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Badges page bug

Custom CSS: grouping

When creating a child theme, choose its parent


@barryvan wrote:

At present, if you want to create a new theme part (which I try to do for all the little things, so that they’re nicely encapsulated), you have to:

  1. Click “New theme” and give it a name.
  2. Load your parent theme.
  3. Choose the new theme from the list, click “Add”, then save.

It’d be great if, when you create a new theme, you can choose its parent; that way, there’s none of the switching back-and-forth.

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Discourse upgrade is stuck!

Configuring OneLogin's SAML for Discourse


@techAPJ wrote:

Here’s how to configure Discourse to allow login and registration with OneLogin’s SAML.

Configure OneLogin

Create OneLogin account

Go to OneLogin and create an account.

Create new app: SAML Test Connector (IdP w/attr)

From your dashboard create new app.

Search for SAML Test Connector (IdP w/attr)

Configure app

Let’s assume that the URL of our Discourse instance is http://discourse.example.com. Let’s configure it.

Switch to Configuration tab and fill out these details:

  • Audience: http://discourse.example.com
  • Recipient: http://discourse.example.com/auth/saml/callback
  • ACS (Consumer) URL Validator: ^http:\/\/discourse\.example\.com\/auth\/saml\/callback\/$
  • ACS (Consumer) URL: http://discourse.example.com/auth/saml/callback

Copy certificate info and SAML 2.0 Endpoint

Switch to SSO tab.

Click on View Details link under certificate and copy SHA fingerprint and X.509 Certificate. Note them down, it will be used when configuring Discourse app.

Copy and note SAML 2.0 Endpoint URL.

Configure Discourse

Install discourse-saml plugin

Follow this guide to install discourse-saml plugin.

Configure discourse-saml plugin

Edit app.yml

cd /var/discourse
vim containers/app.yml

and add these variables under env section:

DISCOURSE_SAML_CERT: {X.509 Certificate without line breaks}
  • replace {SAML 2.0 Endpoint URL} with SAML 2.0 Endpoint URL copied from OneLogin SSO tab
  • replace {SHA fingerprint} with SHA fingerprint copied from OneLogin SSO tab -> Certificate section
  • replace {X.509 Certificate without line breaks} with X.509 Certificate copied from OneLogin SSO tab -> Certificate section, note that there must be no line breaks and remove begin and end marker

Rebuild app

For changes to take effect rebuild app

cd /var/discourse
./launcher rebuild app

Voila! :tada:

You should be able to login now using OneLogin’s SAML.

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Download_cache bug


@RGJ wrote:

I was investigating a large download_cache directory and I came across this snippet:

This code removes the first CACHE_MAXIMUM_SIZE files, instead of “anything but the last CACHE_MAXIMUM_SIZE files”. It should be head -n -#{CACHE_MAXIMUM_SIZE}

       head - output the first part of files

       head [OPTION]... [FILE]...

       Print the first 10 lines of each FILE to standard output.  With more than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name.  With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.

       Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.

       -c, --bytes=[-]K
              print the first K bytes of each file; with the leading `-', print all but the last K bytes of each file

       -n, --lines=[-]K
              print the first K lines instead of the first 10; with the leading `-', print all but the last K lines of each file

So why didn’t anyone notice? Well, it seems the backtick command is not working at all for some reason.

2.3.0 :010 > `ls #{CACHE_DIR}|wc -l`
 => "2222\n"
2.3.0 :012 > `ls -tr #{CACHE_DIR} | head -n -#{CACHE_MAXIMUM_SIZE} | xargs rm -f`
 => ""
2.3.0 :013 > `ls #{CACHE_DIR}|wc -l`
 => "2222\n"
2.3.0 :014 > ^C
2.3.0 :014 >
root@basic001:/var/www/discourse/tmp/download_cache# ls -tr /var/www/discourse/tmp/download_cache/|head -n -500|xargs rm -f
root@basic001:/var/www/discourse/tmp/download_cache# ls |wc -l

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After invitation to PM: no mail notifications on replies for invited?


@rriemann wrote:


I created a private conversion with member A and added after the initial post a group G that comprises member A, B and C. I wrote than a reply and noted hours later, that only A has been sent a mail with my reply, but not B and C.

The default watch level for group G is “watch” afaik. So I would have expected they would just receive the reply per mail as well.

What needs to be done so they eventually receive replies per mail? Do they have to access once the PM?

/ Robert

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Mode read only function


@NotAfk wrote:


I actived the function read only on the discourse forum, but i logged out and now, i can’t able to reconnect to the forum.
What is it the solution please ?

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How can I add table in main topic area?

Keyboard shortcut 'e' for edit post doesn't work


@urlwolf wrote:

Using FF on linux, Keyboard shortcut ‘e’ for edit post doesn’t work. Other shortcuts do work, for example g > c does go to categories.

I have an extension called vimfx that could steal shortcuts but it is dissabled for the domain where this discourse forum is.


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Link to topic or user summary


@erlend_sh wrote:

If I want to link to the summary of a topic, there is a way to do so by appending ?filter=summary at the end of the topic link, like so:


But it’s immediately wiped out from the browser’s address bar. Why is that? Shouldn’t we be able to link directly to user or topic summaries if we wanted to? I noticed this option was missing because I wanted to do exactly that just now.

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End user pre-approval queue experience can be much improved


@sam wrote:

At the moment the pre-approval queue feature is pretty user hostile.

If you submit a topic you see:

How can you tell what topics you have in the queue? There is nothing in activity.

Allowing edit is possibly a spam vector if implemented incorrectly (cause people could edit it JUST as you are approving a previous version) however if we were careful you could very cleanly allow safe edits. Which enormously improves the end user experience.

The situation for posting in a topic is even worse.

You get the same dialog.

However on the actual topic you see no trace of your pending post.

I can not tell it exists in my profile, I can not tell it is out there for approval on the topic. I can not edit it.

As an end user, when I experienced this whole thing at https://discuss.reactjs.org/ I felt absolutely terrible. It is like you are driving completely blind.

@xrav3nz as you are improving the moderation queue I really want you to keep this in mind, making a user hostile feature even more easy for moderators may not be the correct order of operation here. We got to think about the users.

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Use Discourse as the comments section of a Jekyll site?


@Sujan wrote:

I have static website that is generated with Jekyll (via GitHub pages, actually).
Anyone experience on how to use Discourse as a comment system for such a site?
What should I read or look at?

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How to hide alerts at the top of page in v1.9.0.beta2 +10

Visible indicator for admin only UI content


@jomaxro wrote:

Topics like How to hide alerts at the top of page in v1.9.0.beta2 +10 come up on a somewhat regular basis here on Meta. Most of the time users were concerned that the alerts would be visible to their community members, and after explaining that the alerts are only visible to admins they no longer viewed the alerts as an issue.

Long time Discourse admins know that the alerts are admin only, but how is a new Discourse admin supposed to know that. There’s no visual indication for the user to know any different. I’d like to propose something similar to what Slack does and add some text explaining the alert’s visibility.


Discourse Mockup:

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Suggest alternative categories based on word used in post


@Sujan wrote:

You used the string “widget” in your post, but are trying to post in the “foo” category. Do you maybe want to change the category to “widget” so it matches the content of your post?

Does something like this (or similar) exist?

On Github for Visual Studio Code has this neat bot that adds labels based on what you wrote. So if you write about the “minimap” feature, it tags the issue with “minimap” automatically.

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Upgrade discourse-backups-to-dropbox

Double clicking topic title could automatically open them to edit


@Sujan wrote:

Saving edited topic titles is now much easier with the working keyboard shortcut support - yeah!

But editing them still needs you to go to the top of the topic (scroll up or click the topic title) and then navigating with the mouse to the “pencil” icon to click that. (See next post for keyboard shortcut solution)

A simple way to simplify this further would be if the page captured a double click on the title and executed the same function that is called when clicking the pencil to open the topic title to be edited.

Anywhere in the page I can just double click the title, it scrolls to the top and automatically lets me edit the topic title. Ctrl + Enter to save. Done.

(Might not be trivial when in the “show topic title in header bar” mode because after the first click it starts scrolling and then the title is at a different location when scrolling stops)

Disclosure: I already tried to suggest an alternative solution for the problem: Show "Edit the title and category of this topic" (Pen Icon) also in fixed header

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When get the sum of some objects: pluck.sum can be changed to sum()


@junwen_yang wrote:


user.user_visits.where('visited_at > ?', time_period.days.ago).pluck(:posts_read).sum
app/models/trust_level3_requirements.rb:    user.user_visits.pluck(:posts_read).sum

could be changed to

user.user_visits.where('visited_at > ?', time_period.days.ago).sum(:posts_read)

since doing sum directly under db is faster than pluck and sum

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Looking up available upgrades via CLI


@simonclausen wrote:

I’m looking at automating upgrades of discourse. This is for the most basic single container install. Trying to keep things simple.

The most basic would be to setup up this to run via cron:

cd /var/discourse
git pull
./launcher rebuild app

Problem is you take the service offline for the rebuild even if there are no updates.

I’d preferebly like to do something like this:

if ./update_available.sh; then
  cd /var/discourse
  git pull
  ./launcher rebuild app

(assuming the script exits with true if updates are available)

Anyone know of any easy methods to get this info on the host?


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