in column "updated_at" violates not-null constraint
DETAIL:  Failing row contains (1, 31, xxxxx, xxxxx, null, f, t, null, 2016-09-04 17:05:55.130532, 2016-09-04 17:05:55.130532, null).
:     INSERT INTO user_auth_tokens(user_id, auth_token, prev_auth_token, legacy, created_at, rotated_at)
    SELECT id, auth_token, auth_token, true, auth_token_updated_at, auth_token_updated_at
    FROM users
    WHERE auth_token_updated_at IS NOT NULL AND auth_token IS NOT NULL
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/rack-mini-profiler-0.10.5/lib/patches/db/pg.rb:90:in `async_exec'

Now this forum is down. While I do have backup, I want to know if there is a quick action I can take to resolve this, before I attempt restore?

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Some confusion about user list


@Overgrow wrote:

I’m trying to understand how current /users listing works. Maybe somebody can explain it to me.

For example if I take default filter:


and scroll down… there is this user:

but looking at his user profile, I doubt he has been active in past week, because his last post is long time ago:

So where his 4 replies (and other stats) in user list came from? He’s got total 15 posts… Stats should be only from selected week or am I getting it wrong?
Thank you in advance!

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Email Templates


@kyle_boyce wrote:

The default emails are really bland, plain text.

The only good email template is the Digest email. Can you guys update these?

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