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Problem with docker during installation


Axel Briche wrote:

Hello, when I launch ./launcher bootstrap app I have this error:

Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is 'docker -d' running on this host?
Cannot connect to the docker daemon - verify it is running and you have access

How I can fix this prblem please?

If y launch docker -d command, I have:

2014/11/29 14:49:33 docker daemon: 1.3.2 39fa2fa; execdriver: native; graphdriver:
[2016daea] +job serveapi(unix:///var/run/docker.sock)
[info] Listening for HTTP on unix (/var/run/docker.sock)
[2016daea] +job init_networkdriver()
[2016daea] -job init_networkdriver() = OK (0)
2014/11/29 14:49:33 WARNING: Your kernel does not support cgroup swap limit.
2014/11/29 14:49:33 Error loading docker apparmor profile: fork/exec /sbin/apparmor_parser: no such file or directory ()

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Current MySQL database of users


Cedric Meirsman wrote:


Currently we have a MySQL database (server) containing the user names and passwords encrypted in whirlpool.
Is there a possibility to integrate with Discourse? So that users can directly log in and if necessary further data deposits.

Thanks in advance!

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Custom User fields on Usercard


Steven Greco wrote:

I would like to have the ability to add the custom user fields on the users profile to show up on the usercard if filled out.

Example. We use discourse as a gaming community. I would like to have users gamer tags (Xbox live, Steam, etc..) to show up on the card if they filled them out in their profile.

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Fixed-width Discourse theme with background color not possible anymore?


Lowell Heddings wrote:

So my Discourse instance went from this (slightly old screenshot), which matched my regular site with a fixed-width design and the darker background color on the side...

To this, which looks kinda silly, and doesn't match the main site anymore.

I'm sure I can fix the logo to center properly in the display, but the white background on the topic list that extends to the side of the page is just a big difference.

Is it even possible to make it look the way it was? I don't need the width to be set to a specific pixel count, I just prefer having borders on the side.

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Costom header- disable fixed discourse top bar


Simon Daum wrote:

Hello everyone I recently installed Discourse on a german website=) yay!!

So i added a custom header for my website navigation -that works! BUT
when i Scroll, the header clips on the browser window. i want to disable this.

someone can help me that the header does not scroll with the browser windows?

regards & thanks =)

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Parent styling of "Customize" is not retained throughout sub-navigation

Disable profile page and provide our own?


Del Boy Trotter wrote:

Integrating with Discourse we want to be able to provide our own profile page so the user only has one across our parts of the site and Discourse.

Ideally we would provide our own and pull in the Discourse stuff to render our own UI for the info shown here - merging our profile data with that of discourse.

Is this possible? To tell discourse that the users profile page is at a different URL?

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Scrolling through invites repeats the list


Allen - Watchman Monitoring wrote:

I've just updated to discourse 1.2.0.beta3, and this problem is still here (I first noticed it a while back, not sure when)

I'm on my user's invited page, looking at the people I've invited to our forum.

The full list is 200 people (which I think is too short) but the 121st person in the list is the same as the 161st person, and that batch from 121 to 160 is the same group as from 161 to 200.

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Signing into Discourse with another Discourse install


Jonah Aragon wrote:

This is probably a unique case, but I'd like to be able to sign into one discourse forum instance with another discourse forum, probably with SSO. Is that possible? Thanks smile

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A bunch of errors in the log...caused by Discourse embedding on a static HTML site?


Kirupa Chinnathambi wrote:

Hi, everyone!
While trying to diagnose why one of my pages with a Discourse Embed script wasn't working, I noticed that my error logs have many MANY entries being generated every second:

From looking at one of the 404 Not Found entries, here is what I see:

/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/open-uri.rb:353:in `open_http'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/open-uri.rb:709:in `buffer_open'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/open-uri.rb:210:in `block in open_loop'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/open-uri.rb:208:in `catch'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/open-uri.rb:208:in `open_loop'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/open-uri.rb:149:in `open_uri'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/open-uri.rb:689:in `open'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/open-uri.rb:34:in `open'
/var/www/discourse/app/models/topic_embed.rb:75:in `find_remote'
/var/www/discourse/app/models/topic_embed.rb:102:in `import_remote'
/var/www/discourse/lib/topic_retriever.rb:59:in `fetch_http'
/var/www/discourse/lib/topic_retriever.rb:46:in `perform_retrieve'
/var/www/discourse/lib/topic_retriever.rb:10:in `retrieve'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/regular/retrieve_topic.rb:16:in `execute'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/base.rb:154:in `block (2 levels) in perform'

I wasn't able to find additional information from the logs that helps me go further, but I was hoping this might help one of you to point me in the right direction smile


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UNOFFICIAL - Release video for Discourse v1.1 "Aeschines"


Erlend Sogge Heggen wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Discourse Version 1.1:

I've been wanting to learn more about video editing, so for my first iMovie project (no budget for Final Cut Pro yet I'm afraid) I decided to make a video mimicking the format of the WordPress release video, hopefully with voiceover next time.

Please note that this is not intended for general consumption. Since it was a learning project I didn't spend time on polishing. Should however a similar video be desirable for the v1.2 release, I would be happy to spend more time making a solid showcase video.

Comments on pacing, timings, use of effects, transitions etc. are very welcome. And what did you think about the tune?

p.s. If some well-spoken smooth talker would like to volunteer for voice-overs, let me know. I tried myself, but my voice and my Norwegian dialect doesn't lend itself well to this sort of thing.

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Resources per user per post


Jim Ehrlich wrote:

I help manage a Listserv group with 2,000+ subscribers and close to 1,000 posts per month. Posts are often relatively long (maybe averaging 3,000 char), and sometimes with attachments. Can anyone give me a rough estimate of resources needed to support this scale with good performance? I have a test site working on DigitalOcean, and need to consider whether we can afford a move from Listserv (which we are getting for free) to a hosted Discource forum.


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Adult-only categories


Dan Fabulich wrote:

Some mods on our forum have asked us about setting up a category for adults-only conversation. The design goals:

1) The category and thread titles are visible to all users (including logged out users, Google, etc.)
2) When attempting to view the thread posts, users should be required to sign in and check a box that confirms that they're over a certain age (e.g. 18 years)
3) Logged in users who have opted-in to adult-only conversation can view and participate in the category normally.

Is this possible today? (No, right?) Is the Discourse team working on anything like this?
How close can we get to our goals just by using role-based security?

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What happens when you bulk invite an existing user?


blaumeer wrote:

I have a parent's school forum where users are organized into groups (school classes and sections) and mapped to categories, all done using bulk invites.

Sometimes an existing user could be invited a second time, in a different group. What happens to the groups he belongs to?

For example, a parent has a son in class 4B, and a daughter in class 1A. The parent is enters the forum with the son's class 4B and belongs to group 4B. Later, the daughter's class wants to enter the forum and a bulk invite is prepared for class 1A. The desired behavior is adding the second group membership, or an error message fallback.

I did not test it yet, but could find time to simulate this case. Does anybody have experience with this situation?

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Body state is always "docked"



This happens everywhere, but it's a bit more obvious on http://discuss.howtogeek.com/ because you can see the header width change...

It seems like the class "docked" is supposed to be appended to the body tag when the header is in its fixed position on scroll... but it's not actually working and the docked class is always appended unless I scroll up to a negative scroll position (doing this in Chrome on OSX).

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Discourse API Documentation


Blake Erickson wrote:

Discourse API


There are many discussions on http://meta.discourse.org about the API and the lack of documentation. Now that Discourse is now past version 1.0, I think it would beneficial to many people if there was some actual documentation. This is my attempt at providing that documentation.

Developing software is not making a perfect thing from the beginning, but fixing an imperfect thing little by little to make it better. -- Matz

This is the very first draft of the API Documentation and should be considered v0.0.1. Most likely the format and the content will change as progress is made. But the most important thing is that we have something to start with to improve upon.

This document should not be considered complete. There is still a lot more to add and I'll do my best to keep it updated.

Current Version

Currently the API is not versioned (v1, v2, etc.). I'm assuming this will change at some point in the future, but could be a while (especially if I'm the one who ends up writing the code stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye ).

Consuming the API

You can consume the API using cURL commands, but I recommend using the discourse_api gem so that you can use Ruby.


Some endpoints do not require any authentication, pretty much anything else will require you to be authenticated.

To become authenticated you will need to create an API Key from the admin panel.

Once you have your API Key you can pass it in as a url parameter like this:

curl http://localhost:3000/c/test/sub-test.json?api_key=test_d7fd0429940&api_username=test_user


Get a list of categories

GET /categories.json


curl http://localhost:3000/categories.json

List topics in a specific category

GET /c/:id.json


curl http://localhost:3000/c/14.json

List the latest topics in a specific category

GET /c/:id/l/latest.json


curl http://localhost:3000/c/14/l/latest.json

List new topics in a specific category

GET /c/:id/l/new.json


curl http://localhost:3000/c/14/l/new.json

List the top topics in a specific category

GET /c/:id/l/top.json


curl http://localhost:3000/c/14/l/top.json

List the topics in a sub-category

GET /c/:parent_id/:id.json


curl http://localhost:3000/c/12/14.json

Create a category

POST /categories


  • name
  • color
  • text_color


curl -X POST --data "name=bugs&color=3c3945&text_color=ffffff" http://localhost:3000/categories?api_key=test_d7fd0429940&api_username=test_user


Get the latest topics

GET /latest.json


curl http://localhost:3000/latest.json

Get a the top topics

GET /top.json


curl http://localhost:3000/top.json

Get a single topic

GET /t/:id.json


curl http://localhost:3000/t/14.json

Update Topic

PUT /t/:id


  • topic_id
  • title
  • category_id


curl -X PUT -d topic_id=14 -d title="This is my new title" http://localhost:3000/t/14?api_key=test_d7fd0429940&api_username=test_user


Create a post

POST /posts


  • topic_id
  • raw


curl -X POST -d topic_id=14 -d raw="This is a post to a topic." http://localhost:3000/posts?api_key=test_d7fd0429940&api_username=test_user


Get info about a single user

GET /user/:username.json


curl http://localhost:3000/users/steve.json

Update username

PUT /users/:username/preferences/username


  • new_username


curl -X PUT -d new_username=steve http://localhost:3000/users/bart/preferences/username?api_key=test_d7fd0429940&api_username=test_user

Update email

PUT /users/:username/preferences/email


  • email


curl -X PUT -d email=steve123@example.com http://localhost:3000/users/steve/preferences/email?api_key=test_d7fd0429940&api_username=test_user

Create a user

POST /users


  • name
  • username
  • email
  • password
  • active


curl -X POST --data "name=dave&username=dave&email=dave@example.com&password=P@ssword&active=true" http://localhost:3000/users?api_key=test_d7fd0429940&api_username=test_user


List your notifications

GET /notifications.json


curl http://localhost:3000/notifications.json?api_key=test_d7fd0429940&api_username=test_user

Private Messages

List private messages

GET /topics/private-messages/:username.json


curl http://localhost:3000/topics/private-messages/steve.json?api_key=test_d7fd0429940&api_username=test_user

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Email notifications: change color of link from subtle grey to active color

Discourse 1.2 Extensibility Game Plan


Robin Ward wrote:

Now that we're in December, I'm planning on shifting gears and working on extensibility for our 1.2 release of Discourse.

Extensibility is unfortunately one of those projects that can go on forever. I feel like no matter how much time I set aside to work on it, it will easily fill up that block. Instead, I'm going to focus on a few tasks that I feel are achievable by the end of the year.

I am going to approach this by working with two plugins that we feel are important, Tagger and Akismet, and making sure they integrate very nicely into Discourse. I will identify extension points that they need and try and make them as simple as possible.

I am going to be reiterating on them, sanding down any rough edges in Discourse in order to support development of this kind of thing.

Along the way, I have some secondary goals I'd like to achieve if time permits:

  • Allow plugin development without constantly deleting the tmp directory
  • Add a few webhooks to Discourse for integration with Github or Slack type services.
  • Support ES6 modules in the server side rendering pipeline
  • Convert the rest of Discourse to ES6 modules (we've done most of the hard work already on this)

Is there anything you'd like to see in extensibility? Any particular pain points or issues you'd like to see resolved?

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NoMethodError: protected method `create_user_stat'


Filip Ćakić wrote:

I added a new multisite and when i run:

RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT=90000000 RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake multisite:migrate

i get this:

rake aborted!
NoMethodError: protected method `create_user_stat' called for #<User:0x000000039

Please help!

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Error when save topic without anychange


Khoa Nguyen wrote:

I tested this on try and my instances.
Create a topic.
Click on edit button next to Topic tilte

Click check button
=> Sorry, an error has occurred.


create_errors_json called with unrecognized type: #<Topic id: 226, title: "[Trắc nghiệm] Giải phẫu Ổ Bụng – Chậu Hông – Đáy C...", last_posted_at: "2014-12-01 15:16:27", created_at: "2014-12-01 15:16:25", updated_at: "2014-12-01 20:57:32", views: 6, posts_count: 1, user_id: 1, last_post_user_id: 1, reply_count: 0, featured_user1_id: nil, featured_user2_id: nil, featured_user3_id: nil, avg_time: nil, deleted_at: nil, highest_post_number: 1, image_url: nil, off_topic_count: 0, like_count: 0, incoming_link_count: 0, bookmark_count: 0, star_count: 0, category_id: 7, visible: true, moderator_posts_count: 0, closed: false, archived: false, bumped_at: "2014-12-01 20:57:32", has_summary: false, vote_count: 0, archetype: "regular", featured_user4_id: nil, notify_moderators_count: 0, spam_count: 0, illegal_count: 0, inappropriate_count: 0, pinned_at: nil, score: 0.4, percent_rank: 0.684444444444444, notify_user_count: 0, subtype: nil, slug: "trac-nghiem-giai-phau-o-bung-chau-hong-day-chau", auto_close_at: nil, auto_close_user_id: nil, auto_close_started_at: nil, deleted_by_id: nil, participant_count: 1, word_count: 9089, excerpt: "Tổng hợp các câu trắc nghiệm giải phẫu phần Ổ Bụng...", pinned_globally: false, auto_close_based_on_last_post: false, auto_close_hours: nil>

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