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Navigating to a none existing / private page. Refresh will break back navigation


lid wrote:


1.Go to a link that takes you no where (404) No where is here

2.Refresh the page F5

3.Try to hit the back button


You are not going to be able to come back to this topic or any previous history.
the url will change but the page will stay as not exists

Expected result:

Hitting the back button will take you back to the page you came from

Proposed fix

Adding the following code to the error page, should allow the browser to preserve it back navigation.

window.onpopstate = function(event) {
  if (!window.hasOwnProperty("Discourse")){  //check if Discourse object exists if not take care of back navigation
    window.location = document.location

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Plugin images inaccessable


Thomas Smyth wrote:

This is an odd situation.

On Dec 19, 2013 this comment was made in lib/tasks/assets.rake:

# in the past we applied a patch that removed asset postfixes, but it is terrible practice
# leaving very complicated build issues

It turns out my plugin relies on non-digested images since they are used in my templates as src's.

Why am I only asking this now? Because I think on my production box there were old copies of non-digested assets lying around from pre-Dec 19. I only just now deleted them for an unrelated reason, and the problem suddenly emerged.

What should I do? Avoid using img src? Is there some way to get handlebars to add the digest? Should I use all background-image? It appears that my plugin asset paths are not digested in the compiled CSS file either.

Help? Thanks.

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How to diagnose request timeouts


David Mitchell wrote:

I have an installation of discourse that started responding with 504's for every request this afternoon. After digging into it a bit, I discovered that unicorn was shutting down child workers after timeouts.

I've tried a number of things: rebuilding the container, restarting the host machine and the database server, and checking every log that I can find, but I've been unable to locate anything that seems like the source of the issue. I turned the log_level for the Ruby app all the way up to :debug, but all I can see are the timings for SQL statements (which seem fine).

What else can I do to diagnose this issue?

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Use MetaData to indicate image download filename


cpradio wrote:

So we've had a couple of internal complaints about the fact that the image download name is the sha1 representation and not the actual name of the image (which is available, because you see it in the lightbox). It seems the "actual" name is stored in the metadata of the image.

Is the team open to a PR that retrieves that name and uses it for the download?

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Large space before footer?


Matt McNeil wrote:

I've added a bit of simple HTML to the "Bottom of the Pages" admin customization, which works fine at the bottom of a topic:

However on the Categories page, there is a large space between the end of the category list and the start of the footer.

Is there anything I can do to remove/minimize this extra space? (My CSS skills are weak and I couldn't figure a graceful way to do it using Chrome Dev Tools...)
Thanks for any ideas!

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Created group requires reloading the page


Peter Lewis wrote:

To create a private category with a set of users, the sequence seems to be:

  • Create a new group
  • Create a new category and set its security to restricted to that group

However if you create a group, and then create a category, the security settings do not see the newly created group. You need to reload the page (presumably flushing whatever browser end cache of groups is held) before the security settings of the category sees the new group.

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How to change environment variable after docker has bootstrapped site?


Yuming Cao wrote:

Hi all,

I'm having a situation that after restart my AWS instance, DNS name has changed. So I want to change DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME configuration under my host's /var/discourse/containers/standalone.yml.

I didn't dig deep enough how unicorn manages env vars in this case. But reload the docker instance doesn't seem to work. Because we may need to change yml config file in the future from time to time, I'm wondering how to update the variable without destroy the current docker instance.

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Twitter button breaks after browsing pages


Ricardo Viteri wrote:


I added this code (twitter button) via admin -> customize -> Text Content -> Top of the Pages

    <a href="https://twitter.com/BecarioSENESCYT" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="true" data-lang="es">Seguir a @BecarioSENESCYT</a>

<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script>

however after browsing around categories and posts it goes from this:

to this:

This happens when you open a discussion.

How can I fix this?


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Is it possible to pin a topic so it also appears in 'top'?


Kevin Kershaw wrote:

I'm not sure if I am missing something, or if I am going against an ideology of Discourse, but I was hoping to use 'top' as the landing page for a Discourse implementation, and still be able to pin certain topics globally so they appear in the 'top' view as well.

I am aware this doesn't exactly make sense since 'top' is algorithm based, but to me, pinning a topic 'globally' still seems like an important feature in terms of ensuring certain topics ('welcome to...') are promoted to the user upon the first view (and not only a single topic via the banner.

Am I missing a setting somewhere, or is this a flawed ideal on my part?

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Cron rake task help


Sedrickcz wrote:

I have old instance of Discourse and I created here three cron rake task, which handles automatic assignment to specific group, automatic import from my other site and update user titles if they change it on our website.

Is there any way how can I preserve this rake task after I update to new version of Discourse? I guess If I create them again, they will disappear after next update, right?

Thank you.

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Add metadata to a topic?


Kevin Lewandowski wrote:

Is it possible to add metadata or custom fields to a topic?

I want to use the API to create new topics and replies from a separate site. And need a way to manage what topics belong to what piece of content on the external site.


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Getting email after my own reply


Ricardo Viteri wrote:

Hi, I have selected the setting under preferences to receive an email after every new post. This works fine except that I also get an email from my own replies. I think one should not get emails of post that one writes. Anyway to correct this?


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Avatar not being displayed immediately after upload

Composing a message while on a user's preference page does not work


cpradio wrote:

Steps to Repro

  1. Click on a User's Avatar
  2. Click on Profile
  3. Click on Preferences
  4. Click on Private Message

You will get the following screenshot:

Expected: (skip Step 3 above)

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Add post ID to pagination URL scheme used for webcrawlers


boomzilla@TDWTF.com wrote:

The non-javascript version of the site (for the likes of googlebot, et.al.) uses request parameters for pages (?page=2). This works fine for the bot doing the navigating, but if the first displayed post id were in the URL, searchers would get better links when they come from google (or wherever), since they'd at least get close to the bit they searched for.

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Double trailing slash causes noload


James Finstrom wrote:

The answer is probably "well don't do that" but I noticed if you http://discourseurl.tld// (double trailing slash) it causes things to not load. Other than fat fingering (like i did) I am not sure why someone would do that but it breaks things.

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(phpBB3 Import) Cannot get phpbb3.rb script to connect to MySQL


DrHogie wrote:

(EDIT: deleted previous issues due to me having zero experience with docker and containers)'

I've gotten the phpbb3.rb script to work within the container and gotten all dependencies solved (including bbcode-to-md!) -- however, I cannot get MySQL to connect properly.

The final command I'm running is:

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec ruby script/import_scripts/phpbb3.rb bbcode-to-md

from within the Docker container. When I run this, the error message I get is:

loading existing groups...
loading existing users...
loading existing categories...
loading existing posts...
loading existing topics...
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/mysql2-0.3.16/lib/mysql2/client.rb:70:in `connect': Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) (Mysql2::Error)
	from /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/mysql2-0.3.16/lib/mysql2/client.rb:70:in `initialize'
	from script/import_scripts/phpbb3.rb:26:in `new'
	from script/import_scripts/phpbb3.rb:26:in `initialize'
	from script/import_scripts/phpbb3.rb:391:in `new'
	from script/import_scripts/phpbb3.rb:391:in `<main>'

Now, the MySQL that I've installed the previous phpbb3 database to is NOT installed within the container, but on the server itself. Is there some hoodoo I need to perform to get the MySQL accessible from within docker?

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Replies via email to closed topics still post replys to the topic


Alex Graham wrote:

I searched around, and I couldn't find anything that exactly outlines what I am seeing.

It appears that if a user is following a topic that automatically closes, and they reply to the email that they get on said topic, even after it closes, their email generates a new post on the topic. I think that if the topic is closed, it would be better to send them a message saying "Sorry, this topic is closed, and is not accepting new replys." (or something like that).

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OpenStreet maps embedding


Ilya Kuchaev wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Can Google Maps be embedded into Topics?:

Can we add this for http://www.openstreetmap.org/?

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phpBB3 Import Guide


Ryan Bulloch wrote:

Hi all, I wonder if you can help.

I've got Discourse all up and running on a 1GB droplet via DigitalOcean however I really do not know where to start when it comes to actually running the conversion tool. I have the DB gzipped up and ready to be uploaded but the questions I have are:

How the heck do I upload a file? I'm installing and configuring vsftpd at the moment but not sure this is ideal....
Do I need to place upload scripts into Discourse? If so how do I do this via Mac OS X Terminal
Do I need any extra programs to get this to work?

I can then fathom out editing the actual conversion file and getting it to use the sql file once it's been uploaded, but for a bit of a novice I find I'm having to straggle bits of information from the web which are sketchy at best..

Any help muchly appreciate!


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