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Badge recipient count doesn't match

Formating for "uncategorized" in topic category selection


Adam Capriola wrote:

Here's what I'm talking about:

If you are suppressing the category badge, I guess this display makes sense, though it might be nice to include the number of topics and description. ("Topics that don't need a category, or don't fit into any other existing category.")

But if you aren't suppressing the category badge, I think it should definitely show the badge like the other categories. Currently it does not. I thought it used to, but I might be mistaken.

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Jump to latest reply, repetition, confusion


Andy Routledge wrote:

Using this topic as an example - View per IP.

2nd comment: mcwumbly - "oh... is that how its done?"

Click "2 replies".

codinghorror: "No, that is not how it is done."

Then either:

a. Scroll down or
b. Click "jump to later reply"

And I see the exact comment I've just read when I've clicked "2 replies". "codinghorror: "No, that is not how it is done."

So two issues:

  1. Jump to later reply doesn't seem to serve a purpose.
  2. Repetition. The comments revealed when you click "x replies" are also repeated when you scroll down past the "replies".

So perhaps:

  1. Ditch the "jump to later" arrow and only display a comment once. If the comment is a reply, display that comment only when someone clicks "x replies".

  2. Ditch the "x replies" link. Having the same comment displayed twice is redundant. The user can click the expand (down arrow) on the quote, or jump to the quoted post. If the "x replies" link is ditched, then there's also a case for removing the "Reply" button on each comment. Instead, just quote the darn comment.

UPDATE: The "x replies" link doesn't appear on the tablet UI. Only at larger resolutions does this problem occur. The "jump to later" link also "works" on tablets.

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Demoted Leaders keep title


Jacob wrote:

I was demoted from Leader but I still have the title, in fact I don't think I can remove the title if I tried.

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[Solved] Clean slate after updating to Discourse 1.0


Silver Quettier wrote:

So I followed the steps described in Sam's post : moved Discourse, updated app.yml (although there was nothing to change there), updated Docker, pulled, and built.

The good thing is : it works. My new discourse is working.
The bad is : it's a clean slate. No settings, no posts, no users. I can't even log in with my SSO.

Although there were daily backups to S3, my users created quite a lot of content oiver the past 24 hours. Is there any way I can retrieve the data? Link it to the correct data container, maybe?

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Resend Email Verification 404


Aaron Boushley wrote:


I'm seeing an issue with resending verification emails via the login flow or the admin panel.

Did a bit of digging and found this in the logs:

Started POST "/users/Testingway/send_activation_email" for at 2014-08-27 21:25:54 +0000
Processing by UsersController#send_activation_email as */*
Parameters: {"username"=>"Testingway"}
Rendered exceptions/not_found.html.erb within layouts/no_js (9.7ms)
Rendered common/_special_font_face.html.erb (0.4ms)
Rendered common/_discourse_stylesheet.html.erb (6.4ms)
Rendered layouts/_head.html.erb (7.5ms)
Rendered text template (0.0ms)
Completed 404 Not Found in 35ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 14.6ms)

Looking at the UserController#send_activation_email method it looks like fetch_user_from_params is likely the culprit. Looking at that ApplicationController#fetch_user_from_params there is a search by username (which from the logs appears to be what is happening) and there is this line:

User.find_by(username_lower: username_lower, active: true)

I think the active: true is what is causing trouble. Users who need a resend (for any reason) aren't active, so we're getting the 404 error. It looks like this bug was introduced by the last commit to Application Controller a couple weeks ago -- 9a1580244a547f373eeca98f46229f3f5a0beb84 (was going to put a GitHub link for that one too, but I guess I'm not cool enough yet wink )


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Need a way to easily see who has access to the Lounge


Lowell Heddings wrote:

My forum is pretty small so we haven't really used the Lounge category. The biggest problem, I think, is that nobody has any idea who has access to the Lounge or how it works.

When I navigate to the Lounge category, this is what I see, which doesn't really help me. Why can't I see who else has access to this private category? I'm better off just using private messages.

The bigger problem is that the Lounge appears to be tied to trust level 3, and you can be automatically demoted from level 3 down to level 2 if you don't come around for a week or a day... and there's no explanation for anybody involved on anything that is happening.

Case in point: I was granted Lounge here on Meta for one day. I posted a bunch of times on a Lounge topic that I was mentioned in, and then the next day I'm not included anymore. I can't even see the Lounge. It's almost like it never happened.

Either I'm trusted and should be in the Lounge or I'm not. And once I'm in a lounge, I should be able to look around that lounge and see who else is also in the lounge. And if I'm not contributing anymore to the lounge and I'm being asked to leave the lounge, then I should be informed of this instead of being drugged and secretly moved out of the lounge with no memory that it happened. There should also be cigars and whiskey in the lounge.

This is a feature that doesn't really make any sense.

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Ease topic entry by making whole row a link


Pascal dHermilly wrote:

I have a discourse forum for a patient-association - a very non tech-savy bunch.
Anyway, they/we think that clicking the row with a topic should be enough to enter a topic - as opposed to having to click the text in the row. Two of them was actually wondering for a while why they did not enter the topic. It is especially relevant in the mobile ui where you are so used to traverse lists - but it also applies for the desktop interface.

The suggestion is not to remove any other links in the just - just that when you hit the row background: enter the topic.

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Mini-profiler only visible to first admin, not second admin


Zane Beckman wrote:

Both users have identical group memberships and permissions. (admins, staff, trust_level_0)

Both users emails are specified in app.yml with:

DISCOURSE_DEVELOPER_EMAILS: 'example.user@gmail.com, example.user.b@gmail.com'

I have also tried the Alt+P shortcut to toggle displaying the mini profiler. It only works for the first user and not the second user.

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CSS background-image and other style options remove on refresh in admin


Chris Adams wrote:

For the life of me I cannot figure out this issue I am having. While in admin or in a users profile and the browser is refreshed either by F5 or because of a change made, most of the style changes that I made are gone. However, if I go back to the home screen and hard refresh the browser (ctrl+shift+R) the background-image and all the other style changes return to what I edited them to be. I have to do that on the main screen or it will not load the styles. I have done this in both Chrome and Firefox and on multiple accounts. When I check the Developer Tools in the browsers they all have the same information, such as partial body css, it has everything but the background-image. I am currently overriding the CSS in the customize area, but I am also still using a lot of the main styles, so I include standard style sheet. Are there conflicts when doing that?

Running version

Correct Styles http://i1373.photobucket.com/albums/ag399/Uber_Tiny/discourse/ltwdocs_myscreen_zps2171cd8c.png

Incorrect Styles http://i1373.photobucket.com/albums/ag399/Uber_Tiny/discourse/ltwdocs_myscreen2_zpsb50addfb.png

I have tried using html{} option as suggested

Which is the same thing as

The admin section will not load the styles after refresh.

Is there something I am overlooking?

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Empty posts cause 400 bad request


Zane Beckman wrote:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Set min_post_length to 0 in /admin/site_settings/category/posting.
  2. Submit a post or topic with no content.

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Editing Old Posts and Adding Links Doesn't Alert Anybody


Lowell Heddings wrote:


Users can edit old posts, adding links to whatever they want, and there's no way that a forum administrator would know about it.

As far as I know based on a bunch of testing, editing a post inside a topic doesn't push it up to the top or make it unread even for people that read the topic or were replied to by that post. And you don't need to have special privileges to do it (I edited a couple of my own old posts here on Meta while testing).

Why this is bad:

Any user that happens to reply to a topic that ends up being popular in Google can go back and add all the spammy affiliate links or SEO links that they want. Nobody is going to check the links in old forum posts, especially if they are integrated into the paragraphs well. Or if the good links are just swapped out with bad ones.

Why this could be really bad:

Users that achieve Leader status get all their links followed for the search engines.

This means that all you need to do is consistently be a part of a forum, or many forums, for 100 days or whatever the time limit is. And then you can go back and edit all your old posts that have been strategically placed on topics that are likely to be popular. SEO links? Sure thing! Affiliate links? Check!

Look at that, we've created new jobs. Take that, politicians!

And if you don't think there's good money in spammy SEO linking, you clearly haven't run a website that has a lot of search engine juice.

How this can be fixed?

This is where I'm not entirely certain and would love to see ideas from others. (Obviously disabling the search engine follow link feature would be a good start)

Perhaps there should be a setting to notify moderators when somebody adds a link to an old post via an edit? I imagine that could be a pain. Bumping the post to the top would probably be really annoying for everybody.

And Yes, I'm aware of the post edit time limit setting, which I've set to 14 days on my forum to at least try and deal with this problem. I think the default is one year for new forums though.

That change is not really a solution as much as an annoyance for the regular forum users though, and for a really busy forum, topics from 14 days ago will be long forgotten.

I would much rather allow people to edit posts for longer than 14 days. I'd also love to see affiliate links dealt with.

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Limiting Discourse memory usage on a dedicaded box


Robert Jan De Dreu wrote:

I'm hosting a discourse forum on one of my dedicaded server. The problem is that as it is now to can use the full 32GB memory that is on the dedicaded box (this already happened once).

What is the best way to edit the launcher or config file to limit how memory much the docker instance will use?

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Impersonating user and then returning to admin


Jeffrey C Witt wrote:

Quick question,
If I impersonate a user as admin, I can't see to return to admin without logging out and then re-logging in as admin. Is there no way to jump back to admin view after impersonating, or am I missing something obvious.

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Disallow first time poster with trust-level-0 to bump-up old topics


Rahul Bansal wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Global setting to auto-close topics?

This is related to the setting warn_reviving_old_topic_age

Problem is, first time poster are often in too rush to post their problem, they just search old threads and bump up old ones.

Idea is to disallow first time poster or users with trust-level-0 to bump-up old topics.

Setting warn_reviving_old_topic_age could be moved to trust-level settings groups. Each trust level will have independent value for warn_reviving_old_topic_age .

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Getting Discourse Development running again


cpradio wrote:

Okay, so I somehow screwed up my discourse development box frowning

I've spent the past 24 hours attempting to get it back and I'm finally close, but I'm running into the following

discourse@discourse:~/discourse$ bundle exec rake db:migrate db:test:prepare db:seed_fu
ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/media/sf_discourse/public/plugins/emoji’: Read-only file system
2014-08-28T14:40:26Z 24653 TID-ox4vy6sdc INFO: Sidekiq client with redis options {:url=>"redis://localhost:6379/0", :namespace=>"sidekiq"}
rake aborted!
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::Error: ERROR:  relation "users" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT  "users".* FROM "users"   ORDER BY "users"."id" ASC L...
: SELECT  "users".* FROM "users"   ORDER BY "users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
/media/sf_discourse/plugins/discourse-theme/plugin.rb:53:in `block in activate!'
/media/sf_discourse/lib/plugin/instance.rb:96:in `call'
/media/sf_discourse/lib/plugin/instance.rb:96:in `block in notify_after_initialize'
/media/sf_discourse/lib/plugin/instance.rb:95:in `each'
/media/sf_discourse/lib/plugin/instance.rb:95:in `notify_after_initialize'
/media/sf_discourse/config/application.rb:155:in `block (2 levels) in <class:Application>'
/media/sf_discourse/config/application.rb:155:in `each'
/media/sf_discourse/config/application.rb:155:in `block in <class:Application>'
/media/sf_discourse/config/environment.rb:5:in `<top (required)>'
PG::Error: ERROR:  relation "users" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT  "users".* FROM "users"   ORDER BY "users"."id" ASC L...
/media/sf_discourse/plugins/discourse-theme/plugin.rb:53:in `block in activate!'
/media/sf_discourse/lib/plugin/instance.rb:96:in `call'
/media/sf_discourse/lib/plugin/instance.rb:96:in `block in notify_after_initialize'
/media/sf_discourse/lib/plugin/instance.rb:95:in `each'
/media/sf_discourse/lib/plugin/instance.rb:95:in `notify_after_initialize'
/media/sf_discourse/config/application.rb:155:in `block (2 levels) in <class:Application>'
/media/sf_discourse/config/application.rb:155:in `each'
/media/sf_discourse/config/application.rb:155:in `block in <class:Application>'
/media/sf_discourse/config/environment.rb:5:in `<top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => db:migrate => environment
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

Disregard the emoji part, I don't care about that. I do care about the user relations error... I'm not sure where that is coming from.

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Admin section user list: Same icon for admins & moderators


Michael Downey wrote:

Currently the user list has the same shield icon for admins as for moderators. So as a result, you'll see two of the same icon side-by-side when someone has both roles.

It'd be much more helpful if these icons were different, yes? smile

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What's the difference between pin and global pin

Ability to hide or delete old revisions on selected posts


David McClure wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Allow feature to hide edit history for mods:

While this currently exists as a site setting, it'd be nice if it could be done selectively, just on posts that need this protection.

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Problem With Grey (Theme/Skin)


Omni wrote:

I'm running into an issue while trying to style my instance of Discourse.

It might be hard to tell, but there is a grey color that appears all throughout the website.
There doesn't seem to be an option for this color in Admin -> Customization -> Colors.

It appears where you see "Create at least 5 public topics..." and where the Colors tab is highlighted.
There are countless other locations, but I'm sure you'd rather that I not list them all.

I was wondering if anyone knew how to change this color?
If so, could you please give me some tips? I have a bad feeling that this falls into CSS territory.

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