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Text Editor issue with the code block


LoveDiscourse wrote:

If you would like to start a code block with the ">" character it turns into a blockquote block.


Try this:    > (4 spaces and 1 >)



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Categories page blank when accessed from drop-down


Brian Kennedy wrote:

When the Categories link here is clicked,

the browser throws a JS error:

[13:44:59.357] TypeError: t.get is not a function @ http://meta.discourse.org/assets/application-a4612fe2b7fc88d53e70752a0697e880.js:327

And the resulting page contains the nav elements, but the page's main content is missing. This doesn't happen if it's opened in a new tab or if one clicks on the Categories link from the nav bar containing "Latest", "New", ... "Categories"

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A few API problems


Michael wrote:

As some of you might know we're developing a PHP REST API client. We're running into a lot of problems though.

1) Trying to change some site settings but this doesn't work. My Ruby knowledge is pretty limited, but this is what I think is happening.

First, some code snippets.


Discourse::Application.routes.draw do
   namespace :admin, constraints: StaffConstraint.new do
    get '' => 'admin#index'
    resources :site_settings, constraints: AdminConstraint.new


class AdminConstraint
  def matches?(request)
    return false unless request.session[:current_user_id].present?
    User.admins.where(id: request.session[:current_user_id].to_i).exists?


# possible we have an api call, impersonate
unless @current_user
  if api_key = request["api_key"]
    if api_username = request["api_username"]
      if SiteSetting.api_key_valid?(api_key)
        @is_api = true
        @current_user = User.where(username_lower: api_username.downcase).first

As far as I understand, this is the problem: the StaffConstraint and AdminConstraint check the session and not the user object, thus causing the API impersonation to fail and to treat the request as if no one was logged in, obviously denying changing the site_setting.

2) Creating a user on an invite only forum fails. Yes that makes sense on a user interface but does it make sense if the API is being used ?


class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def create
    return fake_success_response if suspicious? params
   def suspicious?(params)
      honeypot_or_challenge_fails?(params) || SiteSetting.invite_only?

Why is this honeypot complicating things anyway? That is security by obscurity...

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Discourse alone or Discourse + Blog at the front of a community?


Pablo Corral wrote:

Hi mates,

I would like your opinion about this thoughts.

I understand that Discourse is not designed to be a blog software, and most implementations (this site, howtogeek, and eveing boing boing) are using blogs as first door. Thouse blogs, generaly, share news and reports, and are a good summary of what you could be finding inside.

Is there any recommendation based in the current experience during this year on using that approach? Any learning?

What I see valuable, is that having a blog or a clean front page, helps a lot to create a clean onboarding experience. Easy in terms of clarity for a new user. It's easy to read a blog, and then , deep dive over the forums (throught commments or a forum lunk). My points, is that it's better have a first encounter with a frontpage like that, than have a first encounter with a Discourse index full of topics.

What do you think?


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Google search results issue with forums powered by Discourse


Tudor wrote:

I noticed when I search something on Google, most of the results found on Discourse-powered forums start with this message:

Unfortunately, your browser is too old to work on this Discourse forum. Please upgrade your browser.

Is there a way to avoid that?

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302 redirect loses JSON .format


znation wrote:

I am attempting to use the REST API to programatically retrieve JSON replies to posts. The post titles are predictable, so I am making calls like:

GET http://servername/t/post-title-foo.json

However, this 302 redirects to "http://servername/t/post-title-foo/:id" (where :id is the unique ID of the post, which I don't know how to predict).

Here's a repro (note that it 302 redirects to a non-JSON URL):

I think this is a bug, since I would expect the redirect to preserve format (if my original request URL had .json on the end, I think it should redirect to a .json URL). Should I open a bug on GitHub issues?

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Text after quote is bigger


Sander Datema wrote:

Unless my eyes deceive me it looks like the text on this post is not all the same size.

Nothing fancy was added to the text, this is the raw source:

It looks like [this topic](http://meta.discourse.org/t/there-is-no-way-to-view-a-global-list-of-staff-user-invites/9032?u=sander78) between @sam and @codinghorror has a history of being in multiple places. Judging from this:
This new topic has @sam as the topic starter. However, on the mail list you see @codinghorror as such:
<img src="/uploads/meta_discourse/1556/48a48a549163d092.png" width="690" height="32">
So... I guess that is a bug?

It seems that the second bit of text has a different CSS class than the first one. Couldn't find out what yet.

Edit: ha, it happens here as well: first text is normal, then after the screenshot it's bigger and after the code block it's normal again.

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Clicking a link results in blank page


Dave Jensen wrote:

Every so often, I will click a link and it will lead to a blank page. It looks like a link tracker is not redirecting to the link URL.

  1. Go to http://meta.discourse.org/t/please-visit-our-discourse-forum-directory/3102
  2. On the first post click on the answers.joomlart.com/ link

Expected result: Browser goes to http://answers.joomlart.com

Actual result: Browser goes to a blank page with the URL http://meta.discourse.org/clicks/track?url=http%3A%2F%2Fanswers.joomlart.com%2F&post_id=6866&topic_id=3102

I'm running Chrome 28.0.1500.95 on Mac OS X.

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Error PG::Error: ERROR: null value in column "trust_level" violates not-null constraint


Michael wrote:

When checking out latest from Github an error occurs:

==  RenameSystemUsername: migrating ===========================================
-- execute("update site_settings set name = 'site_contact_username' where name = 'system_username'")NOTICE:  ALTER TABLE / ADD PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "user_stats_pkey" for table "user_stats"
rake aborted!
PG::Error: ERROR:  null value in column "trust_level" violates not-null constraint
: INSERT INTO "users" ("active", "admin", "approved", "approved_at", "approved_by_id", "auth_token", "auto_track_topics_after_msecs", "banned_at", "banned_till", "bio_cooked", "bio_raw", "blocked", "created_at", "date_of_birth", "days_visited", "digest_after_days", "dynamic_favicon", "email", "email_digests", "email_direct", "email_private_messages", "enable_quoting", "external_links_in_new_tab", "flag_level", "id", "ip_address", "last_emailed_at", "last_posted_at", "last_seen_at", "likes_given", "likes_received", "moderator", "name", "new_topic_duration_minutes", "password_hash", "posts_read_count", "previous_visit_at", "salt", "seen_notification_id", "time_read", "title", "topic_reply_count", "topics_entered", "trust_level", "updated_at", "uploaded_avatar_id", "uploaded_avatar_template", "use_uploaded_avatar", "username", "username_lower", "views", "website") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26, $27, $28, $29, $30, $31, $32, $33, $34, $35, $36, $37, $38, $39, $40, $41, $42, $43, $44, $45, $46, $47, $48, $49, $50, $51, $52) RETURNING "id"

Did anything change in the way a new forum is installed, or is this a bug...?

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Text hyperlinks to topics get oneboxed


Iszi wrote:

I tried hyperlinking some text in a reply to another topic. The link in this case was pointing to another topic, and the hyperlinked text was all on its own line. Although I specifically used Markdown in such a way that I expected it to create a text-based hyperlink, it instead oneboxed the link for me.

For example, this:

[Please read the friendly Welcome thread.](http://meta.discourse.org/t/welcome-to-meta-discourse-org/1)

Becomes this:

Please read the friendly Welcome thread.

I'm curious if this works with other oneboxed content... yup. This:

[You need to learn the difference between the U.K., England, and Great Britain.](http://youtu.be/rNu8XDBSn10)

Becomes this:

You need to learn the difference between the U.K., England, and Great Britain.

I'm sure this is really an edge case. Some may even say "you're just doing hyperlinks wrong" - and I wouldn't totally disagree. However, this is definitely what I would call "unexpected behavior" which would generally be nice to avoid.

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Invitation expiry workflow is wonky


Sam Saffron wrote:

Out of the box invitations are good for 14 days, when this period expires the user clicking on the invite must be informed that the invitation expired.

If a user is ever invited again to the topic the day counter must be reset.

(this is all particularly problematic for sites such as parley where access is restricted)

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Rake db:migrate fails with 'relation "post_revisions" already exists' when updating from to


Florian Schmaus wrote:

While upgrading my installation from to, I encounter the following error when running rake db:migrate:

== CreatePostRevisions: migrating ============================================
-- create_table(:post_revisions)
rake aborted!
An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:

PG::Error: ERROR:  relation "post_revisions" already exists
: CREATE TABLE "post_revisions" ("id" serial primary key, "user_id" integer, "post_id" integer, "modifications" text, "number" integer, "created_at" timestamp, "updated_at" timestamp) /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activerecord-4.0.2/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql/database_statements.rb:128:in `exec'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activerecord-4.0.2/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql/database_statements.rb:128:in `block in execute'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activerecord-4.0.2/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter.rb:435:in `block in log'

Full output

Not sure if it's related but, ignoring the error and continuing with rake assets:precompile ends with a segfault when starting discourse.

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First Admin GUI utility


Anton wrote:

Now that installation gets more easier with Docker, why don't we get it even more easier with a GUI utility to create the very first admin right from your browser?

I enjoyed few types and 5 mins installation with Docker over DigitalOcean, but I still have to do some Ruby in cli:

u = User.first
u.admin = true

We could make an admin creation page available (e.g /add-first-admin) provided there are zero admins in the database, OR even simpler /make-first-user-admin which will be only available and will execute only if there are zero admins in database.

Another possibility is to have "administrator" checkbox when registering the very first user in a standard registration form.

Anyway, there are different possibilities, why not to make such a micro GUI tool to avoid questions like this. Personally I'd be happy to use one.

Btw, this makes setting up SSH to Docker-based installation unnecessary, which complements Update button in administration GUI. This is good especially to decrease the setup time - i.e. time period between you buy your VPS and open your forum in web browser.

Hope it makes sense. Would be happy to read your thoughts about it.

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Can't move topic to secured group even if being allowed to


Sander Datema wrote:

I'm an admin on my forum and one of the categories is set like this:

I'm sure you'll understand that the admins can do anything and the Team can't make new topics.

My account is an admin and a member of Team. When trying to move a topic in another category to this one, I can't select it in the list. It's not there. That must be a bug.

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UTF-8 URL Support ტესტი


Giorgi wrote:

UTF URL - s get cut off for utf text, would be nice to have possibility edit permalinks for seo purpose.

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iPad: header moves down when keyboard appears on screen


Tudor wrote:

On iPad 4 (iOS 7.0.4, Safari or Chrome), when I click into the search box and the keyboard appears on screen, the whole header moves down. Here is a screenshot: http://imgur.com/0l3k1tm

PS: to trigger the bug, scroll the page up a bit before clicking the search icon.

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Advertising Roadmap for Near Future


Dev wrote:

@sam, @zogstrip, @codinghorror and the rest of the discourse team.
I have already seen posts related to support for advertising and it looks minimal except for adding HTML at the top and bottom of a page.
I think Discourse is a great software and I am working on launching at least two discussion forums based on this but wanted to know what kind improvements are being planned (if any) for better advertising support over the next 2-3 months.

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Sort order for groups


Steve Baer wrote:

We have an "employee" group defined which has access to see topics under an "McNeel Private" category. We are up to 31 members in this group and it is becoming hard to tell who is already in it. Could you display the members of the group in alphabetical order so I can parse the information a little easier?

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Discourse in a Docker container

Where to get discourse_org_access_key?


Zach Latta wrote:

Hello everyone.

I just set up a Discourse installation on my VPS. I'd like to check usernames against the Discourse Hub. Where can I get the discourse_org_access_key required for this (if it exists)?


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