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Best practices for upgrading docker past 17.05.0-ce


@watchmanmonitor wrote:

Probably related to the discussions here:

and here

I’ve used the standard/recommended docker install, and am getting the following message on upgrade:

WARNING: Docker version 17.05.0-ce deprecated, recommend upgrade to 17.06.2 or newer.

What’s the best way to upgrade docker in this case?

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Setting the language for built-in topics


@Galinette wrote:


I have installed discourse which was in english by default. I have changed the language to french using the startup wizard. The buttons and menus were translated, but the topics “Welcome to the lounge”, “FAQ/Guidelines”, “Terms of service”, etc… Are still in english. Is there any way to get french translations for these? Even if most are restricted to the staff, some staff member will not be english speakers.


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Multiple Discourse Installs - Single Server


@Timelord wrote:

Hey guys.

I have a beefy two beefy VPS that I am running two distinct instances of Discourse on.

I would like to move these to a single dedicated server, so I have some questions.

  1. Is this possible, or does it require it’s own VPS/server
  2. I am not super technical, so anything that deviates from the official installation instructions might trip me up. Is it worth doing (would save me $xx per month
  3. Is there some documentation available that show how to setup such a config?


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Piping into rake admin:create


@pfaffman wrote:

I have a new_discourse_database script that, among other things, does this:

cat | bundle exec rake admin:create <<EOF


Until recently, it worked just fine. Now it works just fine, but it hangs until I hit return.

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Automatic custom group assignment not working automatically


@nilobject wrote:

I’m using the omnibus version of the distribution and am on Discourse 1.8.10. I created a custom group for my employees, and I entered in the “Users who register with an email domain that exactly matches one in this list will be automatically added to this group” my domain, e.g., “google.com”. I clicked the box “Apply the same email domain rule to add existing registered users”.

Once I click save, every existing registered user with an email domain that matches is added. That’s great.

I then when into a new browser and tested with a test email account I set up, and upon registering, the new user is NOT part of the custom group. In the admin, if I open up the group I don’t see the user there.

If I click “Save” without changing anything else, the new user is then added to the group.

Users are currently set up to log in with Google OAuth, but I also temporarily allowed local logins and couldn’t get this automatic group assignment to work with either mechanism.

I’ve tried searching for a solution, but I can see people using the feature but no one saying it’s not working for them. Is there some configuration option that would cause the flow I’m seeing above? Or is this a bug and should be moved to that category?

Update: Logging out and re-logging in assigns the group automatically. So it’s just initial login that is the issue. This makes me think it’s because of the whitelisted email domain not requiring email address verification. (It’s not, I just tested that theory)

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Custom_fields simultaneous save with json becomes an array


@awole20 wrote:

Hi there, I think I hit what might be a bug in core, but I’m not sure what the desired functionality is.

I noticed this from working on the discourse-push-notifications plugin where the custom_field is being set as an array sometimes. I suggested a fix to merge the arrays and it was suggested that it could be a bug in core’s custom_fields.

I just investigated and reproduced this behavior in a test. From what I can tell if two separate threads are saving simultaneously, it combines the data into an array as two separate values.

Is this the desired behavior? How should custom_fields behave when being saved like this?

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Community login issue


@Martin_Cash wrote:

I had two reports today of members that keep getting redirected to the “activate your email” page whenever they sign in. I talked to my SSO authentication guy and it looks like a problem with Discourse validating thier identity. Can someone take a look?

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Uploaded zip file is renamed


@HappyGezim wrote:

I uploaded files named zip-recipes-friend.zip but when users download the file, it’s name is <GUID>.zip.

I’m fairly certain this is new but not 100% sure. Did my installation get compromised or was this a change that actually happened?

If this is an intended behaviour, what’s the reason behind it?

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Using Discourse for online office


@Andy_White1 wrote:

I set up the PCG (now IPSE) back in 1999 with 2000 other Freelancers. It was the first example of Crowd Funding in the UK and we organised the very first Smart Mob when 700 Freelancers turned up at House of Commons to Green Card their MP over a tax measure known as IR35.

I set up a mailing list at the outset, but it soon became impossible to manage. I moved to threaded discussion forum. using Threads. It was our online home and I was just blown away by how powerful an organisation could be if you share information transparently.

18 years on and with some other business experience under my belt I thought it time to disrupt the Recruitment agency market.

Together with a great team we have set up a business called The Project Pool. We started out on Atlassian Confluence. Then moved to Slack. None of them were as good as Threads 18 years ago!!

So last night I set up our new Online Office.

I have to say I am blown away

What a cracking bit of kit. No feature bloat, but really slick, stripped back, intuitive…and we have now found our Home.

Just wanted to reach out to say thank you to every one of the team that put this superb product together. You are most welcome to come on over and join us. Please be gentle as the site is only 24 hours old and not officially live, but I am working on the basis that we are going to go live so quickly I do not need to fsck about hiding it! I will now go and set up a Discourse group that you are most welcome to join after you have signed up

Again Happy Birthday,…belatedly.

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Rate limit hit when joining a group


@Andy_White1 wrote:

Request to join @Applicant
Let the group owners know why you belong in this group

Request and this message appears

We have a daily limit on how many times that action can be taken. Please wait 9 minutes before trying again.

Would be grateful for understanding why this appears. Want it to not appear!

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Auto generation of user api keys for push notification


@ayazmaroof wrote:

We are currently working on integrating our discourse forum into our mobile app. I have gone through several topics about whitelisting discourse mobile apps and push notifications.

I understand at this point that users have to Authorize discourse to push notifications by issuing a user api key with a push_url (as query params) which specifies my custom push notification server.

Since the discourse forum will be integrated in our own app (we are using webview and SSO to show the user our forum), we don’t want users to have to Authorize discourse our own app, especially since they have already logged into our app.
We are trying to automate the generation of this user api key (with the push_url) for all users so that we can allow the users to manage the notification permissions in our app.

So my question is: Can I somehow generate user_api_keys with the push_url for each user who logs in without them having to click on the Authorize button?

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Google bots/cacheing versus Discourses privacy features


@Utopia wrote:

Hi all

Apologies if this is a really simple question, with really simple answers.

We’ve been using Discourse platform live for about a year now and loving it - with our only gripe being that when we reject a post in the approval queue, we’d love the post to go into a “reject bin” or “reject area” where only forum moderators or staff etc could see it.

At the moment, our discourse based forum isnt visible to Google. But now that the forum is quite established, with some good answers to FAQs etc, I’d like to know which admin settings I need to tick/untick etc to get Google and other search engines to start taking an interest in our posts contents.

Two concerns that I do have on this however, are:

a). Will the search engines be able to read our private areas (moderator section, Beta tester group etc)? Can we stop the search engines from getting there?

b) Will the search engines be able to read the discourse “Whispers” which we use on numerous posts for staff to communicate with each other? Again, if “yes”, is there a way of stopping the search engines from caching those.


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Validation email expired

Maximum Number of Search Results?


@RobMeade wrote:


Just wondered whether there is a maximum number of search results being set in the background of Discourse at all?

I wanted to see how many of the automated topics we have that are created have any responses, I found 305 that do not, but I wanted to find the total number of the automated posts (they all begin with the same text). After scrolling for some time, no more were loaded and the count was exactly 500 - this felt too neat to be by chance.

I’ve looked through the admin settings for both “search” and “500” and I didn’t see anything which looked like a limit on the number of returned results.

Any information would be appreciated :slight_smile:

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Avatars do not change for some users


@TomekB wrote:

Hi, I’m having problems with only some users failing to update their avatars.

I’m using SSO to provide a new URL (that is a valid public URL) for a user. I’m using sync_sso to force the update (with avatar_force_update = true in the payload) and in same cases it works but in some cases it doesn’t.

I have this user:

In his profile I see the SSO payload points to the new URL avatar:

However the avatar for this user is still old and nothing helps (waiting, cleaning cache, logging out etc).

How can I diagnose this problem?

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Embed Request: Option to NOT Load Google Analytics or Other Unnecessary Scripts in the Embedded iFrame JS


@Berto wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Embedding Discourse Comments via Javascript,

I noticed that when embedding my Discourse Forum (which has been configured with Google Analytics via the Admin fields) into my Blog as blog comments, it was loading Google Analytics JS files twice – once from the blog’s calls, once from the Embed’s calls.

This then added more resources to be downloaded on the calling site, and could double your statistics across your entire business.

There should be an option to not load Analytics and potentially any other unnecessary scripts to save bandwidth/requests on the site embedding Discourse. Embed should be more bare bones IMHO.

The current workaround is to stop using the official Google Analytics options and just put the call into your forum’s head. Then it’s not called in the embed.

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Deleting Users on WP Deletes Them on Discourse?


@charliel wrote:

I couldn’t find anything on how this works exactly. We have SSO setup. What I’m wondering is, if I delete someone in WP and they have an account on Discourse because they’ve logged in or posted, will they also be deleted on Discourse? For the other way around I would assume that removing someone from Discourse who has a WP account will not be removed from WP.

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Badges on the avatar


@Bas wrote:

Has anyone ever implemented a plugin where the badges total (per gold/silver/bronze) category were visible on the user avatar (a la Stack Overflow)?


I know there was a lot of discussion on this topic several years ago and I respect the decision made then to not put them everywhere. But I feel that highlighting the badges could still be valuable, especially in groups with a lot if new-member influx, in which someone’s “standing” can be important e.g. in the type of help you provide (document reference for newbies, deep dive in the code for veterans).

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How to display "Discord Widget" in a dropdown button


@Trash wrote:

The Discord Widget does its job, but it’s really cumbersome and generally it’s an eyesore with the style of Discourse.
In the past few months I had tried to implement it everywhere (after-header, body, footer) but every time I found it too big and too customized to be permanently seen.
That’s why, in the end, I decided that a dropdown button would be the best solution. Users can decide if open the widget (maybe only to see the users online) and close it, or click the Connect button to enter the chat.

It works for Desktop (for mobile device I use only the icon with a link to the chat)

For ALL users:

Add this script under /admin/customize/themes inside Desktop/Head tab

    <script>Discourse._registerPluginCode('0.8.9', function (api) {
            api.decorateWidget('header-icons:before', function (helper) {
                return helper.h('li.dropdown#chat', [helper.h('button.dropdown-toggle#chat-button.icon', {
                    'attributes': {
                        "type": "button",
                        "data-toggle": "dropdown"
                    } }, helper.h('i.fa.fa-comments-o.chat-button-icon.d-icon')), helper.h('ul.dropdown-menu#chat', [helper.h('li', [helper.h('iframe', {
                    "src": 'https://discordapp.com/widget?id=your-widget-ID&theme=light',
                    "width": "350",
                    "height": "500",
                    "allowtransparency": "true",
                    "frameborder": "0",
                    "id": "chatwidget",
                    "name": "chatwidget"


Under Desktop/CSS

#chat.dropdown-menu {
    top: 40px; /*because I use a custom header probably you need to change a bit this value*/
    left: -185px;
    width: 350px;

#chatwidget {
    border: 1px solid #e9e9e9;
    box-shadow: 0 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.25);

#chat-button.icon {
    background-color: transparent;
    border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;

#chat-button.icon:hover {
    color: #222;
    background-color: #e9e9e9;

#chat.dropdown.open {
    color: #7b7b7b;
    background-color: #fff;
    border-top: 1px solid #e9e9e9;
    border-left: 1px solid #e9e9e9;
    border-right: 1px solid #e9e9e9;

Make sure to change the Url here:

  • "src": 'https://discordapp.com/widget?id=your-widget-ID&theme=light', with your widget URL that you can find on Discord (Server Setting > Widget > Premade Widget). All the other value (widht, height etc…except “id” and “name” that are useful to target with CSS) are displayed inside the script, so you can delete them from the Url.
  • Inside the Url you can also replace the theme style to make it light (&theme=light) or dark (&theme=dark).

  • You can use another Fontawesome icon changing this line:

    • ('i.fa.fa-comments-o.chat-button-icon.d-icon') , replacing only the comments-o part with the new icon’s name

Display the button only for users who belong to a certain trust level (and higher - optional)

Change the script in this way:

<script>Discourse._registerPluginCode('0.8.9', function (api) {
   var level = Discourse.User.currentProp("trust_level");
   if (level >=2) {  //Change the trust level here
        api.decorateWidget('header-icons:before', function (helper) {
            return helper.h('li.dropdown#chat', [helper.h('button.dropdown-toggle#chat-button.icon', {
                'attributes': {
                    "type": "button",
                    "data-toggle": "dropdown"
                } }, helper.h('i.fa.fa-comments-o.chat-button-icon.d-icon')), helper.h('ul.dropdown-menu#chat', [helper.h('li', [helper.h('iframe', {
                "src": 'https://discordapp.com/widget?id=your-widget-ID&theme=light',
                "width": "350",
                "height": "500",
                "allowtransparency": "true",
                "frameborder": "0",
                "id": "chatwidget",
                "name": "chatwidget"


In this case, the button is displayed to all users that belong to trust level 2 or higher (>=2). Use only =2 to display it only for users at trust level 2 (no higher). You can change the trust level as needed.

:warning: Do not use the script below on a site in production. It works only partially and have some problems that must be fixed

With the script to display the button only for a primary group I have problems instead.

Here the code I’m trying to use:

<script>Discourse._registerPluginCode('0.8.9', function (api) {

      var user = Discourse.User.current();
      if(user.primary_group_name.toLowerCase() === "footeam") {

        api.decorateWidget('header-icons:before', function (helper) {

            return helper.h('li.dropdown#chat', [helper.h('button.dropdown-toggle#chat-button.icon', {
                'attributes': {
                    "type": "button",
                    "data-toggle": "dropdown"
                } }, helper.h('i.fa.fa-comments-o.chat-button-icon.d-icon')), helper.h('ul.dropdown-menu#chat', [helper.h('li', [helper.h('iframe', {
                "src": 'https://discordapp.com/widget?id=your-widget-ID&theme=light',
                "width": "350",
                "height": "500",
                "allowtransparency": "true",
                "frameborder": "0",
                "id": "chatwidget",
                "name": "chatwidget"


It correctly display the button only for the footeam group members, but if I try to log out and reopen the site it does not load anymore and looking in the browser console I can see the “user is null” error.
Probably I miss a variable?

Any help to fix the error is welcome because my knowledge of javascript is still very basic. I have assembled those scripts by digging between the various topics here on Meta and testing them on my site.

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Mobile layout reply bug

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