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Hiding a custom header element once title is swapped in?


ArmoredCavalry wrote:

I'm using the Customize->Header setting as mentioned here - https://meta.discourse.org/t/best-way-to-customize-the-header/13368/5

I'm trying to do something a little different by making the list of links fixed (the same as the built-in header), so I can place the links directly to the right of my site logo.

However, I'm running into issues when you scroll down on topic, and the title is swapped in. At this point the links are then on top of the title. At first I tried fiddling with z-index, but this is a no-go since the links have to be above the d-header, which means the child of the d-header (extra-info-wrapper) can never be above the links.

So, the the only way I could see this working is if there is maybe a class I could apply to the links that would cause the JS to hide them (for example how the username is hidden) when the page is scrolled.

Any clue if something like this is possible, or if I'm going about this the wrong way altogether? Thanks for any help!

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Invited a friend and now they are Trust Level 2?


Lee Dohm wrote:

On my board for my gaming group, I am an Admin and I manually promoted myself to Trust Level 4, Elder, mainly so my trust level didn't say "Basic User". I invited a friend to my board using the "Invite User to Topic" feature. They accepted last night and when I checked on their user profile this morning ... they're showing as Trust Level 2, Regular User. According to this post:

Trust Level 3 and above are supposed to make invited users start at Trust Level 1, not 2.

Or am I misreading something?

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How to update translations on running instance of Discourse



Hello, I've translated most of the two yaml files to Hebrew and I'd like to test them. I have a running instance on Digital Ocean (via docker). How can I put it there?

Also, to add it to the repo should I just do a pull request?


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Forum mysteriously offline/broken


Zach Alexander wrote:

Last night, I noticed my forum on Digital Ocean went down. I'm using Docker and v9.9.1.

The server seems accessible, but it just returns an empty <html><head></head><body></body></html> document:

If I were hosting this manually, I would have a huge bag of Rails tricks with which to diagnose the problem. But Docker is a black box to me, so I don't know where to begin.

Any ideas why my site went down?

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Is there a guide on how to run Discourse on Centos 64?


Katie Hunter wrote:

I only found a guide for Ubuntu but what if we are running Centos on our dedicated server and we want our server admin to install discourse on Centos.

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Badges feedback


Sam Saffron wrote:

This topic is mainly for @radq with feeback regarding badge implementation.

  • Badges tab should not show up in admin if badges are disabled
  • Badges tab should move left (show up after users)
  • Badge creation UI needs some improvements, should show "saved" after saving, should not submit when disabled, should have more space for description.
  • Allow us to manually assign/revoke a badge from /admin/users/user
  • Need a top level /badges route that shows all the possible badges (something like http://stackoverflow.com/help/badges )

Once this is done, it seems that "unlocking" a title has pretty unanimous approval. Allow users to use a "badge name" as a title if the badge is "silver" or up. Need a UI for them to select title, simplest approach is just copying the badge name into the title field, very minimal changes that way.

@awesomerobot can you mock up a tiny visual mock for the above ?

I want to get "manual" badge stuff working very smoothly before entering the automatic awarding stage of this project.

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No need for 'latest' column when updated to latest version

Leave small comment when you like something


Kasper Peulen wrote:

I find this feature really usefull, not sure if it is plugin territorium.

It's about this feature:

So in bottom right, you see that this post has 11 likes. If I click on the "11", there is pop-up.
If you like (+1) a post in this forum, you can also leave a short message. Some short message that you don't think is worth a post, but something that is part of normal human communication, if you understand what I mean.

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"Cannot allocate memory"– how much memory does Discourse need?


Zach Alexander wrote:

Followup to this thread – I can't run rails c due to "cannot allocate memory" errors, and I have a hunch that similar errors are why the site went down earlier. I'm on a Digital Ocean w/ Docker setup with 2 GB memory, per this guide.

The first error I got was this:

/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activesupport-4.0.4/lib/active_support/core_ext/object/duplicable.rb:79:in `require': /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/x86_64-linux/bigdecimal.so: failed to map segment from shared object: Cannot allocate memory - /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/x86_64-linux/bigdecimal.so (LoadError)

And after enabling and disabling read-only mode, this one:

/var/www/discourse/lib/plugin/instance.rb:162:in ``': Cannot allocate memory - mkdir (Errno::ENOMEM)

My guess is that these are caused by... not having enough memory smile

But before I go and resize to 4 GB and have to pay twice as much per month, I wanted to ask here, should this really be necessary? Is it weird that I'm having this problem with 2 GB of memory? Or might there be something else going on?

FWIW, the size of the forum (as measured by the backup file I imported into it) is ~600 MB.

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Is there a lightweight way to get the slug having a topic id?


Ivo Lukač wrote:


I am trying to integrate Discourse with a CMS. The topic id, once topic is created, is saved with the page in the CMS. The issue is with the slug, either:
- save the slug too
- or get the slug based on the topic id every time before redirection from the page.

What is the better way? Is saving slug ok, give that it might change?
Is there a more lightweight call than /t/{id}.json as it return all the posts?

Be gentle, I am novice with Discourse smile


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Implement user agnostic urls that we can link to


Martin Heidegger wrote:

If I want to document or write a tutorial on how to use discourse I have to define links like


Which is a link that no user can click. Everyone needs to modify the links to work well. How about using/offering different links like:


Good idea?

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Messed up my badges


Jacob wrote:

So I made a badge the first day the badge system was introduced. I tried deleting the badge before revoking it. Now I'm left with this ghost badge that I can't revoke. It wouldn't bother me, but if I grant another badge to that user, it's just a white page. Is there an easy way for me to get rid of this?

Thank you.

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Docker admin no longer working after recent update


Paul Apostolos wrote:

I went to the /admin/docker page to do an update. Everything seemed to go as normal but the Processes list and Log are now blank.

And, the Update Discourse doesn't do anything anymore (even with 2 updates outstanding). (And, as the red text told me to do, I refreshed manually several times)

Here is a screenshot.

And, I just noticed there is a javascript error on that page that could be throwing a wrench in the works.

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Cannot put HTML tag in Topic title


Anton wrote:

Trying to input this text for title:

In code block url was converted to <a> tag

But getting this:

In code block url was converted to tag

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Configure automatic backups for Discourse


Jeff Atwood wrote:

So you'd like to automatically back up all your Discourse data every day?

Go to the /admin settings, backup, and turn on the backup daily option.

Backups are always saved on the local server disk by default.

If you want to also automatically upload your backups to Amazon S3, check enable s3 backups. You'll need to create a unique private S3 bucket name in s3 backup bucket to store your backups.

Next, set your S3 credentials under the Files section: s3 access key id, s3 secret access key, and s3 region.

Backups are always stored on local server disk. Go to the Backups tab in the admin dashboard to browse your local server backups -- you can download them any time to do a manual offsite backup.

If you've enabled S3 backups, check your S3 bucket to find the uploaded backup files:

Note that you can also enable an automatic move to Glacier bucket lifecycle rule to keep your S3 backup costs low.

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How to install a CDN?


The Dark Wizard wrote:

How would I go about forcing discourse to serve content through a CDN of my choice.

Normally theres a file and the such to edit. . but I'm not sure what to do with Discourse.

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Single-Sign-On help class for PHP


Johan wrote:

I needed it for my own project, so I decided to quickly create a PHP class for Discourse SSO login via PHP-driven sites.
The class exposes 3 help functions for quickly integrating Discourse SSO to your existing PHP site.


Feel free to post suggestions/bug reports etc etc. =)

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Calling the SiteCustomization API from a plugin


HAWK wrote:

ping @radq and @lightyear

Hi guys, we're having some issues getting our reskin/customisation plugin working. @sam asked us to post here so that we can get some help over the weekend because he's heading away. Thanks.

My front end guy has the plugin partially working.

If you have a look at https://github.com/sitepoint/discourse-theme/you can see that we have a plugin.rb file in which we load additional SCSS files. At the end of the file is a comment that includes the content of the Site Customization form field as we use it (with "Do not include standard style sheet" checked). What we'd like to achieve is to be able to call the SiteCustomization API from the plugin and inject the variables from there, rather than having to use the form in the Admin section.
Could you please provide guidance on how to do that?

Also, the generated stylesheet file in public/uploads/stylesheet-cache currently combines the styles in a strange order. Most of the styles are applied correctly (i.e. default styles come first, and our override styles are lower in the file), but in the case of e.g. header.scss, the default style come after our override (search for the ".d-header {" rule), which is not desirable, because for example our definition of the header background color is overwritten back to default. How can we ensure that our plugin styles are always loaded after the default styles? It looks like the order is somewhat random now.
This issue was already present before we started using the SiteCustomization feature: in the browser's dev tools' Network tab, the our header.css would come up earlier than discourse's default header.css.

Thanks very much.

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Enable a CDN for your Discourse


Jeff Atwood wrote:

So you'd like to use a CDN to speed up worldwide access to common assets on your Discourse forum?

Sign up with the CDN of your choice. The configuration will look something like this:

What you're looking for is three main settings:

  1. The origin address, which is the URL where your forum is currently located discourse.example.com. This is where the CDN will draw all its original content from on first request.

  2. The CNAME, which is the "friendly" name for your CDN that you'll set up in your DNS, e.g. discourse-cdn.example.com

  3. The CDN URL, which is the "unfriendly" name for where the cached CDN assets will be coming from via the CDN's worldwide network of distributed servers. It will look like 637763234.cdn-provider.com

You'll need to edit your DNS to map the CNAME to the CDN URL, like so:

discourse-cdn.example.com IN CNAME 637763234.cdn-provider.com

(Once you've edited the DNS, give it a little bit of time to propagate.)

The actual Discourse part of the setup is fairly simple. Uncomment the CDN line in your app.yml and update it with the CNAME you just set up in your DNS:

## the origin pull CDN address for this Discourse instance
DISCOURSE_CDN_URL: //discourse-cdn.example.com

(If you do not see this line in your app.yml, add it below the other DISCOURSE_ variables)

As with any other changes to your app.yml, you need to rebuild the container to reflect changes:

./launcher rebuild app

Once you've rebuilt, browse to your Discourse instance in the browser. View source and search for "cdn". You'll see that websites assets are now coming from your CDN:

<script src="http://discourse-cdn.codinghorror.com/assets/preload_store-4ea79c2f435becca86ac97a9c038f9c7.js"></script>
<script src="http://discourse-cdn.codinghorror.com/assets/locales/en-7084a68855205a9128245d2d0ce94ed9.js"></script>

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System says "Error parsing email" when testing email-in


Erlend Sogge Heggen wrote:

Maybe this just applies to @michaeld and his DiscourseHosting.com, but might as well cover all my bases.

I'm trying to put the email-in feature to the test, but something isn't working right.

I've set up my gmail in accordance with this guide and I have successfully sent an email-reply from a test user that popped up as a reply on the forum. But I am unable to create new threads, Before I started successfully receiving new threads I received the following errors:

Error 1:

This is an automated message to inform you that parsing the following incoming email failed.
Please review the following message.
Error - unknown encoding name - utf8

Error 2:

This is an automated message to inform you that parsing the following incoming email failed.
Please review the following message.
Error - ActiveRecord::Rollback

What caused these?

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