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301 redirects to incorrect domain


@steve2507 wrote:

I udpated my discourse today and noticed that links that redirect, suddenly go to the wrong place.
Take for example: https://discuss.xible.io/t/57. That redirects to domain ‘xiblediscourse’ which is the internal hostname of my machine (whichs sits behind a reverse proxy). That link is not going to work.

Direct links such as https://discuss.xible.io/ work fine.

This also affects loading the markdown plugin. When creating a new post, xiblediscourse/assets/markdown-it-bundle-…js is loaded instead of the one hosted on discuss .xible.io

Anyone else experiencing this? I’m running 1.9.0.beta10.
Categorized this as a bug for now. Some links were shortened because I can only post 2 links as a newbie.


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New user questionnaire / appllication?


@ivar wrote:

Back in the olden days, BBS systems (at least Telegard) could easily be configured to allow new users to apply to the community. This typically involved a short questionnaire about why you’re applying, what existing user on the system invited you, etc. I’m wondering if this is existing functionality for Discourse that I’ve failed to find. Any pointers appreciated…

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Show posting badge right inside the post


@Stefan_Fairphone wrote:

Hi everybody,

a user on our forum proposed to show the badge, for example for “nice reply” right inside the respective post. I came up with a quick mock up of how this could look like. I think it would be intuitive to have the badge next to the like count. It would have the benefit of making badges more visible to less frequent users and would encourage them to participate.

Here is the mock up: Screenshot-2017-9-16 👼 The Angels Program (Local support by community members)

What do you think?

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Distinguish "site_name" (brand of site) from "title" (SEO-optimised text in tag)


@ChrisBeach wrote:

I have a forum title that’s tweaked for SEO purposes:

I only want this to appear in the HTML title tag

Elsewhere, I’d like “SE23.life” to be shown in any content visible to members (across the site, and in email notifications).

So, I tried Admin > Customise > Text Content, where I hoped to replace instances of the %{site_name} token with “SE23.life”

Unfortunately, Discourse wouldn’t allow me to do this :frowning:

Would it be possible to introduce a new setting, so that I’m able to separately customise the HTML title and the “site name”?

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Discourse Graph Plugin


@sam wrote:

I had a rather long series of flights today :airplane:. During my flights I was playing around with the idea of creating a graphing :chart_with_upwards_trend: plugin for discourse.

After seeing the very cool gruff gem by the awesome Geoffrey Grosenbach and Uwe Kubosch it seemed crazy not to try to integrate this into Discourse.

Here is my work in progress:

Demo graph:

Generated by:

[graph name='I can make it a line graph' type=line]
| Page | Speed Rails 1 | Speed Rails 4.2 | Speed Rails 100|
| --- | --- | --- | - |
| Home Page | 11 | 12 | 52
| Topic 22 | 20 | 22 | 11
| User bob | 30 | 33 | 92
| User  2 page| 37 | 100 | 13

Unfortunately it is not all roses :rose: cause there is a pretty big blocker prior to me feeling comfortable releasing this to the general wild.

As it stands gruff builds on top of the RMagick gem. This gem is notoriously problematic.

  • It does not support Image Magick 7 at the moment which we plan to migrate to

  • It does all image manipulation in process so has very high risk of bloating memory in the job queue processor :fire:

To push stuff forward the Ruby community is moving to minimagick (or the Discourse approach of just doing it all by hand). The idea is that you shell out to a different process when creating images (just like we do for letter avatars - and drive mogrify and convert which ship with image magick).

We would be very happy to sponsor the work of migrating gruff to use minimagick, if anyone would like to give this a shot let me know.

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Last couple updates consuming more memory


@JetForMe wrote:

The last few updates have resulted in more memory use than the previous ones. My instance is tiny (on Digital Ocean), but there are only a couple of users and a handful of topics. No new topics are being created.

I had a memory monitor set to 75% of available memory. A couple updates ago, that started being exceeded regularly. I changed it to 85%, and that stopped the warnings, but the most recent update (v1.9.0.beta9 +29) is now exceeding that limit.

I’m trying b10 now.

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OneBox common document formats


@schungx wrote:

When users upload attachments to posts which are not images (for example, common document formats such as PowerPoint, Excel, Word, PDF or equivalents), when these resource URL’s are called up, is it possible to OneBox them as well?

For example, Word/PowerPoint/Excel documents have Titles, Summaries, Authors etc. set which may work nicely on a OneBox digest format. All that is required is to detect the format of the upload (based on extension is probably enough) and then extract pieces of useful info from the files to display in OneBox.

For example, PowerPoint and PDF documents may even show a thumbnail of the first page.

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Transfer Discourse forum to another doamin


@burningman wrote:

Can I transfer my discourse forum to another domain with out loosing data. Currently my forum is on sub-domain. I want to transfer it completely on my new domain name. I am on digitalocean.

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Move discourse to another partition


@hnaseri wrote:

How can I move my discourse to home partition? Right now all discourse data is in root partition and its growing fast. I am getting close to no space in my root partition.

df -h
Filesystem           Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/cl-root   50G   30G   21G  59% /
devtmpfs             7.7G     0  7.7G   0% /dev
tmpfs                7.7G     0  7.7G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                7.7G  731M  7.0G  10% /run
tmpfs                7.7G     0  7.7G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda2           1016M  176M  840M  18% /boot
/dev/sda1            200M  9.5M  191M   5% /boot/efi
/dev/mapper/cl-home  221G   86G  136G  39% /home
tmpfs                1.6G     0  1.6G   0% /run/user/0
overlay               50G   30G   21G  59% /var/lib/docker/overlay/569939c5551cf2b821429584916dcaec83a644384abcd4c35b6423d58471fa92/merged
shm                   64M  4.0K   64M   1% /var/lib/docker/containers/97dbcf0e733dde1cf80748fbde49bb770587c23e675c4610f9ceca12c6aecd56/shm

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From _t cookie how to get the current user id?


@vikaskedia wrote:

I am trying to develop an app using the same DB as discourse.

Discourse is run from:

The app is run from:

Inside /app/ app on server side I have access to _t token.

From the _t token how do I get the user id by querying the Postgres DB.

I know I can use SSO but that requires making a request to the client side. So I want to keep things simple and get the logged in user’s identity by just querying the postgres DB directly from inside the app running at www.example.com/app/

In postgres table user_auth_tokens the field auth_tokens has the value “Gzfb6AV4VkGvumpIm54u6hxdBuU”

In the cookie _t the value is 35d802b49d5565441aedf58410064505

From “35d802b49d5565441aedf58410064505” how do I derive “Gzfb6AV4VkGvumpIm54u6hxdBuU” ?

I have the following hypothesis:

  1. In the DB table user_auth_tokens the field auth_tokens is storing the hashed value of the cookie _t.

  2. The hashing is being done by discourse/user_auth_token.rb at c68999e1283ea7f9bc50fe6e8df3c4ddc05b7df0 · discourse/discourse · GitHub


  1. To get the value of GlobalSetting.safe_secret_key_base from redis I will get the value of SECRET_TOKEN> get SECRET_TOKEN

ref: discourse/global_setting.rb at a1ee61ec25d8de128faf46d765d1aeda9d880654 · discourse/discourse · GitHub

Are my hypothesis correct?

When I do sha1 for


I get


And base64digest for 1b37dbe805785641afba6a489b9e2eea1c5d06e5 is: MWIzN2RiZTgwNTc4NTY0MWFmYmE2YTQ4OWI5ZTJlZWExYzVkMDZlNQ==

Why is it not matching the value stored in the table user_auth_tokens the field auth_tokens?

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For API new topics, how do I make a new line? \n?


@dylanh724 wrote:

If I’m going to make a new topic with multiple lines in the body, how can I make new lines?

test\n ?


EDIT: For API posts, would it consider newline characters? How would I go about this?

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How to add Categories/Featured Categories on top of the site?

Creating discourse user group with code


@Sudaraka wrote:

I need to create a discourse user group with my plugin. I used the below code and its not working. Any idea why its not working ? Thankyou

default_group = Group.new(
        name: 'Dumy',
        visibility_level: Group.visibility_levels[:public],
        primary_group: true,
        title: 'Dumy',
        flair_url: 'https://dumy.com/public/images/oc-logo-icon.svg',
        bio_raw: 'Dumy wording.',
        full_name: 'dummy'

I referred to the code used in patreon plugin

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Remove (or merge) Elastic email Unsubscribe


@mmiada wrote:


i’m using elastic email for delivery (from your recom.)

but i can’t remove unsubscribe link from elastic email (i think because is mandatory)

from what i read is a way to merge some how. they give this doc

how can i solve this? i this many discourse users have elastic email, maybe have also a solution.
plus i need user to unsubscribe from discourse link not from elastic link.

thank you very much.

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Avatar not showing up though avatar_url is correct


@Kai_Middleton wrote:

I’m running Discourse in a container and using SSO to login from a parent node/expressjs webapp. The SSO login is working correctly, and passing the right avatar_url to Discourse, but Discourse is not displaying the user’s avatar – it just displays a letter such as “K” if the user is kai. Here is some info from the production.log file.

In particular, this URL has a valid gif image:

My friend suggested that the server I’m using is providing https via a self signed cert, though I see no error in production.log or unicorn.stderr.log or production_errors.log.

More from production.log:

nonce: 23235234f235225d5567
name: Kai Advisor
username: Kai Advisor
email: kai+advisor@gmail.com
external_id: 59a0970c9fc69410a5743801
admin: false
moderator: false
Redirected to
Completed 302 Found in 74ms (ActiveRecord: 18.4ms)
Started GET "/forum/" for at 2017-09-17 23:54:07 +0000
Processing by ListController#latest as HTML
  Rendered list/list.erb within layouts/application (1.3ms)
  Rendered layouts/_head.html.erb (1.9ms)
  Rendered common/_discourse_stylesheet.html.erb (0.1ms)
  Rendered common/_special_font_face.html.erb (0.1ms)
  Rendered application/_header.html.erb (0.1ms)
  Rendered common/_discourse_javascript.html.erb (0.3ms)
Completed 200 OK in 70ms (Views: 6.7ms | ActiveRecord: 21.1ms)

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Editing linked Discourse posts/topics without changes being overridden by Wordpress?


@mike_b wrote:

Hey all!

We’re using the WP Discourse Plugin for SSO and to replace the WP Comments with discourse.

After publishing a WP post to Discourse, I manually remove any shortcodes from the Discourse post and generally add in a few extra keywords to make it easier for our members to search…

The problem is if I ever need to update something on the WP side - as soon as I hit publish the linked Discourse post is overridden by the updated WP post.

We’re also using some custom post types within our theme, and these create Discourse posts with no content in them (aside from the Title)… If we edit the Discourse posts to include any info, this is overridden to a blank post again if we ever make any changes on the WP side.

Q: Is it possible to keep the two linked for comments etc., but prevent future post update/content ‘pushes’ from WP to Discourse for each post?

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How search included "Make Unlisted" Topic

Edit what's being shown in the Leaderboard


@chi wrote:

Is there a way we can edit or customize the content being shown in the leaderboard?

-> /users

I want to add in a new column that is not listed in the available choices? :slight_smile: Thanks.

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Editing default user signup field descriptions


@mikee wrote:

Hey folks :slight_smile:

I’ve been trying to work out how to edit the required fields and descriptions for when a new user signs up. Right now I can only see that I can add my own custom fields.

Is it possible to edit the fields and descriptions that exist by default? I’d specifically like to edit the description under the Email field.

Thanks so much for any advice here!

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Install Discourse on OVH VPS

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