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Does a discourse topic need an entry to be visible on a blog


@magicM wrote:


I have followed Evil Trout’s description on how to link by ghost blog by embedded javascript to my discourse instance. I’m trying to ascertain why I don’t see a graphical element at the bottom of the ghost blog post linking to the associated discourse topic. Does the topic have to have at least one entry to be visible?

Curiously, I have noticed that when I am logged into my discourse instance, I can see a “Start the discussion” icon at the bottom, however when I am not logged into the discourse instance, there is no sign of any discourse linkage at all.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Inbound mail is not handled anymore

[ is stripped from reply by email


@itsbhanusharma wrote:

I’ve recently configured reply by email on my discourse instance and it is stripping the ‘[’ if there is a markdown style link inserted into the email e.g. my email adds

[mail](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986) for windows 10 as signature
which is displayed as

it is not supposed to render but if it does, it should at least render like:

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Woke up to "too many requests error"


@Garrick wrote:

“Due to extreme load, this is temporarily being shown to everyone as a logged out user would see it.”

Whats the fix for this? Im using digital ocean on a 4gb memory, 80gb disk plan.

I refreshed page once and got the warning that the page was being viewed as a logged out user would see. I refreshed the page again and it went away. I dont want issues with it later if its something I can fix now.

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Blank upgrade page after updating docker manager to 2.0.0.beta10


@fhe wrote:

I’ve just tried to update from Discourse 2.0.0 beta 9 to beta 10 and I’m now faced with a blank page on /admin/upgrade after updating docker manager.

I’ve tried to restart the app via ./launcher which didn’t trigger the other previously listed available updates to reappear. Previous updates worked flawlessly.

Any ideas on how to proceed from here?

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Feature request: Permalinks like TOS to function as static pages


@NemesisRE wrote:

Hi there,
with the new upcoming European privacy law and probably similar laws in other countries there are page that need to have information presented in a certain way. Static pages are a solution for that and we already have them but they are defined by the system.
My idea would be to extend permalinks for topics with an option to show the page like “ToS” or “Privacy”, that would combine two systems we already have and give the site owner the freedom to meet all the requirements given by the local or international law.

We would create a topic in the Staff Section, create a permalink with the “static” option and then create a link somewhere on the site for it. The “static” option has to make the topic public visible and remove all the stuff which makes a topic a topic :stuck_out_tongue:

In the future that feature could be extend with ACL like in categories that way internal only static pages would be possible.


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Needs Approval doesn't Log Reject


@cpradio wrote:

When a post/topic is in needs approval and a Staff chooses to Reject the post/topic, nothing gets logged. You don’t get an action stating the post/topic was deleted, or by whom, the post just vanishes and the user is left Silenced.

Log of post/topic entering Needs Approval Queue

Staff clicked the Reject button.
No additional logs were added (at the very least, it should long the post/topic being deleted).

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Login form is invalid HTML


@mcnesium wrote:

The Login button of the login form is not within the HTML <form> element. While this makes the HTML code invalid, it also prevents password managers from auto-submitting the form. Please see this issue for example.

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Can't find Groups settings


@nilan wrote:

I created different groups in the past, and assigned different users to these groups, changed the group names and so on. But now I can’t find the group settings anymore.

These are my admin settings:

I think between “Users” and “Badges”, I should see “Groups”.

The forum is in version v2.0.0.beta9 +60

How can I find the group settings?

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Logout of Google and Facebook SSO


@PaulSTC wrote:

I use a discourse forum for coworkers to discuss work related topics. When they login from their work computers, it also logs them in to gmail or facebook, which some are not aware of. Then when they log out of discourse, their gmail and facebook remains logged in. We haven’t had any problems but I can see this could be a privacy issue as we have more users using it on public computers.

Is there a solution I can implement such as automatically logging them out of Facebook or Gmail?

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Change the Like icon


@Dax wrote:

This is a theme component that will allow you to easily change the :heart: icon with the :+1: icon (or any other font awesome glyph you prefer).

Repository link:





Remember that you can change also:

  • color through /admin/customize/colors/
  • text through /admin/customize/site_texts/

Install it as a theme component and add the component to your main theme(s).

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Privacy questions about administrator / moderator abilities


@Joseph_Tucker wrote:


I have some questions related to privacy and data security compliance. I hope the answers will be useful to other users requiring compliance.

  1. Who can administer Permissions in the admin user profile?
    e.g. /admin/users/12345/jamessmith

  2. Where can I see a list of administrators?

  3. Do moderators have access to (a) email addresses, (b) real first and last names or other PII?

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Change icons globally using the APIs


@Dax wrote:

This is an easy way to change a Discourse icon globally.

  1. Right click on the icon you want to change and select “Inspect element” or “Inspect” (depends on the browser)
  2. Find the icon name
  3. Search a new icon here Font Awesome Icons, e.g. external-link
  4. Customize and add the code in your admin > customize > themes > Header tab
    <script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8">
        api.replaceIcon('link', 'external-link');


All the “link” icons will be replaced by “external-link”.
Note that if an icon is used for multiple elements in other pages, such as badges, the icon will also be replaced there.


Note that there is already a theme component that allow you to change the Like icon. I’m using this case as example

The “heart” icon, used to give Like, is hardcoded with other names ('d-liked' and 'd-unliked') and should be treated differently than other icons, so to change the :heart: icon with :+1: icon:

    <script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8">
        api.replaceIcon('d-liked', 'thumbs-up');
        api.replaceIcon('d-unliked', 'thumbs-o-up');

but on the badge page the icon is still “heart”:
so to change it on that page we add:

    <script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8">
        api.replaceIcon('d-liked', 'thumbs-up');
        api.replaceIcon('d-unliked', 'thumbs-up');
        api.replaceIcon('heart', 'thumbs-up');


Another example:

    <script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8">
        api.replaceIcon('d-watching', 'eye');

changes the watching icon:
watching-original watching

See here other exceptions that cover the tracking status, expand/collapse, notifications and likes of course.
  'd-tracking': 'circle',
  'd-muted': 'times-circle',
  'd-regular': 'circle-o',
  'd-watching': 'exclamation-circle',
  'd-watching-first': 'dot-circle-o',
  'd-drop-expanded': 'caret-down',
  'd-drop-collapsed': 'caret-right',
  'd-unliked': 'heart-o',
  'd-liked': 'heart',
  'notification.mentioned': "at",
  'notification.group_mentioned': "at",
  'notification.quoted': "quote-right",
  'notification.replied': "reply",
  'notification.posted': "reply",
  'notification.edited': "pencil",
  'notification.liked': "heart",
  'notification.liked_2': "heart",
  'notification.liked_many': "heart",
  'notification.private_message': "envelope-o",
  'notification.invited_to_private_message': "envelope-o",
  'notification.invited_to_topic': "hand-o-right",
  'notification.invitee_accepted': "user",
  'notification.moved_post': "sign-out",
  'notification.linked': "link",
  'notification.granted_badge': "certificate",
  'notification.topic_reminder': "hand-o-right",
  'notification.watching_first_post': "dot-circle-o",
  'notification.group_message_summary': "group"

Ref: discourse/icon-library.js.es6 at master · discourse/discourse · GitHub

Feel free to create other themes component and share it in our #theme category!

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Horizontal scroll on mobile-site (display:flex on .nav-pills)


@exetico wrote:


We’re facing some problems with horizontal scroll on our forum, cause of the display:flex, in layouts.

.layouts-nav-button {
  @extend .nav-pills;
  float: left;

Guess it’s a few commits since i saw it the first time.

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Changing the title with Font Awesome


@elGrande wrote:


Can u help me with this code (.CSS & .HTML) to change on the front of the first page: Category, Replies, Views, Activity with Font Awesome?


  .topic-list-header-label {
  position: relative;
  text-align: center;
  display: block;

  &:before {
    content: "";
    display: inline-block;
    font: normal normal normal 18px/1 FontAwesome;
    text-rendering: auto;
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;

  .posters > &:before { content: "\f0c0"; }
  .posts > &:before { content: "\f0a1"; }
  .views > &:before { content: "\f06e"; }
  .activity > &:before { content: "\f017"; }


th:not(.default)  {
  .topic-list-header-label > span {
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .8);
    color: #fff;
    font-size: 11px;
    border-radius: 5px;
    padding: 5px;
    bottom: 120%;
    left: 50%;
    transform:translate(-50%, 0);
    position: absolute;
    border: 1px solid #fff;

  &:hover .topic-list-header-label > span {
    display: block;

th.default .topic-list-header-label {
  &, span {
      display: inline-block !important;

  &:before {
    display: none !important;

// td.category .badge-wrapper {
//   display: block;
//   width: 100%;
//   font-size: .8em;
//   margin: 0;
//   border-radius: 3px;
//   overflow: hidden;
//   text-align: center;

//   .badge-category {
//     margin: 0;
//     padding: 5px;
//   }
// }

(this is not my code)

I’ve tried but doesn’t work. Thank you! :discourse:

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Customize Text and Links for Terms and Privacy


@RyanK wrote:

Our legal folks are updating the company Terms and Privacy docs to cover our Discourse community as well. As such, they would like us to update the “Terms of Service” to “Terms of Use” (linked to an external URL) and “Privacy” to “Privacy Policy” (also linking externally).

Is that possible on a hosted BIZ plan?

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A more helpful "you don't have permissions"-notification?


@Uninen wrote:

I run a forum that uses groups and private categories for private discussions. Problem is, sharing links to categories that are visible only to these groups is very problematic as users with insufficient permissions get a generic and unhelpful one line " Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private." error message.

Is there a way to customize this page to be more helpful, for example explaining that you might need to join a group first or ask permission to join?

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Incorrect message key in temporarily closed topic


@supermathie wrote:

Temporarily closing a topic in a category set to ‘Close X hours after last post’ leads to an incorrect message key:

Reproduction steps:

have category with auto-close-based-on-last-post settings such as:


create topic:

close topic temporarily:


It’s picking up the fact that the topic closing time is based_on_last_post but applying it to the auto_open state, which is incorrect.

Another path that leads to this result:

  • close topic
  • set auto-reopen

This problem seems due to client confusion. I never got a 502 error but there definitely is some weirdness coming here from the client, e.g. this timers XHR call:


3 months in the future? :confused:

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Customize style/format of Discourse Emails


@RyanK wrote:

I see many old topics about customizing various parts of the system generated emails, but all of the information seems to be about editing the content…and not the style. For example:

This thread asks about customizing the header and footer, but the new feature only shows basic content and wysiwyg formatting. Is this possible now?

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Mailgun - no email, no mailgun log. no errors


@xiepsilon wrote:

correctly setup mailgun. all greens for the dns. i have ran a curl command from the server to verify i could reach mailgun

curl command for testing

curl -s --user 'api:YOUR_API_KEY' \
    https://api.mailgun.net/v3/YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME/messages \
    -F from='Excited User <mailgun@YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME>' \
    -F to=bar@example.com \
    -F subject='Hello' \
    -F text='Testing some Mailgun awesomeness!'

my production log after the resend verification email:

Started PUT "/finish-installation/resend-email" for at 2018-05-17 22:11:09 +0000
Processing by FinishInstallationController#resend_email as HTML
  Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"xAq+IkcY+3FydAoOND/Yrn752F5ljSdbxZf85ETCA/aAgUBEeHR8a9BuqNJW4qE5Um5QwtT8/iabMjIWW6UWfA=="}
  Rendering finish_installation/resend_email.html.erb within layouts/finish_installation
  Rendered finish_installation/resend_email.html.erb within layouts/finish_installation (1.1ms)
  Rendered common/_special_font_face.html.erb (0.3ms)
  Rendered layouts/_head.html.erb (0.4ms)
Completed 200 OK in 40ms (Views: 3.3ms | ActiveRecord: 13.3ms)

there is no activity in the mailgun log for anything from discourse. i see the success log for the curl command. any ideas?

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