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GitHub Callback URL


GlitchMr wrote:

I wanted to add GitHub OAuth support. So, I went to my list of applications on GitHub, and decided to create a new application. It asked me to specify three things. The "name" and "URL" are easy, but I don't know what to type within "Callback URL" field. What should I specify in this field?

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How to arrive at a conclusion?


Rafa Font wrote:

A discussion cannot go forever. Or can it?

Let's say we have discussions that have a limited time range, and others that don't. I'll focus on the ones that have a time limit, and we want to agree on something after discussion.

Do you have any idea on how to do this? Do you want to do it? Will a voting system will be a good add-in for Discourse?

I'm thinking about using Discourse for a political organization: let's talk about things, but let's make decisions as well.

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Can't clear watched categories


Kane York wrote:

A visual novel.



Yeah, this bit me a little bit earlier, because I started watching support to see what the email looked like. Then I went to delete it, and hit save, and walked away, and I was still watching it.

I've changed it to faq for now so that I don't actually get any emails (because the chance of new faq topics is low).

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Search engine traffic share and level to Discourse


Мария Сергеева wrote:

I am interested in Discourse SEO.

As I know there are big live instances (partners and meta itself) of Discourse at the moment. What is a share of traffic to the site that comes from Google? What should be an expected share after several years of forum existence?

Will any Discourse instance have the same level and share of SE traffic as any Stackexchange site with the same content (for example, if content of games.stackexchange.com is moved to games.discourse.org, provided domains have same rank and trust)?

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How did you set up email?


A Zeynel wrote:

Can anyone here who successfully installed discourse with email can help me how they set up email?

If I understand correctly @sam advises to forget my install and reinstall anew with his docker setup. Since discourse is working (without email) I am reluctant to do that. Is there anyone here who installed discourse by following official installation guide including email? What did you do to make email work?

@codinghorror suggests that I sent the test email to debug (if I understand correctly) but I cannot send email. So how do I debug email so that it works?

I included by discourse.conf and Mandrill configurations in this question.

Another question: Is the advice given in this thread still valid? (Apparently not as @Sam says don't muck with production.rb, no longer supported

I am really looking forward to people joining and using the forum but at this point no one is getting their confirmation email. Is there no way I can fix this?


I just saw in admin that there were 4 failed attempts to send email with this error:

Net::SMTPAuthenticationError: 435 4.7.8 Error: authentication failed:

This is what I have in my discourse.conf:

hostname = "http://www.nomilkfor.me/"
smtp_address = smtp.mandrillapp.com
smtp_port = 587
smtp_domain = http://www.nomilkfor.me/
smtp_user_name = azeynel1@gmail.com
smtp_password = <my mandrill key>
smtp_enable_start_tls = true

Why is authentication failing? How can I fix it? Is my smtp_domain correct? This is the domain I have in Mandril "sending domains" tab.

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Help with email setup


A Zeynel wrote:

I am confused about Mandrill installation instructions. Sorry, this may be a duplicate questions but I did not get answers to my other email-related questions.

The search of the site revealed this answer and I did

sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix

and I got

z@ubuntu:/var/www/discourse/config$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix
 * Stopping Postfix Mail Transport Agent postfix                                                [ OK ] 

Postfix configuration was untouched.  If you need to make changes, edit
/etc/postfix/main.cf (and others) as needed.  To view Postfix configuration
values, see postconf(1).

After modifying main.cf, be sure to run '/etc/init.d/postfix reload'.

Running newaliases
 * Stopping Postfix Mail Transport Agent postfix                                                [ OK ] 
 * Starting Postfix Mail Transport Agent postfix                                                [ OK ] 
z@ubuntu:/var/www/discourse/config$ /etc/init.d/postfix reload
 * Reloading Postfix configuration...

I assume that this means postfix is running and I don't have to make any changes.

I created a key in Mandrill and put that in discourse.conf file as my password.

What else do I need to do? When I try to send the test email, it says "sent" but email is not sent.

In Mandrill set up, I cannot remember if "any valid API key" needs to be changed to my API key if so I cannot change it, because the edit button on the right does not exist.

In Mandrill, in sending domains tabs I have this:

Do I need to fix the DKIM and SPF fields as instructed here? The sending domain before was discourse.org. Should I put it back? Are the mails sent by discourse.org or my domain?

Can you help clear up some of the confusion? Thanks.

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GlobalSetting class confusion


Sam Bauch wrote:

I've been away from the community for a bit, but I recently pulled some updates and am generally just confused by this GlobalSetting class. I searched around here and am starting to understand it a little bit, but was hoping someone might be able to help me fully understand.

It sort of just seems like a way to centralize a lot of the config settings, like Redis, email, etc. into one file. But is the only way to know what to put in a discourse.conf by seeing that GlobalSetting class pop up in various places? I guess that's sort of what this post is getting at?

Anyways, this update broke a few things for me: email (which honestly, I think I'll stick with my hard coded settings in production.rb, I don't really see the benefit to pulling it out of there), and more challengingly, it broke a plugin I had that added a button to the main nav. I'm struggling with understanding how to get that button back (I had previously hardcoded it into the ember nav item model), particularly since the "available nav items" is also a SiteSetting.


Apologies, but the nav items issue isn't actually a GlobalSetting, but I think a SiteSetting. idk I'm still confused. I tried pushing a symbol to Discourse.top_menu_items array via the console but not sure how to commit.

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Page Title changes when focus changes; Pinned tab blinks constantly


Claus Strasburger wrote:

I often have a Discourse instance open as a pinned tab (AKA application tab), to save some precious pixels. My browser (Chrome 31) rewards this with blinking the tab whenever something's new.
The problem: This event fires way too often, even if nothing changes. In particular, it fires if I switch to another tab. So my tab is left blinking constantly.

I found out Chrome does this whenever the page title changes. After some more searching, I found the page title is updated in Discourse every time the focus changes!
(see observes(..."hasFocus"...))


    var notifyCount = this.get('notifyCount');
    if (notifyCount > 0 && !Discourse.User.currentProp('dynamic_favicon')) {
      title = "(" + notifyCount + ") " + title;
    // chrome bug workaround see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2952384/changing-the-window-title-when-focussing-the-window-doesnt-work-in-chrome
    window.setTimeout(function() {
      document.title = ".";
      document.title = title;
    }, 200);
  }.observes('title', 'hasFocus', 'notifyCount'),

  faviconChanged: function() {
    if(Discourse.User.currentProp('dynamic_favicon')) {
      new Favcount(Discourse.SiteSettings.favicon_url).set(

  // The classes of buttons to show on a post
  postButtons: function() {

Two questions:

  • Is it really necessary to observe that property?
  • If yes, can we add a check to only change the title property if it's different from the last one?

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Hierarchical Categories?


Jp Gordon wrote:

We have a use case that if implemented today would require the use of many sub-categories. That sounds a bit kludgey to me so I'm wondering where I can get more info on the planned feature: hierarchical categories - and when it will be implemented?


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Share your custom CSS?


Ethan Kaplan wrote:

I know that no themes have been created yet (at least publicly), but I assume some people have started customizing the CSS?

I'm working on my board right now, but am interested in seeing what other people have done.

So, post them here!

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Two lines missing in my config/environments/production.rb


A Zeynel wrote:

Email installing guide starts with this:

After following INSTALL-ubuntu.md your mailer settings should still be set (in config/environments/production.rb, remember) to:

  config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :sendmail
  config.action_mailer.sendmail_settings = {arguments: '-i'}
That's great. Leave that there as we're going to try to get the mail to postfix ASAP so postfix do it's job and process the mail for delivery.

But I checked my config/environments/production.rb file in /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/ruby-openid-2.3.0/examples/rails_openid/config/environments/production.rb but I don't see those two lines mentioned above:

config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :sendmail
config.action_mailer.sendmail_settings = {arguments: '-i'}

I added them and tried to send the test email again but still it did not work. What else can I try to make the email work?

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Login leaks from Chrome Incognito session


Kane York wrote:

This is what just happened:

  • Still logged in in standard window, as normal
  • Open new Incognito window
  • Create new account on m.d.o
  • Do stuff with new account
  • Mention main account (@riking) in a reply to the Welcome PM
  • Log out of new account
  • Go back to main window, notification bar has a mention of me, in the PM, as a notification (note that the avatar is not changed)
  • Open PM (this works), attempt to reply, reply is submitted as new account
  • Refresh, it is clear I am logged into the new account
  • Log out, log back in, post this topic

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"Refer to" ability to reduce redundancy?


happycollision wrote:

If a topic gets long, naturally people may not read every post. Someone may comment without realizing that their opinion has already been voiced and replied to.

Rather than replying to them with a quote from above and adding another post to the topic as a whole, perhaps there could be a feature where users can refer each other to previously posed comments within a topic. The references could appear in a similar fashion as quotes do already except that these would not be appended to the entire topic, but just appended to the comment of the user who must be referred to a previous post.

Might make for a much more streamlined experience.

I find that often, I want to respond to someone's comments, but my response would add nothing new to the conversation. So I do nothing because I don't want to overcrowd a topic.

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Docker password


dhyasama wrote:

I installed Sam's docker setup but can't ssh to the running container. I added an ssh key but am prompted for root@'s password when running ./launcher ssh app. Any suggestions?

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Security Error on console (noticed on meta)


YOU wrote:

Firefox 26

SecurityError: The operation is insecure.

vendor...319a.js (15 lines)

Chrome 33

Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to execute 'toDataURL' on 'HTMLCanvasElement': Tainted canvases may not be exported. vendor-661cd4437a4f86d72c2cc2d7f5b7319a.js:15
n vendor-661cd4437a4f86d72c2cc2d7f5b7319a.js:15
r.canvas.getContext.i.onload vendor-661cd4437a4f86d72c2cc2d7f5b7319a.js:15

Safari 7

[Error] SecurityError: DOM Exception 18: An attempt was made to break through the security policy of the user agent.
	n (vendor-661cd4437a4f86d72c2cc2d7f5b7319a.js, line 15)
	onload (vendor-661cd4437a4f86d72c2cc2d7f5b7319a.js, line 15)

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"Refer to" ability to reduce redundancy?


happycollision wrote:

If a topic gets long, naturally people may not read every post. Someone may comment without realizing that their opinion has already been voiced and replied to.

Rather than replying to them with a quote from above and adding another post to the topic as a whole, perhaps there could be a feature where users can refer each other to previously posed comments within a topic. The references could appear in a similar fashion as quotes do already except that these would not be appended to the entire topic, but just appended to the comment of the user who must be referred to a previous post.

Might make for a much more streamlined experience.

I find that often, I want to respond to someone's comments, but my response would add nothing new to the conversation. So I do nothing because I don't want to overcrowd a topic.

Posts: 13

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Hierarchical Categories?


Jp Gordon wrote:

We have a use case that if implemented today would require the use of many sub-categories. That sounds a bit kludgey to me so I'm wondering where I can get more info on the planned feature: hierarchical categories - and when it will be implemented?


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Can't activate or approve users via API


dhyasama wrote:

I'm started a simple Node wrapper for Discourse. The code is open if anyone wants to use it:


Anyway, I can create a user and then get the user, but can't approve or activate the user via the api. I get a 404. FWIW, I can do both via the Discourse admin interface. Here are the calls I make:

PUT admin/users/[id]/approve?api_key=[my-api-key]&api_username=[my-username]

PUT admin/users/[id]/activate?api_key=[my-api-key]&api_username=[my-username]

I took a look at the network traffic in Chrome when doing this within the admin interface and it appears right. I also confirmed the id in the PUT url is the one from the newly created user.

Any ideas?

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Cannot put HTML tag in Topic title


Anton wrote:

Trying to input this text for title:

In code block url was converted to <a> tag

But getting this:

In code block url was converted to tag

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Two lines missing in my config/environments/production.rb


A Zeynel wrote:

Email installing guide starts with this:

After following INSTALL-ubuntu.md your mailer settings should still be set (in config/environments/production.rb, remember) to:

  config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :sendmail
  config.action_mailer.sendmail_settings = {arguments: '-i'}
That's great. Leave that there as we're going to try to get the mail to postfix ASAP so postfix do it's job and process the mail for delivery.

But I checked my config/environments/production.rb file in /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/ruby-openid-2.3.0/examples/rails_openid/config/environments/production.rb but I don't see those two lines mentioned above:

config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :sendmail
config.action_mailer.sendmail_settings = {arguments: '-i'}

I added them and tried to send the test email again but still it did not work. What else can I try to make the email work?

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