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Where do I find saved topics (not created yet)?


Lenin Raj Rajasekaran wrote:

I was creating a post and wanted to create a new category as well. I saw the "saved" message near the bottom. Hence, went to the categories page and created a new category. Now I cannot find the saved post anywhere. Is there a draft page which has all the saved unpublished topics?

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SSO against Drupal


Jessp01 wrote:


I would like to use my existing SSO module implemeted using Drupal to auth discourse users.
I have been researching for a while and only found:

Alas, my ver is 6.2 and I see this module is only supported in Drupal 7.
I have also seen https://github.com/marcoceppi/discourse-ubuntu-sso/blob/master/plugin.rbPerhaps I can create a similar one but I am not certain what I should using as the authenticator?
I also tried using the standard SSO mechanism offered by Discourse but, even though it does redirect to my Drupal SSO, after authing, Discourse does not recognize I am signed in.

Any assistance will be appreciated, thanks,

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Encoding bug on mobile version

Scheduler::Manager test fails randomly


Andrew Bezzub wrote:

I've got this error couple of times when running tests in VM. If I re-run tests then error goes away. Is this a know issue?

Scheduler::Manager#tick should only run pending job once
     Failure/Error: Testing::RandomJob.runs.should == 1
       expected: 1
            got: 0 (using ==)
     # ./spec/components/scheduler/manager_spec.rb:103:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

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Troubleshooting email on a new Discourse install

Two emails for one user


Caue Rego wrote:

I was trying to tweak my user to allow me and use either one of my 2 emails and I got this weird behaviour.

Under preferences if you set it up to something like me@example.com;also_me@example.com it will work, and you'll get the confirmation email on both.

But when trying to login, now you'd have to use me@example.com;also_me@example.com while trying to login with oauth, you can only use the first one.

I'm not sure what to do with this info or if it has any use for the developers. But I did wish to know if there is some way to make the oauth work with more than 1 email for the same account. I'd enjoy it very much, probably for no good reason. stuck_out_tongue

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Tried to use docker upgrade through /admin/docker and now the site won't load up


Rahul Banker wrote:

Hi, I just used /admin/docker to update docker and it got stuck midway and now the site won't load up and gives 504 error. I'm not so good with Rails at all. Can anyone help?

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Typo in backup settings

Editing .topic-body CSS Width


John Arce wrote:

I want to change .topic-body width from 695px to 900px.

Already add .topic-body {width: 900px;} at /admin/customize/css_html

I already purge, disable my cdn. But still not working.

Any idea?

Check my site here (topic view):


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How to manage badges (and trust level)?

Incorrect Users and Likes count

There should be tables


NomNuggetNom wrote:

Tables are extremely important for organized information! Github has a wonderful system for tables that seems perfect for Discourse.

@codinghorror said this in the past:

His personal opinion aside, I've never seen a table get "abused." They're really good for organizing information.

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Creating a simple BBcode to HTML plugin?


NomNuggetNom wrote:

I have no knowledge of Ruby and very little of HTML/CSS, so bear with me. All I want is to add a custom BBcode and have an HTML tag applied to it. For example:


Would become:

Or similar. If I can just get the basic hang of it, I'm sure I can make it more advanced. But for now, I need the baby steps. Thanks smiley.

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Profile Backgrounds on Usercards


Johan Jatko wrote:

I was messing around with the usercard and I came up with an idea to add the profile background to it as well, making it almost like a business card of some sort.

Here are some drafts, I use multiple-backgrounds with a linear-gradient to make it a bit darker at the bottom. (Which has full support in IE10)
Haven't changed the bio link colors yet, they need to be lighter.

Please give feedback, ideas and whatnot. =)

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Error in Reply display after deletion of post

Youtube link not included in email?


Jonathan wrote:

Not sure if its a bug or feature but posts on my docker version that only include a youtube video has meant that email reply notifications are blank because the youtube video is not embedded/url not shown.

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Can't change topic's category if topic has validation errors


Dia wrote:

Repro steps:

  1. Change minimum topic title length to say 5 characters.
  2. Create a topic with a title having 6 characters in category A.
  3. Change minimum topic title length back to 15.
  4. Move topic previously created into category B.

Bug #1: topic fails to move with no error message in the UI.
Bug #2: category topic count decreases by 1, even though no topic was moved (I actually ended up with a negative topic count).

I debugged through the code, and the cause for bug #1 is that the topic has validation errors, and so can't be saved (happens in the topic.rb#changed_to_category method).

For bug #2, the topic count in the changed_to_category method is updated, but the transaction is not rolled back when the save later fails. Shouldn't the save be done via the save! method instead of the regular save. That way, a validation exception is thrown, which should technically fix both bugs.

I encountered this bug after doing an import from our previous forums, which had topic titles smaller than the required title length.

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Setting up Discourse for testing on a Mac


Peter Lewis wrote:

[Maybe this belongs on howto but I can't post there]

My goal was to be able to run the test suite on a Mac. In the end, this took about 6 hours to setup, so I figure I will document the pain here in the hopes that it helps someone. This is for Mac OS X 10.9.3, heaven knows if it will work for any other version.

I assume you don't want to affect your system more than necessary (especially globally) and I'm using tcsh, so adjust for bash.

Things to do:

Install MacPort http://www.macports.org/install.php - installing MacPort can take a long time, so be patient.

Clone discourse into ~/unix/discourse

cd ~
mkdir ~/unix
cd ~/unix
git clone git://github.com/discourse/discourse/git
cd discourse

Set gems to be installed for this user only

echo install: --user-install >> ~/.gemrc
echo update: --user-install >> ~/.gemrc

Setup environment variables:

setenv PATH ~/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bin:/opt/local/lib/postgresql91/bin:$PATH
setenv ARCHFLAGS "-arch x86_64"
setenv RAILS_ENV test

Update MacPorts

sudo port selfupdate
sudo port upgrade outdated

Install bundler

gem install bundle

Install Xcode.app

and command line tools:

xcode-select --install

Install libraries

sudo port install libxml2 libxslt

Install postgresql and redis

sudo port install postgresql91 postgresql91-server redis

Setup postgresql

sudo mkdir -p /opt/local/var/db/postgresql91/defaultdb
sudo chown postgres:postgres /opt/local/var/db/postgresql91/defaultdb
sudo su postgres -c '/opt/local/lib/postgresql91/bin/initdb -D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql91/defaultdb'

In a separate Terminal window, start postgres

sudo -u postgres /opt/local/lib/postgresql91/bin/postgres -D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql91/defaultdb

Start redis:

sudo port load redis

Setup redis:

mkdir /tmp/redis
chmod 777 /tmp/redis
redis-cli flushall
redis-cli> CONFIG SET dir /tmp/redis
OK> CONFIG SET dbfilename temp.rdb
redis-cli flushall

Install the discourse gem dependencies (into ~/unix/bundler)

bundle install --path ~/unix/bundler

This will take a long time, so be patient again.

Create the postgres user (change YOURUSERNAME to your user name

sudo -u postgres /opt/local/lib/postgresql91/bin/createuser YOURUSERNAME
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y
Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) y

The default postgres template may be ASCII and needs to be UTF8, so fix this (see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16736891/pgerror-error-new-encoding-utf8-is-incompatible) (you can try without this, it will depend on your system settings as to whether the default is UTF8 or ASCII).

psql -U postgres template1
\c temp
DROP DATABASE template1;
UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = TRUE WHERE datname = 'template1';
\c template1

Create the test database

bundle exec db:drop db:create db:migrate

And now run the test:

bundle exec rake spec

Wait about five minutes for the tests to run.

If you get problems installing nokogiri, you probably have old or outdated versions or architectures of libxml2, libiconv or libxslt, consider trashing any old versions and reinstalling from macports.

If you get problems about missing categories table, you probably have not set the RAILS_ENV to test.

Good luck!

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Onebox - strange behavior with a specific link

How easy is discourse to extend?


Charles Wilmott wrote:

Before I invest building a community with discourse.

Say my forum becomes successful and
I need maybe a paid forum area or I want to add features that don't exist for discourse.

How easy would discourse be to extend??

Many thanks for your advise


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