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`script/osx_dev` script is pretty broken


@shoshber wrote:

Problems I’ve run into so far:

  • Brewfile is broken (Brewfile is out-of-date?)
  • apple-gcc42 doesn’t work past Mavericks
  • It forces an installation and use of ruby 2.0.0, but rails requires version >= 2.2.2 (this is in the output: ERROR: Error installing rails: activesupport requires Ruby version >= 2.2.2.)
  • It requires bundle to be installed but doesn’t install it (or mention it in the documentation)

I was following instructions here: discourse/DEVELOPMENT-OSX-NATIVE.md at master · discourse/discourse · GitHub

And as a side note, I still haven’t managed to install discourse.

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Remove topics and pictures from mobile main page

WP Discourse - Relinking Comments After Moving Blog


@yyhmsg wrote:

I currently use discourse as our forum and comment engine for our wordpress blog. For a number of reasons I’m considering moving the blog to a subomain - from domain.com to blog.subdomain.com

The wordpress part of this is straightforward and even the nginx rewrites to keep the SEO is clear.

I’m curious, however, if there is a smooth way to not break all our existing post connections - do I do a site-wide force publish once all the urls are straight on the wordpress side - or will that make all new topics and leave all the others as confusing multiple posts with the wrong links?

Do I go into each post and update post - or will that not overwrite the existing link to the blog post in the forum topic?

Do I have to get into largescale search and replace within the discourse database to do this reliably?

Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Switching a post between PUBLIC and PRIVATE


@Biscuit wrote:

Steps to replicate:

  1. Create a topic in a category => Topic exists as expected.
  2. Choose “Make Personal Message” => Message becomes a PM as expected.
  3. Choose “Make Public” => Message becomes public again as expected.
  4. Choose “Make Personal Message” again => Stays Public, when it should have become a PM again.

Can someone else please do this quick test to verify same experience?

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Posts Read Rounding Error


@JonnyGamer wrote:

The following shows a simple rounding error

When a user has read 1 million posts, discouse displays, “1.0 M posts read”

But when 999,500 - 999,999 posts have been read, discourse rounds up and displays 1,000K instead of 1.0M

I must’ve been insanely lucky to observe this since it’s in a range of 500 posts:
(5th row, 6th collumn)

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Tiles - Gallery Component


@lll wrote:

Responsive Grid Galleries!

10KB (Gzip)
3 http requests on initial load
IE 11+ & modern browsers

Github Repo Link


How do I install this?

You install this component just like any other theme. Follow the instructions in the official guide:

Once you’re done, simply add the component to your current theme. Done!

How do I use this?

This component adds a button to the composer.

So all you have to do is:

1- Upload a bunch of images using the default Discourse upload button then highlight the code:

2- Click the gallery button.

You will get a static preview of the the selected images in the preview pane:


Anything else I need to know?

This component does not have any color / background styles in it. It will inherit the current theme’s styles.

Here’s the theme component running on a different theme:

This theme component also maintains the default Discourse lighbox behavior, this means that clicking any of the images will open them in the native lightbox viewer.

Can I use both Slick and Tiles at the same time?

You better believe it! :smile:

A big thank you to everyone that helped along the way: :yum:

@Dax - Composer button
@cpradio - Button translations
@Mittineague - ajaxComplete handler
@Simon_Cossar - api.onPageChange handler
@vinothkannans - Topic page url regex
@sam - adding data-theme-* to whitelisted attributes

Bug reports / Suggestions / PRs welcome. :wine_glass:

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Slick - Gallery Component


@lll wrote:

Responsive Carousel Galleries

12KB (Gzip)
2 http requests on initial load
IE 11+ & modern browsers

Github repo link


How do I install this?

You install this component just like any other theme. Follow the instructions in the official guide:

Once you’re done, simply add the component to your current theme. Done!

How do I use this?

This component adds a button to the composer.

So all you have to do is:

1- Upload a bunch of images using the default Discourse upload button then highlight the code:

2- Click the gallery button.

You will get a static preview of the the selected images in the preview pane:


Anything else I need to know?

This component will inherit the current theme’s styles.

Here’s the theme component running on a different theme:

Can I use both Slick and Tiles at the same time?

You bet! :sweat_smile:

Bug reports / Suggestions / PRs welcome. :wine_glass:

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Favorites - build a topic list of your favorite topics


@nbianca wrote:

Hello everyone,

This plugin lets users select their favorite categories and view only topics from their favorite categories. This plugin is the implementation of the idea mentioned here and drafted as a specification here.

How to use

  • The user decides which categories he likes the most and marks them as favorite. This can be done from the Categories view.

  • The user can also modify his favorites list from the User Preferences view.


:warning: Due to a limitation of Discourse plugins system, the changes are saved immediately and the “Save Changes” button will actually do nothing to the favorite categories list. In other words, if you change the list and do not press “Save changes”, the changes will still be saved.

  • Now the category :star: Favorites contains all topics from all favorite categories. This category can be accessed like any other category (i.e. from the drop down on the home page).



:information_source: Discourse 2.0+ is required.

Follow the official instructions: Install a Plugin.

The repository containing the source code of the plugin is located at https://github.com/nbianca/discourse-favorites.


I am not aware of any bugs. However, if you find any, do not hesitate to report them.

Your feedback is highly appreciated and will help me to improve the plugin for everyone. If you have any suggestions, please reply. :slight_smile:

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Discourse Features requirement


@Jide_Babalade wrote:

Hi guys,

My client, a telecommunication company in Nigeria is contemplating whether or not to adopt discourse to use as its forum, they have some requirements that would guide that decision, they are listed below

  1. Flexible user creation
  2. Ease of use
  3. Web-based search functionality with similarities to Google search
  4. Graphic user interface that is easy to use, straight forward and a warm look and feel
  5. Restricted Access and User Authentication
  6. Keyword blocking of rude word to avoid abusive posts
  7. Ability to group users i.e. Administrators, General users and assign different permissions
  8. Ban/Disable offensive users on the platform
  9. Topic/Post Moderation
  10. Participation/Loyalty Reward System
  11. Managing Attachments

I would appreciate a confirmation that all this features can be handled by the Discourse application, in addition to this, i would also like to know what it takes to self host the discourse application, as well as if it allows integrations with a CRM

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PMs are enabled just for TL4. But others are able to message anyone they want by inviting folks to an existing PM


@nixie wrote:

I’m guessing this is a bug.

Initially PM’s were enabled for everyone.

Later we made it available only for TL4 users.

At this time, people who already have existing PMs in their inbox, they are still able to message those folks (which is fine for me) - because, I know that -> we cannot call this as creating a new PM. They are just replying on existing PMs.

But, some folks found a hack for this - > When they want to PM anyone, they are just opening an existing PM, and then inviting folks there and PM’ing them there. Bottom line - > Even if PM’s are enabled just for TL4 users, if a TL0 TL1 TL2 or TL3 user had an existing PM in his inbox, he can go about and PM anyone that he likes (by simply inviting anyone in that PM)

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Change login button action


@phntxx wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am trying to change the login button to redirect me to my saml authenticator instead of showing the modal where you would normally have the username and password text fields.

Is there any way to accomplish that?

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Clicking new topic on advanced search page doesn’t use search term

Tags Intersection - User Interface


@fellowshipforums wrote:


I am very interested in incorporating tags on my forum, especially using the ‘tags intersection’ feature. As a quick refresher, the tags intersection feature allows the user the query threads by multiple tags.

This functionality exists right now, you can view it at the route /tags/intersection/:tag_1/:tag_2/:tag_3

So, for example, I can get a list of all of the official pr-welcome topics by visiting

Does anyone have any suggestions/examples of how to design the ‘Tags’ page user interface so that users easily know how to select multiple tags, and have them appears in the url as specified above. I imagine their would need to be some code added to be able to automate a process where a user selects multiple tags, and then hits ‘enter’, and then it appears in the url. Just wondering if you know of any user interfaces have been designed for this feature, and if you could point me in that direction?


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Gamification per group

Error image preview of link with https


@trangchongcheng wrote:

I want show image preview of link when post link in the article but it dont show in my site but i post link the other site (ex: meta.discource.org) then working.

meta.discource.org is working

Not working my site (xeom.info)

My link:

I had install ssl and enable force https.

Please help me fix it! Thank support…

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Rendering custom post field in Flagged Queue


@george.thomson wrote:


I am trying to render a custom field in a plugin outlet but cannot seem to get access to it. The outlet being used is flagged-post-below-controls plugin outlet in /app/assets/javascripts/admin/templates/components/flagged-post.hbs but the “flaggedPost” that gets passed to my template does not have the custom field.

The custom field is added to the Post serializer, and access to it from another custom template (not a plugin outlet) works just fine so I am missing something obvious about flaggedPost.

Added to serializer

add_to_serializer(:post, :my_custom_field) do

Using it a custom template for a custom queue

    {{#if post.my_custom_field }}
        <span>Value: {{post.my_custom_field}}</span>
	  <span>No custom field value</span>

Trying to access it like this in assets/javascripts/discourse/templates/connectors/flagged-post-below-controls/my_outlet.hbs (i.e. flaggedPost.my_custom_field) does not work.

I know I am missing something obvious, but I have no experience with Ruby/Rails/Discourse so any help would be appreciated!


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Would anyone mind showing snapshots of their adsense ads displayed on their forum?


@McBlu wrote:

G’day all :wave:

I am wondering if anyone would mind sharing with us snapshots of their forum page(s) their ads are displayed on so those of us thinking of using it can get a sense of what it might look like?

The current options available in settings (thanks) are:
a Show ad at top of topic
b Show ad at bottom of topic
c Show ads on top of topiclist

I am wondering how obtrusive and distracting it might be to use these areas or if anyone came up with a different page/section of page to insert the ad that works for them? I kinda like the idea of an ad at the bottom of the categories on the home page.

I like how you can set trust levels for who sees the ads, fyi.

Thanks in advance.

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Subcategory Boxes - Increase boxes per row


@fellowshipforums wrote:


Currently, when you have subcategory list style as “boxes”, it creates 4 boxes per row (and spreads them out evenly).

Is there CSS code that will allow us to change the number of boxes per row, for example to 5 or 3?


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Automatically hyperlink particular words in a post


@psaudio wrote:

What would you like done?
I want a custom script or plugin for our Discourse forums that will recognize specified keywords and create a hyperlink for that word. So, for example, if someone types “PS Audio” and I have listed that as a keyword, it would automagically change to http://www.psaudio.com (or whatever). The list is only accessible to administrators and should be in two columns: Keyword and across from that the box to fill in the desired link address.

When do you need it done?

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?

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Tracking of internal links w/ query parameters

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