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iOS Chrome - mobile form inputs are impossible to use/broken


Martin Heidegger wrote:

When I try to edit any field in the UI on a iPhone then the UI focuses on a different field which makes it really hard (almost impossible) to use any input field. Including the login form and the new topic form. Do you have the same issue? Is this only a iOS issue?

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Multisite not implemented in discourse scripts in docker


Sander Datema wrote:

This might become a todo list for everything multisite. But as it's officially in the core, I'll mention it anyway.

The discourse command line command for example, it only backups the main database, not any other.

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Phantom notification when reply blocked

Should welcome message for invited users come from the inviter?


Alexandre Angelim wrote:

When someone accepts an invitation, he receives a welcome notification. The text of that message is being addressed to the inviter, instead of the invited: {inviter.username} Welcome to...

I'm trying to debug it but I really can't pinpoint where the problem is. Everything looks ok in InvitesController.

I can't test it on meta or try because I don't yet have enough trust level.

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Using OneName/Namecoin blockchain as global nickname registry


Larry Salibra wrote:

I came across OneName a few days ago. OneName is a namespace in the Namecoin blockchain and associated JSON schema for decentralized identity. It seems like it would be an interesting alternative to Discourse Hub for Discourse installations.

The project has built a web "explorer" for the namespace hosted at http://onename.io - but the actual identity info is in the u/ namespace of the Namecoin blockchain.

As an example, here's my OneName:

Via the onename.io explorer: https://www.onename.io/larry

Raw JSON in namecoin blockchain: http://explorer.namecoin.info/n/155594

There's more info at the following links:


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{VAGRANT Method - Error} stdin: is not a tty AND mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting


D Iff wrote:

When I run vagrant up, it's ok before this line:

Preparing to edit /etc/exports. Administrator privileges will be required...

After above prompt, it asks for password, and here is the error that occurs:

[sudo] password for diff:
nfsd running
sudo: /usr/bin/exportfs: command not found
==> default: Mounting NFS shared folders...
The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status.
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!
mount -o 'vers=3,udp''/home/diff/discourse' /vagrant
Stdout from the command:
Stderr from the command:
stdin: is not a tty
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting

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Best way to customize the header?


Katherine wrote:

I am looking to customize the header on my Discourse site. Specifically, I want to add another icon next to my logo that links to an external website. What is the best way to go about doing this?

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Replacing Mailing lists: Email-In


Benjamin Kampmann wrote:

Hello everyone,

Update: I've finished developing this. You can find the entire patchset at the pull-request with the three features as three commits in the same order.

I am on the quest on supporting discourse to replace mailing lists (our internal google group system to be precise). One feature discourse is clearly missing to be able to replace mailing lists is to allow the creation of new topics via email. I call this Email-In. These are the three development steps I currently see:

1. General Email in

  1. let admins enable and define an incoming-email-address
  2. parse every email to the email-address in the POP3-account
  3. if it comes from a user of the forum and that user has a certain configurable trust level, post the message as a new topic in the forum

2. Email-In per Category

  1. to reduce the noise, we are using categories people can mute and such
  2. therefore it makes sense to allow to configure email-addresses per category if the general incoming-email-feature is enabled
  3. an email to that address then will be posted in that category instead of globally
  4. the privacy options for that category apply

3. Allowing "unknown" Email-In

  1. mailing lists are also sometimes configured as "a shared inbox", allowing third parties to post to it
  2. add another configuration option in the email-in-configuration (globally and per category) to allow emails from third-parties (off per default)
  3. when an email arrives in the inbox, that is not by any user known to the system, the header and its content will be posted as a quote in a new topic by the configured "system"-user
  4. also emails by users without the appropriate rights would be handled this way

Any feedback, ideas, features or other uses cases I might should consider, too?


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Cant precompile code after installing adsense plugin

Embedding pens from CodePen


Ralph Mason wrote:

CodePen has a really nice feature that allows you to embed pens on other sites. You can paste the code they give you directly onto a static page or even in a WordPress post. At the moment, it doesn't seem possible to embed a pen in a Discourse post, but I was wondering if it could be easily enabled? I think it would be a cool feature to have. CodePen seems to be on the rise, and is a very nice way to present live, working code.

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Admin section on iOs broken


Arum Dev wrote:

The admin section on iOs 7.1 on iPhone is pretty sketchy. Lots of layout bugs and inconsistencies. The various settings options are pushed down out of sight. Usable but clunky.

But most importantly, the text input/editor boxes for the content and customize sections are very unusable. It's not possible to select text (hold with finger until magnifying glass pops up, no copy/paste options etc) in these boxes at all, and in the customize section at least (maybe the content section but I haven't used that yet) the content of the custom stylesheet etc is mostly hidden from view and no amount of zooming or scrolling brings it back.

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Proposal for Plugin Architecture for Discourse


Jeff Tchang wrote:

@zogstrip @lightyear @sam

First let me say I am fairly new to Discourse but so far loving the community. I wanted to add a few thoughts about how plugin development might turn out after reading some of the code and posts in this category.

In framing the architecture I've taken some ideas from WordPress as well as what plugins people are wanting to develop right now. I've then tried to think through what calls the plugin might need.

Currently plugin development is kind of fragmented (as it should be...we are still coding it!). I see people monkey patching left and right on both the frontend javascript and backend rails code. I don't think this is maintainable.

That said here are some wants I'd expect from a mature Discourse plugin environment:

  1. It'd be nice to dynamically install and uninstall plugins. To do
    this we'd need some sort of plugin registration. This may be
    something good to think about before the plugin ecosystem explodes.
  2. You should not have to know (too much) Ember.js to code plugins.
  3. Not having to rely on JavaScript events via the use of trigger(). I rather have plugins register their functions and have the frontend call out to them. With Javascript you can always do crazy monkey patching but I rather the status-quo be you registering your method via a hook.

In light of this here is what I think a Discourse plugin system might look like:

  • There are server-side hooks and client-side hooks that plugins will have access to.
  • The Ember code has lots of calls to the function apply_filters everywhere things happen that a plugin might want to modify:

user = apply_filters('afterUserLogin', user);

  • The backend rails code has the same thing:
    user = apply_filters('after_user_login', user)

apply_filters() basically finds all functions registered as a filter for the given name and calls out to them one after another taking the return value of one and putting it into the next.

  • Frontend hooks are camel cased. beforePostCreate, afterPostCreate and backend hooks use underscores. before_post_save, after_post_save

  • Plugins will be as easy as creating the file discourse/plugins/[plugin_name]/plugin.rb
    This file is where all the registrations for hooks happen.

Example plugin.rb for emoji:

plugin_name = 'emoji'
register_plugin_asset(plugin_name, 'javascripts/emoji.js.erb')
register_plugin_asset(plugin_name, 'stylesheets/emoji.css')

def add_emoji_class(allowed_classes):
  return allowed_classes << "emoji"

DiscoursePlugin.register_backend_filter('post_white_listed_image_classes',  add_emoji_class)

This is what I envision the emoji plugin to look like in a mature Discourse plugin environment. Mostly javascript and css. The 'post_white_listed_image_classes' method is called from within Rails. It passes the currently list of classes and expects a list back of the classes that are allowed.

How about a plugin that adds extra fields to the composer window. If you wanted to add a field such as "Favorite Color" to each post a person makes and make the field required. Client and server side hooks are needed because you need to display the field and then validate and save it.

Example plugin.rb for fav_color:

plugin_name = 'fav_color'
register_plugin_asset(plugin_name, 'javascripts/fav_color.js.erb')
register_plugin_asset(plugin_name, 'stylesheets/fav_color.css')

def save_favorite_color(post):
  return post

DiscoursePlugin.register_backend_filter('before_post_save',  save_favorite_color)

In fav_color.js:

function addFavoriteColor(post_data) {
  // Get the value of the favorite color from the form field
  post_data['color'] = document.getElementById('favorite-color').val();
  return post_data;

Discourse.register_frontend_filter('before_post_save', addFavoriteColor)

I'd put 4 hooks here (not sure about the naming...best I could come up with since I am not that experienced inside the Discourse code yet):

https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/models/post.js#L158 - savePost
https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/models/composer.js#L467 - composeNewPost
https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/controllers/composer_controller.js#L139 - composerSavePost
https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/app/controllers/posts_controller.rb#L251 - allowed_post_parameters

// Ideally run through all the filters that have registered with this filter name
data = apply_filters('before_post_save', data);

The ugly side is that your plugin would have to register upwards of 4-5 hooks to get it working. I actually don't think this is bad as long as the hooks are well separated and they might have the chance of being reused by other plugin developers.

One last example is a plugin I wanted to write. When a user registers using a certain domain then add them to a group. Probably don't need a client a side hook. The server side hook I'd want is 'on_user_create'. So the plugin.rb would simply register a callback.

As far as callbacks go on ActiveRecord objects I think we should avoid monkey patching them. I rather see all the callbacks have associated apply_filters on them if really needed. This way it all goes through a central method and we can control it better.

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Where is discourse physically located on Ubuntu?


BDub wrote:

This may seem like a total noob question... that's because I'm a noob at discourse, and somewhat also ubuntu. Sorry if this has been covered before but I've spent about an hour now googling and searching the forums to no avail.

I have followed the Installing Discourse on a Digital Ocean droplet guide and have everything up and running. Now I'm just filling in all of the details and trying to figure out where I should be locating my logo images.

For example the favicon default is listed as: /images/default-favicon.ico Where would this be located on my Digital Ocean server? I can SSH into it via Putty or SFTP via FileZilla, but I can't seem to find where discourse is located.

I've seen mention to /var/www/discourse/ but the only thing I see in the var/ directory is the docker installation.

I would think it would make sense to host these images on the Digital Ocean server, and not my web host... for speed. Right now I have have the images linked to imgur.com for testing... but that's obviously not the way to go. I would appreciate some advice here on something that is most likely super easy for most of you smile

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Display issues with Firefox on nexus 7

How to make it so that replies quote their main topic?


Manthan Mallikarjun wrote:


I was wondering how I can make replies to a thread/topic quote the thread they are replying to and shift slightly to the right. Sometimes several discussions go on at once and it gets really confusing as to who is responding to who.


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Emojis Not Displaying / Old Avatar Styles


Anthony Giovannetti wrote:

EDIT: Read entire post. The example is now working, but the bug still occurs on the older pages.

Relating to the original issue that I filed at: https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-wordpress-plugin-emojis-do-not-properly-display/11520

We are currently on the latest version of Wordpress with the latest version of the plugin. (0.5.5).

You can see that emojis are not displaying correctly.

The Plugin:

EDIT: Just as I was finishing this post, the emoji started to correctly display. Emojis for older posts are still not displaying correctly, but this post is.

Older URLS: http://stimhack.com/plugins/emoji/images/stuck_out_tongue.png
Example page with non functioning emoji: http://stimhack.com/fear-and-loathing-set-review-playtesting-guide/

Now working URL: http://forum.stimhack.com/plugins/emoji/images/smile.png
Example Page with functioning emoji: http://stimhack.com/uncles-games-bellevue-s-c-draft-tournament-2nd-place-report/#respond

Additionally, the avatars are all the older style and not the nicer looking square style that is currently used. Could we have screwed something up in upgrading to the newer version of the plugin? @sam

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Thank you for making Discourse!


Daniel Dressler wrote:

I just had the chance to use Discourse for the first time on another site. When announced I had dismissed DIscourse because it looked useless as a forum. While it still looks a-typical I must thank you for making such a smooth user experience, and for persisiting despite nay-sayers like myself. With Discourse my "I should say something nice" thought translated into a real thank you post on the other site only because of Discourse's painless registration process.

Plus I don't have to worry about posting in the wrong sub-forum. (That brings up some not fun memories).

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Installing Discourse on Debian


Alessandro Vermeulen wrote:

Work in Progress

This guide consists of the following steps:

  • Installing the necessary packages
  • Setting up the database
  • Installing RVM (Ruby environment)
  • Cloning and installing Discourse

I recommend installing discourse as different user than root. The servers set up here are not configured to be secure. Do NOT use this as a production environment.

Packages to install

The following packages have to be installed:

Edit /etc/apt/sources.list to contain the following line:

deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main

Now update your sources: apt-get update

Install the following packages:

  • apt-get install build-essential git libpq-dev
  • apt-get -t squeeze-backports install postgresql-9.1 postgresql-contrib-9.1 redis-server

Setting up the database (postgres)

Add the following line to /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf and then restart postgres /etc/init.d/postgresql restart.

host    all             all               trust
host    all             all             ::1/128                 trust

Create a user that has database create and superuser permissions.

Installing RVM

First install the recommended dependencies:

apt-get --no-install-recommends install build-essential openssl libreadline6 libreadline6-dev curl git-core zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev autoconf libc6-dev libgdbm-dev ncurses-dev automake libtool bison subversion pkg-config libffi-dev

Then installing RVM is as easy as executing \curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby

Installing discourse

git clone git://github.com/discourse/discourse.git
cd discourse
bundle install

Edit the file config/database.yml to include the user credentials for the user you just made.

rake db:create db:migrate db:seed_fu
redis-cli flushall
thin start

Setting up discourse

Go to your website and create an account. Then go back to the console and do the following:

bundle exec rails c
u = User.first
u.admin = true

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Google AdSense plugin is now available


Michael wrote:

Yes! Since plugins are now able to override handlebars templates (thanks again, @zogstrip ) we have finally been able to create a clean Google AdSense plugin for Discourse.

It's available at https://github.com/discoursehosting/discourse-adsense

To install:

  • Make sure you're on latest! The changes that made this plugin possible have been committed at December 31.
  • Run rake plugin:install repo=http://github.com/discoursehosting/discourse-adsense in your discourse directory
  • In development mode, run rake assets:clean
  • In production, recompile your assets: rake assets:precompile

This plugin will be automatically made available to DiscourseHosting.com customers by the end of next week.

To use:

  • Go to Admin -> Settings -> AdSense
  • Enter your AdSense publisher ID (ca-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
  • Create new ad slots within your AdSense account (728x90 for desktop, 320x50 for mobile)
  • Copy the slot id # numbers (ten digits shown in the ID column) in the Discourse settings
  • Enable the slots you want to use

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Where to config production database?


Mingming Wang wrote:

Hi Guys,

As a Rails 3.X beginner, I'm trying to setup Discourse in an Ubuntu VPS for production.

In the database.yml page, it said

You may be surprised production is not here, it is sourced from application.rb using a monkey patch
This is done for 2 reasons
1. we need to support blank settings correctly and rendering nothing in yaml/erb is a PITA
2. why go from object -> yaml -> object, pointless

How to config production database then? I checked application.rb but not sure which part to config.

Please help me out. Many thanks!


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