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iOS 11.3 upgrade breaks the the message slider

How to redirect to a PM after signup?


@gingerman wrote:

I have few links which point to PM (prefilled with data like Title) that can be submitted by users.

Existing forum users can signin and fill PM immediately without losing the PM context.

Is there anyway new users can maintain the PM context (with all prefilled details) after signup & verification ?

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When a password reset link is expired?


@parisa wrote:

Every now and then, I get a complain from my users that password reset link is expired for them and they get confused. and I dont exactly know what is the reproduction steps. I thought maybe they send the password reset email twice at once and mistakenly click on the old (first email) link. But when I did this, both links worked correctly. When exactly the link expires?

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Show Category and Topic Titles for users without access


@moebis wrote:

We have tested several forum platforms, and they all seem to support some form of this. Where a user might not have access to a category or read a topic, but they can see they exist. They can even see the topic titles in latest, but when they click they are told they don’t have access to that forum or topic. bbpress, nodebb and ipb allows this, but I can’t seem to figure out how to do it in discourse.

If you’re asking “Why on earth would you want to do that?” because we have a wealth of content in private forums that we want non-members to know about, to entice them to join, otherwise they are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. Thoughts?

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My journey into a massive posts rebake job


@bartv wrote:

I’m continuing this conversation from ‘Rebuild HTML for entire topic’ as my experiments are going into quite another direction and I thought there might be value in sharing my thoughts and results as I go along.

My situation is the following: we’re on the brink of launching a new migrated forum with over 4M posts. These will require a rebake when we switch to the final domain, and the posts need processing to make sure images are embedded correctly etc too.

My concerns are:

  • Rebaking is not a fast process. I’ve tweaked our 16GB/6 core server, but can’t seem to get much faster than 2-3 posts/second, meaning the entire rebake will take well over 20 days.
  • Rebaking starts with the oldest posts, I’d prefer to start with the most recent ones to give our community the best possible experience (assuming that the newest posts will get most traffic).
  • There’s no way to ‘resume’ the process where it left off, and I have reasons to suspect I’ll need to rebuild at least once during the next 20 days.
  • Rebake jobs go into the default sidekiq queue and I’m concerned that this will create huge delays for regular processing jobs.

So far, I’ve done the following: after digging around in the code and getting some assistance from the staff here, I’ve hacked lib/tasks/posts.rake to:

  • Work in chronological reverse order, starting at the most recent posts.
  • Ignore private messages - I want to prioritise public topics first
  • Output the current post/topic ID so I can easily add to the where clause of my query to resume processing at another post number.

Here’s my code:

def rebake_posts(opts = {})
  puts "NEW Rebaking post markdown for '#{RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db}'"

  disable_edit_notifications = SiteSetting.disable_edit_notifications
  SiteSetting.disable_edit_notifications = true

  total = Post.count
  rebaked = 0

    ordered_post_ids = Post.joins(:topic)
      .where('topics.archetype' => Archetype.default)
      .order("posts.created_at DESC")

    ordered_post_ids.in_groups_of(1000).each do |post_ids|
    posts = Post.order(created_at: :desc).where(id:post_ids)
    posts.each do |post|
      rebake_post(post, opts)
      print_status(rebaked += 1, total)
      puts " > rebaking post id #{post.id} for topic id #{post.topic_id}"

  SiteSetting.disable_edit_notifications = disable_edit_notifications

  puts "", "#{rebaked} posts done!", "-" * 50

Next up: I’m figuring out how to create these jobs in the low priority queue. Hints would be most welcome :slight_smile:

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Here is a non-urgent fun question on ‘solved problem’


@McBlu wrote:

I just had a question with two elements in it where two staff members gave me the solution and I wanna mark both answers as the solution so they are both attached to my topic starter for people to get the full answer. I am betting I am not the only member who has come across this. Does it open up a can of worms capping permitted solutions at two or three instead if one? Obviously, this isn’t a deal breaker for the effectiveness of this function.

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Can't modify WP-Discourse configuration


@Lonsdaleite wrote:

I need to create a WP/Discourse forum, so i install WP-Discourse on my WP with an OS in PHP 5.4.16. Because i want Caldera Form plugin to post automatically form content, I install the required version of PHP for Caldera, PHP 5.6.
And it’s a this moment that i notice i can’t change the Discourse configuration. When I change a parameter and i save, the change are automatically reset. I try to reinstall the plugin, but nothing change.

Anyone know the problems ?

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Embedding comments in old content creates "today" posts


@billgraziano wrote:

I have Discourse hosting the comments for my blog. It mostly works OK except for old posts. Apparently many of those older posts don’t have topics created yet. Or haven’t been crawled. I’m unclear on the exact process that is creating the initial topics for each post.

Here’s a post from 2004 that Discourse thinks was made five days ago: (removed) EDIT: I just updated that post manually so here’s one I haven’t edited: SQL Server Links – 8 Dec 2009 - Blog Comments - SQLTeam.com Forums

Could Discourse go back and find the date of the original post when it imports? It’s in the post in many, many places. And the URL.

I’m going to start manually updating timestamps for the obvious ones. But I fear it hasn’t found all of them.

Note: I also just changed it to import from the RSS feed. I’m not sure if that will impact this.

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Tags not showing on topic view page


@AstonJ wrote:

I seem to have different behaviour on my forum to what’s here on meta.


The tags (‘themes’ in the pic above) is visible - but it’s not on my forum.

When you scroll down a bit:

The tags move up to the top, and are visible as per the pic (I get the same behaviour here).

I’ve upgraded to the latest version via /upgrade and also viewed the forum via a new default theme - but I’m still missing the tags as per pic one. Have I missed a setting somewhere or is something else going on?

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Account settings page 404 problem


@nothing wrote:

I clicked on the account settings from the hamburger menu >> preferences/account . It’s a 404 error.

Enter /preferences/account from the URL and it gives a 404 error.

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Let’s Encrypt + non-www > www


@BlackKnob wrote:

I finally made it work, and thought to put everything together in case someone needs it.
This info is assembled from different topics on this forum. Thanks to @brahn and @techAPJ.
This assumes you’ve completed the initial Let’s Encrypt setup:

After you’ve done it, the following needs to be added to the app.yml in hooks section. It will do two things:

  1. setup SSL for both yourdomain.com and www.yourdomain.com. Just replace “yourdomain.com” with your domain name.
  2. redirect yourdomain.com to www.yourdomain.com

If anybody knows how to improve it, please let me know.

    - exec:
        cd: $home/plugins
          - git clone https://github.com/discourse/docker_manager.git

    - replace:
        filename: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
        from: /sendfile.+on;/
        to: |
          server_names_hash_bucket_size 64;
          sendfile on;
    - file:
        path: /etc/nginx/conf.d/discourse_redirect_1.conf
        contents: |
          server {
            listen 443;
            server_name yourdomain.com;
            return 301 $scheme://www.yourdomain.com$request_uri;
    - replace:
        filename: "/etc/runit/1.d/letsencrypt"
        from: /-k 4096 -w \/var\/www\/discourse\/public/
        to: |
          -d www.yourdomain.com -d yourdomain.com -k 4096 -w /var/www/discourse/public

    - replace:
        filename: "/etc/runit/1.d/letsencrypt"
        from: /-k 4096 --force -w \/var\/www\/discourse\/public/
        to: |
          -d www.yourdomain.com -d yourdomain.com -k 4096 --force -w /var/www/discourse/public

    - replace:
        filename: "/etc/nginx/conf.d/discourse.conf"
        from: /return 301 https.+/
        to: |
          return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

    - replace:
        filename: "/etc/nginx/conf.d/discourse.conf"
        from: /gzip on;[^\}]+\}/m
        to: |
          gzip on;
          add_header Strict-Transport-Security 'max-age=31536000'; # remember the certificate for a year and automatically connect to HTTPS for th$

as always, remember that spacing and indentation is extremely important in the app.yml file. After you’ve done editing, you have to rebuild the container with:

cd /var/discourse
git pull
./launcher rebuild app

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Is Patreon's actual website utilizing a modified discourse?


@MAR wrote:

Hello Discourse Community,

I am interested in knowing whether the Patreon website utilizes discourse in its architecture.

If so, how long would it take to modify and create a similar site? Also, what is the budget for customizing discourse to suite your brand in that way?

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Solved tag for solved topics

Favorites still in FAQ


@danekhollas wrote:

It seems that at some point the Discourse had a favorites feature, and it somehow still lingers in the default FAQ.

Discourse provides tools that enable the community to collectively identify the best (and worst) contributions: favorites, bookmarks, likes, flags, replies, edits, and so forth. Use these tools to improve your own experience, and everyone else’s, too.

It is also possible that somehow we have an old version of FAQ, in which case I apologize for a false report (but I checked and it is on META as well).

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Approval queue: Admin not getting email notifications


@Jane_Jojo wrote:

I am not sure if I am doing something wrong here.

I don’t get any email notifications when messages come in the queue (for days together). In fact, any notifications.
Did I screw up with some settings?

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How do I exclude a category from the advanced search?

How to import files in pure folders such as these


@NoahC wrote:

I was not able to get to my discourse backups before the server went down. I do have the core files for them seen in the screenshots. I need to know how I can restore these types of files




Does anyone know how to import these so I can have my site back up?

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Malfunction in users tab


@Sineru wrote:


I’m using https://discourse.suttacentral.net/ daily and have found a bug that affects both PC and android phones in discuss and discover.

In the top right corner of our page there are three parallel lines, if you click or press it you will see the link to the ‘users’ page.

On my android phone it says i have received only 1 like. On PC it says i have received 3 likes.
If i use a PC and press my name, going to the summary page, i can see that i have received 52 likes.

so i have been given 52 likes, yet the ‘users’ page says i have either one like or three likes.
can you please fix this part of our beautiful forum.


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Discourse behind Traefik :mouse:


@Cerix wrote:

Hello guys, I’m trying to install Discourse behind Traefik which is used as reverse proxy,
The problem is that when creating the container I need to specify some parameters such as:

- traefik.backend=discourse <== this must be the service name I do not know which one is the default, i think is “app”?
- traefik.frontend.rule=Host:meta.mydomain.org
- traefik.docker.network=web
- traefik.port=80
- web

I tried to insert these parameters in the app.yml file but when I run "./launcher rebuild app " I get error “invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase”

I’m sorry, but I’m not a real docker and discourse expert, so if you can kindly help me I’d appreciate it.

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Need to disable infinite scroll in home page

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