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Created import script but ruby complains about missing 'mysql2' gem


Thomas Wilson wrote:

We're trying to run a custom import script for the LDU content management system. Unfortunately we have been unable to run it on our production box as ruby is complaining it cannot find mysql2.

We have 'installed' this by modifying the GemFile, then executing gem install mysql2 (after first installing libmysqlclient-dev). We did not see any errors in the installation logs for either of these.

We're pulling our hair out here and can't understand why mysql2 is not getting picked up. We've tried a bundle install too -- alas, to no avail.

Is there something very obvious we're missing here?

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Is a Chinese version for Discourse available?

Add a Pinterest button to the social share box


Andy Crichton wrote:

I would like a Pinterest button to be added to the social share box. I have it on the highest authority that to submit the change as a pull request should take just a few hours (at most) of a coder's time.

Could someone chime in with this? My contribution will be to pay the bill.

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What is the best use cases for a company comparing to a Q&A? (Using askubuntu as the concrete case)

NoMethodError: undefined method `dirname' for "app/assets/stylesheets/desktop.scss":String


Steve Wills wrote:

I'm trying to setup an install of discourse in a FreeBSD jail and I'm getting the error

NoMethodError: undefined methoddirname' for "app/assets/stylesheets/desktop.scss":String`

just as in this thread:

Which doesn't give a hint what caused it or how it was resolved. I'm using discourse 1.0.3 from the gitlab release. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

P.S. My ultimate goal is to create a port for discourse, so installation is as simple as pkg install discourse then configuration.

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Gemfile.lock vs Gemfile


Steve Wills wrote:

Just curious, reading this:

That's fine, it's of course your right to support or not support whatever you want.

Was wondering though, since I've seen other apps where you could freely delete the Gemfile.lock and it would be re-created using the gems that were installed that satisfied the Gemfile and everything would be fine, why that's not the case with Discourse? I think other than this issue with sprockets-rails, that should be the case. Would you accept a patch to add gem 'sprockets-rails', '~> 2.0.1' to the Gemfile? Or other patches to update things, such as bumping the fog gem to 1.23?

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Asciinema embedding

Onebox - Development on Windows


lid wrote:

As I was working on several onebox engines (on a Windows environment)
I realized that I needed a better way to test urls. Console was ok at the beginning but then I realized how inconvenient it was. So I wrote a small script to help me with the process.


  • Ruby
  • Git
  • windows

Setup Development Environement

You can clone the deployer using git, or just copy paste it into a file.

> cd C:\development
> git clone https://gist.github.com/lidlanca/b2cf30aeaef42bef1673  onebox-dev
> cd onebox-dev

before running this you can change setup.rb testing template located in test_template_rb method see "Test a URL" section below for more information about what need or can be changed.

Then ask the deployer to pull the onebox code and setup the testing script.

> ruby setup-onebox-dev.rb --init all

After deploying


Test a URL

Before you start testing Onebox Urls

You can change path to external remote css file and chrome executable path in setup.rb
under the method test_template_rb and you do that before running:

ruby setup-onebox-dev.rb --init all

Setting the proper chrome path and css will open the test in the browser with proper styling.

Add URLS for testing

locate testMulti call at the end of the file (run-test.rb).
You can add multiple url to test in inside the %q() string
one url for each line

testMulti %q(
-You can add http://url in multiple separate lines below
).lines , "multioutput.html"

### run the test
when you run the test all onebox generated will be open in a chrome page ( if path to chrome was set properly)

> cd C:\development\onebox-dev
> ruby run-test.rb


I have not documented how to get the onebox gems dependencies on windows.
before you can actually run any test you have to get the dependencies.
Personally I installed each missing gems on the go at my first install. based on the missing gem error.

you can see which gems are needed in onebox.gemspec

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Mail notification to admins if a new discourse version is available


Florian Schmaus wrote:

Would be great to get a notification mail once a new discourse version if found. I don't look at the Dashboard (/admin) very often.

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Import scripts - how to improve performance?


Thomas Wilson wrote:

Any tips would be greatly appreciated, as my current calculations suggest our forum import will take 6 days to complete.

Some info on the underlying tech would be great. I've upgraded my DO droplet to 4 CPU cores / 8GB RAM which has improved things a little, but things are still quite sluggish. Users (200,000) of them are done, but posts (around 2 million) are slow (around 3-5 / second).

Should I increase the number of sidekiq workers available in the app.yml file (this is currently set using the single CPU installation instructions), or is that not relevant here?

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Changing the hostname and bootstrapping didn't change the absolute path for images


Slind wrote:


I had a board setup on a test domain and implemented the new one now. The issue I have is that even if I upload new images in posts they are still linked with the old hostname. I did change the hostname in the app.yml and bootstrapped it again.

Am I missing something here?

Thanks in advance

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Where shall I put the logo image?


Abel Van wrote:

I put my logo image in /public/uploads/logo/, and point it to the path in sitesetting, it seems that the path is not reachable, why?

Then I just copy the image to cover the default one in /public/images/, it works now. But the problem is that if I update by bundle exec rake db:migrate and bundle exec rake assets:precompile, then the image are re-generated?

So my question is, the image is generated from which file? and where shall put my self-defined logo?

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How to change ubuntu discourse style?

Custom User Fields in Profile


SirWill wrote:


I created a custom user field edited in my profile but I can't see it in my profile.
Is there any setting to make it public or?

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Customize subject format for standard emails


Arpit Jalan wrote:

So you want to customize subject format for standard emails? Great, let's get started!

The subject for standard emails can be customized from: AdminSettingsEmailemail subject

Default formatting is:

%{optional_re}[%{site_name}] %{optional_pm}%{optional_cat}%{topic_title}

  • %{optional_re} => Re: (applicable if the post is a Reply)

  • %{site_name} => Community Title

  • %{optional_pm} => [PM] (applicable if the post is a Personal Message)

  • %{optional_cat} => [category] / [category/subcategory] {not applicable for PM)

  • %{topic_title} => Topic title here

Complied subject for typical email notification: [Community Title] [category] Topic title here

Please note that a trailing whitespace will automatically be appended to %{optional_re}, %{optional_pm} and %{optional_cat}.

For Example, let's consider this post:

The email subject formatting for Reply notification of above topic will be:

  • %{optional_re} => Re:

  • %{site_name} => Discourse Meta

  • %{optional_pm} => (Not Applicable)

  • %{optional_cat} => [howto]

  • %{topic_title} => How to update to Discourse 1.0?

Complied subject for the above topic will be: Re: [Discourse Meta] [howto] How to update to Discourse 1.0?

That's it! You have successfully customized subject format for standard emails.

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Closed Topics should not show up as unread

Help with translating key: site_settings tl3_requires_topics_viewed


Anton wrote:

Original English text:

The percentage of topics created in the last 100 days that a user needs to have viewed to qualify for promotion to trust level 3. (0 to 100)

Q: does it mean the number of topics THIS user must view by the time of promotion, or number of topics created by this user that have been viewed by others?


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Difficulties translating key subject_re - need context


Anton wrote:

The original English text is:


The problem is that in Russian we do not use Re: something, we express it differently depending on the context.

Could someone please clarify how this string is used?

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API - Best way to get user details by email


Dean Taylor wrote:

What is the best way to get a users username from email address via the API?

I used to use /admin/users/list/active.json?filter=john@example.com but recently a change as caused that to not return email addresses.

What is the best alternative?

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How to capture the event of the Composer opening / closing


Dean Taylor wrote:

What would the JavaScript code look like for handling event opening / closing of the "composer" window?

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