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Thin header theme component


@lll wrote:

A theme component that will make the Discourse header a little bit thinner.

:boom: Repo: GitHub - hnb-ku/discourse-thin-header-theme-component

This is the default Discourse header here on meta for desktop view:

New header:

Mobile before:

Mobile after:


This component does not have any color styles applied to it. All the changes are for margins / padding and positioning. Therefore it will inherit any styles your current theme has if you set it as a child theme. (Recommended)

The Catch

Since the new header is only 32px high, this theme component disables Discourse’s topic title feature due to lack of space. This is what I’m referring to:

If there’s interest I can try to keep the title but remove the categories and tags.

This override was made possible by @Osama’s generous contribution in the form of a script which he provided here:

If you’re not sure how to install a theme component, read this:

Feedback / bugs always welcome :wine_glass:

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Post Formatting Options


@Mags885 wrote:


I use discourse within another community and I’d like to create a well formatted and attractive thread. I have been searching for ways to do this with other “competitors” having menu bars and what not.

So I wondered if there was anyone out there, able to give me the education or information to insert some great formatting into a post or point me in the right direction to find it.


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Any ideas how to update discourse-bbcode-lock


@ycczkl wrote:

After I installed the discourse-bbcode-lock plugin, I saw the following errors: “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘addPreProcessor’ of undefined”.

I can locate the code in here.

I think this plug in has been broken due to the API change. So I wonder if there’s any tutorial or advice for me to update this plugin?


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Receiving "Sorry, an error has occurred." during flagging step of discobot tutorial


@bob77707 wrote:

I’ve been testing the new user experience on my Discourse forum and seem to have run into a bug with discobot. Here are the repro steps:

  1. Get to the flagging step of the discobot tutorial
  2. Click on the flag button in the post menu
  3. Select “Something Else” instead of “It’s Inappropriate” and type in “Test”
  4. Click the “Message” button to submit the flag
  5. Realize the tutorial didn’t advance and feel bad about yourself for disobeying discobot’s instructions :wink:
  6. Click on the flag button in the post menu again
  7. Select “It’s Inappropriate”
  8. Click the “Flag Post” button to submit the flag
  9. See the error

Here are the steps in video format:

Assuming it’s currently set up to only accept an “It’s Inappropriate” flag, I’m not sure if it would be better to reword and rework this part of the tutorial to allow the user to chose any type of flag, or just create some case logic to handle a rebellious first time user.

Hopefully this is helpful! And let me know if I need to clarify anything.

Selfish request regarding a fix: Since my discourse instance will be private and only have a dozen or so friends, I want to limit the flags to only show the “Something Else” option (with some rewording to make it a flexible single solution for alerting the admin that action is needed regarding a post). I’ve achieved this via CSS and custom text, so I wouldn’t mind the “any flag will do” fix so that I can keep my customized flag window working with the tutorial. I understand whatever solution you guys come up with needs to be best for all Discourse users, but I thought I put it out there just in case it can be considered.

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Incorrect URI google


@Matt_Cleghorn wrote:

@support I wonder if you would be willing to help please:

When I try to login on my Discourse as an admin I’m getting this error:

Error: redirect_uri_mismatch

The redirect URI in the request, The Evolve Authoring Community, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client. To update the authorized redirect URIs, visit: https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials/oauthclient/944094453474-383ru446f3ium78m8bb6c8d2ites2n6q.apps.googleusercontent.com?project=944094453474

Could you advise on what I should do to fix.

Also have a user who tried to sign up with her email and got this message:

"I received the confirmation email; clicked on the link and the page loaded; but when I click on the button ‘Click here to activate your account’ I just receive an error page with the message

[“BAD CSRF”] "

I’m sure I’ve configured something incorrectly at my end so any assistance in debugging would be much appreciated. Thank you.


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Rails command to delete all users from my test discourse site?


@nixie wrote:

Can someone help me with the rails command to delete all the users from my test discourse site?

I’m deleting all the users because I imported the users from my prod instance.

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Remove @username from RSS feed


@Rob_Spencer wrote:

Is it possible to remove the @username from the RSS feed?

We were using the RSS feed to post latest topics to social media, however there are issues where someone with the same username on Twitter has complained that we are putting words in their mouths. We have had to stop all the social media feeds until we can find a workaround.

Any ideas?

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HTML Anchors? (not Discourse bookmarks)


@RobMeade wrote:


I tried to use HTML to pop some bookmarks into a post today, so that from another link you could get to a specific point in a lengthy post.

I couldn’t seem to get it to work, is this something which isn’t currently supported?

I added this within the post;

<a id="bookmark"></a>

…and then, on the end of the URL in the browser, added;


I hit enter, but nothing changed, e.g. I wasn’t scrolled down to the bookmark automatically. What I am trying to incorporate is the same functionality I suppose as you already use for the replies to a topic (the reply numbers etc), but this would be for say a wiki post which doesn’t have replies, it’s just quite long.

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Latest.rss no longer works when using Babble


@romdos wrote:

The RSS feed URL for Latest posts (/latest.rss) no longer works, and now just shows a blank page. Looking at the error logs I found this:

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass)
/var/www/discourse/app/views/list/list.rss.erb:20:in `block in _app_views_list_list_rss_erb___410690641174059981_69912794204760'

Here is the full text of the error log for this:

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Public question in private forum


@laryd wrote:

How can i add a public question which is visible to all users (even visitors) in a private (member only) forum.

Currently our forum is closed so only registered members can only access it.but how can we add some questions which will be publicly visible to all even the visitors and not logged in users.

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Youtube is rate limiting us on global rebake


@pfaffman wrote:

I’ve got a site that I just moved to a new server. Now none of the youtube links are one-boxing. They don’t onebox if I rebuild html, or rebake from the command line, or post the link to a new message.

I thought it might be space related, but I’ve cleaned up the disk and re-enabled download images to local.

They have tons of youtube links and it appears that when the posts got rebaked it triggered rate limiting on the youtube side.

When I pull from youtube I see this:

  <div class="clear"></div>
</div><div id="content" class="  content-alignment" role="main"><p class='largeText'>Sorry for the interruption. We have been receiving a large volume of requests from your network.</p>

@sam I’m pinging you because I saw you committed something related to this rebaking and I suspect that this could cause problems for other sites that rebake lots of youtube links.

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How to link wordpress avatars with discourse?


@Ryan_Collins1 wrote:

Hi folks,

I have a wordpress site connected to my discourse forum via SSO.

The users on my wordpress site upload avatars using the Profile Builder Pro plugin, and these avatars appear throughout my website. However these avatars do not appear on my discourse forum, even though I have checkmarked the “sso overrides avatar” option.

I think the issue might have something to do with the " external system avatars url" but I am not sure. Right now that url reads /letter_avatar_proxy/v2/letter/{first_letter}/{color}/{size}.png

Do I need to replace that url with a url for my wordpress avatar database? If yes, any idea what that might look like or where I can find that url?

Thanks so much for any insight and advice.



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New Website With Discourse Integrated


@rob1 wrote:

What would you like done? A site with discourse integrated like https://www.bennyhinn.org

When do you need it done? Soon as possible

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task? around $3000

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Shushing_face is spelled sushing_face in emoji picker?


@JoJoG wrote:

Someone brought this to my attention recently. I realize it’s a small thing, and I’m not even positive this is a discourse bug. Both here and on our forum, the :sushing_face: emoji is spelled sushing_face instead of shushing_face in the emoji list/picker. The biggest problem this presents is that it doesn’t come up when you’re trying to spell it out after a : instead of picking it from the picker.

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Failed to execute postMessage on DOMWindow: The target origin provided does not match


@Ingo_Karstein wrote:

Hi all,

I try to solve this error since two days but with no success.

I use Discourse 2.0 (today) and used 1.9.x (yesterday).

I have a Ubuntu server with docker on it.

On the host I run nginx as reverse proxy with SSL offloading.

On the machine I host several docker images that run fine.

I installed Discource using “standalone.yml” with some modifications, e.g. port mapping from 80xx (host) to 80 (Discourse).

The Discourse URL from the Internet is something like this: https://discourse.example.com.

I try to embedd Discourse in a web site on a complete other domain, e.g. https://doc.test.dom

I added embedding settings to Discourse.

In the JavaScript console I get always this error:

Failed to execute ‘postMessage’ on ‘DOMWindow’: The target origin provided (‘https ://discourse.example.com’) does not match the recipient window’s origin (‘https ://doc.test.com’)

Any ideas?

I already tried to modify CORS settings in the Docker-Host-nginx.conf. No success.


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Discourse is the by far most awesome solution for open source community platforms


@dnsmichi wrote:

Hi there,

first of all, I want to say thank you for this awesome, brilliant, modern, reliable, thought-ahead and free open source software :heart: It feels like the one and only Xmas present I now got to use and play with :slight_smile:

A little more background

I’m the maintainer of monitoring-portal.org which is mainly focussed on monitoring tools, integrations, metrics, automation, and such things.

I’m used to help and support users being a long term Icinga developer since 2009. Knowledge transfer and a steep learning curve is key when you create a new project (namely, Icinga 2 and variants in 2014) and want to bring this baby to your users.

It is more of a Q&A basis, many users just ask one question and then leave again. Some stay, as they see how much a “thank you” or “like” means to them. They love the tools, engage with the community, join real life events, become friends even.

You need a platform for that, which is easy to start with, and also easy for those replying to hundreds of threads during workhours or in their spare time.

Before I found Discourse

I used to administrate phpBB2 and 3 years ago, before we got the Woltlab platform, v3 at that time. In 2009 I’ve joined the monitoring-portal.org community, became more active, asked the admins to change categories, and so on. In 2015 I’ve taken over the forum entirely, now also doing the server and maintenance tasks.

I did this until Woltlab Forum 5, and tried to make at easy as possible. The real problem was more or less, “change”. How could I migrate the users and data collected since 2003 … 17k users, 250k posts. I have read about Discourse import scripts, but feared to hack my own. On the other hand, the data stored inside Woltlab is huge. 155 MySQL tables you need to understand, and collect data from.

I was eagerly looking at Discourse, just the simple “Add new topic” button from the front page, and the overlay editor. Suggested this upstream to Woltlab, but it is not inside the core. Luckily community members had written a plugin. Which I needed to modify for different views.

Didn’t like that solution. I also wanted to add oauth for login sessions from Github/Twitter. It isn’t implemented in Woltlab, only the registration can fetch the email, but activation is still needed. No real oauth in Woltlab so.

Holidays and an idea

I used to be in Austria on 281.2.2017, and thought - why not try it. Moved the existing setup aside, put an Nginx proxy in front, and read about Discourse being put behind such a proxy. Hey, there is a full guide which is super easy to follow.

Note: I learned a lot about Nginx in the last year, and also Ruby on Rails with Gitlab. This is real benefit for bringing this up in under one hour :slight_smile:

A web setup wizard, how awesome is that. Just works, and greets me with a shiny administration interface. Hmmm, which options would fit. I did not really need much, the defaults are just there.

Then I discovered that I can only show overridden settings with an easy restore functionality. This is more than I ever expected :slight_smile:


We always had a spam problem in the old platform. reCaptcha was cracked by humans, and lots of fancy chinese characters with spam URLs were in posts. We “solved” that problem by putting all the alphabet characters into the forbidden word list (it worked, somehow). Akismet isn’t supported by Woltlab, so when I found your plugin I was like - “really? I have that already for my WP instances, just awesome!”.

The “solved” plugin continues the joy. Our users rely on solving questions, and many google for answers and find threads which are solved. Your plugin goes one step further - it marks the post itself as solution (this isn’t possible in Woltlab).


Not only solving things is key, but also “collecting” rewards for hard work. Previously we had “points” for posts and likes, which raised some user levels from “trainee” to “master” (renamed the defaults in Woltlab, didn’t like them). Still, the calculation was boring and predictable. The more you post and like, the easier you get a super status.

I had many chats with well known active members who said that they wanted a more rewarding system, similar to StackOverflow. I already knew that some of team Discourse invented StackOverflow, and was all for it when looking into the badges here. At first glance, I was wondering why the up/down vote wasn’t there, but then I had a read about the differences in this interview with @codinghorror


A conversation with explanations, where the user learns and probably solves it on its own, is the real thing we want. We don’t need a run for a single question, and possible solutions. We want to help each other, sometimes discuss off topic, and go for a solution together. This makes Discourse a 100% perfect fit.

The badges reward the many of us, I’ve also gone for additional ones for the solved plugin. Added a gold one for 100 solved posts, as I expect that we will hit this one in the first year already :slight_smile:

Writing a topic

I love writing documentation and howtos. Many parts of the Icinga documentation were written by myself, and we all do that with Markdown, in vim, on Github, in Atom, etc.

When I found out that the overlay editor (which has sessions, this is pure magic!) goes for markdown natively, I was like WOAH, this is hilarious. The live rendering as I type was even the icing on the cake. IIRC that’s an 1.9 feature, but I just built the app, didn’t think I need to pin anything to “stable”. Actually your beta is really stable.

Endless scrolling. The old platform had pagination. So you knew it already, if the discussion hits page 3, the topic is dead already. No-one likes it to navigate back and forward to re-read the conversation. Now we can scroll up and down - even when writing a reply, we can even leave the current page to look thinks up.

My workflow has become super easy in just 7 days I’m using Discourse now :heart: I’m fast, and can answer more questions while Icinga 2 is compiling on my Macbook :wink:

Uploading an image works the same as I’m used to on Github. Then I saw that “something” edited my post with the image in it. Hmmm? At that point, I learned about Sidekiq, job scheduling and how awesome the idea of local cached images is. No more broken URLs and a contained archive on its own. You really know the good stuff, unbelievable :+1:

Btw, a cronjob in Woltlab needs something which fetches the php script. A user or a cron. I prefer something built-in, just as reliable as done in Discourse.

Paste a link, and have onebox rendering it as a preview. Even Github with code syntax highlighting. Oh dear, I am in heaven.

Stats galore

I’ve activated the daily nginx log analysis. In there I saw wrong redirects (need to rewrite /index.php?foo to /woltlab/index.php?foo for example), and many many insights which help a lot with stats and configuration.

The overall page stats are really really important for me in the first week. I made a radical decision - I did not migrate anything from the old platform, but started from zero. After 7 days, during the holidays, we’re at 200 users and 1k posts already again. Fully visible by your awesome software.

Development and Administration

I’ve noticed the page load icon on the left upper corner. Profiling for free? For me? Holy shit. That’s pure open source spirit, sharing the good advanced knowledge. A query analyzer even.

I don’t know much about Ruby on rails, but when I wanted to add new badges, I was wondering about the “daily” execution. Then I began to read here on meta. Admins have full access to /sidekiq - into the heart of Discourse. There, I learned so many things, the simple one to trigger an event, the more important one - performance dashboards and executed jobs.

Woah. Then the developer in me started to read more about the components. Ok, EmberJS is something I need to learn from scratch. But I hit @sam 's message bus implementations and many other things. I have a lot of things to learn :slight_smile:


Wiki topics. Documentation for everyone. Howtos to be written. You’re even doing this for anything you describe here. That’s a long term thing for me as well, we previously had Confluence for Icinga, but that did not work out well, too complicated for users.

Trust Levels with a self-moderating community. Modern interface, notifications. Emojis as I type - I love it.

The discobot interactive learning bot is the by far most impressive addition I have ever seen. Many many many thanks for that, no more explaining how to click and use the interface :heart:

Just awesome

I knew that Elastic, New Relic, Docker and Graylog were using Discourse already. On Jan 1st I learned that Foreman made the move from Google groups as well.

It took me 5 days to build a new community platform from scratch. This includes adding basic content with wiki topics, to some more introductions, to ensuring everything was running stable.

I did rebuild the app only for installing a plugin, or adjusting the pgsql/unicorn configs. No visible bugs, running smooth and stable. Upgraded to 2.0.0beta1 today :slight_smile:

You’ll definitely see me around posting things in here. I am hoping to send some more PRs in the future too. Meanwhile I am spreading the love :slight_smile:

Again, thanks a million for Discourse. I’m in love :heart_eyes:

PS: If you need a comparison to Woltlab, let me know. And if you ever need insights into Woltlab for writing a migration script, just ping me. I’m glad to help :slight_smile:

More references here:

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What is meant by "topics a new user must enter before promotion to trust level 1."


@abrambailey wrote:

I am trying to understand how a user goes from trust level 0 -> 1 and just a little confused on what “must enter” means exactly. Does this mean they must create 5 topics, or just “enter” (access/read) 5 topics?

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How does Team Discourse use Discourse?


@townsfolk wrote:

I’ve been on the hunt for a community platform for a while and was alerted to Discourse. I’ve come to learn that Discourse is exactly what I’ve been looking for.

I saw on the team page that the Discourse team uses Discourse as a “team coordination tool”. I searched through this community site, and found this topic: Running a project or team using Discourse (instead of Slack, Trello, etc…)?

However, I’d really like to hear more about how the Discourse team uses their own product for team collaboration. In particular, I’d like to hear more specifics on how it is used for product management and ticketing? I apologize for not having done deeper exploration myself, but are there deeper integrations with say Bitbucket, or Github (besides the gh login/registration)?

Thank you for a great product!

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Setting up converse.js on the forum


@Seighten wrote:

I’ve been looking for a chatroom for my site since my community wanted one for it that didn’t use an external platform. I tried babble and it didn’t seem to work very well, so I started looking for other chatrooms. There is a few that I can set up by putting some javascript in the theme customisation but all the users have to make an account on the chatroom’s website. But I ended up finding something which would work really well with my community called Converse.js. It uses xmpp and most of the people on my forum are already on, so they wouldn’t need to set up any new accounts.

My only issue is I don’t know how I would implement it on my forum. In documentation for converse.js it looks like it can be installed with ruby here, but I don’t know how I would go about doing this in discourse. Any help would be greatly apreciated.

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The create new topic form remains open after navigating away


@DHorse wrote:

Using Chrome on a Win10 laptop. After clicking new topic the form opened. I then navigated away from the page (back button) and the new topic form remained. It closed OK.

IMO this is correct as it may contain text. In addition, if I can navigate the site while composing my comment that is a better user experience. I might be retrieving a link to [paste] from another post.

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