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How to attach a component to a widget with just markup?


@duranmla wrote:

Hi all, I am new in Discourse development, but I am on a project to create few plugins (for specific proposes.)

I’m making a plugin to display a stripe of categories on the site and it has some other nifty effects, to summarize I just need to render a custom component created using select-kit within a widget that has just an html template.

My component:

createWidget('category-bar', {
  tagName: 'div.category-bar-container',
  template: hbs`
  <ul id="header-tags" class="category-bar">
    <li class="category-bar-item">
      <a class="category-bar-link" href="/c/sexuality">
        {{i18n "ahwaa_categories.sexuality"}}
  <div class="category-bar-link dropdown-structure">
    {{categories-bar-dropdown}} <--- this won't work and neither {{attach widget=categories-bar-dropdown}}

My component of dropdown looks like:

export default DropdownSelectBoxComponent.extend({
  pluginApiIdentifiers: ["categories-bar-dropdown"],
  classNames: "categories-bar-dropdown",
  title: I18n.t("ahwaa_categories.more"),
  showFullTitle: true,
  allowInitialValueMutation: false,
  headerIcon: ["caret-down"],

  autoHighlight() {},

  computeContent() {
    const items = [
      { id: "id", name: I18n.t("plugin.locale.key") },

    return items;

  mutateValue(id) {
    // use the id from the computeContent items to do an action

PD: if you have also the code to loop between the categories of the site will be great (but I haven’t google it yet so we can skip that)

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Delay after editing a post


@ljpp wrote:

About 24-48 hours ago a strange issue has appeared on our site Tappara.co, without any apparent reason – we have not touched anything, nor there is high traffic/server load currently.

After a post has been edited, there is 10~30 second delay before the post is updated with the changes. This is seen at least of iOS Safari and desktop Chrome. If you press the pencil icon (post has been edited before, thus available), the modification of the post is immediately shown.

What I know so far:

  • I updated to 1.9.4 and rebooted - issue is still there
  • It’s not server load related
  • It is not a browser specific issue, as seen on Chrome and Safari
  • I am behind CloudFlare, but can’t see the same on my other (much smaller) community that is also behind CloudFlare.
  • Pings are good, site runs fine

Any ideas?

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Hide "All" or "None" dropdown in subcategory


@fellowshipforums wrote:


Is there a way (perhaps using CSS) to hide the “all” and “none” dropdown for certain categories?


Thank you very much!

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"Tip of the day" / Or how do you remind/nag people with good tips for using Discourse?


@lkramer wrote:

Howdy all. I find myself want to have a way to remind people about useful features or community etiquette tips. A couple of ways I can envision this happening are:

A. Modal popup with a random “tip of the day”

B. Being able to Private Message the entire community a couple of times per month

Does Discourse have any way to achieve either of those or some comparable way of doing disseminating tips like this?


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User profile customization

Add text to email (new field type?)

Trust-Level Avatar Flair (Theme Component)


@tshenry wrote:

This theme component allows an admin to add flair to user avatars based on the user’s trust level. Trust level flair displays anywhere on the site that you would normally see group flair. There are a few theme settings to adjust the position of the flair in relation to the avatar.

Basic Examples (with group flair in place)

There is also a bottom-right position that will either replace group flair or be replaced by group flair depending on how you set the “group flair always on top” setting.


Due to current limitations, this will have to be somewhat of a “theme-ception.” There will be two theme components: one for the overall implementation of trust-level flair and one for the flair image assets. The image assets theme component will be set as a child theme of the main trust-level flair theme component.

Take a look at this for instruction on how to install the two theme components:

Import Links:



You will need to add your own flair images to the image assets theme component. A good size is around 100×100px. The one I used in the example is 88×88px. There is a transparent placeholder image by default that can be replaced for all the trust levels. You can do this by clicking the + Add button under Uploads, choosing your image, and finally entering the appropriate name. Make sure to name the images:

  • new-flair
  • basic-flair
  • member-flair
  • regular-flair
  • leader-flair

For example:

This will replace the placeholders and you will be set!

To add the image assets theme to the main theme, select the main trust-level flair theme in your admin panel and look near the bottom of the settings for a section called “Theme Components.” Select and add the theme called “Trust-Level Avatar Flair Image Assets” It should look like this:


There are currently two theme settings in the main component:


This was inspired by the discussion started here:


GitHub - tshenry/discourse-trust-level-avatar-flair
GitHub - tshenry/discourse-trust-level-avatar-flair-images

To-Do and Future Ideas

  • Figure out how to get the flair to display in the topic map appropriately (will be posting on the dev category soon cause I’m out of ideas!)
  • Switch from template override to plugin outlet once the next version of Discourse drops with the outlet for profile avatar flair
  • Add setting for smaller flair sizes? (If there’s any interest)

Please feel free to post if there are any questions, problems, or suggestions!

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Project ideas for GSoC

Invite tokens without email?


@tophee wrote:

Is there any way of creating “anonymous” invite tokens? I would like to be able to hand out invite links that grants access to specific groups to people whose email I don’t have. (Obviously, I’m talking about people who are not already users on the forum.)

The point is to make sure that these new users have access to those groups right away, without having to apply for access.

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Add the Discourse meaning of beta to the install doc


@willemb2 wrote:

If you grew up in a Microsoft environment, the word beta sounds like :scream::spider::cloud_with_lightning::ambulance:

With the excellent 30 minute install document I got it working without a glitch and it has been running fine now for a week now. But my hart missed a few beats when I just saw that I got v2.0.0.beta3…

Maybe a few words should be added to the document explaining what has been replied in these older topics:

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Dummy or testing Discourse Backup files


@k2Xj wrote:

I’m looking for a dummy Discourse backup files for testing purposes. If possible in various sizes like 10MB, 100MB, 1000MB, 10GB etc. Are these available anywhere? Or does anyone has suggestions how to create these?

Im curious how my setup handles importing and exporting backups at various sizes.

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After latest Update Adsense Ads Inside After Header are not displaying


@Pramvir_Rathee wrote:

I do not use Default adsense Plugin, I Insert adsense ad in
Edit CSS/HTML section.
After the latest Update adsense ads are not displaying in The Header/ After Header.
Ads displaying only in </body>
I think this is because of new Iframes restriction settings in New version of Discourse.
Please help. Because of some reasons i can not use Adsense plugin. (Do not know 9if everything is okay with plugin)
How can i allow the Adsense ads to display in the Posts and After header ?

allowed iframes


OpenStreetMap Embedded?




A list of iframe src domain prefixes that discourse can safely allow in posts.

Please help How can i allow adsense ads.

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How do I change my username


@Adam_Adam wrote:

How do I change my username & what affects will this have on the forum.
I am still making it and have only created categories, sub categories, edited descriptions, and about forum topics.

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Scroll position issue for topic with 1 unread post

Show that I am the site leader


@Adam_Adam wrote:

What are the different types of ways you can show users that you are the leader of the site.

  • How could I appear higher then normal admins? as the leader of the site

  • What is a user card badge

  • How do I add the site logo, and “team” text for all admins as shown in the pic below


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Domain change and hyperlinks


@Adam_Adam wrote:

I am using the ‘try discourse’ domain, and I have a bunch of hyperlinks setup within my topics. If I change the domain, will these hyperlinks still work?

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When Discourse is first loaded, suppressed category topics still show


@dd36 wrote:

Wasn’t sure whether to report this as a bug. I’ve noticed that when Discourse is first loaded, it shows topics from categories that should be suppressed from Latest. Then when I refresh, it shows correctly.

Is this a known issue? I searched but didn’t see anything.

You can look at our site: LPF. The Database category should be suppressed from Latest.

We use the blog discussion plugin on arbitration cases in our database. We have 30,000+ cases - and soon 100,000+. Because the plugin creates a topic on page load - rather than click of “Discussion” link - we have to suppress the category. Otherwise it generates too much noise.

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Using discourse as ticket system, so no balls are dropped :woman_juggling:


@tobiaseigen wrote:

I know there are other topics here floating around about using discourse as a ticket system, but I thought I’d start a fresh one to give a fairly complete picture of how we think discourse can be used with the current functionality, known issues, and what fixes/new functionality might help. This might also be faq material. Would be psyched to discuss with others trying to do the same thing and any workarounds you’ve found that I am missing so far.

Also quite pleased to discover a whole genre of juggling videos on youtube that I was not aware of before. I aspire to be this guy.

How it works

No balls are dropped when handling correspondence with a ticket system, because each ticket is assigned to someone, is given a priority level and progress status. Everyone knows when a ticket is closed because it is marked as resolved.

Discourse is not designed explicitly to be used as a ticket system but it works quite well for it! Use the following features:

  • messages - title indicates what ticket is about. members and groups include the people involved.
  • tags - to indicate tickets and their status/priority
  • assign - to indicate who is the “owner” of tickets
  • reminders - to remind ourselves to follow up on tickets
  • whispers - to discuss amongst ourselves how to handle a ticket
  • solved - to indicate that a ticket has been answered (optional)

We have a tag for #ticket which “unlocks” the priority and status tag groups. These we only use for messages we want to use as tickets so we don’t drop the ball. Only one priority and one status tag can be used at once. These tags are not visible to non-moderators and can’t be used by them.

Using the ticket system

The member support team will continually be checking messages to make sure any that need responses will be made into tickets that are then taken through to resolution on a timely basis. Everyone else should be using the ticket system according to their role, responding quickly when asked to help the process along, and handling any tickets assigned to them. The assigned message list is a great place to check on a regular basis for tickets assigned to you.

  1. Start by assigning a message to yourself or someone else, who becomes the “owner” of the ticket and should pursue it until it is given the tag status-resolved. Once assigned, don’t unassign the ticket without assigning to someone else. Even once resolved, every ticket remains assigned to someone.
  2. Next, use tags to turn messages into tickets by adding the ticket, priority and status tags. These are only visible to moderators - see below for explanation of how we use them. Adding tags is done by editing the title of an existing message. Start with the ticket tag, which unlocks the ability to also add status and priority tags. Start typing status and priority into the tags field and it will autocomplete. Just choose the tag you want and you’re done. As you handle the ticket and move through the process from status-new to status-resolved, update the tags accordingly.
  3. use whispers to bring in other moderators to help with resolving whatever the message or topic is about, and to explain any details in private as needed for future reference.
  4. optionally use solved to select a reply that encapsulates the solution/resolution. This is very helpful for future reference. [color=red]Note: do not use the solved button on whispered replies as non-moderators cannot see those[/color]
  5. use reminders when status is set to #status-waiting for reply, to follow up within a reasonable period. The goal is to resolve topics as quickly as possible and to never drop any balls.

Status tags

  • #status-new New. Nothing has happened yet. This ticket is available for you to assign to yourself if you want to take it on or to assign to someone else if you think they are a better fit.

  • #status-underway Has been assigned and is currently being worked on.

  • #status-waiting Has been assigned and the owner has taken action, and is now waiting for a response from the member or someone else. It’s a good idea to set a reminder to follow-up in a week or so, depending on the priority.

  • #status-resolved All done! :rocket:

  • #status-backburner On the backburner. You’re not getting anywhere with this ticket or it’s fine to take care of this in a few weeks or months from now. Do keep an eye on these tasks and take care of them, even if it means giving up and adding a note to the bottom that you are giving up and move it to #status-resolved. The backburner is not intended to be a graveyard.

Priority tags

  • #priority-immediate Drop everything and do this first.

  • #priority-urgent Do this today, once you’ve finished the immediate priority tasks and before you take on high and normal priority tasks.

  • #priority-high More important than normal priority tickets, but can probably still wait a few days.

  • #priority-normal Most tickets have this priority.

  • #priority-low Not quite on the backburner but not as important as normal priority tickets.

Known issues

  • It is possible to use the :mag: advanced search to drill down in messages as well as topics. The bulk admin actions tool (wrench in top right that appears when you select a few messages/topics) is intended for topics so don’t use it for messages. Reported to developers.
  • The bulk actions available in message lists is too limiting - all you can do is archive.
  • Ticket tags are showing up in the /tags page.
  • minor: when mentioning ticket tags in messages, the count of mentioned messages is zero in the pulldown autocomplete list. Meanwhile, mentioned tickets link to the /tags list. This is because it refers to topics not messages.
  • It’s only possible to filter by one tag in message lists, but we want to filter by two tags (priority and status). To do that you have to use advanced search. Not sure what the UX answer is for this to propose - maybe add a second tag pulldown, or the ability to add multiple tags to the pulldown search.
  • It’s possible to use ticket tags on topics as well, but it is not possible to hide them from view from anyone but moderators so I’m not sure we want to do that.
  • It’s possible to use other tags in messages too, but I’m not yet sure of the implications.

Up next

  • look into using ticket tags to not drop balls on topics as well as messages (if possible eventually to not show)
  • look into using other tags (eg. themes, countries) on messages
  • email-in to member support team and other role-based email addresses (to start tickets via email)
  • figure out how to bulk add ticket tags to backlog of messages that might need handling/that have been resolved
  • staged users (to start messages with email correspondents who are not yet signed up. Can still be supported via this procedure. When they do sign up, they have access to the entire history of messages - as long as they use the same email address).

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Troubleshooting extraneous inboxes including new archive of archive folder


@tobiaseigen wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Messaging: Group inboxes and archives show even after all messages deleted:

I just noticed that my messages have some weird extraneous mailboxes in my messages - see screenshot below. Some of these have no messages in them (community, namati_staff) and so should not be showing at all. I tried running the weekly task on /sidekiq/scheduler with no change to the situation.

This is very meta, I know, but the messages archive now also has an archive folder which is empty. It is also showing up for other members as well, unfortunately. But it seems only admins can see it - members can’t see it in their own messages. I can’t replicate this on meta.

I suspect this has something to do with my trying out the bulk update feature on advanced search, as I mentioned in another topic.

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Create a group that automatically adds associated flair to its members' avatars


@tshenry wrote:

Here’s how!

But wait, what is group flair? Group flair is the small image that displays on the bottom right of a user’s avatar. It’s only visible in certain areas of a Discourse forum, but I’m sure you’ve seen it here on Meta in a few places:


Alright, so let’s set up a group that automatically adds group flair to its users’ avatars:

Go into in your admin panel and select Groups --> Custom --> + New.

There are two main sections in the “New Group” settings that are important to make sure group flair is automatically applied:

(Around the middle of the settings)

(At the bottom of the settings)

1. This is optional, but if you set step 3, you will need at least one group owner to handle the approval

2. If the group will be freely joinable, check this box

3. If, instead, the group you are creating will require a user to be approved by a group owner before they are added, check this box

4. Setting this will make sure to automatically display the group flair on a user’s profile

NOTE: If you are a part of two groups that have this setting, the group flair you see will be for the most recent group that was joined. This can be manually overridden by an admin on a user’s admin page.

5. Choose the group flair image. To have a sharp-looking image, it should be around 100x100px. The one the Discourse Team uses on here is 88x88px

That’s it!

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