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Topics of suppressed categories still appear in homepage (Categories + recent topics)


@quimgil wrote:

This is a strange glitch with a high impact.

  1. Set category page style to “Categories and recent topics”
  2. Set the homepage to show the categories page

No topics from the suppressed category appear in the homepage.

Topics from the suppressed category appear in the homepage… but if you click the “Categories” tab they disappear!

Default homepage at https://la.confederac.io, see all the topics from the suppressed category “Kaosenlared”.

Clicking “Categories” results in the desired behavior. The topics from the suppressed category are gone.

PS: fwiw this looks related? Suppress posts from a category in Categories and Latest Topics view

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Messages not readable -> error message


@GuidoD wrote:

I did an upgrade on our server to v2.0.0.beta5 +10 about 4 hours ago and users are now claiming that they can no longer access personal group messages, personal messages and even some other topic are no longer accessible.
They do see the js.topic.server_error.description


Did some permissions change? I can access as an admin these posts and private messages without any problem.

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Digest Popular Topics Calculation


@markersocial wrote:

I noticed that some ‘popular’ topics in the digest will also include topics that have simply been bumped a lot by a single poster. I’m not sure how the calculation is done for popularity, but if total post count is one of the main factors I’d suggest posts by a single user only counting as 1 post.

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Display google search box on private instance


@pyo0723 wrote:

When a search returns no results, there’s a suggestion to try a Google search.
But our discourse not display the search box and google button.
Why not display the search box and button?
Is there a way to display the search box and button??

My Discourse is on private network and installed by docker.
and My Discourse version is v2.0.0.beta5+12.


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Is there an event for topic load?


@jordan1909 wrote:

I need to track if a topic was loaded to override the visibility.

Is there an event similar to Discourse.on(:topic_created) that would allow me to see when a topic is requested?

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Which plugin for people can make their group like Facebook group?

Editing a topic to add a Poll crashes Discourse!


@Yassine_Yousfi wrote:

So it goes like this:

  1. User A: Creates an ordinary topic.

  2. Admin: Comes in to edit the topic by adding a Poll object to it.

  3. Discourse: Freezes for ever, immediately after adding the poll.

  4. Chrome: Eats all the memory there is to eat before suicide.

  5. End result: image

EDIT: by an admin adding a poll :bar_chart:

  • :banana:
  • :apple:
  • :lemon:

0 voters

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How can I email all recently active users?


@merefield wrote:

Hey guys,

I’d like to be able to email all recently active users of my site in order to warn them of outages for upgrades and let them know when the site is down and back up.


  • Is there any way to send a broadcast to only recently active users - I have many old accounts and I shouldn’t need to email all users unnecessarily
  • Is this even sensible given the short downtime of an upgrade?



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Quote inside quote display issue


@TheOctopus wrote:

I have a (non-production) Discourse forum running 2.0.0 beta 4. We have imported posts which include quotes-within-quotes (i.e. a post quotes another post which itself contains a quote). This does not display properly as shown below. This bug appears to be the same as this bug from 2014.

(Both the post being directly quoted and the post quoted within it do exist on that post so it’s not an issue there)

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Always use %{count} variable when translating pluralized strings


@gerhard wrote:

Some languages use the “zero” and/or “one” key for more than the values 0 and 1. Please use the correct variable (like %{count}) if you are translating one of those languages. The actual value will be truncated to the static value used in the translation if you aren’t using the variable.

Take a look at the list of Plural Rules provided by Unicode if you are not completely sure about your language.

I identified the following languages available in Discourse where translators need to be careful when translating pluralized strings:

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Suggestion: Combining short post into one larger post automatically if from same author


@mofosyne wrote:

Take this post as an example Should there be a limit on the number of children one person can have? - Policy - Discussion forum - Pirate Party Australia

You can see he makes two smaller post in quick succession. Ideally the original author would edit the original post (But there is an edit window you are allowed to edit only in).

I think something like multiple post from the same author should be merged into one post automatically, if it is below a certain size. You can still deliminate with a line saying 4 hours later etc…

But it would reduce visual clutter this way.

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Microdata in error on Google Structured Data Testing Tool


@jlepine wrote:

Hi Discourse team,

First of all, I am new here, so I hope I am doing well posting here for a bug.

I tried to find an existing topic before to post a new one but I did not find anything, so I am sorry in advance if such topic already exists. Do not hesitate to link it or do whatever is necessary. Thank you.

So here is the issue I would like to report. As mentionned in the title, microdata on discourse do not fulfil with Google tool’s expectations.

On topic lists, Google tools reports more than 60 errors :

example of the main topic list

for more details, see this test

There is also errors on posts :

for more details, see this other test

My company is using discourse as forum for 3 of our websites. We greatly consider the SEO aspect and would be thankful for you to correct all possible errors in microdata.

So is it possible for you to fix microdata ?

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Firefox attempts another POST to `poll` when leaving the forums


@Stelmsind wrote:

In firefox, when leaving the site, the browser makes some additional requests to the message-bus URL

Chrome does not do this.

In our case the site that is being requested has a loading animation that expects all requests to be resolved before showing the page, so these POST requests back to the forum add around a 25 second delay to the loading.

I don’t know why these POST requests take so long after having left the site, as they don’t take this long whilst browsing the site (is the discourse backend checking the referrer?)

Is it possible it’s related to this?

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The number of censored/blocked words is not shown correctly


@Dax wrote:

I should see this instead:

but if I enable the “show words” setting I see the correct result:

To see the correct behavior, I must first click on another tab (for example Block) and then return to the tab I want to view (for example Censor)

I can repro here on Meta, no errors on the browser console.

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Moved posts to existing topic - dates out of order


@jasondgray wrote:

Not sure if this is the correct behaviour, but when moving posts to an existing topic do the posts “blend” together by date or do all the posts that are “merged in” appear at the bottom and dates are ignored.

I moved posts with older dates (20 day ago) to an existing topic with existing posts (many are 10 days ago), but the older dated posts appear that the bottom and the date order is being ignored. Can this be fixed?


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Trying to figure out Page Views queries


@jerdog wrote:

So I’m reviewing the page views, and trying to identify queries for “Content Views” vs “User Visits” so I can gather some metrics around those 2, and the only thing I can figure out is using the application_requests table based on the Dashboard sql being ran (e.g. /admin/reports/page_view_total_reqs and others). What I am unsure of is this req_type field in the application_requests table and what the available values mean?

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Blocked from setting up tags...?

Shared drafts - what version should I be on to access this awesome feature?


@McBlu wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Shared Drafts: Allow staff to collaborate on posts before publishing:

I went into settings to find the option for assigning a shared drafts category and was unsuccessful.


What version of discourse do I need to be on for this setting to be available? Me thinks, the latest . . . ? Thanks in advance.

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Namespace issue with the '/u/' static routes


@angus wrote:

Most static routes in the /u/ (/users or /user) path haven’t been fully protected against interference with the /u/:username path structure.

account-created (i.e. /u/account-created) has been protected. It has a

  • url re-write exception (i.e. to prevent /u/account-created being rewritten to /u/account-created/summary; and
  • appears by default in the reserved-usernames site setting.

However the rest of the static routes in the /u/ path have not. For example, you can register password-reset as a username, but when you try to go to your profile you see:

The same applies for all the server routes in the /u/ path apart from account-created, i.e.

  • admin-login
  • email-login

For most of these you get a 404 error if you use it as a username and then try to go to your profile.

This is a relatively minor issue as it is highly unlikely these static path names will be used as usernames, but it is still technically a ‘bug’.

In addition to protecting these other static routes, you may want to consider whether it makes sense to use a site setting to prevent people using static /u/ routes as a username.

There are no circumstances in which you can change this setting and not create the issues mentioned above, unless you also change the static routes themselves. The static routes are hardcoded, so the username exceptions should probably also be hardcoded.

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A translation be missing for Shared Drafts!

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