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Converting, combining, migrating - Yes!


@omarfilip wrote:

Here’s a ginormous thank you to the Discourse team for creating this really cool platform and for being constantly engaged in its support.

Individual thanks to @gerhard for the awesome phpBB importer, to @Simon_Cossar for the immensely useful WP Discourse plugin, @neil for the support regarding exporting/importing categories, and @vinothkannans for the rails commands I needed. Thank you @HAWK for advice about membership integration plugins, @fefrei and @pfaffman for the good tips!


My goal was to move up from a community based on phpBB2 which itself originated on ancient bulletin board software, merge it with another dead forum that was based on software that would run only on Windows 2000 Server, and also combine users, many of whom were active on both forums, and properly attribute the combined posts. It all worked out in the end. @pfaffman was instrumental and very fast to convert the dead forum data dump into a Discourse instance. (He’s worth every penny, btw.)

Our phpBB2 forum allowed users to receive and reply to posts by email in addition to the web interface, so I wanted to keep that functionality. Discourse was the only open-source platform to have that ability, so I spent a long time following discussions here on meta and trying it out. It’s obvious that the software itself is good, but the quick and accurate support from the team and users is what makes it great.

The new website is here, although Discourse is behind a paid membership app:


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No translation "js.groups.title.few"

Security Questions about anonymous pageviews


@Derek_Lai wrote:


I’m managing a company internal Discourse server. We are very security conscious and have turned on login required and only users with existing account can login.

While performing maintenance last week, I noticed the following:

What exactly is “Anonymous Pageviews”? In our situation, it seems like it is only unauthorized access? To have 15K pageviews out of a total of 20.7K pageviews seem like a lot. Seems like hacking/atacks? Is there anything else we can do to tighten up security on our site?



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Problems upgrading - have I lost my data?


@kgreed wrote:

I am a total newbie on docker and 'nix
I managed to install Discourse at Linode using the “under 30 minutes” instructions and ran it for a few weeks.
I was able to upgrade a few times using the Upgrade link inside Discourse.
Recently however the upgrade message mentioned something about upgrading Docker and then left a message for me to do something by SSH
Unfortunately I did not save what it said.
I connected into Linnode’s Graphical Web Console and Shut down the Virtual Machine
When I started the VM again I got the “Site cannot be reached” message trying to go to my Discourse site.

Then I ran ./launcher rebuild app
This did a lot of things

now if I run docker ps -a I see only one container with image name local_discourse/app
When I try to

docker run local_discourse/app I get a message ‘undefined method’

What should I do?

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System post deletion messages leaking to user PMs


@Drew_Warwick wrote:

I can reply via PM to a post by flagging it and selecting “Send <username> a message”:

If I send a PM to someone that way, they withdraw their post, and 24 hours later it gets deleted, system autoresponds to the PM like it was a flag, saying the post has been deleted. For instance, a user was asking if they posted in the right category, I PMed them saying they did, and they withdrew their post. 24 hours later when it was deleted, system responded like it was a flag. This was on our Discourse forum – not the Meta.

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Possible to add comment count (to a Ghost blog)?


@stromfeldt wrote:

I just integrated Discourse into a Ghost blog I recently started up and am using the Eston theme. By default Eston is set up to use Disqus, which comes with the possibility to add a widget of the comment count at the bottom of the post preview (or wherever, really) as such:
comment count
As I’m using Discourse instead of Disqus, would it be possible to similarly access a topic’s comment count so that I could integrate it into my Ghost blog using Eston?

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Mailgun is not loving your login or password


@kgreed wrote:

I had cause to reset my SMTP password in mailgun.
I re-ran the discourse set up ( twice double checking the password)
but I still cannot send email.
I followed the help at This Question and found the message "Mailgun is not loving your login or password"
The login has not changed and I have double checked the new password.

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Custom Wizard Plugin


@angus wrote:

Repo: GitHub - angusmcleod/discourse-custom-wizard

This plugin allows you to make custom wizards for your forum. Custom wizards can provide information, take user input and perform actions based on that input.

You will automatically see an example of it in action when you sign up for a new account on my sandbox.

It builds on top of the Setup wizard in Discourse, abstracting each aspect of it into a configurable component or setting. The Discourse Setup wizard is its own Ember app. This plugin extends that app in various ways to make it customizable by admins via a new Wizards route in the Discourse admin panel.

Custom Wizards can:

  • Display text or images in a structured format. Text can be taken from translation files or entered via the admin panel.

  • Take user input via text boxes, textareas, dropdowns, or radio buttons.

  • Perform actions based on user input. The actions currently available are:

    • Update user profile fields.

    • Create a new topic.

    • Create a new message.

Custom Wizards are each given a distinct url in the /w/ namespace. You can automatically redirect users to wizards:

  • After they create an account, or accept an invite (e.g. an introduction to your community). If they have accepted an invite to a topic they will still be automatically redirected to that topic after they complete the wizard.

  • After a certain time (e.g. when you update terms and conditions). When the specified time is reached all users (including those currently logged in / active) will be redirected to the wizard.

Custom Wizards can be:

  • Single or multiple submission.

  • Required or optional.

There is also an option to turn off the functionality that saves user input to the db (but still allows it to be used in Actions), which may apply in special cases.

The configuration should be self explanatory, so I won’t attempt to describe it in detail here, but to give you a sense of what’s involved, this is what the configuration for Step 2 of the Welcome wizard that you see after signing up an account on my sandbox looks like.

The Wizard Step itself looks like this.

You can also add your own step handler logic from a separate plugin if you have custom logic you need to perform on user input when the user clicks “Next” or “Submit”.

From your plugin.rb add.

CustomWizard::Builder.add_step_handler('wizard_id') do |builder|
  # your logic.

You can see what is available via the builder object here.

You can also inject additional assets into custom wizards from a separate plugin. For example the Locations Plugin has these lines in its plugin.rb

if defined?(CustomWizard) == 'constant' && CustomWizard.class == Module
  CustomWizard::Field.add_assets('location', 'discourse-locations', ['components', 'helpers', 'lib', 'stylesheets'])

And has a wizard-specific component in /assets/javascripts/wizard that wraps the normal location-form component so it can be used in a wizard.

The end result being the location form in Step 3 of the Welcome Wizard in my sandbox.

Any custom component can be added to a custom wizard in this fashion.

A note of caution. This is a complex plugin. I have tested it a fair bit, but there is a lot of functionality here and it will take a little while to iron it out. I suggest you use it for simple use cases at this stage.

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Inviting groups broken in HEAD?


@carlokok wrote:

Could it be inviting groups is broken in HEAD? The dialog doesn’t show completion for say “sales” and “support” anymore. It did with a build based on a commit earlier this week.

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Contributor Interviews – Felix "fefrei"


@erlend_sh wrote:

We’re trying something new! Every week, we’ll be posting an interview with one of our many beloved contributors here on Meta. First up:

Felix @fefrei

Please state your name & location, and tell us a bit about yourself

I’m Felix, and I live in south-western Germany, right about here:

Despite hanging out way too much on Meta, I also have a regular job: I’m working on the verification of cyber-physical systems (:computer: + :bike:) as a PhD student at Saarland University. And in the rare cases when I’m not at work and have no unread posts on Meta, I mount my bike and hunt Geocaches :world_map: :slight_smile:

How did you first find out about Discourse?

As far as I remember, I basically stumbled over Discourse kind of randomly on the internet and I immediately liked it a lot. Shortly thereafter, I volunteered for a mathematics preparatory course for freshmen at our university where I was responsible for managing the course’s server. I quickly advocated for using Discourse for this course (instead of the phpBB board integrated into our course management system) and was able to convince the team. After our CMS developer had developed Discourse SSO support for our CMS and I had set up an instance, we were ready to go and had a blast :slight_smile:

What are you using Discourse for?

In addition to being on Meta and occasionally reading the Let’s Encrypt board, I’m running two separate Discourse installs: The one for the mathematics course I mentioned earlier (which I’m now administering together with @GregoryS) and a multisite install for our chair. The multisite install hosts a few instances for projects related to our chair, but we’re mostly using it for lectures: For almost two years now, we’ve been setting up Discourse instances for all large lectures offered by our chair. (Smaller lectures with few participants still use the phpBB board integrated in our CMS.)

How did you get so involved in the Meta community?

Back when I set up my first Discourse instance (even before we had officially decided to use Discourse not just internally, but also for our students), I wanted to use a sub-folder setup, failed, and asked here on Meta. Quickly thereafter, I reported my first bug (in a topic which still is still in pristine condition, with no replies or likes at all :joy:), helped the first customer, and fell in love with the community.

It didn’t take long until I set my notification settings to…


…and since then, I’ve read every new post on Meta :slight_smile:

What compels you to contribute to Discourse?

I find that being here feels incredibly rewarding. Overall, the community is extremely helpful and friendly. When you’ve got a problem yourself (and I’ve got plenty of those :wink:), it’s easy to quickly find help; and when you help others, this is always appreciated. It’s a positive atmosphere, and I enjoy being here :smiley:

What kind of significance does the open source movement have to you?

While I’m not fundamentalist about that, I think that the open source movement is amazing and brings a lot of value to the world! I’ve released most of my own software projects as open source, and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be so active on Meta if Discourse weren’t open source: That would feel like working for a company for free, not like supporting a community I’m a part of.

What has been the greatest challenge in learning about Discourse and its community?

There haven’t been that many challenges, really. The biggest one I can think of is the hurdle of setting up a development environment. Ignoring two trivial PRs, I’ve never contributed any code to Discourse. That’s mostly because I don’t know my way around Ruby, but for some minor things, I would have made a PR if I had a development environment set up. The guides for settings these up aren’t bad, but they are still quite lengthy, and being on Windows doesn’t make this easier (but even if I ran Ubuntu on my laptop, I probably wouldn’t want to install all dependencies on my machine).

Maybe, setting up a development install on a standard Ubuntu instance could be automated to the point that installation becomes as easy as installing Docker?

wget -qO- https://get.discourse.org/dev | sh

Then, we could have a small guide the helps first-time contributors set up the environment (on Digital Ocean, so anyone could follow, but it should also work for local development, at least on Linux), and fully guide them through doing a change, testing it and creating a PR. (I’ve seen some cases here on Meta where people shied away from the last step.)

I’m not sure this will be worth the effort, but it’s an idea :slight_smile:

Any ideas on how to improve the Meta community?

We encourage respondents to speak candidly on this topic. Even if no sensitive information was discussed, answers will always be presented in a short list.

  • Let’s be (even more) patient. Especially with non-native English speakers.
  • Strive for “brief and polite” rather than “brief and blunt”.
  • Using closed also as a way to mark certain posts as “done” can be problematic.

Meta already is a nice, warm and welcoming place. You asked for ways to become even better, so there’s that :smiley:

Any advice to future contributors?

Get going and come join us :wink:

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"Can't Delete Category" display issue on dark theme


@eviltrout wrote:

One of our customers pointed this out and I thought I’d log it so that someone can fix when they have time!

When using the Dark theme, the “You can’t delete this category” notification is… pretty hard to read:

19 AM

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Discourse embed: inconsistent errors


@marcia wrote:

We’re trying to implement Discourse embed comments to our documentation website, and we’re facing an inconsistent error with the message “Start discussion” and “Error embedding”.

It’s not a consistent error, we couldn’t identify a pattern. There are pages rendering the comments normally, other pages, the error is present. In some browsers we see it working, others, don’t. Even in the same browser, it works for one of us and doesn’t work for others.

We’re tracking the error on this issue: Discourse comments - inconsistent errors (#132) · Issues · GitLab.com / GitLab Docs · GitLab, and so far didn’t find anything on our end. Could someone please check this for us? Thanks in advance!

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Can you block json feedback from being public? (e.g /site/statistics.json /site/basic-info.json)


@David_Foster wrote:

Just wondering if there is an option I’m not seeing for this…
its made public that any user can visit your discourse instance and goto site/basic-info.json, site/statistics.json
and gather information…
I know its not terribly sensitive information, but still would like the option to avoid any data being freely observed.
I see in the rails site_controller.rb
skip_before_action :redirect_to_login_if_required, only: [‘basic_info’, ‘statistics’]

I know I can just comment that out to resolve the issue, but it would be better if there was an option in the admin portal that would do this. Is there a setting I’m not seeing in the admin portal?

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Feature Request: Legacy HTTP Support


@nsuchy wrote:

I have a feature request. I have a hardware appliance that runs in-line with my webserver. When activated it intercepts HTTP and HTTPS requests. The problem being it does not support HTTP/2 or WebSockets. When it’s activated certain actions like post edits fail to complete. It’s only activated during DDoS Attacks using HTTP/HTTPS floods (it won’t activate in the case of a syn flood that’s handled differently) however legacy support for HTTP/1.1 without WebSockets would be a nice enhancement useful for websites that are under attack. Thoughts?

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Can't upload theme from file


@pfaffman wrote:

I just tried to import a theme from a file. When I select “from my device” I get the selector and choose the file, but then the “upload” button doesn’t do anything. I tested on two instances Discourse 1.9.0.beta13 and Discourse 1.9.0.beta14.

Tested Chome and Firefox on Linux.

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:clap::clap::clap: Claps Vs Likes :heart:

Mini oneboxing of a discourse-topic doesn’t show click counts


@Pad_Pors wrote:

it you use mini oneboxing, then the click count number which is shown next to topic title, is not shown. it shows it here, but it doesn’t show click numbers in our forum:

it you use mini oneboxing, then the click count number which is shown next to topic title, is not shown. e.g. if you click on this link, others won’t see the click count: Please visit our Discourse Forum! (Directory)

not sure if this is a bug or it should be like this, but if you hyperlink the same topic and click on it, you’ll get number of clicks.


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Discourse support

Signature Plugin


@nsuchy wrote:

Is there a way to force all current users, and all new users to view signatures by default, obviously still with the option to disable, if they’re disabled by default very few of my users will know to disable them. Thoughts?

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What languages / frameworks do I need to contribute to Discourse on GitHub?


@nsuchy wrote:

I’m looking for more open source projects to contribute to on GitHub and would like to know which languages and frameworks I need to learn to contribute to the project.

From what I understand so far…

  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Javascript (i have a good understanding - still have much to learn)
  • Jquery
  • Ember.js
  • (obviously html/css) (I already know that)

Anything else I need to add to that list? (I’m a fast learner :slight_smile: )

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