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Add support for forwarding/adding member to private message


Ian Carroll wrote:

I'm actually trying to do this on meta right now, and I can't figure out how so I'd assume it's not possible.
I'd like to be able to add someone to a private message that already exists. (ex add bob to a PM sent to joe)

This could help if the topic drifts to where another member is needed but you'd like to keep the context.

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Buy/Sell category?


Justin Gordon wrote:

Would it make or not make sense for us to have a Buy/Sell category on http://forum.talksurf.com. I'm not sure if it would clutter things up or if the community would like it.

Maybe we just delete posts that don't sell within a month, and ask people selling to delete once gear sells?


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Lower case category names (and user names)?

Google Analytics Goal for Sign Up

Setup demographics for Google Analytics


Justin Gordon wrote:

Trying to get this bit in the analytics code.


To implement Display Advertising features for Universal Analytics, insert the bold line into your existing tracking code between the 'create' and 'send' commands, as seen in this example:

we need the

ga('require', 'displayfeatures');

in this block.

(I'd be happy to maybe give a try at a PR for this one if not too hard.)

(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXX-XX', 'example.com');
ga('require', 'displayfeatures');
ga('send', 'pageview');

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It's a dark theme!


Kane York wrote:

Now that we have the recoloring section …almost working perfectly, how's about a dark theme?

There's still a few things wrong, and it requires this PR, but I think it looks pretty good so far!

Known issues:

  • Gradual highlights are done in JS, and look really bright Fixed!
  • The buttons on the new topic composer are hidden for some reason
  • "All Categories" selector is colored in JS
  • ACE Editor is still white
  • Not exactly the best quaternary color (Suggestions welcome!)


primary: eeeeee
secondary: 222222
quaternary: dd6f54
header_background: 222222
header_primary: eeeeee
highlight: 888818
love: b43050


html {
    ::-webkit-scrollbar {
        width: 10px;
::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
    width: 10px;
    background-color: #222;
    border-left: 2px solid #444;

::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
    width: 10px;
    background-color: #444;

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Managing unread counts in conjunction with email


Joshua Hogendorn wrote:

I use our instance of discourse mostly through email as a mailing list. But when I hop onto the site, it shows me this huge long list of things I 'havent seen', even though ostensibly I have.

I propose a tracking image or similar is put into the mail out template so that discourse can detect opened emails and keep this feature reasonably synced.

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Is migrating from phpBB to Discourse a good idea


Mike Bajur wrote:

I'm sure there were thousands of threads like that here but every situation is different and has some specific requirements and circumstances.

Basically, i'm a running a phpBB3 forum with ~700k views and ~18k visitors per month (overall: 1083421 posts and 12284 registered users). We were allways trying to reduce server costs because that community is kind of donation-based and we don't have much money to spend on it.

We all know that phpBB is really oldschool sh*t and lately, it started to buffet us. It has no API, no responsive stuff and looks/works horrible. I'm currently looking for some alternative and basically, almost all community scripts are similar to phpBB - they SUCK! The only exception is Discourse which i love.

However, i'm concerned about server costs so the question is - is there any comparison of discourse vs. phpBB server costs? Will running such active forum on discourse be more expensive and will require more powerfull server ?

Our current phpBB forum is running on a VPS so, the most obvious difference in price between shared hosting account and VPS is ticked.

Thanks in advance for any tips and help.

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Fails to upload a file

Create a complete color scheme based on one seed color


Erlend Sogge Heggen wrote:

Continuing the discussion from What about an easier styling/theming system?:

I recently discovered this very handy Bootstrap utility:

It lets you set a single "seed color" and from that it makes you a complete color scheme. I think "anyone can be a designer" features like these could be really valuable for a forum, as it makes it very easy for anyone to style their forum to their liking - in accordance with style standards determined by Discourse - which in turn reduces the "every Discourse forum looks the same" effect.

The color theming system is a great first step, but your average forum admin will not have the design sense (or patience) to make a good looking and readable forum design.

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Importing users and assigning a post count


John R. wrote:

Currently I am working on getting the TheDailyWTF forum integration complete, in particular, featuring comments, Side Bar WTF integration, creating topics when articles are created, deleting moderator action posts, and setting topic visibility.

The last piece of the puzzle is importing the existing users. What we’ve decided is to simply import the usernames and email addresses of any users whose combined comment count + forum post count >= 100 (there are 584 of these users total). I have gathered this list, but I’m a little stuck as to how to continue with an import. I’ve looked through this thread to see if there was a standard way, and I tried to create a user by POSTing to /users various combinations of values for name, username, email, and password (not a real one of course) – but that typically errored out with “access denied” or seemed to indicate an email was sent but I never received one.

In addition to that, I am wondering if there is a way to set the post count and trust level via the API for each of these users so long-time users can be distinguished from a new user in multiple ways.

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Alias setting of group not saved at group creation


Sander Datema wrote:

When you create a new group you can set who can use it as an alias. But that option won't be saved when you create the group. You'll need to reload the page and set it again.

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Culture and Habits of Mailing Lists and Forums? Are they reconcilable?


Tobias Eigen wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Replacing Mailing lists: Email-In:

My big concern is less about spam (this can be handled on the technical level and with moderators) and more about culture and habits - in the little time I have spent here on meta and experimented on discourse.kabissa.org, I have already seen that it can be incredibly hard to combine the two worlds. People simply think about email differently than they do forum posts, and the technical issues involved in making the user interface and functionality work more or less equivalently might simply not be worth it.

I see @codinghorror often making minor tweaks to my forum posts (thank you!) to clean up formatting and to move them to where they make sense. Today I sent an email in to my forum and even wrote it in a forum post style by editing heavily in gmail to make sure it's comprehensible without reading down through the history of an email thread, but it still needed some editing after landing in the forum because the quotes didn't transfer properly (first lines of all quoted text was not quoted in the post but was in the email).

So as discussed elsewhere on meta, the best approach to converting people over may be to just come up with a migration path for upgrading mailing lists that 1) moves everybody over to discourse groups with access to categories and 2) archives the mailing list and makes it read-only. Instead of spinning up a mailing list, we start a group and category, write the intro topic and then use the INVITE button there to invite people to join it.

This is a tall order and may take time, however, since it means convincing the folks who spin up a mailman list when they start a new project and those that are used to participating in mailing lists from the comfort of their own email client. In the meantime, the more we can do to ease the transition and bring in people who are used to mailing lists, the better. The welcome email, notification format, and web interface already go a long way to doing that.. but there is likely more we can do to avoid freaking out the thousands of people we want to bring into discourse. smiley

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Add "Quote reply as new topic" button next to "Quote reply"


Tobias Eigen wrote:

Twice this morning I got stuck in a situation where I was writing a post and wanted to start some new topics in reply rather than write one long reply with lots of points (as I would in a mailing list wink). The "reply as new topic" just includes the whole post and then you have to delete what you don't want. This is ok but better functionality would be to let you select the text you want and then click "reply as new topic" or even better to have a second button "quote reply as new topic" next to the "quote reply" that pops up when you quote text.

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Russian Translation

Links are self-referencing


Michael wrote:

I've got the wp-discourse plugin installed. I've got it activated. All my settings should be sane and working. Nevertheless, whenever I make a post, the Continue this Discussion link is just a link to the Wordpress posting itself. The following is in my Nginx error logs:

PHP Warning:  in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given in /var/
www/mysite/wp-content/plugins/wp-discourse/wp-discourse.php on line 272
PHP message: PHP Warning:  file_get_contents(/wordpress.json?best=5&amp;min_trus
t_level=1&amp;min_score=1&amp;min_replies=1&amp;bypass_trust_level_score=50): fa
iled to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/mysite/wp-content/pl
ugins/wp-discourse/wp-discourse.php on line 167" while reading upstream, client:
 (An IP I don't recognize), server: (IP of the Wordpress Server) request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fa
stcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "wp.mysite.com"

Anyone able to easily tell me what I've screwed up?

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Sign in with Google not working


Arpit Jalan wrote:

I just spunned off a new Discourse instance on Digital Ocean droplet, and tried to sign up with my google account. The account got verified with google successfully, but Create Now button remains disabled. I tried changing Name and Username manually, but it remains disabled for me.

[Extra info if it helps: I spunned two Digital Ocean droplets consecutively, both time I got the same server IP address, on first droplet when I tried signing in with google it worked successfully, but on second droplet it didn't work. The console didn't show any error.]

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Launcher script not updated


Greg_Swallow wrote:

I installed discouse on digitalocean via the beginner docker method. I installed updates via the admin/docker url and today updated docker manually to 0.11.1 - I had a problem that the launcher script was not updated and still at the version before this commit here - https://github.com/discourse/discourse_docker/commit/60668406425eeb14bcec9f68cf592cad449a7061#diff-f3e08b5119358a8f58f17a678759f60c - that didn't detect 0.11 as a valid version.

Is it a bug that the launcher script wasn't updated? Or was there something else I should have been doing to update it? I'm sure I had done updates on the admin/docker page more recently than this commit - I actually first installed docker/discourse on May 2nd.

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Failure to Bootstrap Exit Code: (1)

Docker version suddenly broke


Jon Watte wrote:

I'm running the Docker version. It worked okay yesterday and earlier today, but after rebuilding the container, it's now broken. The error is:

> rake aborted!
> Sprockets::FileNotFound: couldn't find file '/var/www/discourse/plugins/poll/assets/javascripts/controllers/poll.js.es6'
>   (in /var/www/discourse/app/assets/javascripts/application.js.erb)
> [long backtrace]
> /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:85:in `spawn': cd /var/www/discourse && sudo -E -u discourse bundle exec rake assets:precompile failed with return #<Process::Status: pid 280 exit 1> (RuntimeError)
> [more backtrace]

Is there something I should do before doing a "launcher rebuild app" or is this a bum commit that made it to github or is this something else?

... there's another report of the same problem, so it seems like a bum commit made it in or something:

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