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Real-time updates


Kudu wrote:

How do real-time updates work? Are they really "real-time" (e.g. Socket.IO) or is the server just polled periodically? Sorry if this has already been answered.

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How about an auto update system


zh99998 wrote:

discourse development is so active that i must keep updating to enjoy the latest futures. doing same thing again and again is sooo annoying.

my site was a totally original edition, without any customize. it means update never get wrong except the discourse itself has fatal bug.(but if there is a fatal bug, it will crash too after i update it manually)

well, even a costomized site can also auto update too, just let git check files and send email if conflict.

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Get notified about unanswered questions


Kenneth Lowrey wrote:

One issue I'm having with my Discourse community is unanswered questions. How can I get notified that a question has been left unanswered for X time? For example can I have a email sent to someone when a new topic has not been responded to in 4 hours?

Is there a way to assign users to a category and have them notified when a new topic is posted for a specific category? Another was of asking this question is can a user subscribe to a specific category?


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I deleted "uncategorized". Is this bad?


Peter Jaros wrote:

I just set up a new Discourse install. While I was configuring my categories, I thought I wasn't going to want uncategorized topics, so I deleted the category "uncategorized".

Now I've decided that I do want to allow uncategorized topics after all. I have allow_uncategorized_topics checked, but I don't have a category named "uncategorized". When I create a topic, I can give it "(no category)".

I can then edit a "(no category)" topic and give it a category.


If I edit a categorized topic and set it to "(no category)", it doesn't remove the category. It appears to, but if I go back to the topic list, the category's still there. If I return to the topic, the category is in fact back.

Did I work myself into a bad state? Should "uncategorized" not have been deletable?

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Favorite vs Like vs Bookmark

Discourse plugin for static site generators like Jekyll or Octopress


Sjors wrote:

It would be nice to have a plugin for static site generators like Jekyll or Octopress, since the performance and security benefits of those platforms are significant if you would take the time to learn it.

What do you guys think?

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What is category hotness?


Peter Jaros wrote:

Surprisingly I couldn't find an answer to this elsewhere:

What is a category's hotness for? Where does it come into play?

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[Solved, but don't know why] Click Tracking not working on my install


Thisgeekza wrote:

I'm not sure if I'm missing a setting, or I've messed up somewhere, but click tracking doesn't seem to be working on my install.

If I add links, or I get someone else to add links, no click numbers appear after the link like it does here (This is after clicking the links, of course).

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/var/www/discourse/tmp/sockets/ empty after start


Rikai wrote:

After ruby adds the following lines to .bash_profile (and I've cat'd it over to .profile and removed .bash_profile), I get an error. Here is what it adds:

PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin # Add RVM to PATH for scripting
[[ -s "$HOME/.profile" ]] && source "$HOME/.profile"
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"

Here is the error:

-bash: /usr/bin/lesspipe: Argument list too long
-bash: /usr/bin/dircolors: Argument list too long
-bash: /usr/bin/lesspipe: Argument list too long
-bash: /usr/bin/dircolors: Argument list too long

After this, any command I run, be it su, ls, dir, cp, mv, or even logout, gives the error Argument list too long.

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit

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How to change local machine name while configuring Postfix?


A G wrote:

I am following trident's advise to fix the email settings. In Mandrill's Postfix set up page I came across to this:

In order to properly relay the mail, your hostname needs to be a fully-qualified domain name. The default specifies the local machine as the hostname, which may not be a FQDN. You can check by running:
$ hostname -f
If this outputs a FQDN, you're all set. Otherwise, you'll want to add a myhostname or mydomain parameter to your main.cf file.

In my case I don't have FQDN. So I edited the /etc/postfix/main.cf file with my domain like this:

myhostname = nomilkfor.me
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
myorigin = /etc/mailname
mydestination = nomilkfor.me, ubuntu, localhost.localdomain, localhost
relayhost =
mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128
mailbox_command = procmail -a "$EXTENSION"
mailbox_size_limit = 0
recipient_delimiter = +
inet_interfaces = loopback-only

but I still get local machine name:

discourse@ubuntu:~$ hostname -f

How can I fix this? Thanks!


This question came up as "Your topic is similar to..." and reading that I am not so sure about what to enter as myhostname.

I rebooted the server and now I get:

discourse@ubuntu:~$ hostname -f
hostname: Name or service not known

What am I doing wrong?

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Problem during initialization


Akeme Rofako wrote:

while trying to run the following:

RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT=90000000 RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate

I get this error:

rake aborted!
fe_sendauth: no password supplied
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activerecord-4.0.2/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:831:in `initialize'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activerecord-4.0.2/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:831:in `new'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activerecord-4.0.2/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:831:in `connect'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activerecord-4.0.2/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:548:in `initialize'
What have I done wrong?

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Things I should know before installing Discourse


Amit Gupta wrote:

Hi everyone,
This will be bit long post but i will try to be succinct. Currently I am running a LAN only website (accessible to 10.x.x.x, without any domain name) on ubuntu 12.04, enginx, mysql, with wordpress as CMS. Idea is to install Discourse at a web address such as "10.x.x.x/discussions" and integrate it to original comments by wp-discourse. Before i do that i want few clarifications so that i can be sure that I am indeed right on various features.

1- the installation guide at github points out at the issue if users are from local ip. http://meta.discourse.org/t/all-of-my-internal-users-show-as-coming-from-127-0-0-1/6607I am okay if all users are shown as, but will it affect any functionality?

2- if anyone has used wp-discourse, does it takes users by default from wordpress users list? i.e my site (instructions to undergrad students for inorganic qualitative analysis) is accessible only to registered users. So will the users have to register only once or do they have to register again for Discourse?

3- if they sign in for the wordpress site will they automatically be signing in for discourse also?

Thats it for now

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Reply button while logged out


Anthony wrote:

There should be a reply button while logged out. Most users will create an account only when want to say something. Right now, if someone lands on a discourse thread from Google and there no clear way to reply or what to do next. There should be a reply button that brings up the sign up or log in lightbox. Making answering as easy as possible was one of the big wins of Stack Overflow.

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Read status not working as expected


Anthony wrote:

The read status for a thread is not working as I would expect or it could be a bug.

Here is what I see while reading a thread the first time, not the last 25 out of 75.

Here is what I see when return to a thread form the read tab:

It jumps to 28. I don't even see the post that is only partly shown in the first screenshot. I think discourse should err on the side of returning to a slight older post, that you might have read, because in the worse case you get a little context into the next few posts. Perhaps, Discourse should take you back to the middle post or the partial shown post minus 1.

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Embedding polls in posts


MilleniX wrote:

Many existing forums have features that let users post a 'poll' at the start of a topic, to ask things like "what's the best version of X?", or "which of these sentiments describes how you feel about Y?". Some offer both pick-one-of-N-answers questions and a multi-choice list of checkboxes. I'm sure there are other structures that might evolve in a more forward-looking discussion setting as well. At the very least, though Discourse should probably grow to include those. I don't see any reason it should be limited to the initial post in a topic, but maybe others do.

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Proposing Jekyll as community wiki platform


Erlend Sogge Heggen wrote:

Continuing the discussion from All the options to deploy Discourse with their relative pros and cons:

I suggest running an openly editable Jekyll wiki, probably on GitHub, with editing support via prose.io. You could enable plugins the simple way or the advanced way. Then you could use @trident's awesome Jekyll integration plugin to create discussions-per-page.

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Puppet script to automate the Discourse installation


Sjors wrote:

I'm currently learning puppet to be able to automate the Discourse installation, and basically because I'm tired of having to do manual installations. Once I'm done with it I will share it here. I was wondering if anyone here has already attempted to build a Puppet script for the deployment of Discourse.

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Upload url is wrong

Translators We Want You!


Julien Dumétier wrote:

To make the best translations, we need more than one translator per language.

To federate everyone in one place, Transifex seems to provide the right tools to translate and review translations.

You can join us now on Discourse-Translations-Project created by @camilohollanda and @jbruni (portuguese brazil translators) for instance you'll find 2 languages: portuguese brazil (pt_BR) and french France (fr_FR).
Translations are waiting for your reviews and contributions.

Existing translators please add your files there.

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Adsense integration and custom post template


Vikhyat Korrapati wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Please visit our Discourse Forum! (Directory):

Both of those will currently require modifying Discourse templates. This is our post template:


{{post-gap post=this postStream=controller.postStream before="true"}}

<div class='row'>
  {{view Discourse.ReplyHistory contentBinding="replyHistory"}}

<article class='boxed' {{bindAttr id="postElementId"}} {{bindAttr data-post-id="id"}} data-user-id="{{unbound user_id}}">
  <div class='row'>
    {{#if showUserReplyTab}}
      <a href='#' {{action toggleReplyHistory this target="view"}} class='reply-to-tab'>
        {{#if loadingReplyHistory}}
          {{i18n loading}}
          {{i18n post.in_reply_to}}
          {{avatar reply_to_user imageSize="tiny"}}

    <div class='topic-body span14'>
      <div {{bindAttr class=":select-posts controller.multiSelect::hidden"}}>
        <button {{action toggledSelectedPostReplies this}} {{bindAttr class="view.canSelectReplies::hidden"}}>{{i18n topic.multi_select.select_replies}}</button>
        <button {{action toggledSelectedPost this}} class="select-post">{{view.selectPostText}}</button>

      <div {{bindAttr class="showUserReplyTab:avoid-tab view.repliesShown::bottom-round :contents :regular view.extraClass"}}>
        {{#unless controller.multiSelect}}
          <div class='topic-meta-data-inside'>
            {{#if hasHistory}}
              <div class='post-info edits'>
                {{#if canViewEditHistory}}
                  <a href='#' class="{{unbound historyHeat}}" {{action showHistory this}} title="{{i18n post.last_edited_on}} {{unboundDate updated_at}}">
                    <i class='fa fa-pencil'></i>
                  <span class="{{unbound historyHeat}}" title="{{i18n post.last_edited_on}} {{unboundDate updated_at}}">
                    <i class='fa fa-pencil'></i>
            <div class='post-info'>
              <a href='#' class='post-date' {{bindAttr data-share-url="shareUrl"}} {{bindAttr data-post-number="post_number"}}>{{unboundAgeWithTooltip created_at}}</a>
        <div class='cooked'>
          <div class='topic-meta-data span2'>
            {{#unless userDeleted}}
              <div {{bindAttr class=":contents byTopicCreator:topic-creator :trigger-expansion"}}>
                <a href='{{unbound usernameUrl}}' {{action showPosterExpansion this}}>{{avatar this imageSize="large"}}</a>
              <div class="contents">
                <i class="icon icon-trash deleted-user-avatar"></i>
                <h3 class="deleted-username">{{i18n user.deleted}}</h3>

          <div class="right-side-block">
            <span class="username">
              <h3 {{bindAttr class="staff new_user"}}><a href='{{unbound usernameUrl}}' {{action showPosterExpansion this}}>{{username}}</a></h3>

              {{#if showName}}
              <h3><a href='{{unbound usernameUrl}}' {{action showPosterExpansion this}}>{{breakUp name}}</a></h3>
              {{#if user_title}}<span class="user-title" {{action showPosterExpansion this}}>{{user_title}}</span>{{/if}}
        {{view Discourse.PostMenuView postBinding="this" postViewBinding="view"}}
      {{view Discourse.RepliesView content=replies postView=view}}
      {{discourse-action-history post=this}}
      {{view Discourse.TopicMapContainerView post=this topic=controller.model}}

    <div class='span5 gutter'>
      {{collection contentBinding="internalLinks" itemViewClass="Discourse.PostLinkView" tagName="ul" classNames="post-links"}}
      {{#if topic.details.can_reply_as_new_topic}}
        <a href='#' class='reply-new' {{action replyAsNewTopic this}}><i class='fa fa-plus'></i>{{i18n post.reply_as_new_topic}}</a>


{{post-gap post=this postStream=controller.postStream before="false"}}

If you are using it note that the poster expansion won't work as expected, I haven't had a chance to look into why that is happening yet.

For integrating Adsense, the templates are modified to add an Adsense view like this: https://github.com/vikhyat/discourse/blob/hummingbird/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/templates/list.js.handlebars#L31

This is how the views are defined:

(function() {

  AdsenseViewFactory = function(client, slot, width, height, container) {
    return Ember.View.extend({
      template: function (context) {
        return (container ? "<div class='container'>" : "") + '<div class="banner-ad"><ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:' + width + 'px;height:' + height + 'px" data-ad-client="' + client + '" data-ad-slot="' + slot + '"></ins></div>' + (container ? "</div>" : "");
      didInsertElement: function() {
        (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

  Discourse.TopicListAdsenseView = AdsenseViewFactory("ca-pub-5468143899340143", "7587298923", 728, 90, false)
  Discourse.BelowReplyAdsenseView = AdsenseViewFactory("ca-pub-5468143899340143", "8307152528", 728, 90, false)
  Discourse.UserPageAdsenseView = AdsenseViewFactory("ca-pub-5468143899340143", "4647178929", 728, 90, true)


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