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Notification count in Tab


Mittineague wrote:

I know I saw it as "experimental", but it was working here at meta up until recently.

So I'm wondering if it's now being absent because it was given up on, or is it something else?

I can learn to live without it, but if I could help troubleshoot I'd be up to that too.

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How can I keep my database on separate machine using docker installer?


Love Chopra wrote:

I want to keep my database sever separate on a different machine, can you please tell me how can I do this kind of configuration on my production environment?

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Custom home page routing


bunjee wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Custom home page to discourse:

Dear Discoursers,

I felt adventurous after following @eviltrout ember tutorial: http://eviltrout.com/2013/02/27/adding-to-discourse-part-1.html.

In the previous discussion I made a new home page smiley. I thought routing to my new home would be fairly easy.

I tweaked routes / application_routes.js and changed discovery default route to my sexy home.
This happens to break discovery routing.

So I added that in routes / application.js.es6:

var ApplicationRoute = Em.Route.extend(
    beforeModel: function()
        if (window.location.pathname == "/")

This works okay without breaking discovery routing and login redirection.

My question is simple: is this an ugly hack ?

Is there a better way ?


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Share links bugged in various mobile(-ish) forms of Firefox

Poll: New animations


NomNuggetNom wrote:

Recently some animations have rolled out, including a slow fade of UI elements when hovering over a post, and a "beating" of the heart when a post is liked. I have no clue if these are final, but I was interested in what people thought of them.

Do you like the new animations?

  • Yes
  • They are okay
  • Not really
  • No

Personally, I think the animations are too slow and gentle. They don't feel responsive and quick like the rest of Discourse's interface.

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Detecting Discourse page change events with jQuery



Hi everyone. I'm trying to customize Discourse a bit.

I've modified some elements of Discourse with jQuery when the page inits. But then when the page changes (e.g. a thread is opened, closed or you scroll down and more threads are loaded), my modifications are gone.

Obviously I need to re-hit my code then but I don't know how I can detect page changes.

I've tried this:

App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
  routeChanged: function(){
        // the currentPath has changed;
        console.log('page changed')

and this:

Discourse.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
  routeChanged: function(){
            // the currentPath has changed;
            console.log('page changed');

but I can't find anything in the console.

FYI there's better ways to modify Discourse obviously, but I code quick and dirty smile

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Replying to single post not registering?


Tarak'ha wrote:

I click 'reply' under someone's post and make my reply. But the ui appears to not register my post as a reply to someone else, just merely a reply to the topic itself. It happened here just now.

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Stylesheet not taken through CDN


Hitesh Khandelwal wrote:

The main stylesheet of discourse (desktop.css) is taken directly from server rather than through the CDN. Is it intended behavior or a bug?

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Email reply system issue sent a million unwanted mails


Rahul Bansal wrote:

There are more than a million emails sent similar to below one in a month from SMTP (configured via Amazon SES):

I am not sure what is going wrong. It seems self-emails are sent in loop. Almost 30k emails daily.

Gmail "Show original" mail copy is here - https://gist.github.com/rahul286/9b51be17cf923b75def9

Thought SMTP, notification and all other types of emails are working fine. We are using Amazon SES and suddenly cost of SES is jumped close to $100. We started to debug and found something wrong on our discourse setup.

Admin email looks like below:

I disabled "email reply" temporarily and this email flooding is stopped.

I am wondering if this a bug because this started around a month back and only thing we did with discourse in last month is "update". No settings has been changed.

Below are relevant settings which I think has something to do with this. "reply by email enabled" was enabled when we experience huge surge in mail volume.

Is this something to do with "reply by email address". I didn't add {reply_key} in that address. I did not think it was necessary and can create an issue like this. If it's necessary then IMHO, it would have been better to have validation or mention of such requirement in description.

I really wish to enable "reply by email" so any help to correct our config will be really useful.


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Numbers and codes showing up next to top nav buttons


Awrelll wrote:

Hello guys,
I recently installed my Discourse on Ubuntu 14 and after two days i got this numbers and codes near my buttons like this:

New Topic (t23)
Topic (t25) Category (t26) Users (t27) Posts (t28) Views (t29) Activity (t30)

Any clues why i get this?

the adress is http://ethereum.builders


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Export CSV not working on Staff Action logs tab


Arpit Jalan wrote:

Only works if you are an admin though...

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Things i need for discourse?


Joseph Pullan wrote:

Im thinking about getting discourse one time fee and was wondering about the following things:

  • What code do i need to know for discourse?
  • can one have sub catorgories insidde of sub categories?
  • And is therre anything else i need to know about if i were to get the one time fee version?

Thanks alot

Posts: 6

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/login redirects to URL with "undefined" in it

Docker Discourse multisite 502 bad gateway, after bootstrapping both app and data container


Shayden Martin wrote:

After bootstrapping both containers, I am getting a 502 Bad gateway error, and after entering into the app container and running sudo -E -u discourse bundle exec rake multisite:migrate --trace manually. It appears the app container is not communicating with the data container correctly. I can successfully ping the data container from the app container. I have pasted the error output from multisite:migrate below:

root@localhost-web_ms:/var/www/discourse# sudo -E -u discourse bundle exec rake multisite:migrate --trace
** Invoke multisite:migrate (first_time)
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
rake aborted!
Errno::EHOSTUNREACH: No route to host
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/redis-3.1.0/lib/redis/connection/hiredis.rb:16:in `connect'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/redis-3.1.0/lib/redis/connection/hiredis.rb:16:in `connect'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/redis-3.1.0/lib/redis/client.rb:304:in `establish_connection'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/redis-3.1.0/lib/redis/client.rb:85:in `block in connect'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/redis-3.1.0/lib/redis/client.rb:266:in `with_reconnect'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/redis-3.1.0/lib/redis/client.rb:84:in `connect'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/redis-3.1.0/lib/redis/client.rb:326:in `ensure_connected'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/redis-3.1.0/lib/redis/client.rb:197:in `block in process'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/redis-3.1.0/lib/redis/client.rb:279:in `logging'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/redis-3.1.0/lib/redis/client.rb:196:in `process'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/redis-3.1.0/lib/redis/client.rb:167:in `call_pipelined'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/redis-3.1.0/lib/redis/client.rb:139:in `block in call_pipeline'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/redis-3.1.0/lib/redis/client.rb:266:in `with_reconnect'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/redis-3.1.0/lib/redis/client.rb:137:in `call_pipeline'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/redis-3.1.0/lib/redis.rb:2115:in `block in multi'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/redis-3.1.0/lib/redis.rb:37:in `block in synchronize'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/monitor.rb:211:in `mon_synchronize'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/redis-3.1.0/lib/redis.rb:37:in `synchronize'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/redis-3.1.0/lib/redis.rb:2107:in `multi'
/var/www/discourse/lib/discourse_redis.rb:40:in `method_missing'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/logster-0.1.6/lib/logster/redis_store.rb:17:in `save'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/logster-0.1.6/lib/logster/base_store.rb:70:in `report'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/logster-0.1.6/lib/logster/logger.rb:47:in `add'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/logger.rb:445:in `warn'
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/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activesupport-4.1.8/lib/active_support/deprecation/reporting.rb:19:in `each'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activesupport-4.1.8/lib/active_support/deprecation/reporting.rb:19:in `block in warn'
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/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activesupport-4.1.8/lib/active_support/deprecation/reporting.rb:18:in `warn'
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/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activerecord-4.1.8/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/connection_specification.rb:238:in `resolve_string_connection'
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/var/www/discourse/vendor/gems/rails_multisite/lib/rails_multisite/connection_management.rb:134:in `block in load_settings!'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/gems/rails_multisite/lib/rails_multisite/connection_management.rb:133:in `each'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/gems/rails_multisite/lib/rails_multisite/connection_management.rb:133:in `map'
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/var/www/discourse/vendor/gems/rails_multisite/lib/rails_multisite/railtie.rb:11:in `block in <class:Railtie>'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/railties-4.1.8/lib/rails/initializable.rb:30:in `instance_exec'
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/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/tsort.rb:150:in `block in tsort_each'
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/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/tsort.rb:219:in `each_strongly_connected_component_from'
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/var/www/discourse/config/environment.rb:5:in `<top (required)>'
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/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rake-10.4.0/lib/rake/task.rb:179:in `block in invoke_with_call_chain'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/monitor.rb:211:in `mon_synchronize'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rake-10.4.0/lib/rake/task.rb:172:in `invoke_with_call_chain'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rake-10.4.0/lib/rake/task.rb:201:in `block in invoke_prerequisites'
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/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rake-10.4.0/lib/rake/task.rb:199:in `invoke_prerequisites'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rake-10.4.0/lib/rake/task.rb:178:in `block in invoke_with_call_chain'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.0.0/monitor.rb:211:in `mon_synchronize'
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/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rake-10.4.0/lib/rake/task.rb:165:in `invoke'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rake-10.4.0/lib/rake/application.rb:156:in `invoke_task'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rake-10.4.0/lib/rake/application.rb:112:in `block (2 levels) in top_level'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rake-10.4.0/lib/rake/application.rb:112:in `each'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rake-10.4.0/lib/rake/application.rb:112:in `block in top_level'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rake-10.4.0/lib/rake/application.rb:121:in `run_with_threads'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rake-10.4.0/lib/rake/application.rb:106:in `top_level'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rake-10.4.0/lib/rake/application.rb:84:in `block in run'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rake-10.4.0/lib/rake/application.rb:182:in `standard_exception_handling'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rake-10.4.0/lib/rake/application.rb:79:in `run'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rake-10.4.0/bin/rake:33:in `<top (required)>'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/bin/rake:23:in `load'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/bin/rake:23:in `<main>'
Tasks: TOP => multisite:migrate => environment

Any help on this is really appreciated.

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Ctrl+Z does not undo my previous step


Wuchong wrote:

When I type something in the textarea , and select all, and ctrl+b ,and ctrl+z.

I just want to undo my ctrl+b step, however it completely my textarea. I have to type the content again.

It is weird the ctrl+z means clearing textarea instead of undo.

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UI not responding when loading more


Erick Guan wrote:

What happened:

  1. Open Latest
  2. Scroll down to invoke loading (throttled the network if needed)
  3. Click the user avatar

it won't show until the new topic lists were loaded.

It's not a big deal when the network is super fast. In that case, nobody will actually notice this. However, it would be painful for slower access.

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Open Badges Integration

Like button and "Like it too" / "Undo like" are not synchronized


Gerhard Schlager wrote:

When you click the "Like it too" link below a post the heart icon doesn't change its state.

After refreshing the page (which syncs the icon's state and the link text) a click on "Undo like" produces the following inconsistent state:

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Enter link description here


Mittineague wrote:

I've been seeing this quite often and was wondering where it was coming from ....
it's from the Discourse editor !

I usually copy-paste links or type the MarkDown manually. So I was clueless that when the editor's link icon is clicked

there is no input for the link text and creates

[enter link description here][1]

  [1]: http://whatever.com

apparently not all members are observant enough to notice the "optional title" "enter link description here".

Maybe change the modal to make the need more obvious?
Or if no "optional title" show the link URL as the link text?

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Site settings search inappropriately shows nothing found


Jeff Atwood wrote:

That search feature could use a tiny bit of love. It should select "all" for the category filter by default, or bypass the category filter altogether when a search term is present.

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