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1,000,000 pageviews in 2 weeks...! Why? Because Discourse. 🚀


@8BIT wrote:

Just 15 days ago I shared a new Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency community site that my brother was putting together and it’s been an insane 15 days.

The first day that the site was live it saw a grand total of 796 pageviews – not bad, not bad, right? I was impressed but I wasn’t even remotely prepared for what was to come.

You see, the next day the site didn’t see double the number of pageviews or even triple. It didn’t see 5 or even 10X. The very next day the community site clocked in nearly 60,000 pageviews (59,575 to be exact).

And it didn’t stop. In fact, in just a few days the community site will cross 1,000,000 pageviews… … … … one… freakin’… million… pageviews…

Now, I’ve had the pleasure of being part of many online communities and have built a few of them myself and I have never been a part of a community that has grown with this much speed and velocity.

And it’s all because a system like Discourse existed…!!

The Dogelord.

And the momentum is only building…!

It’s still a bit early to know where my brother will take his fast-growing community (powered by his incredibly fast-growing YouTube Channel) but it’s very, very clear that he’s struck an obvious tap-root in two markets that are growing at breakneck speeds (e.g. video and bitcoin/cryptocurrency).

But without Discourse we wouldn’t have been able to pull it off over at THE BITCOIN PUB and I’m so grateful for the software, the team behind it, and the continued support of the larger Discourse community.

This isn’t the first time I’ve put together a Discourse install but it’s the first time where the community is actually working, if that makes sense.

So… much… :heart:!

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(Minor) UX issue on a private message (on responsive)


@Steven wrote:

I’m always unsure if these kind of topics is better in #ux or #bug sorry if this topic is misplaced.

I often use my firefox window on responsive and I came across this minor css issue when I want to send a private message : the title form is partly hidden

And if I reduce the window even more, I can’t really see what title I wrote. Well, you got the idea

Little infos just in case :
Browser : Firefox 64 bits
OS : Windows 10 Pro

Until recently, the title form was on a line below, and it worked well on full screen ou windowed.

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Grant Admin without LoggingIn


@barreeeiroo wrote:

I’m not sure if this should be done without logging in, but I was able to grant admin without logging in with my account:

What I’ve done was to Grant Admin to an user, logout, hit thr hab nk on the email and I verified the admin

I think that forbgranting administration it must be required to be signed in in all process, not just in the beggining, because anyone can accept that admin access :confused:

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The "vote" button should be disabled when the limit is reached


@barryvan wrote:

As it stands, when you’ve reached your voting limit, the button’s text changes to read “limit”. If you click on it, it shows a small pane explaining that you’ve reached your limit – but it also sends an XHR off to /voting/vote which returns a 403 response – resulting in an error modal.

To alleviate this, the button should be disabled, so that this XHR is never made.

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Markdown not working on my discourse

Increase in spammer getting thru


@Ham wrote:

I notice an increase in spammers getting thru posting gambling sites. Using gmail and always 3 posts at a time per user.

We used to never get them but now daily occurance. Anyone else getting this or have a way to block these?

We’re using cloudflare so IPs are showing from there.

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Error after moving from HTTP to HTTPS


@Idan wrote:

I’ve followed the LetsEncrypt installation procedure for installing SSL for my website.

What I did:

  • Created an image of the original Discourse forum (EC2 AMI)
  • Launched it again
  • Checked that it works (it did)
  • Followed the installation procedure and rebuilt the app
  • Tried to access the app via HTTPS and also via HTTP, neither worked. I got "“This site can’t be reached” error in Chrome

In the logs:

nginx: [emerg] PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX("/shared/ssl/sub.domain.com.cer") failed (SSL: error:0906D06C:PEM routines: PEM_read_bio_no start line: Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE)

That error repeat itself several times in the log.

When I check the certificate in the/var/discourse/shared/standalone/ssl directory, I see that it is empty.

I also checked the acme.sh.log and there is shows:

Invalid response from http://forum.example.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx

I believe that during that command, the server wasn’t accessible via HTTP as it wasn’t even available after the rebuild of the app as well.

I have root access to the AWS EC2 server via SSH.

Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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After HTTPS canonical is still HTTP

RemObjects software loves Discourse


@carlokok wrote:

Our discourse community is a forum for the commercial and free RemObjects products at https://talk.remobjects.com; it’s where we deal with customer questions, general discussions, bug reports and feature requests.
We started with a public community to replace our previous forum Vanilla forum somewhere in October 2013, after a trial setup before that to move over the older posts. For the public part of our forum we get between 25 and 35 topics a week, with 200 - 250 posts a week, some of those are support; for the private support we get about 30-40 messages a week.

Originally we used a custom solution for support and ZenDesk for sales, where the custom solution was a bot that stores a the support mail and it’s replies in a bugtracker. We tried several others like otrs and phphelpdesk but didn’t really like any of them. When the private support features were added and after a few fixes/tweaks from Discourse we started using Discourse for both, the timing for that feature was perfect for us as we were actively looking for an alternative, and were already using Discourse for public support. The big advantage here was that we have a clear way to find and search support related issues. Other than some minor missing issues (like some form of easily discover able “Awaiting reply”) we really discourse as it gives us a single place where all our support and product specific questions are stored.

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Error restoring the backup


@barreeeiroo wrote:

I get this error when tring to import a backup

[2017-08-28 11:37:11] CREATE INDEX
[2017-08-28 11:37:15] EXCEPTION: can't dup NilClass
[2017-08-28 11:37:15] /var/www/discourse/lib/pretty_text.rb:234:in `dup'
/var/www/discourse/lib/pretty_text.rb:234:in `cook'
/var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-signatures/plugin.rb:41:in `block (2 levels) in activate!'
/var/www/discourse/lib/discourse_event.rb:12:in `block in trigger'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.3.0/set.rb:306:in `each_key'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.3.0/set.rb:306:in `each'
/var/www/discourse/lib/discourse_event.rb:11:in `trigger'
/var/www/discourse/app/models/user.rb:1101:in `trigger_user_updated_event'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/activesupport-4.2.9/lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:432:in `block in make_lambda'
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/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/seed-fu-2.3.6/lib/seed-fu/runner.rb:35:in `run_file'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/seed-fu-2.3.6/lib/seed-fu/runner.rb:26:in `block in run'
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/var/www/discourse/lib/backup_restore/restorer.rb:342:in `migrate_database'
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/var/www/discourse/lib/backup_restore/backup_restore.rb:19:in `restore!'
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/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/unicorn-5.3.0/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb:702:in `worker_loop'
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/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/unicorn-5.3.0/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb:142:in `start'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/unicorn-5.3.0/bin/unicorn:126:in `<top (required)>'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/bin/unicorn:22:in `load'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/bin/unicorn:22:in `<main>'
[2017-08-28 11:37:15] Trying to rollback...
[2017-08-28 11:37:15] Rolling back...
[2017-08-28 11:37:16] Notifying 'barreeeiroo' of the end of the restore...

Everything before is normal
Any idea?

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[PAID] Looking for moderators for my discourse forum


@nixie wrote:


I’m looking to hire 3 moderators for my discourse site.
PM me if anyone is interested.


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Create topic when a link is clicked


@Rob_Nicholson wrote:

Yet another random thought. CAMRA uses Discourse. It’s recently also launched a news site running on WordPress. Here is an example article:


As you can see, there is the standard WordPress comment system at the bottom. I’ve suggested that there is some merit in trying to bring those comments into Discourse - mainly so that discussions are more centralised and (maybe more importantly) moderated.

So the requirement would be for a link to be added to the WordPress article that when clicked either a) prompts the user to start a new topic in Discourse or b) opens the existing topic if it’s already been created. More importantly, one doesn’t want to have to create the Discourse topic manually for each article when the majority of them might never be commented on.

Is this kind of thing a) possible out of the box, b) feasible with some custom development and c) not really possible cleanly?

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Logging in discourse using API - using discourse as API server only


@Tech_Domain wrote:

I want to login discourse using API.

But there is no such API in docs.discourse.org.

I checked many questions regarding Q1, but I am surprised none of them correctly answer (other than ‘check the network logs and figure it out’). Can we not use discourse purely as api server? If we are having api docs, then I thought login would surely have been implemented.

If there any specific reason login has been left out?

(More explanation)
The docs.discourse.org suggests to pass the api_key to make the authenticated calls. But I do not want to use the master api key. Also I do not want to use discourse as SSO provider, and send the user to login page of discourse. I want to make login to discourse directly.

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HTTPS support - Error Embedding


@spectrum wrote:

I have been testing implementing HTTPS for a production site that uses Discourse for comments.
Comments show up on http://sitename.tld, but not on https:// sitename.tld. The URL for our Discourse site is https:// discussion.sitename.tld; the Discourse site has already been working with HTTPS for a while now.

I did some digging and found that we’re linking to a JavaScript file over HTTP, at http://discussion.sitename.tld/javascripts/embed.js. When I change our configuration like below, I see an “Error Embedding” message upon viewing https://sitename.tld.

  var discourseUrl = "https:// discussion.sitename.tld/",
      discourseEmbedUrl = "<?php print 'https:// sitename.tld/node/'.$node->nid; ?>";

  (function() {
    var d = document.createElement('script'); d.type = 'text/javascript'; d.async = true;
      d.src = discourseUrl + 'javascripts/embed.js';
    (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(d);

The one time I did get this semi-working was from changing the d.src variable to be a direct link, like so:
d.src = 'https:// discussion.sitename.tld/javascripts/embed.js';

I also changed a few settings in Discourse under Security, by adding https://sitename.tld to the list of CORS I believe. I added https://sitename.tld to the list on Customizations->Embedding as well. This resulted in multiple new topic creations on discussion.sitename.tld; instead of using already-created topics that were made over HTTP connection to the site, it created new topics for each of the pages and flooded our forum for a bit… :frowning:

Is there a better way I can set this up so the comments show up on our site from HTTPS, but also don’t create duplicate topics based on which way you access the page?

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Required checkbox field can be bypassed


@tophee wrote:

While creating a test user the other day via google auth, I noticed that I was able to create the user even though I did not fill in (tick) the custom user field that is required at sign-up.

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"You've notified but they can't see" message pops up too soon


@barryvan wrote:

When replying to a topic in a restricted category, Discourse (very intelligently) shows you a warning if you @-mention someone who won’t be able to see the topic. It does, however, seem to be a little eager in doing so. For example, if you type @christine, it’ll warn you that she can’t participate – even if you’re just about to finish typing @christinejones, who can.

I think this is tied to the autocomplete popup appearing – the warning banner appears at roughly the same time.

One way to fix this would be to not show this warning until you enter a terminating character – a piece of punctuation or whitespace.

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Noob Installation Question


@jonathan82 wrote:

Forgive me for this really basic question but it seems that the Discourse installation is Docker based and includes everything including the database, but for production wouldn’t you want to separate the database from the web server on different machines? If so how would I do this? Thanks

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Capitalized words in titles got turned into lowercase when not English


@schungx wrote:

I’ve hit on a strange problem.

The titles of topics, if they include non-English characters (e.g. CJK), all-capitalized English words get turned into lower-case, except for the first letter which is upper-case.

This does not happen in English titles.

For example:

PPT: This is a POWERPOINT presentation

is not affected, but:


gets turned into

Ppt: 這是powerpoint報表

It does not seem to affect words that are mix-casing.

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Get list of topics pinned globally


@adopilot wrote:

Is there a way to get list of topics which are pinned globally.

In advanced search there is “are pinned” but it does list all pined topics.

We wold like to find globally pined topics so we can clear our latest list.

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Links in popular links appear without nofollow


@Idan wrote:

Is it possible that the links in the “popular links” section will appear with nofollow as well, they do in the post itself. In the settings I’ve enabled the nofollow option, but for some reason the links in the popular links section don’t show it.

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