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How to speed up Discourse Emoji


@Gulshan_Kumar wrote:


I am sure, my Internet is not slow. It’s 5.3 Mbps. Still, I notice that Emoji loads very slow. It takes ages to load all icons. It would be great if we can preload it somehow.


Thanks & Regards,

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Login Required activated - after successfull login it transfers you to nonexisting page


@arnie wrote:

Hello to everyone,

I just want to ask if anyone can reproduce it or is it happening just to my discourse forum… When I activate the option in admin section Login Requiered, and when an User logs in, after sucessfull login the discourse forwards him to the page: example.org/menu_links . This menu_links page does not exist. Shouldn’t discourse go to the main domain (example.org/) strait away? How come this /menu_links apears?


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Approach to a Nominate Post Button?


@mermaldad wrote:

TL;DR: What would it take to allow users nominate posts for a contest?

I’m an admin on the Maslow CNC Discourse Forum (https://forums.maslowcnc.com). I have been running a weekly “Project of the Week” contest where users can nominate posted projects, a poll is generated, and the winner of the poll gets a forum badge as well as some router bits. It’s a great community builder, rewarding users who share their projects and giving community members ideas about how to use their machine. However, I have found that nominations are very spotty. Some weeks I get plenty of them, but other weeks we get none, even though there have been great projects posted. It seems that nominations just aren’t on user’s minds some weeks.

I believe that nominations will come more freely if there were a “Nominate” button in the menu at the bottom of posts, as suggested by a user. Ideally, this button would autopost a nomination on the weekly call for nominations topic, although that would require a setting somewhere to identify that topic. I’m open to other actions, though.

I have no experience with modifying Discourse, so right now I’m just trying to scope out how much effort a feature like this would require. I have seen Plugin tutorial #3 - How to add a button after every post?, so I know how that piece might work, but what action(s) would that button trigger?

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Webpush gem is not latest

Allowing user to select theme

No pinch/zoom on Chrome/iOS


@bartv wrote:

A user reported the following:

Looks like on iOS chrome this site does not allow overwriting the scale / Zoom making this new design rather hard to read.

In safari you can zoom via pinching your fingers.

12.9" iPadPro 2nd gen current iOS

I don’t have access to this device, and can’t confirm. Happy to put you in touch with him if this helps though.

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Setting a different language for the admin section


@nabeel wrote:

I am planning on using discourse for setting up a new community site in Urdu language which is displayed right-to-left. I would like the admin section to use the English language interface in the normal ltr style. Can this be accomplished using some settings or some code modifications?

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Backup failing in pg_dump due to connection failure


@MKorndoerfer wrote:

I’m using Discourse for a very small site I’m hosting on AWS on an Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS based ec2 instance.

The forum itself is working flawlessly, but since last march, the daily backup started to fail. Every single day. Same is true if I start a manual backup.

I’ve updated regularly (running 2.0.0.beta9 right now) but the problem didn’t change

The error message is most curious, it’s telling me that pg_dump cannot connect to the database:

[2018-05-05 16:02:13] 'Martin' has started the backup!
[2018-05-05 16:02:13] Marking backup as running...
[2018-05-05 16:02:13] Making sure '/var/www/discourse/tmp/backups/default/2018-05-05-160212' exists...
[2018-05-05 16:02:13] Making sure '/var/www/discourse/public/backups/default' exists...
[2018-05-05 16:02:13] Pausing sidekiq...
[2018-05-05 16:02:13] Waiting for sidekiq to finish running jobs...
[2018-05-05 16:02:13] Dumping the public schema of the database...
[2018-05-05 16:04:20] pg_dump: [archiver (db)] connection to database "newspiral" failed: could not connect to server: Connection timed out
[2018-05-05 16:04:20] EXCEPTION: pg_dump failed
[2018-05-05 16:04:20] /var/www/discourse/lib/backup_restore/backuper.rb:170:in `dump_public_schema'

If the configuration of the database connection would be broken, the forum wouldn’t work at all, but it’s working just fine. I just don’t see why pg_dump wouldn’t be able to connect to the database while the rest is working.

Is there a way to see the actual command line that’s fed to pg_dump? So I could try and debug it from the console? Can the backup process be made more verbose so we can see what’d actually happening?

Thanks for your assistance!

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Link users to discourse profile


@Sami_Syed wrote:

I am using discourse to authenticate user logins, registrations, etc…

Is their a link I can use that send users logged in users to their own profile?
From word press to discourse

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Sign up link shows wrong base_url


@harsha wrote:

I setup discourse from beginning using the Digital ocean one time installer.
While inviting users, the link which is being sent has the wrong URL.
For the same I am trying to find out where the “base_url” values are set, as I seem to have given it wrongly and all the signup mails are going with the wrong email id. Anyway we can correct the base_url from front end?

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How do I enforce categories?

Edited htaccess and now im getting discourse sso expired error


@Sami_Syed wrote:

I am using my wordpress site to function as an SSO client. Meaning Discourse authenticates all users (logins, registrations, etc…).

After editing my htaccess file to increase my wordpress site speed. I noticed that the following error started to appear when I try and login “discourse_sso_error=expired_nonce”.

I looked through the forum and found out that the issue is probably because of the htaccess file. Although, I want to know what exactly I should remove from it. So that I can keep my site speed as fast as possible while also solving this problem.

Here is the code in htaccess

    # BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

# END WordPress
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress

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Sometimes, I am unable to remove tags from topics or messages

Can't send mail on 16.04 - DigitalOcean


@Jack_Spangenberg wrote:

I’ve been looking for the answer all day, nothing.

  • I’m doing a fresh install via the first rails app guide on github.
  • Using a 1GB DigitalOcean droplet
  • Using NameCheap’s private email server.

Here is my app.yml:


  ## Uncomment if you want the container to be started with the same
  ## hostname (-h option) as specified above (default "$hostname-$config")

  ## TODO: List of comma delimited emails that will be made admin and developer
  ## on initial signup example 'user1@example.com,user2@example.com'

  ## TODO: The SMTP mail server used to validate new accounts and send notifications
  # SMTP ADDRESS, username, and password are required
  # WARNING the char '#' in SMTP password can cause problems!
  DISCOURSE_SMTP_ADDRESS: mail.privateemail.com
  #DISCOURSE_SMTP_ENABLE_START_TLS: true           # (optional, default true)

Would appreciate any help on this.
P.S. I ran the more command on my Discourse log, it says Mail Sent!

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User cannot delete own posts

SSO client link giving error 500

Feature Request: Automatically add users to groups based on custom field value


@kstaikov wrote:

When creating a group, we have the automatic membership setting based on a user’s email domain name. I would like to have this functionality based on the value of a custom field.

Example Use Case

I have a condo community with a dropdown custom field signifying ownership status (Owner, Renter). I want to have all owners automatically in an owner group and to be able to message only all owners for certain messages.


This sounds straight forward for dropdown and confirmation custom fields, but I guess could get hairy for text fields. It would be fine to enable it only for dropdowns and confirmations, otherwise exact text match is fine for text fields.

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Add new groups via sso


@championswimmer wrote:

I am using SSO on my discourse. What I want is, if put some groups add_groups for example grp1,grp2,grp3

Let us assume grp1 and grp3 exist, but grp2 doesn’t exist. I would want Discourse to create grp2 and add the current user to it. Possible ?

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Best practices for managing template modifications?


@nabeel wrote:

I am integrating a jquery editor (jquery.ime) in text fields in discourse to enable typing Urdu. At the moment I am directly modifying the handlebar templates to include the javascript code. The problem is that these templates get overwritten with each update and have to be reworked again. What are better ways of managing such template modifications? I cannot find plugin outlets pertaining to most of the text fields that I am modifying. One solution could be to create a patch file and try to apply the patch after the update. I would be interested in learning about how others deal with this kind of situation.

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Create sub-categories via Postman


@ncl wrote:

Hi there,

Recently I’m using API via postman to create categories for 50 states of US,


  • “name”: “string”,

  • “color”: “string”,

  • “text_color”: “string”


and I want to create a bunch of sub-categories as main cities under the 50 states,

is there any API can do this? Trying to avoid click it one by one…


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