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Bookmarklet or chrome extension for posting links to a Discourse


@andrewchen wrote:

Making it easier to post a link (with a required comment) would be a nice way to stimulate conversation especially in small/early Discourse forums.

Has anyone looked into making a chrome extension or bookmarklet to make it easy to post a link into Discourse?

If not, would anyone else want this?

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New ES6 features via 6to5


@eviltrout wrote:

As of a65e you can now use more ES6 features rather than just modules, via the excellent 6to5 transpiler.

I've whitelisted the following features for Discourse because I feel they are a huge improvement over regular JS and the transpiled output is very similar to what you'd write anyway. These are all features that are approved for ES6 and will be natively supported in browsers (some features already are).

Better Object Literals

You don't need the function word anymore!

ES5: { render: function() { ... }
ES6: { render() { ... } }

If you are just setting an object key to be a local variable, you don't need to repeat yourself:

ES5: { topic: topic, post: post }
ES6: { topic, post }

Arrow functions

If you're doing a simple anonymous function, Javascript can be quite verbose:

ES5: [1,2,3].map(function(x) { return x * 2; })
ES6: [1,2,3].map(x => x * 2)

Note that using the arrow automatically binds to the outer block too, so you don't have to use self = this or bind.


If you know a variable never changes, prenpend it with const

ES5: var x = 123;
ES6: const x = 123;

If you do this, JSHint will enforce that the variable never changes (it's transpiled to a var for browsers).


Using let you can properly scope variables to blocks. Otherwise they are scoped to the entire function.

function something() {
  if (true) {
    var x = 123; // this is scoped to the function!
    let y = 123; // this is scoped to the if block!

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Comparison of Discourse vs. Wiki vs. Blog


@justin_gordon wrote:

Has anybody done or seen a good writeup on the best use cases, comparing and contrasting:

  1. Discourse
  2. Wiki
  3. Blog
  4. Facebook Group or Page

I'm working with an engineering team that uses a Jira Wiki and I'd like to compare it to Discourse.

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Stability Issues


@NomNuggetNom wrote:

We are having some stability issues with our Discourse instance - every day or so it will go unresponsive and require a restart via SSH. Obviously this is not enough information to properly seek support, so I was wondering where I could get more information about the system's chain of events. Are logs stored anywhere on the disk? Is there anywhere else I should look? Thanks.

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Clicking an attachment link works only once


@gerhard wrote:

Steps to reproduce:

Expected behavior:
Each click on the download link should start a download.

Actual behavior:
Only the first click starts a download. All subsequent click do nothing. After reloading the page the first click works again.

I've seen this behavior in Chrome 40 on Windows. In IE11 it seems to work as expected.
When you're logged in this bug occurs for each download link. As visitor it affects only the first download link that you click.

This is possibly related to

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Account for Tracked & not just Watched topics (Something between 'muted' and 'tracked' for categories)


@purldator wrote:

(In relation to my recent situation in trying to fine-tune the suggested topics list.)

I wanted to suggest the idea of accounting for tracked topics and not just watched topics when it comes to muting entire categories (and ergo, their topics within).

This thread also seems to be partly-related. If I decide to mute categories for the sake of fine-tuning my ux, I would still like to be notified if I am @mentioned in a topic I haven't visited yet in a category I muted.

In my case, I'm not muting categories because I don't want to hear about their existence ever again, but simply to lower the 'feedback' of incoming topics in my 'latest' topic listing tab, as well as for suggested topics at the bottom of each topic.

Was wondering if this is viable as a suggestion to be taken into account or not.

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Wiki post blank OK box


@FHTzoob wrote:

Recently, all the wiki posts on a forum I use have bugged out and when you edit them and click "save edit" it just gives you a blank error box with "ok" on.

Why is this bug caused? How do we fix it?

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German 1&1-hosting user experience?


@terraboss wrote:

for local reasons, this post will be in german language wink

Mein Problem ist, dass ich bei 1und1 Discourse einfach nicht zum laufen bekomme. Ich habe einen vServer L mit 2 GB Ram. Bei DigitalOcean klappt alles wunderbar. Dort habe ich bereits unter Ubuntu 14.04 ein Discourse am laufen. Die Installation war in 10 Minuten durch.

Meine Vorgehensweise:

Problem 1: Swap einrichten
An sich brauch ich's nicht, aber man weiß ja nie... drum wollte ich 2 GB extra freigeben.

root@server:~# swapon /swapfile
swapon: /swapfile: swapon failed: Operation not permitted

Frage: Kann es sein, dass 1und1 das verbietet? Wie löse ich das Problem?

Problem 2: Docker einrichten

Fehler 1:

modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:507 kmod_lookup_alias_from_builtin_file() could not open builtin file '/lib/modules/3.13.0-042stab094.8/modules.builtin.bin'
modprobe: FATAL: Module aufs not found.
Reading state information...
E: Unable to locate package linux-image-extra-3.13.0-042stab094.8
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'linux-image-extra-3.13.0-042stab094.8'
modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:507 kmod_lookup_alias_from_builtin_file() could not open builtin file '/lib/modules/3.13.0-042stab094.8/modules.builtin.bin'
modprobe: FATAL: Module aufs not found.
Warning: tried to install linux-image-extra-3.13.0-042stab094.8 (for AUFS)
but we still have no AUFS. Docker may not work. Proceeding anyways!
Client version: 1.4.1
Client API version: 1.16
Go version (client): go1.3.3
Git commit (client): 5bc2ff8
OS/Arch (client): linux/amd64
FATA[0000] Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is 'docker -d' running on this host?

If you would like to use Docker as a non-root user, you should now consider
adding your user to the "docker" group with something like:

sudo usermod -aG docker your-user

Remember that you will have to log out and back in for this to take effect!

last but not least:

root@server:~# docker -d
INFO[0000] +job serveapi(unix:///var/run/docker.sock)
INFO[0000] Listening for HTTP on unix (/var/run/docker.sock)
INFO[0000] +job init_networkdriver()
package not installed
INFO[0000] -job init_networkdriver() = ERR (1)
FATA[0000] package not installed

Fehler am Netzwerkinterface? Von 1und1 gesperrt?

Oder liegt es nur an meiner eigenen Blödheit? Es handelt sich um die Minimalinstallation von Ubuntu. Ohne Plesk Zeugs.

Nun hat mich der Server (als Student) gerade mal 1€/Jahr gekostet. Daher wäre es echt schnicke, auf so günstige Art und Weise ein weiteres Discourse zum laufen zu bekommen. Habt Ihr Ideen? Any ideas?

Viele Grüße / Best regards,

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YouTube/Vimeo embed size controls in Settings


@Crackmacs wrote:


I was reading this old thread here regarding YouTube embed size modifications. It can be done by simply editing a few lines of code and setting your values, but this requires access to said files.

Using my own situation as an example, I do not have access to the backend. A friend is graciously hosting my forum for me, taking care of any admin work as needed too.

For those of us in these situations, I'd like to request a control added in the admin panel somewhere to modify the embedded video size. I can (and will) ask my friend to make the necessary changes I'd prefer, but frankly it'd be much more convenient as something I could do myself. Perhaps use a dropdown with pre-set sizes? s/m/l or something.

Thanks! heart Discourse a lot.

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mp4 (gif) embedding?


@Crackmacs wrote:


When I paste this URL ( http://imgur.com/YfPjduY ) into this post on it's own line, it auto embeds the mp4 video from imgur.

When I do the same thing on my own Discourse forum, it doesn't embed the mp4.

I'm running 1.2.0.beta6.

Is there any way I can fix/enable it?


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'undefined' appearing in quotes inside [quote]s

Discourse Docker Installation and Postfix on Host error


@AlbertFR wrote:


I've Discourse installed and my own postfix server installed and working on my host
I've authorized the ip docker address (as part of my network into the main.cf of postfix)
and always no mails (and no errors in logs)

Any ideas ?

I don't want to use Mandrill or others externals MTA

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How to css-control the 'reply' and 'show replies' buttons?


@Mads_Ringblom_Knudse wrote:

I'm doing some css-customization on a discourse installation.
Right now I'm working on a more simple thread-design.
(I'll share when finished smile)
But I'm stuck on how to control the look of theese two buttons:

I wan't to make the background transparent (when not mousing-over) and I've tried:

.nav.post-controls button.create {background: transparent;}
.nav.post-controls .show-replies {background: transparent;}

Which seems to work in Chrome developer tools but not when implemented.
btw it actually seem to affect the reply button below the thread, which I don't want to change.

Anybody knows what I'm doing wrong?

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Issues with 1.2.0.beta6


@Overmind wrote:

These are the issues I've had since updating to 1.2.0.beta6 via the admin panel:

  • Manual Backups broken on FireFox, crashes mid-backup, leaves site in read only mode
  • Upload backups not working on FireFox
  • Avatar uploads broken, unable to change avatar on Chrome, FireFox, and IE
  • Mobile version goes to blank white page, tested on multiple browsers on Android Lollipop
  • Site crash, whole site goes to blank white page randomly, tested on Chrome, FireFox, and IE
  • ImageMagick missing warning on admin panel

Using Docker, no plugins, all default discourse, only a couple hundred users and 10k posts or so, site is about 20 days old, server is 4 times the recommended specs, etc.

Rebuilding the app container appears to have fixed most of these so far. Rebuilt it 20 minutes ago so not sure if it will stay that way as it worked fine originally when it was updated.

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Website blank after I failed to upgrade the latest version


@hzwill_zhou wrote:

I just upgrade my discourse to the newest version (beta 6?), and it said fail to connect to the website (before upgrade, it is all ok). Then I type my site url and it shows all blank, I don't know what's wrong with it. So any one can help me? I didn't even backup my website cold_sweat sob

And another problem before. Some times in my admin panel, it shows that imagemagick didn't installed, but everytime I install it in ssh, it always says fetal error.......... Anyone face the same situation?

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How to show still show Sign-Up button when SSO is active?


@swisspol wrote:

Hi there,

I just need the Sign-Up button to redirect to a specific URL on the SSO server for people to create an account. Any idea how to achieve this?

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Google doc links from Google Apps account don't work


@jqnatividad wrote:

They result in a page with Google complaining that the link is not valid.

However, if I go ask for a shareable link from the same Google Doc, the link works.

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Title changes pointlessly to "site name" during page load


@DeanMarkTaylor wrote:

The title of the page appears to change multiple times during page load.

  1. The title of the page already set via the HTML TITLE tag during page load.
  2. Later the title is changed via JavaScript to the site name "Discourse Meta"
  3. Later changed again back to the original topic title found in the HTML TITLE tag.

Seen here on reload the title changes to "Discourse Meta":

And here on initial load:

This change of title is very distracting taking your eye away from page content.

And may be an indication that other JavaScript actions are being taken on page load that are not required, possibly slowing the page loading process.

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Community Forum vs Community CMS?


@CharlesWil wrote:

Community Forum software vs Community CMS software.
Which do you think is more needed?

discourse offers some very good community features
such as

  • mention
  • email digiest
  • likes
  • Easy scroll
  • Encourages good behaviors
  • User management
  • Backups
  • Spam mangerment

But end product is a forum style community.

A social CMS could be more modular and be more easily
tailored for different types of communities but still have back bone of discourse to build good communities! smile

Which do you think is more needed , Community CMS or Community Forum?

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Visiting "Top" causes "New" count to become "1"


@DeanMarkTaylor wrote:

Steps to reproduce

  1. During a period of inactivity on site
  2. Load clean homepage: https://meta.discourse.org
  3. Click "New" tab
  4. Ensure "New" tab lists no new topics
  5. Click "Top" tab

Expected result

  1. Top content to display
  2. New count to not be displayed i.e. just "New"

Actual result

  1. Top content to display
  2. New count displayed as "New (1)"

Additional note

Refreshing the page removes the count displaying just "New". This is reproduceable each time after page refresh.

Screen captures of event occuring

Note that this problem occurs in desktop and mobile mode.

Verison: Discourse 1.2.0.beta6 - https://github.com/discourse/discourse version 10403676d74887e470bce523569943821672fece

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