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Where is string "by" used?


probus wrote:

I'm struggling to translate the string "by" in server.en.yml. Can someone provide some context about where it's been used?

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Making it clearer how to edit a wiki post


Cyrus Stoller wrote:

I've had a few users ask me how to edit wiki posts. They've been getting a little confused.

What do you guys think about making it so that the fa fa-pencil-square-o fa-3x icon under the user avatar is clickable? People seem to think that by clicking on that they will be able to edit wiki posts.

Alternatively adding an additional link in the top right corner for editing, possibly inside the wiki history modal??

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Improving behavior of "N new or updated topics. Click to show" (less page blinking)


Anton wrote:


Currently, when I click the blue message to show new or updated topics, my screen changes 2 times:

  1. The blue message gets hidden and all the topics move up, which is not smooth. This is the first change of my screen. It lasts for 1 to 2 seconds.
  2. When the new topics are loaded, they get inserted at the top of the list, and the whole screen changes again. This is the second change.

So, one click changes the screen twice and with delay between these two changes.
I consider it being not very good user experience.

Proposed Solution

Instead of hiding the blue message, change its text to Loading...:

This will allow to avoid moving the whole list of the topics twice.

Another benefit is that if only one topic is to be shown, there will be no movement of topics at all - because the blue message will be replaced by a new topic, and everything below will stay in the same place vertically.

Highlighting of the newly loaded topics

Just as an additional request,

Does it make sense to highlight (and fade out that highlight) the newly displayed topics, just the same as a message in a topic is highlighted when a direct link is used? I feel this has been discussed already, but can't find anything about it.

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Swapping out topic list stars with tracking status


Erlend Sogge Heggen wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Rename "Dismiss Unread" to "Stop Tracking Topics":

I'd like to suggest a change to the topic list:

Instead of the Favorites star, you get to see up front which topics you're actively watching, tracking or just regularly reading.

You could also make it so that clicking this icon would invoke the tracking-status menu:

This makes sense to me because "Untracking" is a thread-by-thread action, not a bulk action.

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My latest forum... but it's not running Discourse - here's why


AstonJ wrote:

http://www.forum.breedia.com (main site is Rails)

My shortlisted forum platforms were Discourse and Xenforo, but we decided to go with XF for two main reasons:

  • Our users preferred XF over DC (many of which were coming from another one of my sites that uses vB)
  • Features; such as being able to watch forums, thread categories (prefixes), friends activity, fully responsive design, paid subs, extensive usergroup controls and promotions etc

I set up a test install of both forums, in pretty much their default skins and asked a number of members to try them. I think because XF is in many ways a natural progression of vB, they unanimously preferred it. This is worth bearing in mind for the DC team because vB is probably the most popular forum platform out there and has been around a long time, meaning people have grown to like it having become accustomed to it over the years.

There were other reasons as well, but I think the above two raise some great questions; why did our users prefer XF? (Did they find DC confusing? Was the design/UX not to their taste? etc) And what features does DC need to make it a compelling choice against the other forum platforms? (Perhaps a question that needs to be asked of forum admins.)

I know the DC team have their vision (and that's great!) but I really do think you need to start speaking to end users a little more. Not every forum will be have a main site that draws people to it over other forums (in which case it won't matter too much which platform they use) - but there will be lots and lots of dog forums, car forums, and other sites that are forums first and foremost that the end user will find via Google, and they'll proceed taking a look at a handful of them and making a decision about which to join after what they see and what feels most comfortable to them. With regards to content or the community being the greatest draw - generally (and although many forum admins may say otherwise) they are usually, more or less on a par, with the community being equally knowledgable, welcoming or attractive to the end user.

I am a fan of DC (I especially like the idea of the badge/permissions system) and hope to use it one day, but for this project I just had to go with XF. I hope this feedback is useful to the team.

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Keyboard Shortcuts do not work on 404 page


cpradio wrote:

From one of our members

If I follow a link which leads to the "The page you requested doesn't exist or is private" error page, I can't use the standard keyboard "Jump to" navigation to return from there.

The only way to navigate from that page is by tabbing.

Discourse "jump to" shortcuts - g/h, g/u, g/c etc.

u for "back" also doesn't work.

(I couldn't even get the keyboard "menu" pop-up to work, so that I could check I wasn't having a brainstorm and muddling up the shortcuts. But I wasn't. smile )

I've confirmed that once on an error page, it is difficult (using just a keyboard) to navigate away from it you can't use any of the standard Discourse shortcuts to navigate away from it.

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Cannot filter by subcategory without visiting parent category first


David Maxwell wrote:

This is not a deal breaker as there are ways around it, but it is an annoyance. If you are on any of the latest/new/unread pages (category page as well, but I ignored that since the dropdown is kinda redundant there stuck_out_tongue), there is no way to filter by a sub-category unless you are in the parent category first.

So if I wanted to look just at spec, I have to select feature first, then filter by the sub-category. And I can't get to translations without filtering by dev first.

(please feel free to move this to feature if y'all disagree)

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Import Mailman archives into Discourse?


danja wrote:


I have a Mailman mailing list archive which I would like to import into Discourse.
Are there any known scripts/tools for doing that?

Did anyone try to email-in an entire mailing list archive? I presume that should be relatively easy to do using already existing functionality..


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"[User] accepted your invitation" PM link points to null topic


James Milligan wrote:

  1. Invite a user through the /users/you/invited panel
  2. As this second user, redeem the invite and login
  3. On the original account, the PM telling you the invite has been redeemed links to /t/topic/null
  4. Visiting that link throws up an error "The page you requested doesn't exist or is private" as kind of expected.

Non-docker, latest repo.

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Guidance about category creation


Joshua Frank wrote:

I'm setting up a new Discourse community and wondering about how to create categories. In particular, I'm nervous about making categories that are narrow enough to be meaningful, without making them so narrow that there are too many categories, topics could easily belong to more than one category, and people won't know where to look.

Why aren't categories implemented like tags in stackoverflow, where you can simply have more than one? I'm sure this has been discussed elsewhere, but I can't seem to find it.

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J/k keyboard navigation doesn't function on Profile or Messages pages


TechnoBear wrote:

On other category pages, j/k can be used to navvigate the threads, but it's not functioning on Profile or Messages pages.

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RuntimeError Bad signature for payload during SSO login and signup


Neil Lalonde wrote:

We're seeing a lot of people having trouble writing the code for their websites to integrate with Discourse's single sign on, getting

RuntimeError "Bad signature for payload"

This topic outlines the process, but if your code is calculating something incorrectly, then your users will get that unhelpful error.

The first step to solving this problem is to compare your code with the samples provided in the sso category:

Let's post solutions in this topic. What was wrong and how was it fixed?

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I need to be able to post ALL CAPS topic titles


Michael Sullivan wrote:

When I try to create a post title with all caps (deliberately) with title prettify disabled and title min entropy to 0, i get this error:

Title is invalid; try to be a little more descriptive

If I change the title to have at least one lowercase letter, it will accept it.
I think this is a bug but please advise.

I think I am running


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Plugin for text editor



I wanted to make a plugin that would add a button in the text editor's toolbar. It would function just like the bold and italic buttons and wrap the text in some custom markup.

Is something like this possible to do currently in Discourse?

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Editing robot txt file

Default groups - venn diagram


PJH wrote:

Just after confirmation, or otherwise, of the following diagram explaining the relationships between the various default groups after a conversation about them on my forum:

e.g. level 4 users are also in level 0-3, admin and moderators are separate roles (both staff), but people can be in both if necessary, and they don't have to be above level 0 to be so, everyone must be at least level 0, etc...

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Add a timeout to "Load More" to allow retry by user


lid wrote:

The Why

The load more will stay on "loading mode" indefinitely, if the request failed due to network issue, even if the network connectivity resolved.

Case 1:
Network got disconnected momentarily, at the time the network was down, the user scrolled down and triggered loading more items.
few seconds after the "load more" action started the network connectivity restored. but the loader will not retry or fail.

and the loading indicator will stay there forever.

Expected behavior:
1. The Loader will retry X times with a delay between each retry to reload the asset.
2. The Loader will give up after a given timeout or a certain retries
3. The load more visual will change to indicate that there was something wrong, allow the user to either retry or dismiss the loader.

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Deployment isn't very sysadmin-friendly


Drewcrawford wrote:

(copied from GitHub https://github.com/discourse/discourse_docker/issues/82)

Hi. I want to rain on your deployment parade for a minute. Sorry, I'm not trying to be rude, but I think this is really important to get right, and I had to do a redeploy today, it took awhile, there was a lot of fighting with your launcher script. I won, but somewhat unsatisfied with the parley.

So as far as making deployment good for newbies--which is a fine goal for an early-stage product--you've basically succeeded, or at least as close as you can without offering a hosted solution. You tell the user what OS to run, what directories things should be stored in, and everything's fine.

The trouble is that as the product matures, more and more people with actual sysadmin/devops skills will be maintaining it, and the deployment really isn't at all intuitive to that group.

For example, the way Docker is supposed to work is you are supposed to be able to run "docker build ." at a command line and something sensible will happen. You can't do this with Discourse.

Now that's not really your fault, since the Dockerfile format is ridiculously underpowered and cannot possibly do the kind of configuration processing you want to do. But in this case the answer is to get involved on issues like here here and here to get the format to a place where it can start handling these cases.

Or alternatively, the answer is to write a standard tool that could build docker images with sufficient configuration power. And then that tool could get re-used among various projects that want to package complicated things in Docker. You're early in on the scene, I think people would listen to you.

But the answer definitely isn't for every vendor to write their own shell script installer with their own syntax to install every package. That is so 90s.

Here is a laundry list of similar complaints:

  • Discourse assumes things about the file structure of my host system, for example that I'll have a /var/docker/shared directory. If only there was some kind of lightweight container system, that would let me organize my host FS how I want and let each guest lay out the filesystem how it likes... Oh wait that's how Docker is supposed to work.
  • Discourse makes me reach into some vendor-specific yml file to edit what ports will be forwarded on the host system. If only there was some vendor-independent syntax, like docker run -p, that could specify ports for any applications I run...
  • Discourse has ssh enabled by default. That's not how Docker is supposed to work. Puzzlingly, Discourse also installs nsenter.
  • Discourse requires git to be installed on the host. If only there was some vendor-independent syntax, like docker pull, to move software across a network

I could go on, but this is getting long.

Really what I'm saying is this: Docker isn't a private interface that you can hide behind a shell script. It's a public interface, and one that you potentially share with other tenant applications on the machine. My job as a sysadmin is to expose ports, start and stop containers, mount volumes, and I am tired of wrestling with a shell script that thinks it knows how to be a sysadmin better than me.

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How to configure Discourse Docker on higher end servers


Sam Saffron wrote:

When you install Discourse on an instance with 4GB or more you should consider the following:

Monitor your setup

If you elect to use a higher end setup we strongly recommend you set up monitoring using Newrelic or some other monitoring service. You will need to analyze the results of configuration changes to reach an optimal setup.

Out of the box Discourse Docker ships with 3 web workers

Web workers are served via unicorn, this process is capable of serving one request at a time, you should at least have one worker per CPU. You can increase this number in your template like so

   # to raise to 6 workers

Database configuration is optimised for 2GB of RAM

As guideline you want to dedicate 1/3 of the memory available to postgres to "shared_buffers" to raise this:

  db_shared_buffers: "1GB"

Be sure to install latest Discourse Docker

We update our base templates with various optimisations, be sure to update regularly to ensure you take advantage of it.

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Why Discourse doesn't have Follow social system Like NodeBB


So Phat Va Thana wrote:

Discourse is better than nodebb i think .but,
I am wondering why discourse doesn't have follow social system like Nodebb..

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