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Add custom autocomplete lists / strings to posts


Admir Hodzic wrote:

How great will be if once Discourse admins will be able to easily create their own custom drop,n down lists.
Anyone who used Discourse very like way to pick up some @user or smiley in post, just typing reserved key and picking it very smoothly. In my production of discourse I have needs for this kind of structured "easy to find" data at least 10 kind. I'll love to pick up "choose" customers, articles, units of work and many others.
So an Idea is to please Discourse team to upgrade discource so admins can easily attach custom data sources and make their own drop n down lists.
Imagine that you can in settings tell Discourse this is reserved sing for this drop'n down list.
Discourse will do query against this JSON or XML endpoint api and discource will pass this username or api key to that source along with param for querying data
When selected endpoint call all we need is to return structured data so Discourse can render pickup list.
I think that I could get a certain budget for a plugin that would do something like this.
But I truly hope that I am not only one which will love to add custom lists to post editor

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Italian (consistent) translation for key words like "post" and "topic"


Marco wrote:


I think we should take particular attention in translating key words which are spread throughout the whole Discourse platform. I'd like to focus for the moment on two important keywords which either have not been always translated into Italian.

We should resist the strong temptation of not translating words we may be familiar with, but have no meaning in our language, and that the typical grandma wouldn't understand. After all, we should strive to make the platform easy for the final user, not for the staff working on it (translators, programmers, etc.). While words like byte or RAM are now common (even among grandmas), there are other words which are not so immediate and that have corresponding translations that everyone in the destination language understand.

post (noun)
I know, it's concise and it has a corresponding verb. Very cool. But the average Italian person would surely be confused by this word (posto as a noun means place).

A post is a message tied to a topic, it is something a member inserts for other members to read, it can contain text, images, video or all of that. It is a piece of information, an information exchange from a single source to multiple destinations. I think the best translation of post in Italian would be messaggio.

Concise too. In Italian topico has the same meaning of topic, it's root comes from greek τοπικός derivative of τόπος, luogo (place). It is a polished word not very common, we use it sometimes to say specific. But no one uses this word to mean argument or discussion. I believe the best translation of topic should be discussione or argomento. Maybe the latter is more relevant, because argomento means exactly topic, matter, subject, while discussione means discussion, and would be more relevant used as a translation of thread. And while we're at that:

A set of related, structured messages about a specific topic. Is discussion a synonym of thread? Then discussione should be its translation.

What do you think?

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LinkedIn OAuth plugin

Restore failed after reinstall


Abel Van wrote:

I run in the newest version 1.0.0 (for both old and new, but maybe they are use different ruby version, now I am on 2.0.0-p195, since the newest version 2.1.2 can't work for discourse), It seems work perfect after the (totally) reinstall, except that I can't restore the backups which are, of course, backed up by the older program. And the error reads:

<supress some code>
[Invalid date] CREATE INDEX
[Invalid date] CREATE INDEX
[Invalid date] CREATE INDEX
[Invalid date] Enabling readonly mode...
[Invalid date] Pausing sidekiq...
[Invalid date] Waiting for sidekiq to finish running jobs...
[Invalid date] Switching schemas...
[Invalid date] EXCEPTION: PG::Error: ERROR:  syntax error at or near "NOT"
      DO $$DECLARE row record;
        -- create <destination> schema if it does not exists already
        -- NOTE: DROP & CREATE SCHEMA is easier, but we don't want to drop the public schema
        -- ortherwise extensions (like hstore & pg_trgm) won't work anymore...
        -- move all <source> tables to <destination> schema
        FOR row IN SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public'
<supress some code>

I tested that, I can backup and restore by the program running now.

Please help me out here!

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Custom Landing/Home Page


Martis Genus wrote:

So I'm still stuck to achieve the following, maybe someone can point me into the right direction.
I need a custom landing page. Currently it's only possible to choose between Latest, Categories, New, Top, etc. to make it the home page. I'd really like to have a way to create a customized page and be able to make it the landing page.
So as it isn't possible right now I have to do it by plugin. But I'm kind of lost to define a static route and make it the new "/"-path. Maybe someone has done something like that or can point me to existing plugins that use similar functions. Thanks!

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Custom emoticons/emoji list?

All domain name redirect to my Discourse installation


Axel Briche wrote:

Hello, I have installed Discourse 1.0 on my server (server with php websites online), and all domain name redirect on my Discourse installation.

I have defined modcanyon.com for the hostname parameter, and if I call an other domain name existing on my server, all this domain target my discourse installation.

Have you a solution please ?

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Custom fields not populating in Discourse.User


therealx wrote:

I've added custom fields to my users, but the javascript object Discourse.User.Current.custom_field isn't being populated with any of the values. Is this a bug, or an issue on my end?

Many thanks.

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Why is Gigsounder not a plugin


Sam Saffron wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Please visit our Discourse Forum! (Directory):

Keep in mind it super beneficial for this to be implemented as a plugin, over time all forks of Discourse suffer a very terrible fate, they basically turn into a fossil and die.

I really like what you did, but it needs to be designed as a plugin and extensibility points added.

What extensiblity points does gigsounder need so it can be designed as a plugin and not fork Discourse?

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Running the discourse_api tests


Blake Erickson wrote:

I'm starting to work on the discourse_api gem. There are several features I'd like to implement but I would like to implement the missing tests first. Looks like there is a lot of tests missing in user.rb.

The tests all reference http://localhost/ with no port number but my local discourse is running in vagrant on port 4000. Should I start discourse on port 80 or should we add a port number to the tests? What are other people doing?

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Add collapse expanded posts at bottom / top


Sam Saffron wrote:

When you expand a series of posts from the top, you can collapse them only from the top:

When you expand from bottom, you can only collapse from bottom:

Instead, there should be an easily distinguishable glyph / text at the bottom and top (receptively) that allows you to easily collapse the expansion.

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Adding additional frameworks to Discourse

Request: Allow easier customization of "outdated browser" message


Zane Beckman wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Unable to change browser update message string:

I'm suggesting that this text should be customizable from /admin/site_contents.

Currently, it says the following:

Unfortunately, your browser is too old to work on this Discourse forum. Please upgrade your browser.

It can be adjusted by editing client.en.yml as described above. However, I think it would be beneficial for it to be adjustable from /admin/site_contents.

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Markdown parsing bug with \*

Double-Stuf improved search feedback


Jeff Atwood wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Frustrated with Search in Discourse:

This is what we call "double-stuf" search. It is like the old search, but .. embiggened.

If you have feedback on this feature as it is in development, leave it here.

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What kind of file format does bulk invite need


Jeffrey C Witt wrote:

Quick question. What kind of file format does bulk invite accept? Will CSV work? I'd tried to load a CSV file and it looks like only the first email in the list was invited.

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Only update favicon counter with truly new/unread counts


Bill Ayakatubby wrote:

I propose only updating the favicon counter with the count of incoming New and Unread topics as opposed to "blue bar" counts. I keep Meta pinned and it seems like the number is updated as soon as I clear it.

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[Paid] Need paid access plugin (Stripe+PayPal)


Peep wrote:

I want to turn Discourse into a private forum where one could buy access to (monthly recurring payment).

Any developer interested in this gig? Email me peep@conversionxl.com

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I present the discourse-raptorize plugin


cosban wrote:

Good day to everyone,

Users of my forum had brought it to my attention that my install did not have enough features. To quell their complaints, I decided to go forth and give them something exciting that they would not know what to do with.

I present you with the discourse-raptorize plugin

For all those times when you... just need a raptor to fly across your screen.


Installation is standard for the most part. Being that this is my first discourse plugin, and ultimately an experiment to begin with, some extra steps may be required. Do the following:

cd plugins
git clone https://github.com/Cosban/discourse-raptorize.git
cd ..
RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile

Or for those of you using the discourse docker manager, add the plugin's git clone url inside your app.yml where your other plugins are:

    - exec:
        cd: $home/plugins
          - mkdir -p plugins
          - git clone https://github.com/discourse/docker_manager.git
          - git clone https://github.com/Cosban/discourse-raptorize.git

Rebuild the docker containter:

cd /var/discourse
./launcher rebuild app

Once either of these steps are complete, you will need to add the following to your header or footer.

<p class="raptor">Your footer goes here</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(window).load(function() {

It should be noted that you really just need an element to be of the class "raptor", plus the bit of javascript, for it to work.


Activating the raptor is simple as well, users just need to enter in the konami cheat code from anywhere on the site (↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A)


Please take all bug reports and pull requests to my github page or notify me in this topic.

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Cant rebuild Discourse docker app



Running Discourse on Arch Linux and trying to rebuild the app. It runs for a while and then throws the following error.

Tasks: TOP => assets:precompile:css
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
I, [2014-09-02T07:38:45.414134 #47]  INFO -- : 2014-09-02T07:36:32Z 280 TID-ou2girmvk INFO: Sidekiq client with redis options {:url=>"redis://localhost:6379/0", :namespace=>"sidekiq"}
Purging temp files
Compiling css for default

RuntimeError: cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake assets:precompile' failed with return #<Process::Status: pid 278 exit 1>
Location of failure: /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:85:in `spawn'
exec failed with the params {"cd"=>"$home", "hook"=>"web", "cmd"=>["gem update bundler", "chown -R discourse $home", "su discourse -c 'bundle install --deployment --verbose --without test --without development'", "su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake db:migrate'", "su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake assets:precompile'"]}

Any ideas?

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