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Acronym glossary plugin?


@downey wrote:

Just was thinking that some communities might benefit from an acronym expander. i.e., Automatically create a link when a matched acronym or other term appears in a post that would give a hover tip or other such UI junk that would explain what the term means.

We probably wouldn't use this because we try hard to avoid jargon, but I've seen it elsewhere and found it useful. So maybe someone will be interested in picking this up and running with it. wink

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Min post length - doesn't take effect immediately?


@DeanMarkTaylor wrote:

After changing the min post length setting in admin...

... What is required for users to see this change take effect?


At specific times we have "meetings" at these times in a few topics we find the minimum post length actually hinders conversation.

So when these meetings occur I want to reduce the minimum post length requirement to say 2...
...(it would be nice if I could do this per topic or category etc - but it's not available as an option)...

It seems changing this value doesn't take effect immediately.

Is a server rebuild / restart required?

Or just that all users need to close browsers and open again?

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Should locking a topic remove wiki edit-ability?


@downey wrote:


  1. Create a topic and make the lead post a wiki post.
  2. Optionally add some replies.
  3. Lock the topic.

Expected Results:

  • It is no longer possible to edit the wiki post.

Actual Results:

  • It IS possible to edit the wiki post.

While it's still possible to remove the wiki option from the post in the locked topic, if I assumed that locking the topic would prevent edits to the wiki post, I figure maybe I'm not the only one. (But history has shown that's often wrong!)

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User can move a Topic outside of a Restricted Category


@cpradio wrote:

So this is a bit of an edge case, but we've confirmed it possible and it may be related to

Steps to Reproduce

  1. As a regular user (non-TL3) create a topic in Category A -- where you have permission (leave this window/tab open and untouched)
  2. As staff or TL 3, move topic to a category that the regular user does not have access to (perform this step in a new browser)
  3. As the regular user click the Edit Pencil on the topic title and change the category to Category B (another category you have access to)

User gets an error because the topic is currently in a category they do not have access to

User can move the topic to a new category even though it is in a category they currently do not have access to.

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Disable onebox for specific links


@nils_hjelte wrote:

Is it possible to disable onebox for specific links in a post? Sometimes I only want the link, and not the onebox inlining.

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Custom emoji are not converted to text in short email notifications


@downey wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Suppress images for short emails:


  1. Configure Discourse so you get notifications for everything to ensure you'll see the notification in question.
  2. Post a very short topic or reply with both a "standard" emoji e.g. smile and a custom emoji.

Expected behavior:

  • Both emoji are converted to text as described in the above-referenced change.

Actual behavior:

  • Only the "standard" emoji is converted to text; the custom emoji still appears as an image.

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Allow guest reply to thread then login/register


@rodrigofarcas wrote:

This concept is very interesting and promotes engagement: Allow guest reply to thread then login/register.

Allowing a guest to first reply -then storing his reply in DB awaiting for him- to login or register to actually make the post go live

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Empty „Your topic is similar to...”


@iamntz wrote:


On a new forum (50 topics atm), i see the similar topic box to be empty pretty often. I'm not sure what's the algorithm for displaying that, but i think it should be hidden if there are no results, no?

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Discourse ajax promise problem


@JSey wrote:

I came across something weird: I do a


and have the promise never returned. If I add a


to the anonymous function definition, I receive an

Object {readyState: 4, getResponseHeader: function, getAllResponseHeaders: function, setRequestHeader: function, overrideMimeType: function…}

…on the console - filled with all the stuff I was waiting for! Is Discourse trying to do something funny with my data, does it have to be in a special format, rendered specifically?

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SSO may have broken yesterday


@daath wrote:

I use SSO, and at sign-up on my main site, my users get a new account on Discourse. Since yesterday only 1 user have been created (which is wrong). I just checked my error log and it says a lot of stuff like this:

ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Signup is not allowed from this account. in users#sync_sso
ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid (Validation failed: Signup is not allowed from this account.)

I didn't change anything. My users sign up on my own site, and I use an API call with my admin user (and his API-key) to sync them. I've been fine until last night, getting ~50 users per day.

Can I do anything?

EDIT: It's the call to /admin/users/sync_sso that fails, all of a sudden. Hasn't worked for 20 hours. However, when the user clicks "Login" he is redirected, authenticated then redirecetd back, the users is created and is then logged in. It's only the /admin/users/sync_sso-call that fails.

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How to stop Discourse posting moderation actions as posts?


@rodrigofarcas wrote:

Is there a way to de-activate the feature that makes a posts explaining things like "This post is now closed, pinned, etc" ?


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Custom page preserve scrolling


@bunjee wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Custom home page to discourse:

Dear Discoursers,

I felt adventurous and coded a custom mixin to preserve page scrolling.

I took inspiration from this and discourse code:

Discourse.ScrollKeep = Ember.Mixin.create(
    didInsertElement: function()

        var self = this;

        var router = Discourse.__container__.lookup("router:main").router;

        var onScroll = function()
            if (router.activeTransition) { return; }

            return Em.run.scheduleOnce("afterRender", self, "scrolled");

        onScroll = Discourse.debounce(onScroll, 100);

        $(document).bind("touchmove.discourse-default", onScroll);

        $(window).bind("scroll.discourse-default", onScroll);

        $(window).scrollTop(this.getWithDefault("controller.pos", 0));

    willDestroyElement: function()



    scrolled: function()
        this.set("controller.pos", $(window).scrollTop());

It restores scroll every time the view loads.

I would like it to fire only on browser back or forward events.

Anyone knows how ?

Thanks ♥.

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Creating new admin users via SSO


@ahuling wrote:

Continuing the discussion from All my SSO Users have admin privileges:

@sam How do you specify them as admins in your SSO payload? I'd like to do this and it seems like it's possible but I'm not clear on what to include in my payload to make it happen.

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Disable Spam Email Notification


@Erin_Leigh wrote:

Hi there,

I'm wondering if there's a way to disable email notifications for a particular group.

We have several people on the Staff permission, and everyone gets notified when Spam is automatically flagged by the system.

Any help is appreciated!

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Preload certain site images


@MJDSys wrote:

This idea fixes a small ux issue, but when you load a discourse forum with a cold cache, there is a small moment when you can see the image loading (depending upon your hosting setup, it can take longer or shorter amounts of time). It would be nice if Discourse preloaded both header images in the background, so by the time a user scrolls, they don't see the loading part.

You can see it on meta if you clear the cache, but your CDN loads so fast it isn't very noticable. On my hosted copy, it takes longer to load and is thus more noticeable.

Other images that are easy to see being used on the site should probably also be preloaded, but I'm not sure how you would find those. Most of them, I'd imagine, are probably used right away anyways.

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Trying to get my top header white with background images in place


@Grant1 wrote:

So We have a category that has a scrolling background of an image. Our company logo is getting lost in the colors, and we want it to remain white as it is on the main page. The main header (not the tiny one that just says "so and sos discourse" Is adopting the background image. How can I keep the background image but ensure that it doesn't replace the white header background at the top of our page?

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Imported a big forum, 500 server error when loading more topics scrolling down

Transfer Docker installed Discourse to new DigitalOcean droplet


@sckott wrote:

I have a Discourse installation installed on DO via docker. What's best practice for moving the installation to a new droplet? I'd assume just create an image from the droplet, kill the droplet, spin up new droplet from the saved image. Or is there a better way to do it?

My use case is: I want to have backups of my droplet, which means i need a new droplet as they can only be toggled on with new droplets, and not on existing droplets AFAIK. Also, I want to make sure I don't lose any data acquired so far from the Discouse installation.

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"New" topics tab frequently shows inflated count of new topics

Options for text in email-denied messages?

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