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How do you handle viewing a thread between rendering it via JS and pre-rendered?


Daniel Fischer wrote:

I'm trying to figure out how Discourse handles viewing a thread in regards to SEO/pre-rendered content.

When you're viewing a thread what you see is generated by Ember when JS is enabled, correct? When JS is not enabled how does it go to the Rails view part?

To rephrase in a more general way, for content to be viewable outside of Ember and within a Rails environment do you have to create two templates? One ember template and one rails template?

Unless this is not how it's working?

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Can we have a point or reward system as a feature?


Rahul Banker wrote:

Can we have a point system for activities like signup, posting, replying for users and some kind of reward system for them as a feature in discourse installation?

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For what is used the TopicTrackingState.report


Piotr Szal wrote:

I do not understand for what is used this report.
If I comment it out or not discourse seems to work correct.

Which feature is away when I comment out this lines in the application_controller.rb:

serializer = ActiveModel::ArraySerializer.new(TopicTrackingState.report([current_user.id]), each_serializer: TopicTrackingStateSerializer)
store_preloaded("topicTrackingStates", MultiJson.dump(serializer))

The Data from the report

[.... #<TopicTrackingState:0x007fdbe04ace78
 @created_at=2014-06-16 12:16:29 UTC,
 @user_id=1071469>, ....]

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Header takes up a lot of real estate on mobile site


ampburner wrote:

I really like the sticky header - which always shows the topic title and navigation at the top of the page no matter where you are - and it works great on desktop.

But on mobile it is too obtrustive. Especially in landscape mode....

See screenshot

Posting this from IOS 7...

Proposed improvement:
If you scroll down, the header could scroll out of the viewport, but the moment you swipe/scroll upwards, it could immediately scroll back into view (even if you're somewhere halfway down the page)

This behaviour will be obvious to touch screen users, they are scrolling up and down all the time, anyway.

My description is probably a bit vague, but for a perfect example, have a look at the way Google Chrome has implemented this for their address bar in IOS...

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Allow alternate logo on mobile view


ampburner wrote:

Under admin > customize, I have the ability to specify custom css and a html-header for both the desktop and mobile views (independently)

But the site logo is always the same (shared between both views)

I would like the ability to specify a separate image for the mobile view, because my logo is not suitable for small screen displays:

(The font looks kind of crappy on mobile)

This has the additional advantage of saving bandwidth and faster loading times.

Possible implementations:
- additional setting for the mobile logo (empty defaults to desktop logo)
- allow to override the image via a stylesheet somehow? If that's possible.

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Docker Manager latest commit links to master not tests-passed


Michael Downey wrote:

Continuing the discussion from "Sign In" vs. "Log Out":

When viewing the latest commit in Docker Manager, you see a link with the latest commit in master, not the tests-passed branch which it actually builds from.

To reproduce:

  1. Load /admin/docker
  2. If an update is available for discourse, click the commit.
  3. You'll see the latest commits to master.
  4. If you update, you'll get code from the tests-passed branch instead, which may or may not include the most recent commits to master that you already saw and assumed you'd get.

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No margin when starting a reply/post with an unordered list


Michael Downey wrote:

  • When starting a reply (or ostensibly a new topic) with an unordered list, and there's no paragraph text before it, there is no margin on the text.
  • Normally there is a 14px (?) margin above and below the text in each post.

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How do I upload a plugin on to my server


Egor Lyfar wrote:

Hello, can you please explain to a novice how I can copy a ruby plugin file from my desktop to /var/www/discourse/plugins/Thank you in advance and sorry If my question is stupid blush

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Discourse not sending registration emails when multiple admin emails are added in app.yml


Aahan Krish wrote:

File: app.yml

## List of comma delimited emails that will be made admin on signup
DISCOURSE_DEVELOPER_EMAILS: 'user1@example.com,user2@example.com'

With app.yml set that way, once I bootstrap and launch Discourse, and register a user with one of those emails, I am not receiving the verification emails. Works when I only add one email in app.yml.

Unless I am missing something, this is a bug.

EDIT: In the past 2-3 days have any changes been made around email in Discourse? When I first installed Discourse the day before yesterday everything was fine. I haven't been receiving verification emails for new Discourse instances (complete new setups) since yesterday. Weird!

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Chat Techonology?

Allow coffeescript in plugin assets


Mendel wrote:

Would be great if it were possible to use coffeescript files with register_asset in plugins. smile

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Running our test suite inside a docker container


Sam Saffron wrote:

I just made some commits that allow us to run our test suite in a docker container. Think of it as a mini-travis.

What it does:

  1. Checks out the code at a specified commit
  2. Creates a database and redis instance, runs in background
    a. DB is optimised for speed, disables fsync.
  3. Runs our specs
  4. Runs our js tests

This is powered by the rake docker:test task.

My focus for this work was usability. Anyone can run our test suite by typing:

docker run -it --rm samsaffron/discourse_test

You can specify a commit if you wish:

docker run -it --rm -e COMMIT_HASH=a3e3d34 samsaffron/discourse_test

The container definition is at: https://github.com/discourse/discourse_docker/blob/master/image/discourse_test/Dockerfile

On my local box I am able to spin up an environment and run all the tests in 3:45 - (5:30 on digital ocean)

It is particularly interesting cause its completely standalone and disposable. We spin up a pristine environment and dispose of it once testing is done.

Why not use travis?

We still use travis, we just need our tests a lot earlier, there is a huge difference for us between waiting 12:38 and under 4 minutes. Additionally travis may have queuing time that is beyond our control.

Once our build process takes care of stamping the tests-passed branch, we only pull in code that passed tests, docker internal deploy and smoke tests.

Why not use traditional testing?

Recently we have started seeing odd failures due to phantomjs segfaults, it is very hard to diagnose what about the test box that is causing it. Further more, our test box had the standard "duct tape" Ruby install, I wanted to have something that is trivial to upgrade (which I can do now by simply updating the base image).

Future work

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"Watching" Glyph change proposal


Benjamin Kampmann wrote:


just browsed the the site and in a category I am watching at the moment, shockingly clicked on the top right bang-glyph because it looked like it was something important to look at, just to learn that yes, I am watching this. Why is this a bang glyph? It has no relation to it what so ever.

From what I understand the main and only difference to "tracking" is to also receive emails about it, right? Then why isn't that the envelope-glyph ? Or if as this is already in use for private message and you don't want it get confused then how about the eye-glyph like it is used for the exact same feature on github:

Look how neat (using font-awesome):

I'm happy to make PR for the change if there is an okay for it.

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Copyright information on bottom?


Erick Guan wrote:

It's typical to put the copyright information on the bottom of page. This information can only be found in the FAQ now.

It's useful to know about what license the content is under and what the user can do with it.

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Discourse powering your personal forum, or personal blog's comments? What did you name it?


Aahan Krish wrote:

Do you have Discourse powering your personal forum (in the same sense as a "personal blog") or your personal blog's comments system? If yes, what did you name of the forum?

I am totally clueless at this point as to what I should name mine. For now I am going with "Aahan's Discussion Forums" and I must say, I am not really fond of it.

Share your ideas for some cool and/or meaningful names!

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The "Discourse has a new version" popups overlap


FichteFoll wrote:

I just had to close three popups from Discourse notifying me about an update and whether I'd like to reload the page - in a single tab. Since the background dimmers also overlapped I couldn't really make out which page I was on actually and whether I had something left to read or similar.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open Discourse tab(s)
  2. Hibernate (or just wait a long time)
  3. Hope that multiple updates have been deployed in the meantime
  4. De-hibernate

Either way, this doesn't seem necessary.

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POP3 polling time and debugging


James Hayward wrote:


We are currently testing an installation of Discourse to replace our Google Group, which is used my a large percentage as just a mailing list. The email-in and reply facilities of Discourse make it a viable alternative, and I've just invited the hardcore mailing list people onto the testing site to see what they think.

Reaction so far is promising, but they have been a couple of related things that I hope the community can help with?

Firstly, we have some emails not getting through. We can see them in the inbox, and I've searched and found out that sidekiq is responsible for polling. Something has failed on there, but I can't figure out what. I could do with some help debugging this. Other emails are getting through, even from the same person.

Secondly, there is a bit of a delay. I have reduced the imposed delay on outgoing messages to one minute for testing, but I may well raise this again. It seems that the biggest issue is the 5 minute polling delay - is there a way of decreasing this?

I hope someone is kind enough to help!


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Email digest should include a brief overview of unread topics (or total amount)


FichteFoll wrote:

As far as I can see Discoruse only sends me "recent activity" but I'd also like to know if there are discussions that I have shown my interest for have received updates.

Be that either a list with all unread threads (maybe limited to e.g. 10) or just a notifier a la "There are 10 discussions with unread posts. Click [here] to go directly to the Unread list."

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Canned responses to help moderators encourage civilized discourse


Michael Downey wrote:

So one of the great things about Discourse is it's designed to help encourage actual civilized discourse. That's a great goal, but in addition to software, it depends on watchful and tactful mentors.

I think a lot of moderators don't know how to (in words) tactfully discourage unhelpful behavior, and encourage helpful behavior. What would people think about having something like "canned responses" for moderators? These could either be sent to people via private message or by replying to a post.

In addition to the software to allow moderators to quickly choose from a pre-written message (both provided by default with the system and user-definable), it'd be necessary to collect some wise, tactful messages to ship.

Is this a crazy idea? Would anyone else find it useful for their system's moderators?

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Create docker image for a customized discourse


Prasoon Shukla wrote:

Hello discourse devs

I've been working on a project for which I had to make a few changes to the development version of discourse. Now, I need to package it to a docker image. How do I make this custom version work with docker? From what little documentation I've read, I suspect it'll be a matter of changing a few Dockerfiles to point at correct github URLs but well, I don't really know.

Please let me know how to do this. Thanks.

@techAPJ, @codinghorror: I hope you guys can help smiley

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