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Changing Digital Ocean Plan


Justin Gordon wrote:

Is there any document that describes how to change one's Digital Ocean plan?

I have a couple forums that are getting very light light traffic, and I'd like to downsize them.

This would be a great addition to this document:

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Seeking input on implementing 'Ability to hide specified post revisions'


David McClure wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Ability to hide or delete old revisions on selected posts.

I've started to investigate what the best approach would be to implement this feature.

On the front end, I'm assuming that it'd be best to add a button within the edit_history modal which would allow authorized users (probably staff only) to delete a given post revision.

On the backend, things look a little trickier at the moment.

Currently, the post_revision model has these fields:

  • id
  • post_id
  • user_id
  • modifications
  • created_at
  • updated_at

There are a few possible approaches:

  • add a 'deleted' flag (this seems to best fit the pattern for handling other deletions like posts)
  • just wipe the record entirely
  • nuke the contents of 'modifications'

I'm assuming approach #1 would be the right way to go.

OK, so then I started looking more closely at what gets stored in the 'modifications' field.

It looks like its a hash in the form:

{ raw: ["old raw text", "new raw text"], cooked: ["old html", "new html"] }

So things get tricky in the case where 2 edits have been made.

  • rev 1: some content
  • rev 2: some content I want to hide
  • rev 3: some new content

In this case, you end up with two post_revision records with "some content i want to hide".

  • rev 1: raw: ['some content', 'some content I want to hide']
  • rev 2: raw: ['some content I want to hide', 'some new content']

It seems a little odd that both sides of the edit are saved on each revision, but I can understand why it was done that way.

So, my current thinking is that it'd make the most sense to do the following:

  1. add a deleted flag to the post_revision model
  2. the old content of the deleted revision would be hidden from users
  3. have the model itself handle filtering out content deleted revisions

So in the case above, one if you delete an rev2, the model would return:

$ rev.current("raw")
# some new content
$ rev.previous("raw")
# some content

The other approach is to refactor this model so that it stores each revision separately...

There's no rush to get this done and I'm open to any input here.

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Stacked FontAwesome icons for badges, etc


Zane Beckman wrote:

Stacking FontAwesome icons can result in some pretty neat looking glyphs. It would be nice to be able to stack icons like this when specifying the icon for a badge.

It involves a parent element with fa-stack class, then two child elements for each stacked image.

Rather than catering to this specific use case, is there a way the badge system could be expanded to allow arbitrary html for the badge image in such a way that isn't a support nightmare?

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Support deployment on post-ifconfig systems

Port 80 is showing up next to my domain in emails

Avatar upload not working


Matthew wrote:


All image and file uploads are working but when a user tries to upload his/her own avatar it just shows as a broken image link.

We have tried multiple types of images but they are all broken. When we upload these images as attachments to posts though its good.

Any ideas?


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Create 5 topics and 30 posts message


Matthew wrote:


How do I remove the "Create at least 5 public topics and 30 public posts to get discussion started. New users cannot earn trust levels unless there's content for them to read. This message appears only to staff" message?


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Periodically failing job


Ben wrote:

Good morning!

I'm running a vanilla installation of Discourse using the Docker container. No plugins or custom extensions (other than styles applied through the style manager).So far, I've had an easy time getting it up and running, but over the past couple of days, I've noticed a job that keeps failing (and continues to fail on retries).

Jobs::HandledExceptionWrapper: Wrapped Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - /root/.netrc

The only reference I could find on the web regarding Discourse relating to a similar error was this topic, created by nahtnam. In that case, the problem involved an integration with S3 -- in my case, I haven't even attempted to set that up, so I'm mostly sure it isn't the same issue.

When I look in the error logs accessible from the admin page, I'll see a block of attempts in a row, about every hour.

!	Job exception: Wrapped Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - /root/.netrc   2 hrs ago

!	Job exception: Permission denied - /root/.netrc

!	Job exception: Wrapped Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - /root/.netrc   2 hrs ago

!	Job exception: Permission denied - /root/.netrc
!	Job exception: Wrapped Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - /root/.netrc   2 hrs ago

!	Job exception: Permission denied - /root/.netrc
!	Job exception: Wrapped Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - /root/.netrc   2 hrs ago

!	Job exception: Permission denied - /root/.netrc

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Accessibility options


Craig Bowes wrote:

Does discourse have any accessibility / vision impaired capabilities? Does it handle text to speech fairly well?

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ISP-based anti-spam countermeasures


Vlad Magdalin wrote:

We've had a persistent barrage of seemingly human spammers on http://forum.webflow.com that always post during daylight/working hours in Pakistan/India. It got so bad that we ended up writing a Selenium script to crawl through the recent users every 30 seconds, and auto-hide spammy-looking posts from new users who have suspicious account metrics.

We've had that script running for close to 2 weeks now, and it predictably finds (and now auto-bans) spammer accounts, using mostly the user's ISP (found under the "Organization" heading in the "IP Lookup" popup).

Here's an example of all the spam accounts our script identified last night: https://cloudup.com/c23bVla_tYx

All of the spammers come from a small set of ISPs:

  • AS45595 Pakistan Telecom Company Limited
  • AS24560 Bharti Airtel Ltd., Telemedia Services
  • AS35662 Redstation Limited
  • AS7590 Commission on Science and Technology for
  • AS12586 GHOSTnet GmbH

Is anyone else seeing these types of spammers in your forums?

It would be great if we were able to specify as setting like suspect_spam_isps to e.g. AS45595, AS24560, AS35662, AS7590 and have Discourse forbid links inside posts for a 24 hour period for users who register via these ISPs. That would help us prevent spam posts altogether, instead of having to run after-the-fact scripts to clean things up.

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Google Analytics Event Tracking


Scott Austin wrote:

I want to add GA event tracking to my Discourse installation. Is there any existing documentation or examples I can reference? Thanks!

Here's some of the events that I want to track:
• Logging in
• Homepage
o Creating topic
o Starring topic
• Category page
o Creating topic
o Watching category
o Tracking category
o Regular status for category
o Muting category
o Editing category (selecting edit option)
• Topic page
o Replying
o Inviting
o Starring
o Sharing
o Flagging
• Profile page
o Adding profile photo
o Adding background photo
o Editing profile fields

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How do I re-assign ownership of posts?


Philip Rhoades P wrote:


I know what I have done will probably be frowned upon so if no-one is interested in responding . . I will understand . .

After installing Discourse and doing the preliminary setup for the site and doing some initial posts of topics as the main admin user, I created a second active user with a different email address - I had the idea that the first user would be the admin and the first and main poster for the forum and the second user would be just an ordinary user for testing purposes to see what things looked like. Unfortunately I accidentally used the second, ordinary, account to post a bunch of topics . . So I wouldn't have to repost stuff I fixed this by directly editing the topics, posts and topic_users tables to put the correct user id on the records. Nothing is crashing or otherwise looking bad and from the category listing page, the correct (admin) user is displayed as owning all the topics - BUT on the admin user profile page the the number of posts is still only showing the number of original posts - it is NOT counting the ones that should have been transferred - obviously I am missing something. It is not the end of the world, but it would be nice if someone could point me in the direction of a fix . .

Thanks in advance!


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Busted SSL or busted browser?


Nick Caldwell wrote:

So I have a small testing Docker/Discourse on Digital Ocean tootling along fairly well, but I've neglected it for a couple of weeks. Today I tried to access it to find that it won't load, or rather Safari can't negotiate a secure connection to the site.

I took the following steps:

  1. I inspected nginx error logs inside the Docker container (nothing)
  2. I destroyed and rebuilt the container
  3. I rebooted the server

No joy. On a whim I tried loading the site in Firefox, and lo and behold it works fine. Still not the case in Safari, however.

I've secured the site with a COMODO cert, from StartSSL, if I recall correctly. Safari is 7.0.6 on Mavericks.

Edit: site is at https://furiousrobot.com

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The "add header" feature of the editor doesn't add necessary newlines


badp wrote:

I'm not entirely sure that the m*******n editor Discourse uses is part of Discourse itself, but here goes: if you hit the "Header" button or Ctrl-H, the editor adds some header syntax in place without the necessary newlines.

In case you aren't confused yet, a gif is worth a thousand words. The same happens on SE, for what it's worth, but SE doesn't actually have an "add header" button in its interface and that makes this feature well hidden there. stuck_out_tongue

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Saving your profile makes the Banner Topic reappear even though you already dismissed it


cpradio wrote:

If you enable a banner topic, it can reappear when the topic is edited -- and that is okay, however it will also reappear if you save your profile (that's not okay).

Repro steps:
Create a banner topic
Refresh the site
Dismiss it
Refresh the site (verify it is dismissed)
Go to your profile, press Save (you don't have to change anything)
Go to the homepage
Refresh the site (banner reappears)
Dismiss it again frowning

Expected: Saving of profile doesn't make the banner reappear.

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The new Wiki post background color on 1.1.0.beta2 makes it harder to read code blocks


Felipe Cypriano wrote:

There's a new background color when a topic is marked as Wiki that makes it harder to see a code block. I've taken two screenshots to compare:



The background colors are almost(?) the same making it very hard to see the code blocks, both the multi-line and the inline one.

I like that Wiki topics have a different background color but they shouldn't make it harder to read code blocks.

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Loading spinner error


Andrey Kuzminov wrote:

I have a topic with 3 posts. I can see only first two of them and a spinner which stays there forever.
Also the topic stays in "Unread" after I view it

In the logs I've got this error:

Nothing handled the action 'postChangedRoute'. If you did handle the action, this error can be caused by returning true from an action handler in a controller, causing the action to bubble. Url: Line
	14 mins ago

HTTP_HOST: fishchat.nzfishingworld.co.nz
REQUEST_URI: /logs/report_js_error
HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:30.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/30.0
HTTP_REFERER: http://fishchat.nzfishingworld.co.nz/t/fishing-little-barrier/48/4

  message: Nothing handled the action 'postChangedRoute'. If you did handle the action, this error can be caused
  window_location: http://fishchat.nzfishingworld.co.nz/t/fishing-little-barrier/48/4
  stacktrace: o@http://fishchat.nzfishingworld.co.nz/assets/vendor-e79862c12dae96912e251ccc2db43881.js:5:1


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Email address still in use after rebuild


Jeff Atwood wrote:

Hi Jeff et al-- I'm about 99% ready to sing your praises for the awesomeness of this app & install process... just stuck on the final 1%.

I quickly got my DO droplet up and running and serving discourse. Then, after some mis-starts with trying to configure zoho mail, I created a Mandrill account & got the mailtest to shoot me an email. I thought I was home free...

However, no email came from the app when I tried to register the admin account. I figured the install had some vestiges of the old settings so I created a new container and reconfigured/bootstrapped/launched. Lo and behold, when I tried to register the admin account, it told me the email address was already taken. I figured I'd accidentally used the wrong container, so I destroyed all my docker containers, re-cloned the .yml file, and started over... the email address and user name are still already taken.

I'm sure I"m missing something fundamental here... is the database not in the docker container? Is there some global user name registry? Am I just getting too old to use computers?

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Unable to upgrade due to out of memory


PJH wrote:

/admin/upgrade shows this. Nothing changes, and the page has fully loaded. Tested on FF and Chrome on two different computers, so can probably rule those out. Processes tab, likewise, doesn't change from the Loading... prompt.

Last upgrade prior to this was from 6d5e6b3 to 10e2c3f yesterday around 0750UTC.

The only access I have to this installation is through /admin so any suggestions that require a command line, I - personally - cannot perform.

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Include reading time in the site stats


probus wrote:

I believe we should add another metric into the admin dashboard. What I'm specifically thinking is:

The time spent reading forum posts

I know Discourse already tracks reading time so it should be possible to show an aggregate number in the admin panel. It's easy to understand and communicate. Medium makes a pretty convincing case about why they decided to make this their primary metric.

This would also be great to see per topic. When viewed along view or post count it gives you insights about how engaging the content is. See this blog post from Upworthy.

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