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Additional filetypes for staff


@Denis_Frosty_Andreyc wrote:

I need to allow administrators to upload a specific type of file, such as .bat, .cmd, and others. For ordinary users need to disable it. How can i do it?

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Chrome Mobile / ChromeOS crashing on load


@Althalus wrote:

Hi Guys!

I have a Discourse installation up and running HERE - we’ve had a few reports (and I’ve confirmed them with my own testing) that our site crashes with the good old “Aw snap!” error on Chrome on Android, ChromeOS and probably iOS as well.

EDIT: For clarity, it’s a self hosted installation.

I’ve tried disabling custom plugins and the custom javascript I had installed and clearing the cache after each change, nothing seems to have worked so far.

Has anyone had this issue before? I couldn’t find any reference to it by searching the forum.


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"System downloaded local copies of images" triggers E-mail sends


@Southpaw wrote:

A user informed me she received a notification today from a post from December 11, 2014. When I view the post, it has one edit, today, which indicates system downloaded local copies of images.

Is this image-downloading process something that’s happening across the site, and if so how do I turn off the E-mail notifications until it is complete? How will I know when it’s complete?


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Font size or text alignment issues on Meta? Report them here


@awesomerobot wrote:

Related to: Cleaning up our font system

We’re testing out a streamlined font/line-height system here on Meta. If you notice any issues that may be caused by font sizes or text-related spacing issues, please report them here.

Please only report potential problems, do not respond with new feature requests.

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Can't add flair url


@Denis_Frosty_Andreyc wrote:

After updating to the latest version I can not add a link to the flyer. In the preview appears the image, but can not save. It produces an error “Flair URL”. For my part, there should not be any problems. I can not even update the name of the group in which everything worked before the update.

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500 Errors on Rate Limit When Using the Admin API Via Keys


@Geoffrey_Challen wrote:

I use Discourse as a course forum, and have a bunch of scripts that I use to manage the installation through the admin API. I have an API key for an admin user and use that to perform various administrative tasks.

Today I’m trying to disable a bunch of users since we are transitioning between semesters. For each student that has left the class, I first log them out and then suspend them.

Unfortunately I’m having two problems:

  • My requests are hitting some kind of internal rate limit, which it seems like I can’t control. It looks like the logic to bypass rate limiting for admins doesn’t work when you are using API keys.
  • The offending requests are returning 500 errors rather than 429s.

Here’s a snippet of the relevant logs:

Started PUT "/admin/users/926/suspend?api_key=[FILTERED]&api_username=admin" for at 2018-01-11 19:45:18 +0000
RateLimiter::LimitExceeded (RateLimiter::LimitExceeded)
/var/www/discourse/lib/rate_limiter.rb:87:in `performed!'

Ideally this rate limiting (a) wouldn’t be done for admin requests and (b) wouldn’t be returning the wrong error code.

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How to install a new plugin without updating Discourse?


@nixie wrote:

I am trying to install a new plugin.

Steps I follow to install a new plugin

  1. Update the app.yml file
  2. do ./launcher rebuild app

My concern is this
When I do ./launcher rebuild app I’m sure Discourse will be updated to the latest available version and I do not want to do that. I want to stay at the currently installed discourse version.

Here is the GIT commit hash
cat /var/discourse/.git/refs/heads/master

Is this what I’m supposed to do for that

  1. Edit app.yml
  2. Find the below line of code
    ## Which Git revision should this container use? (default: tests-passed) #version: tests-passed
  3. And then make it version: 4adc37898a988bedca1f18a508da00a951826540
  4. Update the plugin repo as well in the app.yml file
  5. Save the file
  6. Do ./launcher rebuild app

If I follow the above steps, can I be sure that my discourse version won’t be updated, and that, just the plugin will be installed?

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What does "Category mirrors a mailing list" do?


@sjmscott wrote:

I was having trouble finding documentation on the tick box for “Category mirrors a mailing list” in category settings.

I wondering if this sends an email to everyone who has digest mode turned on. I have a special category in my community called Essential in which we rarely post.

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Azure storage for upload files

Open /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/profiles: permission denied


@josealbertorodrigues wrote:

I’m trying to install discourse into a subutai peer (it’s like a vps) but when i run
docker run --rm -i -a stdin -a stdout ubuntu echo 1
i’m getting this error: docker: Error response from daemon: Could not check if docker-default AppArmor profile was loaded: open /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/profiles: permission denied.

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Suspending an expired user


@rodeezy wrote:

I use the sso feature to connect from my personal site to my discourse site.

I want to suspend users on my discourse site that have cancelled their membership on my personal site.

Also, I want to unsuspend users on my discourse site that reactivate their accounts on my personal site.

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We should never leak out exceptions in our controller tests


@sam wrote:

I just finished pushing a rather gnarly change per:

It basically replaces this pattern we used previously in tests:

 expect do
   get :index, format: :json
 end.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn)

With this

get :index, format: :json
expect(response.status).to eq(403)

I made this change so our test environment is much more inline with our production environment. Previously we were leaking out a few exceptions and erroneously returning 500 status when we had a far more appropriate status to return.

From an API standpoint we never ever want exceptions to leak out, what we do want is to ensure correct error codes are returned to clients and that we don’t mutate data we should not for users that are not allowed access.

This change ensures that we stay “honest” and treat our tests just like we treat production.

So now our test environment has config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = true just like we have in production.

And our test environment has config.consider_all_requests_local = false just like we have in production.

This will help catch future API inconsistencies going forward and various edge cases.

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Purge a specific imported database column on a hosted site?


@Southpaw wrote:

We migrated our Community to a discourse-hosted site. We do not want our Community to collect or store our users’ real names, and for accounts created since migration, it does not.

For accounts that were imported during migration, real names are stored in users.name

Is there a way we could purge users.name ?

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Making a PM public = Orange Envelope icon


@Biscuit wrote:

Question: Can a Mod remove the Orange Envelope icon from a thread?


  • Drafting a new thread as a private PM initially, to avoid it being visible to anyone else. ie: didn’t want to draft it in a more restricted category OR to set it to hidden.
  • Make that post public & correct the category it defaults to.
  • Thread is now public, but has an orange envelope icon next to the thread title.

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Automatically Give Badge to Multiple Groups


@ForPizzaSake wrote:

Hey there, so I’m looking to automatically grant a badge to multiple groups. I currently have this SQL section to apply the badge to one group, but I’d like to have both group_name_one and group_name_two both get the same badge.

select user_id, created_at granted_at, NULL post_id
from group_users
where group_id = (
  select g.id from groups g where g.name = 'group_name_one'

So, how would I create two select statements together for both groups?


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New columns in directory (/users)


@Anshul_TM wrote:

Hello everyone,

I want to add a few columns in the directory items model. ( ‘Solutions’ and ‘Points’ )
I was able to modify the code for the model and templates directly, but how can I achieve this via a plugin ?

If not possible via plugin, is it possible to use my own github repo ( with these changes ) instead but somehow continue to get updates from Discourse repo.


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Ability to select which files to update when updating a theme


@lll wrote:

forgive my ignorance of how Github works :sweat_smile:

  • Discourse themes can be installed by cloning
  • Discourse themes can include both html and CSS (scss)
  • Discourse themes can be updated by re-cloning the theme’s repository in it’s current state
  • Updating a theme means that any customization added after installing the theme is lost.

Proposed feature

Add the ability to choose which files to update when updating a theme from the admin.

Use case

Let’s say I create a footer theme component.

The theme component includes 2 files - common.scss and footer.html

Now let’s - for example - say that common.scss includes the following:

#fancyfooter {
padding: 20px;

And footer.html includes the following:

<footer id="fancyfooter">
<a href="#">Facebook</a>

Now a user sees my theme component and thinks, “hey, I want something like this on my Discourse!” So they install the component.

Now the user wants to change the the link to that of their actual Facebook page, so they change footer.html to the following:

<footer id="fancyfooter">
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/spongebob/">Facebook</a>

So far so good.

A week later I, the theme component author get a bug report that there’s too much padding and it’s causing overlap, so I update common.scss and now it looks like this in the repo

#fancyfooter {
padding: 10px;

Now the version installed on the user from the above example’s Discourse is outdated. The user has two choices, either maintain the local version and match the changes manually, or update and lose all their customization to footer.html Both options are not ideal.

Allowing the user to choose which files to update means they can choose to only update the common.scss and keep footer.html untouched - their customization - adding their own Facebook page would still be preserved.

Here’s a basic mock up of what I imagine it would look like:

Check for updates:

Updates present:

Modal with options for which files to update:


Don’t show inapplicable options. For example if the theme only has common.scss files and footer.html files then the modal should not show the other options like Header and and After Header.

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How to pass custom field types and taxonomies to the WordPress plugin?


@quimgil wrote:

Our WordPress site is using Pods’ custom post types with custom field types and taxonomies. The custom post types are being detected by the plugin (yay!) and new posts create Discourse topics just fine. However, only the title and description are being posted in the forum topics.

This is fine for a default behavior, but there is any way to make the plugin post selected custom fields and custom taxonomies as well?

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Embedding: Discussion not showing up for new posts


@Jane_Jojo wrote:

I have incorporated Discourse into my blog via

This is the code I used

<div id='discourse-comments'></div>
<script type="text/rocketscript">
DiscourseEmbed = { discourseUrl: 'https://comments.alittlebitofspice.com/',
topicId: };
DiscourseEmbed.discourseEmbedUrl = 'https://www.alittlebitofspice.com/cauliflower-rice-stir-fry-with-eggs-paleo-keto-gluten-free-recipe';
(function() {
var d = document.createElement('script'); d.type = 'text/javascript'; d.async = true;
d.src = DiscourseEmbed.discourseUrl + 'javascripts/embed.js';
(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(d);

Everything works except when topid is empty (for a new post).
How do I instruct discourse to create a new topic?

DiscourseEmbed.discourseEmbedUrl = 'https://www.alittlebitofspice.com/cauliflower-rice-stir-fry-with-eggs-paleo-keto-gluten-free-recipe';

Does not seem to work
Here’s my blog post

and my embedding setup

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Where is app.yml for Synology Docker Discourse?


@tech3 wrote:

Where is the app.yml file for Synology Docker Discourse?

I’m trying to change the system email SMTP setting as I discovered that the Discourse is not able to send out email now. An ex-staff installed the Docker Discourse on the Synology, so I’ve no idea how he did it.

I got these instructions from Google search:

Check and edit the settings in your containers/app.yml file.

cd /var/discourse
./launcher rebuild app

The problem is that app.yml is nowhere to be found. /var/discourse is an empty directory.

I ran this command as superuser at root:
time find . -name "app.yml"

There are zero results.

In my Synology web control panel, I can see the Discourse container. When I click on it, the Discourse forum webpage appears. That’s all.

How can I derive more information about where the Discourse SMTP settings are stored?

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