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Log "Export Users" action in Staff Actions


Dean Taylor wrote:

Now the action of displaying the users email address is logged...
... it feels wrong that exporting all the users email address is not a logged event.

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Unexpected TOS text in "/admin/users/{username}" display page

Upgrade from 1.0.0 to 1.0.3



When I click the link to upgrade I get this message. It links to /admin/upgrade.

The page you requested doesn't exist or is private.

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Js.in_n_seconds - please clarify the meaning


Anton wrote:

Could someone please clarify how this text is used:

in {{count}} seconds

Translation key:


Possible variations are:

  1. Something will be done (e.g. automatically) AFTER {{count}} sections.
  2. Something WILL TAKE {{count}} seconds.

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Js.max - please clarify how it is used


Anton wrote:

This one is too generic:


The English text is:


And it can be translated to Russian in ~5 different ways depending on context.

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How to make videos the way you have on discourse home page?

Search needs help for all magic filters


Sam Saffron wrote:

We have quite a few "magic" directives in search like


Though very handy they are impossible to discover.

We need something like keyboard shortcuts help to help discovering this. Visual mocks totally welcome.

Another rather interesting option would be to amend the syntax some and allow for autocomplete there. Eg: use :order:latest then after typing : we can pop tips somewhere.

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Hidden email messes up display in mobile

Is it possible to reassign a topic's author?


Kevin Kershaw wrote:

I've created a number of posts with one account but would like to reassign them to another author, is this possible to do without deleting them all and recreating them in another account?

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Issue with API Endpoint /session/current


Severe Overfl0w wrote:

I have been having issues with the API endpoint /session/current is returning a 404 when I attempt to query this endpoint. I am able to access it directly in the browser (with the .json suffix). I have been using AngularJS' $http and $resource modules to make my queries, however, this failing I tried using the sample code that @eviltrout provided in the thread:

 $.ajax("/session/current").then(function (json) {

Attempting to use this against my Vagrant-VM URL (from Chromium console):

     > $.ajax("http://localhost:4000/session/current", {contentType: 'application/json'}).then(function (json) {
Object {state: function, always: function, then: function, promise: function, pipe: function…}  // $.ajax immediate response
OPTIONS http://localhost:4000/session/current  jquery.js:8623
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:4000/session/current. Invalid HTTP status code 404

I am not sure how to proceed, so I am reaching out here for help! Any pointers?

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DigtialOcean Discourse use what wiki system?

DigitalOcean Discourse deploy Ghost blog HOW?


bubill wrote:

I install Discourse on DigitalOcean
I wanna deploy blog system with Discourse

  1. install Ghost blog with Discourse that use http://blog.roschina.cn
    How to install Ghost blog ? use docker Ghost http://dockerfile.github.io/#/ghost ? or other method ?

  2. use jekyII as blog with Discouse ?

  3. use http://roschina.github.io , and then redirect http://blog.roschina.cn ???

  4. use heroku ,and thne redirect http://blog.roschina.cn

Which is best method ??

Thanks a lot !

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Thoughts on a plugin which turns discourse into stackoverflow


David Cohen wrote:

I know I know discourse is not a Q&A platform, and you might not believe in negative votes, etc, as mentioned in other posts. This is not a question about the philosophy, it is a technical question, so please proceed with technical answers.

I think a forum platform like discourse, and a Q&A platform like SO have a lot in common. On the other hand, despite many tries, a polished, high quality, open source clone of SO with a large community and high momentum like discourse does not yet exist. So I was wondering how easy, or difficult, would it be to create a plugin that would convert discourse into stackoverflow?

Would this imaginary plugin be something 'hacky' that only would work as a prototype, or would be reliable enough for production?

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Domain events In Discourse


Del Boy Trotter wrote:

is there any concept of domain events in discourse? We'd like our app to be notified of certain events within discourse.

If not we'll be looking at creating this as some sort of extension but I do think there'd need to be code added to the main code in order to fire the events.

Ideally the aggregator would be generic so we (or anyone) can plug in their own mechanism for consuming or forwarding these events.

Anyone know anything about this?

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Does "one.com" support Discourse?


that guy wrote:

I'm in the process of choosing host for my website, but I need it to support Discourse. I will probably choose one.com if they support Ruby and/or other required stuff.

Anyone know something about this?

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Integrating with discourse


Del Boy Trotter wrote:

So, we're buying into Discourse. We love pretty much everything about it.

I've spent the last couple of weeks learning everything from Ubuntu to ember!

Part of the problem we have is that we aren't using ruby.

Part of the solution is bringing the discourse header into our app.

I've figured these two out in fairly quick time and blogged about the experience. Hopefully it'll be of use to other Discourse integrators!!


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Plugin Help -- Making a custom bbcode tag


Jacob Bridges wrote:

Hi Guys!

So I am trying (failing) to make a plugin for discourse which transforms a custom bbcode tag into an anchor element with a "data-id" attribute. For example:

[mtg]stuffy doll[/mtg]  -->  <a data-id="279711">stuffy doll</a>

The data-id attribute is coming from MtG's API here: http://api.mtgdb.info/. I have written a function for getting the ID of a card based on the name--but I'm just not certain how the replaceBlock function works. (Really wish there was a ReadTheDocs or something for Discourse...)

This is what I have so far: https://github.com/jacobbridges/discourse-gatherer
And this is the code in my assets/javascripts which is failing:

function Find_MtG_Image( query ) {
	get_card_uri = "http://api.mtgdb.info/cards/";
	// URL encode the query
	encoded_query = encodeURIComponent( query );

	// Query MtG API for the card with name like "query"
	$.getJSON( get_card_uri + encoded_query, function( data ) {
  		var card_ids = [];
         	$.each( data, function( key, obj ) {
			card_ids.push( obj.id );

	       // Get the last card id in the list
	       // (Most recent version of the card they are searching for.)
	        var card_id = card_ids.pop()

         return card_id;

	start: /(\[mtg\])([\s\S]*)/igm,
	stop: '[/mtg]',

	emitter: function(blockContents) {
		var response = '<a data="'+ Find_MtG_Image(blockContents) +'">'+ blockContents +'</a>';
		return response;

Any help would be appreciated! I think I am using the Discourse.Dialect.replaceBlock function incorrectly--but I couldn't find any documentation on it so that would be expected.

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Can I change an email address for an unactivated user?


Joshua Frank wrote:

I'm creating and inviting users, but I've got a couple of users that I invited using the wrong email address. So they're in the system, but inactive because they couldn't receive the email. I want to change the email address and resend, but the UI doesn't seem to let me do it. I can view the user's settings, but not change the email address. Do I need to delete the user and start over?

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What is the title field used for?


Joshua Frank wrote:

There's a field called title in the user preferences, but I can't see where this is displayed or used. Also puzzling is that in user admin preferences (/admin/users/{userId}), the title field is a text box, but in user preferences (/users/{userId}/preferences) it's a pencil edit, and when I click the pencil it asks me to choose a badge:

On this site, where I'm not an admin, I don't see the title at all.

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Add moderators in the 'About' section


Molly Cushing wrote:

Would it be possible to add the moderators in the 'About' section? I know that admins are highlighted and I like that a lot, but I know the moderators on my site to a lot, so I'd like to have them be hilighted. Is that possible or a feature that could be added down the road? I know it's not a huge thing, but I think it would be a good addition.

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