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What category should plugin support be in?


Kane York wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Adsense plugin creates div and content, but nothing shows up:

This topic is in extensibility, but it's clearly a support request. Except it's a support request for a plugin, so it's a little bit different.

I see a few options for categorization:

  • extensibility
  • support
  • new subcategory of support, like wordpress
  • Off Topic (but then, what site should it be on?)

Keep in mind that the resolution of the topic should not affect your opinion, because that isn't known when you categorize it. (It isn't known whether the problem is with the Discourse configuration or the Google-side configuration.)

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Migrate from old to new discourse


megas wrote:

I'm running version without docker and now I want to migrate to a new version of discourse with docker technology.
I've made backup database and tried to restore it in new discourse, maybe the format of this backup is wrong, it's just did nothing.

So, how to migrate from old discourse to new version of discourse/docker ?

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What is the default password to login as admin for the first time?


Optimae wrote:

Hi all,

I've just installed Discourse following the instructions over here: https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/docs/INSTALL-digital-ocean.md

The problem I'm running into is that I don't know what password to use for the admin login. The instructions say:

Sign into your Discourse instance. There should be a reminder visible on the site about which email was used for the DISCOURSE_DEVELOPER_EMAILS address. Be sure you log in with that email, and your account will be made Admin by default.

I see the reminder with the correct email address, but I'm stumped as to what the password can be as at no point did I have to specify one. I thought it'd be without a password, but there's no way of clicking the Login button without typing something in the password field.

I've looked at a few other threads but they all reference seed data and broken github links :/

Did I miss something during the server configuration process?

Any help with this would be appreciated, thanks!

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Development Enviroment installation is showing up empty


Kronos wrote:

I follow this exact same docs to install Discourse on Windows 7. It works brilliantly as in no errors occur. It gets my browsers request through port 4000 and prints out it send a 200 status back. But unfortunatley it never sends data back. Only an icon and a page title make its way too the browser, no content is loaded.

Can somebody help me with that, please?

If you need any additional information, just ask. Since I have no clue in what particular scope my problem resides, I did not know what to add here.

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Syncing the editor viewport scroll


Jeff Atwood wrote:

I've checked how they do synced scrolling in Ghost and it turns out that it is extremely simple - they just keep the relative position of both panes in sync, i.e. if the source pane is scrolled to 30% of its height, preview pane is also automatically scrolled to 30% of its height.

In most typical cases both source and and preview contain almost only text, so their height is more or less proportional and this approach works quite well. This method also seems to be very performant and scalable, as it chceks only the pane height and scroll position, without parsing the text etc. so it shouldn't be dependent on the amount of content in the pane.

However in cases when the content between panes is very disproportional (e.g. if you embed a link to a tall image, that in the source pane is just a single line of text and in the preview pane is an actual image, several hundreds of pixels high or if you put 30 newlines in the source that get squashed into a single newline in the preview) scrolling in Ghost can go out of sync.

@sam What do You think? Should we give similar simple approach a try? Or do you want to have something exactly accurate?

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Plugin admin section


Sam Saffron wrote:


At the moment, short of using discourse docker plugin there is no place to list the current plugins, install plugins or disable plugins in the admin UI.

It makes diagnosing issues sometimes tricky, staying up to date with plugins and so on.

Version 0

Version 0 of the admin plugin UI will be VERY simple.

  1. Add an extra tab to the admin screen that lists plugins
  2. Allow plugins to be enabled or disabled from the UI
    1. If a plugin is disabled/enabled a restart of Discourse is required. This should be tracked, eg: display "Your plugin was disabled but will not be deactivated till you restart Discourse"
  3. A table needs to be added to track enable / disable state for plugins, by default anything missing from the table is enabled.
  4. UI should display which plugins are out-of-date (same way as discourse docker manager does it)
  5. Disable / Enable option to be suppressed for any multisite installs. (probably via a GlobalSetting)

Version 0 will not cover

  1. Upgrade logic for plugins via UI
  2. Installation of new plugins or plugin discovery.

Since this involves UI, no work to be completed prior to UI mocks

Long term I envisage this deprecating https://github.com/discourse/docker_manager , instead what docker manager will do is simply implement various hooks like "this is how you restart discourse hook" or "this is how you install a plugin hook". Cross machine restarts get tricky, installation in Docker environment is tricky.

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Category preferences


Sam Saffron wrote:

To date, most of the communities we have run have had very low levels of "interest segregation". Most users have a similar level of interest in most categories.

However, now that http://discourse.mcneel.com/ is picking up steam, this is changing. Some users are VERY interested in "Rhino for Windows" and not at all interested in "Rhino for Mac".

I have been thinking about how we can better accommodate for different interests within a community. To do this I suggest we add per category user preferences.

Here are the options I think we should consider:

Muted category

  • Highest level of suppression, muted categories do not appear in the "new" or "latest" tabs (unless you explicitly started tracking a topic in that category)

Untracked category

  • Medium level of suppression, topics in untracked categories show up in the "latest" list, however don't have the "new" star on them. The do not show up in the "new" tab.

Default category

  • Default (what we do now)

Tracked category

  • Raise the volume, topics in these categories will ALWAYS be tracked regardless of the global setting. Topics in these categories will keep the "new" star on them till you read the topic.

Watched category

  • This is the highest level of volume, same as tracked. ALSO send an email to you whenever a new topic is posted in this category

This leaves 2 questions

  1. Is this too much / too little?
  2. Where will the user enter these settings? UI mocks?

Posts: 52

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Why not use db/schema.rb/.sql?


marten wrote:

I'm wondering why Discourse uses migrations to set up a new development database, instead of the (more usual) db/schema file.

Rails' standard practice is to have a db/schema.rb (which can also be schema.sql, which Discourse would probably need so that it can export PostgreSQL-stuff) that sets up the schema for the database, and then a db/seeds.rb which sets up initial data.

Instead it seems like we run the history of migrations, which is usually fragile in the long term. And then initial data is either by a dump file, or an initial admin user from script/setup_dev.

It's quite confusing how many different ways of getting going there are, and that it deviates from Rails' defaults makes it doubly so. I'm wondering what the rationale is against using db/schema.sql?

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Correct way to re-bootstrap data?


Thisgeekza wrote:

I wanted to re-bootstrap my existing data container.

I ran sudo ./launcher destroy data and then sudo ./launcher bootstrap data, however I eventually ended up with a repeating error message scrolling up my screen:

[timestamp] FATAL :  The database system is shutting down

I eventually resorted to renaming the shared/postgres_data and shared/redis_data and rebuilding from scratch and restoring from backup. I hate doing this because browser caching tends to screw me around badly.

Is there a "correct" way of re-bootstrapping the data container?

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Wiki topic mini spec


Sam Saffron wrote:

We are interested in having a wiki style topic, but do not need this for version 1 of Discourse.

That said if the community would like to contribute a PR in this department we would be more than happy to review, and if good merge.

The spec for v0 of the feature.

  1. Add a column to posts wiki not nullable bit, default 0.
  2. Any post that has wiki=1 is editable by all logged on users.
  3. Add admin post action (like like/flag etc), when clicked it brings up an admin menu
  4. Admin menu allows you to wiki / unwiki a post
  5. Every change in state is logged in post_revisions with the name of the admin who changed it
  6. Any posts that are wiki have a visual cue like PM or Group on the side to denote they are wiki
  7. Accounts properly for existing states like hidden / deleted, I don't want people editing deleted / hidden posts or posts they have no access to.

More context:

  • long term admin menu will have more options like, hard delete post, change owner etc.
  • longer term we may add a new permission for editing OP or posts in a category, which will allow better fidelity.

That is it, nothing else for v0.

cc @lightyear

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Case-Study for Archetypes: Questions-Archetype


Benjamin Kampmann wrote:

Hello everyone,

I recently dug deeper into the archetype system to figure out how it can, does and should work. In order to not get lost in the task, I decided to try to implement one very specific, narrow use case: Questions. I settled to try to get the following criteria done:

  1. add an archetype discourse core don't have any specific knowledge of
  2. the archetype should show up in searches and listings as a normal
    topic and otherwise behave like the normal topic (unlike than for e.g. the private
  3. the posts for this archetype are not ordered chronologically but by "most likes"
  4. the view shall be adapted to have a more explicit visibility of these likes for answers

In order to be able to get 2) done, I needed to refactor the archetype-system. Until this point the archetypes are referenced directly within the core on various occasion. To make it work I changed that into a capability-driven approach: when a Archetype is registered it provides a list of features it is capable of, for example to be shown publicly or be searchable. Then I replaced all occurrences of direct references with the appropriate capability.

That way I was able to add another Archtype - Question - which is also rendered in the lists because it has the capability of been publicly shown, while delivering it as a plugin and without discourse core having any previous knowledge about it - yay.

After that change the second two features weren't that big of a deal, though a little hackish. As discourse code around the topic and posts-view is rather complex (to do autoloading and stuff), just providing my own ordering didn't really work. So I patched the Like-Action to reset the score_order every time someone likes or unlikes a post of the topic-archetype question.

Secondly in order to be able to change the UI I did the usual reopening of Ember Views. Unfortunately, as the block relies on spanX-grids I also had to patch that so that it fits in the view after adding my heart-shaped answer-score. But I got it working:

I am writing this post as a case study and in order to open the discussion on how archetype delivery through plugins should work (as I think it makes a whole lot of sense to have custom archetypes coming from plugins – you don't want to ship everything with the core). What I did here is in no way meant as a plugin for production but it shows the main weaknesses in discourse when shipping your own archetypes:

  1. certain Archtypes are currently hard-coded and their usage in core is limited to them even if you'd ship your own archetype (this can be fixed with my capability-focussed patchset)
  2. the core posts-rendering heavily expects the discussion use case to be the way things are supposed to be done and patching that part is nearly impossible
  3. the views (and especially the templates) are currently hard-coded towards the existing archteypes. Unless the plugin overwrites them entirely, the extensibility of rendering for shipped archtypes is very limited.
  4. The same is true for the composer. That part is even more complex and though it looks like it was meant at some point that you should be able to "switch archetypes", there is really no possible way for an archetype to be provider their own extensions or even full blown other editors.

Regard 1 I have the patch-set ready including tests and everything working and I am happy to make it into a pull-request if that is an approach we want to take. As for 2, 3 and 4 I don't have a concrete solution at the moment but from what I feel there is little other possibility than adding explicit hooks in them to allow plugins to ship their own to be called and rendered or – if none found – just render the default one.


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Topic title stays docked in header when you navigate to 'preferences'

Cannot connect to the docker daemon


DH wrote:

So I'm trying to install this via guide located here:


Everything up until getting the thing to start is having issues.

Doing ./launcher bootstrap app and ./launcher start app gives the following errors.
Cannot connect to the docker daemon - verify it is running and you have access

What am I doing wrong or have I missed a step?

Thank you and I look forward to a reply.

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Mimicking the NewRelic forum styling

Docker bootstrapping issues - postgres "could not signal for checkpoint" on 14.04 Beta


Fai Yip wrote:

Hi all,

I previously managed to get Discourse running on a Debian 6 / 32bit VPS using the old ruby-compile process which was a little painful as there were a number of issues with ruby versions and the 32bit userspace/64bit kernel.

As it looked rather involved upgrading my VPS to Debian 7/64bit for the docker requirements, I thought I'd try this on a brand new VM instance elsewhere, and give Discourse its own instance, plus a chance to test Ubuntu 14.04. The default image with this VM starts as Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, but I managed to upgrade this to the recently released 14.04 Beta, as 14.04 seems to come with most of the pre-requisites set up for Docker. There seemed to be a few logs warnings about udev whilst upgrading, but otherwise it's running fine. Installing Docker was straightforward - as was grabbing the Discourse docker repository.

The issues occur when I try to run ./launcher bootstrap app; postgres warns of "could not signal for checkpoint" - logs from the bootstrapping process to follow:

I, [2014-04-07T02:33:23.951159 #37]  INFO -- : > sudo -u postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/postmaster -D /etc/postgresql/9.3/main
I, [2014-04-07T02:33:23.953361 #37]  INFO -- : > sleep 5
2014-04-07 02:33:23 UTC LOG:  database system was shut down at 2014-04-07 02:33:23 UTC
2014-04-07 02:33:23 UTC LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
2014-04-07 02:33:23 UTC LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
I, [2014-04-07T02:33:28.960548 #37]  INFO -- :
I, [2014-04-07T02:33:28.961138 #37]  INFO -- : > sudo -u postgres createdb discourse || exit 0
2014-04-07 02:33:31 UTC ERROR:  could not signal for checkpoint: Permission denied
2014-04-07 02:33:31 UTC STATEMENT:  CREATE DATABASE discourse;

createdb: database creation failed: ERROR:  could not signal for checkpoint: Permission denied
I, [2014-04-07T02:33:31.026703 #37]  INFO -- :
I, [2014-04-07T02:33:31.027565 #37]  INFO -- : > sudo -u postgres psql discourse
I, [2014-04-07T02:33:31.030985 #37]  INFO -- : create user discourse;

2014-04-07 02:33:31 UTC FATAL:  database "discourse" does not exist
psql: FATAL:  database "discourse" does not exist
I, [2014-04-07T02:33:31.096923 #37]  INFO -- : > sudo -u postgres psql discourse
I, [2014-04-07T02:33:31.099971 #37]  INFO -- : grant all privileges on database discourse to discourse;

2014-04-07 02:33:31 UTC FATAL:  database "discourse" does not exist
psql: FATAL:  database "discourse" does not exist
I, [2014-04-07T02:33:31.164325 #37]  INFO -- : > /bin/bash -c 'sudo -u postgres psql discourse <<< "alter schema public owner to discourse;"'
2014-04-07 02:33:31 UTC FATAL:  database "discourse" does not exist
psql: FATAL:  database "discourse" does not exist
I, [2014-04-07T02:33:31.236806 #37]  INFO -- :
2014-04-07 02:35:24 UTC WARNING:  worker took too long to start; canceled

The other issue is that I cannot kill running docker instances (launcher has no 'running' cids to operate on):

sysadmin@forum:/var/docker$ sudo ./launcher stop app
WARNING: No swap limit support
No cid found

sysadmin@forum:/var/docker$ sudo docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                        COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
a70c0becbdb4        samsaffron/discourse:0.1.2   /bin/bash -c cd /pup   18 minutes ago      Up 18 minutes                           prickly_poincare
a6c87c631617        samsaffron/discourse:0.1.2   /bin/bash -c cd /pup   9 hours ago         Up 8 hours                              agitated_fermat

sysadmin@forum:/var/docker$ sudo docker stop a70c0becbdb4
Error: Cannot stop container a70c0becbdb4: permission denied
2014/04/07 11:58:35 Error: failed to stop one or more containers

sysadmin@forum:/var/docker$ sudo docker kill a6c87c631617
Error: Cannot kill container a6c87c631617: no such process
2014/04/07 11:58:46 Error: failed to kill one or more containers

I'm aware everything is still a WIP. Perhaps this is really a docker issue with 14.04 Beta. For the moment, the live forum site is still ticking along on the Debian 6 VPS.

Anyone managed to get Docker/Discourse running on 14.04?

Just as a note:

docker -v
Docker version 0.9.1, build 3600720

sysadmin@forum:/var/docker$ uname -a
Linux forum.typhoon-dbc.com 3.13.0-23-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 4 06:58:38 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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Stuck at 'Loading Discussion...'


Dmitry Savenko wrote:

I set up Discourse (using this guide) and embedded comments into my site. For some pages it went well. However, for one page, no forum topic appeared, and in embedded area, Discourse always tells 'Loading Discussion...', and nothing happens. What can I do about it? I tried to reload docker a couple of times, nothing happened.

Version: 0.9.9

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Restore not taking multisites into account


Sander Datema wrote:

When you upload a backup file (or when you made one) and want to restore it, Discourse will look for the archive in the default location. That tar command, however, does look in the right place but will fail of course.

No error is shown, it's only visible in the log.

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What is a onebox?


Sam Saffron wrote:

One very cool feature Discourse has is "oneboxing". If you include a link to your favourite site, it will try to create a usable snippet for you automatically.

For example: paste the link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spite_house on a line by itself and you will see a nice onebox from Wikipedia

Some samples:



Spite house

A spite house is a building constructed or modified to irritate neighbors or other parties with land stakes. Spite houses often serve as obstructions, blocking out light or access to neighboring buildings, or as flamboyant symbols of defiance. Because long-term occupation is at best a secondary consideration, spite houses frequently sport strange and impractical structures. Spite houses are much rarer than spite fences. This is partially attributable to the fact that modern building codes often p...


Walter the Farting Dog Farts Again

Glenn Murray, Audrey Colman (Illustrator) William Kotzwinkle

When Walter the Farting Dog is sold for a measly ten pounds, Billy and Betty are distraught. But Walter doesn't realise he's been caught up in a dreadful plan involving a fake clown, litres of his ...




Duke Nukem 3D

***************************************************V1.4 is here! Now supports "Drag to look" controls as well as dual stick!THE ORIGINAL KING OF ACTION RETURNS!With dozens of Game of the Year awards under his belt, Duke remains the King of Action. Larger than life action is what Duke is all about, mixed with humor and innovative explosive action in this 20+ hour game. Los Angeles. Under attack by aliens intent on stealing our chicks for breeding. Duke Nukem springs into action dealing damage lik



Node.js message passing test


var cluster = require('cluster');

var m = 10000000;

function bounce(msg, out) {
  if (msg < m) {
    out.send(msg + 1);
    return null;
  } else {
    console.log("Finished with", msg);
    return msg;

if(cluster.isMaster) {
  var worker = cluster.fork();
  worker.on('message', function(msg) {
    bounce(msg, worker);
} else {
  process.on('message', function(msg) {
    bounce(msg, process);



require 'digest/md5'

module Rack
  # Automatically sets the ETag header on all String bodies.
  # The ETag header is skipped if ETag or Last-Modified headers are sent or if
  # a sendfile body (body.responds_to :to_path) is given (since such cases
  # should be handled by apache/nginx).
  # On initialization, you can pass two parameters: a Cache-Control directive
  # used when Etag is absent and a directive when it is present. The first
  # defaults to nil, while the second defaults to "max-age=0, private, must-revalidate"
  class ETag
    DEFAULT_CACHE_CONTROL = "max-age=0, private, must-revalidate".freeze

    def initialize(app, no_cache_control = nil, cache_control = DEFAULT_CACHE_CONTROL)
      @app = app
      @cache_control = cache_control
      @no_cache_control = no_cache_control

    def call(env)
      status, headers, body = @app.call(env)

      if etag_status?(status) && etag_body?(body) && !skip_caching?(headers)
        original_body = body
        digest, new_body = digest_body(body)
        body = Rack::BodyProxy.new(new_body) do
          original_body.close if original_body.respond_to?(:close)
        headers['ETag'] = %("#{digest}") if digest

      unless headers['Cache-Control']
        if digest
          headers['Cache-Control'] = @cache_control if @cache_control
          headers['Cache-Control'] = @no_cache_control if @no_cache_control

      [status, headers, body]


      def etag_status?(status)
        status == 200 || status == 201

      def etag_body?(body)

      def skip_caching?(headers)
        (headers['Cache-Control'] && headers['Cache-Control'].include?('no-cache')) ||
          headers.key?('ETag') || headers.key?('Last-Modified')

      def digest_body(body)
        parts = []
        digest = nil

        body.each do |part|
          parts << part
          (digest ||= Digest::MD5.new) << part unless part.empty?

        [digest && digest.hexdigest, parts]



Just a turtle riding a jellyfish.


Kim Dotcom’s plan to give New Zealanders free internet could just work

Kim Dotcom's story is something out of Hollywood. The self-proclaimed king of the internet was the founder and operator of file sharing giant Megaupload -- a haven for pirates and ...




<img src='/uploads/default/2428/d63ecff95d125d8e.jpg'>

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Changing seed data, outdated vagrant.md instructions?

Merging authentication with our website?


To The Tick Llc wrote:

Is it possible to to merge Discourse user authentication with that of our website, so its a single login? any documentation on this?

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