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Discourse plugin for static site generators like Jekyll or Octopress


Sjors wrote:

It would be nice to have a plugin for static site generators like Jekyll or Octopress, since the performance and security benefits of those platforms are significant if you would take the time to learn it.

What do you guys think?

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Disable "create account" screen for CAS logins


Aaron Parecki wrote:

I love the CAS login feature, which allowed me to quickly tie Discourse logins into an existing site.

The forum I'm setting up is for an existing community who already has logins on a site. When a user new to the Discourse install visits the site and clicks "Log In" they authenticate with CAS. Then they see this "Create Account" screen on Discourse: http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2810/11278133123_2f55c48bae_o.png

The experience would be better for these users if they did not see this screen, and instead their forum account was silently created behind the scenes. They shouldn't need to have the concept of a separate forum account in this case.

I would like to see a config option that prevents the create account screen from appearing.

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Use of blockquote tag causes text outside a paragraph


Kane York wrote:

Continuing the discussion from The West Virginia chemical spill is just one example of a much bigger problem:

This post has text in the raw <div>, triggering the canary of smaller text.

<div class="cooked">I was just in the area of beautiful Asheville, NC, visiting my mom, and as we drove to the airport we passed the local power company's generation station (not sure if it's natural gas/coal) which is sitting right on the edge of the French Broad River.  From the <a href="http://wnca.org/asheville-coal-waste-illegally-polluting-the-french-broad-river/" rel="nofollow">Western North Carolina Alliance</a>:

<br><blockquote>The plant has two old coal ash ponds, built in 1964 and 1982, that sprawl over 90 acres adjacent to the French Broad River.  The City of Asheville is about seven miles downstream from the plant.  Ash pond seepage has been documented for at least three decades, according to public records obtained by the groups.  The utility recently estimated leakage from the older impoundment may be as high as 1 million gallons per day.</blockquote>

<p>So there's that.  Dog forbid we should ever take an adult approach towards the environmental damage we're doing regularly and around the world.</p></div>

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CAS sso auth plugin


eriko wrote:

Here you go @sam

This is a first pass at replacing the current implementation that is built into the core. It is not perfect as I will explain.

Good things

  • It uses the extra attributes that a CAS server can optionally supply.
  • The names of the attributes are configurable.
  • The attributes that it currently attempts to get are email address and (display) name.

Annoying things

  • After logging in for the first time you still need to hit login when you first create your account
  • If you set must_approve_users to false they will be left on the /login page but logged it. They should be redirected to the front page / .

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Login support for browser password managers


Neil wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Alternative (non-ajax) way to login, so that browser password manager can save the login credentials:

Since Discourse's login form was being rendered only when you click the login button, browsers weren't asking to save your password. They only see forms that are rendered on page load.

I got this working in all browsers except IE (of course!). IE is so close to working, there must be a little trick I'm missing.

So, give it a try everyone!


Please report what you find in different browsers on different OS's. And if you know how to get this to work in IE I will love you forever possibly!

Something I learned is that Firefox does this so much more reliably than any other browser. Every implementation I tried worked in Firefox. "Does this work in Firefox? Yes, of course it does." Chrome and Safari are better, but each have their own quirks, with Safari being very fussy about what it recognizes as a login form and how it expects the form to be submitted.

It's interesting that Chrome and Safari both use the keychain on OS X, so saving the password in one will save it on both, and Chrome syncing will send it to all your computers.

Save password in Safari → Chrome gets it from keychain → Chrome syncs to your other computers -> Safari on all computers gets it from the keychain.

Sometimes Chrome doesn't ask to save your password, it just does it.

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Site Customizations: Footer


ben_a_adams wrote:

It would be nice to add Footer to site customisation as well as Stylesheet and Header probably to fill out the section:
<footer id="bottom"></footer>

With in combination with css this would allow people to add a small fixed footer if they wanted; however my interest would be more for adding some bottom of page js. Though I could probably put it async in the header.

But script loading is an "interesting" thing http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/speed/script-loading/

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How does Suggested Topics work and how can we improve it?


Todd McKinney wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Reading Topics and Context:

I'm starting to notice, since I had that 60 second auto-notify thing on for awhile before configuring it out of my view of the world, that the algorithm prompting for suggested topics to read next at the bottom seems to continually surface the same items. If I go read one of them, a new one takes its place, which makes good sense. Then, inevitably, I get to a list of 5 things that are not compelling enough for me to jump to.

Two thoughts on this:

  • You could do something simple almost like a captcha reload, Just give me a button to cycle that list to the next five.
  • This would be a great place to display the view that I used to get here (e.g. all unread) either instead of the suggestions, or in addition to them.

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Starred tab does nothing


Jacob wrote:

Just updated to latest, clicking the new "Starred" tab does nothing on my site. Do I have to do anything special when upgrading? What other info can I provide to be of more help?

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Apple touch icon doesn't show if there is no sub domain


sipp11 wrote:

I couldn't find any related topic about this, but when I tried with my install. I've found that I only get add to home screen icon on my iPad when I use any URL with sub domain, ie. www.example.com, x1.example.com. However, if I use example.com as URL, I will not get the icon at all.

First I thought it was my own issue, URL redirect thing, but as far as I've tried, it's not.

note: my apple_touch_icon_url is on S3.

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Editing "reason for Suspension


Briancguy wrote:

I made a typo in my "reason for suspension" of a recently banned user. It would be nice to be able to go back and edit that reason. Right now it seems there is no way to edit the reason.

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Displaced Wrench Icon Chrome

Smiley parser is busted


Michael Brown wrote:

I has a happy face: smile

I has two: :) smile

I has two, each with their turtle: turtle :) :) turtle

My smiley :)
has a friend smile

I has a happy face: :)

I has two: :) :)

I has two, each with their turtle: :turtle: :) :) :turtle:

My smiley :)
has a friend :)

(looks like a colon on a line^Wblock busts any sideways-smileys earlier on the line^Wblock)

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Tagging (You must have known it would come up...)


Jp Gordon wrote:

I've been following the topic on tagging elsewhere and understand there's a legitimate issue associated with it. But I wanted to give you a use case and ask for suggestions.

We have a product called "Platform" for which there are 81 New Relic and 3rd party plugins. Examples of plugins: MySQL, MS SQL Server, MongoDB, Rackspace Loadbalancer, etc. All of these are plugins for separate environments on which you want to monitor performance. There are 81 of these now (more coming) and are downloadable. We have a requirement to collect feedback on each plugin - essentially discussions around issues associated with installation and deployment.

We currently have a category on our Discourse site called "Platform". Under that we could have sub-categories for each of the plugins -- but that would mean 81 subcategories (and more coming..) -- and that feels really kludgey. Users would have to go looking for their subcategory and a number of these subcategories would be empty. Areas defined on a forum that are empty makes it look under-used.

If we don't have tags, and the use of subcategories is burdensome, what would you recommend?

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Using discourse as a mailing lists


Tom Locke wrote:

Just as badly we need better forum software, we really need a replacement for Mailman. Discourse is nearly there. The FAQ even says

Whenever you need …

  • a mailing list

So it seems the intent is there. There are a few features that look like they are currently absent:

  • Post a new topic by email (and to a nice simple email address)
  • Reply to a topic by replying to email (may be there already?)
  • Receive every new post by email, as soon as posted

Any plans to add these features?

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Ruby question about use of klass=self in the site_customization.rb


jon wrote:

Some of (ok, a lot of) the Ruby code in Discourse is a bit beyond me and I've asked the following SO question:

The most up-voted answer makes sense but not great sense.

I know there are some hairy things that one can get into related to scope and self but was curious about this line https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/app/models/site_customization.rb#L118 that where we assign self to klass before going throug MessageBus. I have the feeling there was a post on here about whether to use klass, that, etc... like 6 months ago but I couldn't find via searching.

I would assume that this is because there is a new scope that will take over self and we need a reference to self. But I don't fully get what is going on? If anyone could explain to me, I would really appreciate.

thx for anyone who can help

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Mailing list (and NNTP) bridge


Joel Uckelman wrote:

Continuing the discussion from NNTP support?:

First, some background: I'm Joel Uckelman, one of the developers of VASSAL, an open-source virtual tabletop program for boardgames. We used mail2forum to bridge our mailing list to our forum back when phpBB 2 was current. When phpBB went to version 3 and mail2forum didn't, I wrote a mailing list bridge which we've been using more or less successfully at our forum since 2009 or so. I would very much like to see Discourse have mailing list support so that switching to Discourse from phpBB is an option for us.

So, some thoughts, in no particular order:

  • Should mailing list support be integrated or work with existing lists? The list bridge I wrote for phpBB is truly just a bridge. Mailing list software (Mailman, in my case) provides the list. There were some advantages to this approach: It was a lot less work, since I could rely on Mailman to handle mail properly, and any PHP (blech!) I didn't have to write was welcome. On the other hand, bridging forum posts to an existing list means that the list software doesn't know anything about forum accounts, etc., and as a consequence, users have to subscribe to the list manually, so you can end up with list subscribers who don't have accounts on the forum. This hasn't been much of a problem for us because the number of subscribers to our list is small, but I could see there being issues (confusion, mainly) if there were more subscribers.

  • How granular should subscription be? My list bridge supports one list per subforum. It's not required that each subforum have a unique list, or any list at all. E.g. our Games in Progress subforum isn't hooked up to any list, the Test subforum has its own list, while the other eight subfora are bridged to the main list. The main list can be something of a firehose at times, but my reason for having it set up this way is that the list subscribers are mostly developers, team members, and some people who are a constant presence answering user questions---these are the people who want to see every message which comes through. But I could see someone wanting a bit more control over what they get by mail, too.

  • How should bounces be handled? What I'm doing right now is letting Mailman handle bounces.

  • Being able to start topics and reply to posts by mail, as well as suppressing reply notifications for list subscribers (you don't need to be emailed about replies if you're already geting posts by mail!) are mandatory features. Being able to unsubscribe from the list by mail is close behind, for me. Nothing else strikes me as terribly urgent.

  • There are various things which can come in from the list side which we have to think about how to handle: attachments, quoting, ugly MIME parts (base64, quoted-printable, HTML), bounces, forgeries, spam. If you want to see what I did with, e.g., quoting, browse around the posts in our forum. It's not the prettiest thing in the world, but it's functional.

  • Determining where incoming mail goes in the forum is not that hard, so long as we construct Message-Ids from which we can recover post IDs. We do have to decide what to do with incoming messages which aren't In-Reply-To any message we already have. Most of the time, these will be starting new topics, but it is possible that the message was sent by a broken mail client...

  • I suspect that a lot of the infrastructure for handing email would also work for NNTP. (I think supporting NNTP would be neat, too, but email is my priority.)

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Problem during initialization


Akeme Rofako wrote:

while trying to run the following:

RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT=90000000 RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate

I get this error:

rake aborted!
fe_sendauth: no password supplied
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activerecord-4.0.2/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:831:in `initialize'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activerecord-4.0.2/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:831:in `new'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activerecord-4.0.2/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:831:in `connect'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activerecord-4.0.2/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:548:in `initialize'
What have I done wrong?

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Rebake error when posts contain deleted YouTube video


Jacob wrote:

2013-10-19T03:57:52Z 17032 TID-oxerz43sw WARN: undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass
2013-10-19T03:57:52Z 17032 TID-oxerz43sw WARN: /var/www/discourse/lib/oneboxer/youtube_onebox.rb:12:in `onebox'
/var/www/discourse/lib/oneboxer.rb:53:in `onebox_nocache'
/var/www/discourse/lib/oneboxer.rb:143:in `fetch_and_cache'
/var/www/discourse/lib/oneboxer.rb:184:in `onebox'
/var/www/discourse/lib/cooked_post_processor.rb:73:in `block in post_process_oneboxes'
/var/www/discourse/lib/oneboxer.rb:109:in `block in apply'
/var/www/discourse/lib/oneboxer.rb:95:in `block in each_onebox_link'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/nokogiri-1.6.0/lib/nokogiri/xml/node_set.rb:237:in `block in each'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/nokogiri-1.6.0/lib/nokogiri/xml/node_set.rb:236:in `upto'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/nokogiri-1.6.0/lib/nokogiri/xml/node_set.rb:236:in `each'
/var/www/discourse/lib/oneboxer.rb:93:in `each_onebox_link'
/var/www/discourse/lib/oneboxer.rb:108:in `apply'
/var/www/discourse/lib/cooked_post_processor.rb:72:in `post_process_oneboxes'
/var/www/discourse/lib/cooked_post_processor.rb:22:in `post_process'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/regular/process_post.rb:18:in `execute'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/base.rb:128:in `block (2 levels) in perform'

I just switched to a new domain. I made sure I ran RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake posts:rebake not sure what to do to fix this.
Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Post timestamp location and log in to reply indicators


hamburglar wrote:

Is there a good place where you guys would like people to give basic UI feedback? I have two examples:

  1. It's a bit difficult to figure out when something was posted. I find myself scanning all around on every post, checking top, bottom, left, and right to see a datestamp. Eventually, I land on the little "2 days" tag and I wonder if that's the age of the post or the age of the user (it's right under the username). I am eventually able to compare those from different posts and deduce that it is, in fact the post age, but it's so unclear that I've found myself going through this process over and over. Also, telling me the post's age instead of the date it was posted is irritating as heck and always forces me to do mental date math on a value with inconsistent units. It would make a lot more sense to just show the date and time, and also to make it clearer in the UI that it's the post date and not just some random date floating in space.

  2. I just spent quite a while waving my mouse around and around on a post I was going to respond to looking for a reply button before finally figuring out that I wasn't logged in. The indicators telling me to log in to post are only really obvious if I'm at the top or bottom of a page. User error, sure, but it could be clearer.

Anyway, the point is not that I have these two gripes, but rather to ask if there's a good place where I should be putting this type of feedback / discussion. Thoughts?

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