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Specific customization for each category


nXqd wrote:

I think it's a good idea that we can assign a class for a body based on category name or something like that. In that way, we can customize each category to have a difference styling.

I know not everyone needs this, but it'd be nice to have.

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How do you update Discourse?


Victor Aprea wrote:

Discourse tells me version is available and very courteously asks me to "Please upgrade!". Do I do that by simply doing a "git pull" on the installation, or is there more to it than that?

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Facebook auth callback crashing


Michael wrote:

On one particular forum, Facebook auth is not working for some (!) users upon signing up.

After clicking Ok on the Facebook popup , a black screen appears, and in the error log file we see the following.

Started GET "/auth/facebook" for 214.26.xx.xx at 2014-01-19 09:23:54 +0000
Started GET "/auth/facebook/callback?code=AQ....Oo&state=71...5e" for 214.26.xx.xx at 2014-01-19 09:23:55 +0000
Processing by Users::OmniauthCallbacksController#complete as HTML
  Parameters: {"code"=>"AQ..Oo", "state"=>"71..5e", "provider"=>"facebook"}
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 49ms

NoMethodError (undefined method `length' for nil:NilClass):
  lib/email.rb:12:in `is_valid?'
  lib/email.rb:20:in `downcase'
  lib/auth/facebook_authenticator.rb:23:in `after_authenticate'
  app/controllers/users/omniauth_callbacks_controller.rb:39:in `complete'
  lib/middleware/anonymous_cache.rb:102:in `call'
  config/initializers/quiet_logger.rb:10:in `call_with_quiet_assets'
  config/initializers/silence_logger.rb:19:in `call'

(some parts replaced by .. or xx for brievity and security)

Seems like a bug (it should not be crashing) but maybe caused by a configuration issue somewhere.

Running v0.9.8.2, problem also appeared before on v0.9.8.1.

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Edit Category, Bug or Feature?


Arpit Jalan wrote:

I just noticed Edit Category button, which I am pretty sure was not there before:

On clicking the button, it is showing a popup to change Category Name to Normal Users, see below screenshot:

Why does a Normal User should have the ability to change Category Name? When I tried to change the Category Name in the popup, nothing happened, no error message or success message, and the Category Name was not changed, so I checked the console and it was showing the following error:

Secondly, the second tab in popup allowed Normal Users to modify Security Settings of the Category:

In this case also when I pressed Save nothing happened, no error message or success message, and the change was not reflected, again I checked console, and it was showing following error:

I think in both of the above cases, it was the right thing to not reflect my changes globally, as I am a Normal User and the permission of changing Category Name and Security Setting should be available only to Admin.

I can't be sure whether it's a bug to show Edit Category button to Normal Users or Intended Feature.

cc @sam, @codinghorror, @eviltrout , @zogstrip

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How to check for authentication?


Abhishek Gupta wrote:

Lets say, In theory, i have a simple html form, User is supposed to submit there username and password for the forums there, I need to check whether the password entered is correct or not before making a automated post by him on the forums .

In other words, i have master API key, and username, how can i get the password of that user? . Don't get me wrong, but i have to check that only the correct user should be able to make the request.

Is this possible via ajax ? like i can get the password in json? , i really want to avoid any ruby code here.

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formatter_test.js needs i18n


raly wrote:

I noticed that @ok_harry had internationalized Discourse.Formatter.tinyDateYear in formatter.js, and I hope someone would do the same to formatter_test.js, which includes more date formats that need to be changed according to different locales.

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Creating an Discourse User through API


zivel wrote:

Hello there

We are trying to integrate Discourse in our Groupmanagement-Tool. This means we have a group of people who can use discourse as group. So we need to set up a mechanism that would create a new Discourse instance and set up the user of that group in Discourse.

I was looking for API guidelines but didn't found any examples.

It would be great if there is an example, how I can talk to the REST API and create a user. Preferably in a Multisite environment.

Was anybody out there able to do such a thing? (even an example for changing a forum title through /admin/site_setting/title would be a great help for a start)

Thank you
- Renato

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Improving discourse_api


johnpaulashenfelter wrote:

I started a pull request for ongoing work on the discourse_api gem.


This pull is definitely WIP -- I would like to make significant changes -- but at a minimum it adds

  • GET methods
  • saner defaults around the ports and the default development setup
  • a strawman to hate on while we build a more robust API smile

I'm curious what folks would use as a model for API development -- Octokit from Github?

I'd also like to propose:

  • higher-level library for http transport (eg faraday, sawyer)
  • versioning for the API -- sooner it starts, the better -- but requires corresponding change to main discourse branch
  • talk around authentication options
  • support for HTTPS

Moved this here since we don't discuss on the pull requests themselves.

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Quote mini avatars are of size 40x40


Vikhyat Korrapati wrote:

The miniature avatars show in quotes (see below) seems to be having {size} in the avatar template replaced with 40.

This also happens with locally uploaded avatars:

This is a little odd because Discourse.Utilities.translateSize doesn't have any mention of the size 40;

translateSize: function(size) {
  switch (size) {
    case 'tiny': return 20;
    case 'small': return 25;
    case 'medium': return 32;
    case 'large': return 45;
    case 'huge': return 120;
  return size;

In fact it looks like the avatar URL generation never goes through Discourse.Utilities.avatarImg at all. We are currently overriding Discourse.Utilities.avatarUrl to generate avatar URLs that point to images from our main Rails application so this means that all of our quote avatars are broken. I couldn't figure out where the 40 is coming from.

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Javascript API?

Multisite Admin : How to?


almereyda wrote:

Dear people,

I have been reading through the Multisite setup instructions and figured out, that the tasks to elevate someone to an admin user had to be run inside the rails console; as I did it for the first site.

The second site is up and running, next to the primary one, and both work.

But I cannot manage to get into a rails console of the second site.

RAILS_DB=site2 bundle exec rails c instead of RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails c didn't to do the trick for me.

Is there a way to switch the database context with one of these?

I'll also be in #discourse for a while, if you want to hop in.

Ciao, Jon

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New category permission : "Create and see"


Nicolas_Blanco wrote:


I would like to have your opinion about a new permission for categories.

I'm building a support platform using Discourse in which users can ask questions and "professional" users can answer.
I would like to create a category in which standard users can ask questions but can only be answered by "professional" users. Standard users can see the questions and answers of others but can only create their own topics or answer their own topics.

Currently we have "Create, answer, see", "Answer, see" and "See", this permission would be something like "Create and see or answer own topic".

What do you think of this feature? Do you think it would be easy to implement?


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Facebook API dashboard changed > documentation update


almereyda wrote:

Hi there,

Facebook seems to have changed its API UI, therefore https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/docs/ADMIN-QUICK-START-GUIDE.md should be edited.

Once I've created my new App, inside its dashboard I had to click (rough translation German > English)

  • + Add Plattform
  • Website
  • put the Callback URL into Site URL.

This info has been retrieved by comparing the empty and filled UIs of another Facebook API entry for another Discourse site and a new one.

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Tip4Commit endorsed by Discourse team?


Sander Datema wrote:

I just got a mail from Tip4Commit, allowing people to tip open source projects. Using Bitcoins. Is this endorsed by Discourse?

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HTML character entities displaying incorrectly in pinned topic

Internal link generation doesn't work


Ronteras wrote:

After upgrading to the latest version, feature that shows incoming/outgoing internal links on the right side of the post (I've attached the photo from meta. ) doesn't work anymore:

moreover, when we tried to test it in the category accessible on to the staff, whole website just hang. every time we tried to edit that post with internal links, site kept hanging. website got back on track only after deleting the topic in the secured category with internal links in it.

p.s. putting the link from Welcome to meta:

Edit: seems that it works smoothy here. What can be the reason can anybody help with that?

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Taming wild PM notifications


Sam Saffron wrote:

At the moment, if you ever find yourself in a private conversation there are 3 very painful side effect.

  1. You will get one green notification per message.
  2. The green notification will not go away till you read the particular message.
  3. You have no way to get off the boat.

Effectively this limits the usefulness and prevalence of private conversations.

I suggest.

  1. We roll up notification so you only get a single green notification for all messages in a PM. As new messages come in we roll them up. Display something like "(4) my awesome private convo" in the notification.
  2. Change the clearing logic, so the notification goes away as soon as you visit the PM regardless of the number of messages you have left to read on that private conversation.
  3. Add a subscription control at the bottom, with watching / tracking / mute at least to allow user to get off the train.


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Admin highlighting covers name


Clifford Duke wrote:

I noticed that when a user's name is long enough that it has to displayed in more than one lines, if they are an admin, the highlight color will cover the first line's text. Is there a fix for this?

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Missing "Upload from the web" textbox

Coffeescript vs javascript?

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