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Scroll through full user list?


Allen - Watchman Monitoring wrote:

When I'm at the main user list in the admin page, I can see 100 users. Is there a reason not to allow this list to scroll to 200, or more?

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Can "Latest" posts be removed from Categories?

Removing the break tag between Category Images and Category Name


Scott Trager wrote:

This looks like something that needs to be done in code, but I figured I'd post here and see if anyone has a solution we aren't considering.

We have a Category page with images assigned to them. We would like to remove the <br> tag between the image and the Category name so we can put them inline. Is there a simple way to do this?

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Urgent Requirement for a college discourse instance - personal message to admin


ginger man wrote:

@sam @eviltrout @codinghorror Really need your help here

I have a private discourse instance where the private message option is disabled to avoid bullying / trolling among students

College needs an urgent requirement where the students should have a mechanism to reach a group of staffs for any complaints.

Ideally we need a category where the students can post but not see the list of posts. In other words a category with "Create Only" restriction for students group.

If I think about it, it solves lot many usecases like
- helpdesk for customers in SAAS / any organization
- talk to your CEO / ombudsman kind of scenarios for internal usage in orgs
- for personalized training / q & a among introvert audience.

Please let me know how to proceed in this case. Is this something to be added in the core. Will you implement in short term.

In worst case, what will it take to implement by myself as it is a little urgent need.

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Cleanup uncategorized admin settings


Stefan Tatschner wrote:

I want to propose cleaning up the admin settings of the uncategorized category. As of https://meta.discourse.org/t/idea-uncategorized-topics-go-into-default-category/3254 everything is a category now. So "uncategorized" works as the default category. But there are some odd things I really dislike. Here are my thoughts:

I think these changes would avoid some confusion.

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HTML in category settings is not rendered

Member's Twitter List Plugin


Daniel Hollands wrote:

I've had an idea for a plugin for Discourse, but I wanted to get some feedback on the best way of approaching it before I get started.

I figured it would be a good idea of automatically add all members of the forum into a Twitter List. This could followed by members of the site, and have the widget of all tweets embedded into a page somewhere, etc..

At first I figured there could be a user field which lets you input your Twitter username, but I'm now thinking it might be better to hook into the Twitter OAuth stuff baked into Discourse (this way we know it's actually their twitter account, for example).

This raises a few questions though:

  • If someone has signed up via Twitter, how would I get access to their username?
  • If someone has signed up via another route, will they be able to add Twitter to their account?
  • When would be the best time to add new users to the list? At the point of sign up?
  • What do we do about all the members who are already registered via Twitter? Are we able to do a one-off scan upon installing the plugin to add them to the list?

This will be my first Discourse plugin (and I've only been doing Rails for about 2 months), so any help will be appreciated.

Thank you.

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Discourse API: ERROR using sync_sso


Rmwtoyon wrote:

I originally posted this as an issue report on the discourse_api github page, but was advised to move the discussion here...

I am attempting to use the sync_sso API to adjust user information in my instance of discourse. However, I receive a 500 response to the URL post. The error logs show:

Can't verify CSRF token authenticity
Discourse::InvalidParameters (url)

I receive this error when running the example code in examples/sso.rb after changing only the URL, secret, username, email, and API key to match my setup.

I have verified that all of these parameters are correct.

A couple of things that may or may not be important:
- My server uses SSL
- I am using the master (All User) API key.

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What would be the best way to customize my Discourse install's excerpt and to place necessary opengraph tags into the head html?


Kevin Kershaw wrote:

TL;DR: What would be the best way to customize my Discourse install's excerpt and to place necessary opengraph tags into the head html?

Recently, I had the wonderful help of @zogstrip who fixed some issues in the way Discourse creates excerpts: https://meta.discourse.org/t/difficulties-with-facebook-sharing-and-opengraph-tags-wrong-images-excerpt-contains-image-text/22744

The thing is, my client is very specific about how he wants excerpts to be built (does not even want the [image] text in there), and is particularly adamant that images appear properly via opengraph tags, as often, the images aren't appearing at all when sharing.

As I don't want to go against what the Discourse team thinks to be ideal for the majority, I was thinking about how to extend/customize my particular Discourse install.

I'm a bit new to Rails, and in particular, Docker. Usually, I would imagine I could just look in the code and customize as I wish, but I'm confused about the process of making changes to files when I feel like an upgrade over git from the official stream would start getting confused/mismatched.

I've read the few tutorials/howtos that are around, but they seem limited to loading extranneous js/css while I would need to affect the actual rendering templates.

Any direction would be of great help, unfortunately my client is getting very upset with me due to the difficulties we've been facing with effective Facebook sharing.

Quoting the other thread, in essence I would like to:

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Formatting Discourse Comments on WordPress


Molly Cushing wrote:

I've uploaded the discourse commenting system onto our WordPress site and our community is excited to have the articles published into the forum. So far, the comments are showing up on the articles, but they look a little wonky. I've been trying to mess around with the HTML tags and this is as structured as I've been able to get it:

I'm sure it's in the HTML tags but I'm not super familiar with them. Here's what I have for the two I'm assuming are most relevant:

HTML Template for when there are comments:

<div id="comments" class="comments-area">
  <h3 class="comments-title">Notable Replies</h3>
  <ol class="comment-list">{comments}</ol>
  <div class="respond" class="comment-respond">
    <p class="more-replies">{more_replies}</p>
    <p class="comment-reply-title">{participants}</p>
<h3 id="reply-title" class="comment-reply-title"><a href="{topic_url}">Continue the discussion</a></h3>
  </div><!-- #respond -->

HTML Template for each comment:

<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1">
  <article class="comment-body">
    <footer class="comment-meta">
      <div class="comment-author vcard">
        <img alt="" src="{avatar_url}" class="avatar avatar-64 photo avatar-default" height="50" width="50">
        <b class="fn"><a href="{topic_url}" rel="external" class="url">{username}</a></b>
        <span class="says">:</span>
      </div><!-- .comment-author -->
      <div class="comment-metadata">
        <time pubdate=""datetime="{comment_created_at}">{comment_created_at}</time>
      </div><!-- .comment-metadata -->
    </footer><!-- .comment-meta -->
    <div class="comment-content">{comment_body}</div><!-- .comment-content -->
  </article><!-- .comment-body -->

Any fixes or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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Discourse integration with Grails


Ian Kaplan wrote:

This is my first post. I looked to see if this topic was covered, but didn't find anything.

I am building a complex Amazon Web Services hosted application.

I am using Grails to develop the application. Grails provides much of the functionality that is provided by Ruby on Rails, but for Groovy/Java.

The application is tightly integrated in the way it controls access to content among the users. As a result, it would be difficult or impossible to host Discourse as a "side application". I need the blog software integrated with the access and security layers that I have implemented.

Is it possible to host Discourse on a non-Rails backend? Would doing so require a complete rewrite of a large base of server code or is there a straight forward API?

Many thanks,

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Production Source Maps now live


Sam Saffron wrote:

Discourse now ships with production source maps thanks to this patch:

This means you can debug through JavaScript in production without seeing mangled source code:

This feature is not built into Rails quite yet with no target release date quite yet, so as developers you are getting a taste of what will be in all apps in 6 months to a year hopefully.

This feature is very important for me cause it paves the road for js frame resolution in logster

Which means that we will easily be able to understand what is going on in errors like this, once we integrate https://github.com/mozilla/source-map/ into logster

Cause we can make logster resolve this stuff for us and give us clean backtraces.

I find this very exciting as it makes it much easier to debug Discourse in production

confetti_ball gift

In other news I discovered an optimisation that makes asset precompilation 5 times faster, which will be rolling into the docker image in a week or so. uglify ruby wrapper is real slow

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Lag/invisible text when typing new topic titles in Safari


Francis Maria Regalado wrote:

I'm really liking the Discourse forum experience so far, but a couple of my team members/fellow users encountered this weird bug that only happens when you start a new topic in Safari. All users are running the latest version of OSX Yosemite.

When you click on the topic title/subject field in the new topic window, the whole thing lags significantly when you type or even shift your mouse around. A couple of milliseconds later, the letters do appear but immediately vanish. The finished text only reappears when you click elsewhere. I had a programmer replicate the experience successfully on Safari (also on OSX Yosemite). Here's what she said:

Something's wrong with their code under html. Under input.

This is faulty
class="ember-view ember-text-field requirements-not-met"

I think it just doesn't display right away. When you click anywhere else like the area underneath the text, it appears. Look at this. The line is problematic.

input id="reply-title" class="ember-view ember-text-field requirements-not-met" placeholder="What is this discussion about in one brief sentence?" tabindex="2" type="text" maxlength="255"

I have zero coding knowledge, but I need to know if this is something you could fix on your end. Thanks!

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CSS/header customizations randomly failing to apply

Ruby compiled with Clang is 8% faster than with GCC 4.9 and 44% faster than with GCC 4.7.2!

Two files do not update '/var/docker' to '/var/discourse"

Visibility of categories to administrators


Clay Heaton wrote:

When editing a category and setting the Security permissions, one of the options is to allow admins to have permissions.

However, this setting is ignored. Take this example:

  • I created a group called notes_clay and only added myself to it.
  • I created a category called Clay's Notes and set the Security settings such that only people in the notes_clay group could Create/Reply/See. There are no other permissions.

Regardless of this setting, administrators always can see the category; they can see all categories, all the time.

Certainly any administrator can and should be able to go into groups and add themselves to a group. However, in our instance, we have a use case for creating "private" categories that are only (routinely) visible to the user in the group that has permissions for the category.

Our use case: we use categories for tracking project discussions and work. Discourse is on our intranet. Some of the projects require an NDA and though I've signed many of the NDAs, I haven't signed all of them. Same goes for the other admin. We need the ability to get into the category to help if there's a Discourse problem, but otherwise, it would be better if we couldn't see posts in them.

It's a minor issue, but I just thought I would point it out. What I would do is:

  • admin visibility is determined by the settings, as expected, and "admins can Reply/See/Edit" is a default Security setting for a new category (along with "everyone")

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Support for auto generating English language url in non-English topics in topic titles like t/how-to-update-to-discourse-1-0


Denis Didkovsky wrote:

For non-English forums support for auto generating English language url like t/how-to-update-to-discourse-1-0 isneeded via plugin or core func.

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How much space i need



and also can i run this as my "primary" website? And can i have "custom" primary page? Thanks ! smile

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