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What happens when you add a staged user to a discourse group?


@tobiaseigen wrote:

I am in the process of adding a handful of staged users to invite them to join my community, who I subsequently want to add to a discourse group. It occurred to me that it might be nice to just add them to the group now, so that when they do join they’ll just immediately be there.

This does not yet seem to be properly developed functionality, since there is no way to add staged users via the /groups admin. It is possible to add a user via the user admin, however. When I look at the group members page, the user is listed there.

So… what is going to happen with this member? Will they start getting notifications about group messages? Topics and posts in private categories the group has access to?

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Tags can be used by everyone causes tag to be usable only by staff


@thisnthat wrote:

Version [v2.0.0.beta9 +29]

If you select the option “Tags can be used by everyone”, it causes only staff to be able to access the tag.

To reproduce, create a tag group with some tags. Edit the tag group and set “Tags are visible only to staff”. Then edit it again and set “Tags can be used by everyone”.

The cause of this appears to be a conflict in the way the DiscourseTagging module and TagGroup record handle everyone having full access.

When update is called on TagGroup with “Parameters {“everyone”=>1}”, it sets the new tag_group_permissions entries to be empty (resolve_permissions). This results in there no longer being any tag_group_permission entries for this tag_group.

When DiscourseTagging is querying for hidden tag_groups, it looks for all tag_groups that do not have a permission entry for everyone.

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Group mention email was "skipped" because "[UserEmail] Can't find a post with id 143228"


@mcwumbly wrote:

A user on our site recently posted a message and mentioned a group, but users of the group did not receive an email. The group has ~50 people and the max users notified per group mention setting is set to 100.

I poked around the admin UI and saw this in the Emails > Skipped section:

[UserEmail] Can't find a post with id 143228

If I run this query in the data explorer, I see the post that includes the group mention:

SELECT * from posts where id = 143228

Any idea what the cause of that could be?

They did mention the group twice within the post… is it possible that caused some logic to trip over the max users threshold?

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Not enough disk space


@gauthier wrote:


Due to a disk place problem, i cannot upgrade my installation since long time.
I’m curruntly using v2.0.0beta1…

I’ve 20gb on my VPS and i’ve 5.6gb free
I’ve alredy delete backups and lot of uploads…

When i try to upgrade, i’ve this:

WARNING: Docker version 17.05.0-ce deprecated, recommend upgrade to 17.06.2 or newer.

WARNING: We are about to start downloading the Discourse base image
This process may take anywhere between a few minutes to an hour, depending on your network speed

Please be patient

Unable to find image 'discourse/base:2.0.20171231' locally
2.0.20171231: Pulling from discourse/base
50aff78429b1: Pulling fs layer
f6d82e297bce: Pulling fs layer
275abb2c8a6f: Pulling fs layer
9f15a39356d6: Pulling fs layer
fc0342a94c89: Pulling fs layer
35787b1294ac: Pulling fs layer
9f15a39356d6: Waiting
fc0342a94c89: Waiting
35787b1294ac: Waiting
275abb2c8a6f: Verifying Checksum
275abb2c8a6f: Download complete
f6d82e297bce: Verifying Checksum
f6d82e297bce: Download complete
9f15a39356d6: Verifying Checksum
9f15a39356d6: Download complete
fc0342a94c89: Verifying Checksum
fc0342a94c89: Download complete
50aff78429b1: Verifying Checksum
50aff78429b1: Download complete
50aff78429b1: Pull complete
f6d82e297bce: Pull complete
275abb2c8a6f: Pull complete
9f15a39356d6: Pull complete
fc0342a94c89: Pull complete
35787b1294ac: Verifying Checksum
35787b1294ac: Download complete
35787b1294ac: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:5452defe724d2940ae2fd11ec690fbcd1d49cf7607ca9044502f2817c0f76647
Status: Downloaded newer image for discourse/base:2.0.20171231
You have less than 5GB of free space on the disk where /var/lib/docker is located. You will need more space to continue
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/vda1        20G   16G  3.8G  81% /

Would you like to attempt to recover space by cleaning docker images and containers in the system?(y/N)y
WARNING! This will remove:
        - all stopped containers
        - all volumes not used by at least one container
        - all networks not used by at least one container
        - all dangling images
Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y
Total reclaimed space: 0B
If the cleanup was successful, you may try again now

What can i do?

Ncdu tell me that:

--- /var --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.  12.6 GiB [##########] /lib
    4.4 GiB [###       ] /discourse
   65.0 MiB [          ] /cache

--- /var/lib ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   12.4 GiB [##########] /docker
  142.2 MiB [          ] /apt
   43.0 MiB [          ] /dpkg

--- /var/lib/docker ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   12.1 GiB [##########] /aufs
  315.7 MiB [          ] /containers
   15.4 MiB [          ] /image
   60.0 KiB [          ] /network
   28.0 KiB [          ] /volumes
   20.0 KiB [          ] /plugins
e   4.0 KiB [          ] /trust
e   4.0 KiB [          ] /tmp-old
e   4.0 KiB [          ] /tmp
e   4.0 KiB [          ] /swarm

Is it normal?

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Additional option for user's default home page


@tophee wrote:

Cobtinuing the discussion from Remember the selected view / tab on homepage

I wonder if we could not have Remember last as an additional option for the recently introduced user preference Default Home Page? With that setting selected, my default homepage would change when I use any of the Top Menu buttons. So when I choose New, my default homepage would be New until I choose another “tab”.

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How to let moderators change email addresses?


@bartv wrote:


our moderators also handle user account issues and would like to be able to change a user’s email address for them. How can I enable this?

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Alternative display modes for topic list


@erlend_sh wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Facebook Groups - Zuck is coming for us:

I’ve heard this a few times before. Now that we have #theme-component I think we should offer a few alternative display modes by default, such as Sam's personal "minimal" topic list design.

This is becoming very common in apps with lists of content.




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Discourse to WordPress redirect questions


@trangchongcheng wrote:

Permalink.create(url: ‘/discussion/12345’, external_url: ‘http://archived.example.com/discussion/12345’)

I trying:

Permalink.create(url: 'https://hoidap.cheng.vn/t/cach-cua-do-nu-bao-binh-don-gian/70', external_url: 'https://cunghoangdao.info')

And bolth

Permalink.create(url: '/cach-cua-do-nu-bao-binh-don-gian/70', external_url: 'https://cunghoangdao.info')

But not working.

I click link Cách cưa đỗ Nữ Bảo Bình đơn giản - Cung hoàng đạo - Cộng động hỏi đáp kiếm tiền online - Cheng.vn dont redirect.

Can you help me @neil
Thank so much!

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GUI logs blank but /rails/production.log logging


@amoncadot wrote:

When I go to my discourse.domain.co.uk/logs URL I am presented with a blank page. The options for Warning, Info, Error & Fatal are all checked.

On my docker container when I browse to /var/discourse/shared/standalone/log/rails/production.log, I can see GET requests being completed OK and also an error had occurred.

GET showing 200:

Started GET "/latest.json?api_key=[FILTERED]&api_username=[FILTERED]" for [FILTERED] at 2018-05-08 08:42:26 +0000
Processing by ListController#latest as JSON
  Parameters: {"api_key"=>"[FILTERED]", "api_username"=>"[FILTERED]"}
Completed 200 OK in 28ms (Views: 0.1ms | ActiveRecord: 7.4ms)

POST showing error 422 (probably because a limit was reached):

Started POST "/posts?api_key=[FILTERED]&api_username=[FILTERED]" for [FILTERED] at 2018-05-08 08:42:27 +0000
Processing by PostsController#create as */*
  Parameters: {"api_key"=>"[FILTERED]", "api_username"=>"[FILTERED]"}
Can't verify CSRF token authenticity.
Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 6ms (Views: 0.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)

Examples like above do not show under discourse.domain.co.uk/logs.

Is there somewhere where I need to enable logging via GUI and not just on the container? It’d be good to enable GUI logging for developers to troubelshoot when making API calls.


AWS Centos Image
HTTPS enabled with force option

Kind regards,

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Provide link to logs on "needs approval" page


@tophee wrote:

The “Needs Approval” page provides rather scarce (i.e. no) information about why a particular post requires approval. An important improvement has been to log the reason for these “automatic staff actions”, but that this information exists elsewhere is not immediately evident (especially for new admins) when they look at the approval page.

Of course, it would be ideal to have the reason displayed next to/under the post as it sits in the approval queue, but if that is too complicated to achieve, I’d like to suggest a static link to the staff actions log page, something like this:

Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a route to the various filter options on the log page (I tried admin/logs/staff_action_logs/silence_user/, admin/logs/staff_action_logs/system/ as well as admin/logs/staff_action_logs/<silencedusername>/), so the link would just bring you to the overall logs, but it’s still much better than nothing and chances are that the relevant action happened very recently so that it’s probably easy to find.

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When to upgrade docker (and how)?


@tophee wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Docker using a lot of CPU:

I had made a mental not that I’ll eventuall need to allow my instance to upgrade docker again, after downgrading because of that bug, but I’m not sure when I should do that nor how I do it without breaking stuff… Or do I need to do anything?

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Avatar flair suggestions


@jtbayly wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Avatar Flair (not Badges) for Groups:

This is still confusing and tripped me up today. Took a long time to find where the problem was.

The way the system currently works is that flair doesn’t show up unless you make the group “primary.” Here’s the problems with that.

  1. If the person is only part of one group, and that group has flair, why would you not show the flair?
  2. Since the only way to get flair to show up is to set the group to “primary,” if you have more than one group that you want to display flair for, you have to set all of those groups as “primary,” which makes no sense. You are given no way to prioritize the groups. Leading to…
  3. If you have somebody in two groups that both have flair, there is, ironically, no way to set one of the groups as the primary. So it’s entirely random what group info (and thus flair) will be displayed on the user, as far as I can tell.

My recommendation is for the following:

  1. remove the “primary” group setting
  2. If flair and/or default title is specified for a group, show them automatically for all group members
  3. Allow prioritization of the list of groups, so that the most important group available is displayed for title and flair
  4. Potentially limit the visibility of titles and flair based on the group’s visibility setting, and then fall back to displaying the flair and title of the highest priority group allowed to be visible to the current viewer.
  5. Also related to flair, I also think that the suggestion here for multiple flair off to the side of the name is an awesome idea. Then you’d show the highest priority flair on the avatar, but the rest of the flair would show up next to the username.

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Keros Accessibility pass failures


@Niko_Taitano wrote:

Hello Discourse team,

We recently ran an automated Accessibility pass using Keros on our site, and had quite a few fail instances. A lot of the failures related to things like Landmarks not having unique roles (aria-label) or ARIA attributes not having valid values.
I was just wondering how I should go about reporting those kinds of issues here? Should I list a few examples for each section (like Landmarks, Headings, Native Widgets, etc.)? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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How to install Wordpress and Discourse together? (Ubuntu)


@Sir_Reyowski wrote:


I’m currently using an Ubuntu server and I want to install Wordpress and Discourse, for example:
mydomain. com (Wordpress)
forum.mydomain. com or mydomain. com/forum (Discourse)

I tried some things but failed. Discourse need to be installed with Docker and Wordpress with Apache or Nginx, but there are some conflincts when I’m using both.

I’ve searched and read some topics but none helped me (not my situation or didn’t understood them).

Thanks for your help!

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Which is the best value to enter at "max image width"&"max image height"?


@pradeepkumar wrote:

I’m sorry if it sounds silly, but is there the best value we can enter at “max image width” & “max image height” fields here? Which will be perfect for both ‘desktop’ and ‘mobile’ resizing?

When we used one of our DeviceBAR Forum posts on Google Mobile-Friendly Test tool, we got this warning:

So, I want to make sure we set the right ones here. We love to have a layout like this though:

In this picture, the 1st screenshot is from a mobile, so it should be like vertical, and the next one is from the desktop, so it should be horizontal. Both the images should resize or fit accordingly when viewed from mobile as well. Thank you, guys!

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How to add a topic in top menu in a specific category?


@Francois_Douville wrote:

I want to add a topic to a top menu but not on all categories, just a specific one.
What should I change to this code to specify the specific category?

      Discourse.ExternalNavItem = Discourse.NavItem.extend({
        href : function() {
          return this.get('href');

      I18n.translations.en.js.filters.unanswered = { title: "Liste", help: "Liste des formations" };

        buildList : function(category, args) {
          var currentUser = Discourse.User.current();
          var list = this._super(category, args);
          if(!category && currentUser != null && currentUser.Experts) {
            list.push(Discourse.ExternalNavItem.create({href: '/t/liste-2-0-des-formations-sur-lautosuffisance-et-la-consommation-ecoresponsable-en-2018/306', name: 'Liste'}));

          return list;

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Some sort of "Replies to" equivalent on mobile


@Ellibereth wrote:

On mobile when you tap the the avatar and arrow at the upper right of a post to read the post someone is replying to - there’s no easy way (that I can find) to navigate to the post you were originally at - I’ve had to just scroll back down.

I can see how the full “Replies to” dropdown like on the desktop can be hard to make look good on mobile. Perhaps there could be a button that takes you back to the post you were previously at before making a jump in a topic or even just a way to go back to the original post after seeing what post they were replying to.

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2FA Backup codes

Unexpected error notification sent when uploading backup to S3 failed


@fantasticfears wrote:

I didn’t test it but it’s reported in Chinese here. This should be an easy bug to fix.

When user commence the backup procedure manually in the admin panel, the backup operation succeed but uploading to S3 failed due to network issue. Discourse send unexpected notification claimed the backup is failed.

Discourse version reported is 1.9.4

The error should be due to an escaped network exception.

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More options to filter users on users page


@SMT wrote:


On my forum there are 18K users. But there is no way to filter users. Example filter users via location.

If I want to see how many people are from new york or from san francisco how to I do that? I think this feature is needed as currently there is no way to find particular people who live in some location.

On FB we can search people who live in new york. In Discourse there should be some way to do this.

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