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How can I show Full Name near username?

Unable to remove member from group [v1.3.0.beta2]


@badevguru wrote:

I have tried to delete several different accounts from this group and they don't delete. Any ideas?

Edit: This is a group that I recently renamed.

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Clicking on poll response trigger relogin [v1.3.0.beta2]


@badevguru wrote:

I have unlisted the topic until I get this figured out. We are using SSO which is the login screen you see pop up after trying to click a voting response. Note that I am logged in before clicking the response.

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Site specific input filters


@kopeboy wrote:

Is it possible to define some input filters that use custom tokens defined on a specific site / Discourse implementation?

I write:

Grazie mille [Mario]

the post gets rewritten in:

Grazie mille <a href="http://mysite.com/mario's-page">Mario</a>

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Does anyone get notified when someone signup?


@alefattorini wrote:

I can see them on the "New" panel, but can I receive a notification as admin? Is there a way to do this?
No moderation in my case

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Multiple Boards on the Same Host

Possible style sheet / javascript interation bug


@elijah wrote:

Currently on one discourse forum I am using, I cannot create a post to say that the style sheets don't seem to be loading for me.

When I click "create new topic" the javascript works to pop-up a new topic box, but I cannot use it. Every time I scroll down to try to fill out the html form, the magic javascript that loads more existing topics kicks in, and does that, then scrolls me back up to those.

It took a few iterations before I realized what was going on.

Clearly this is an edge case, but still, it feels like a bug to me.

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Still no way to git pull docker as part of an upgrade?


@Lee_Ars wrote:

For the past several months I've been ignoring the built-in upgrade interface and just doing a git pull and launcher rebuild app every couple of weeks for Discourse. That way, the changes you guys are making to the templates and docker stuff gets pulled down along with the actual discourse code.

I recall @sam saying in the past that there'd eventually be a workaround for this—has one landed yet, or is a git pull from the shell still the only way to keep the docker config up to date?

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Discourse API Authentication


@skoota wrote:

I am looking at writing a third-party client to read a Discourse forum using the API. From reading the API documentation it seems that to make authenticated requests you need to use a generated API master key from the Discourse instance - but this gives you full access to the forum with any username (passed in using the api_username argument).

If the app I am developing is going to be distributed to end users, potentially using different Discourse forums, is there any way to purely authenticate to the API based upon their username and password (and only granting them rights associated with their account) - rather than a master API key?

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When you disable strict logout, new tabs still can perform ineffective administrative actions


@strager wrote:

Steps to reproduce:

1.) Log in as an administrator
2.) Open a new tab to any post
3.) Return to the original tab and log out
4.) Return to the second tab and attempt to do things such as Pinning or closing the topic
5.) Observe the results

Actual Results:

Logging out does not prevent the administrative actions from appearing to occur in that tab. While these actions are ineffective (pinning a topic doesn't actually pin it) it appears to the user that the changes are being made - this could lead to confusion if an admin logs out with one tab and returns at a later point to the tab where they are logged in - especially as you are able to change pages and still remain in this state.

Expected Results:

After logging out the sessions for other tabs should become invalid and any actions taken that a regular user cannot perform should result in an error.

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How to fix the Missing TranslationData error?


@vanabel wrote:

Discourse dash board says that

Some problems have been found with your installation of Discourse:

There are 9 email jobs that failed. Check your config/discourse.conf file and ensure that the mail server settings are correct. See the failed jobs in Sidekiq.

But I believe that the configue is right (with mandrill), since I can sent test mail without problem!

The failed jobs in Sidekiq says that:

Jobs::HandledExceptionWrapper: Wrapped I18n::MissingTranslationData: translation missing: zh_CN.time.formats.short

What's the problem? And how to fix it?

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Arbitrary HTML in posts


@miko_matsumura wrote:

I would like to put arbitrary HTML in posts... I know this is probably a bit crazy. But I want to do it. How should I be thinking about this requirement?

An example would be a form such as this:

<form action="http://www2.gradleware.com/l/68052/2015-01-22/qgt" method="post">

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Cursor is not back in the Editor after cancelling the Image Upload Dialog


@meglio wrote:

  1. Click the image upload dialog.
  2. Press "Esc" to cancel it.
  3. The cursor is not back to where it was.

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Adding Discourse to an existing DO droplet that's running Vanilla


@lexiphanic wrote:

Hey all,
Helping out an organisation to migrate away from Vanillaforums (VF) to Discourse. They'd been running VF for about a year and were becoming unhappy with it and liked the look of Discourse.

The person who set up VF for them did so using a DO droplet so I got the logins and followed the awesome steps that come with Discourse to install Docker and Discourse into that same droplet.
I discovered the port:80 conflict and, for the time being, just changed Discourse's (?) port to 85 so that Discourse could be reached, configured, played with by adding ":85" to the URL. I exported their VF content and imported it into Discourse, too, so they could get a sense of how it would work for them.

Now they've decided Discourse is the right path and want it to go live. The problem I'm running up against is how to get port 80 to point to Discourse and not to the VF installation. I've hit a wall in my knowledge.
I have looked through Meta but to no avail. I see no evidence anywhere of nginx (which I see mentioned a lot here in Meta) but I do see apache2 is installed (and probably the culprit).

What's the simplest way of dealing with this? Any tips or pointers in the right direction would help immensely. Feel free to ask me any questions if it will help you help me more.

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@lijijordan wrote:

usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.8.3/bin/bundle:20:in `block in <top (required)>'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.8.3/lib/bundler/friendly_errors.rb:6:in `with_friendly_errors'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.8.3/bin/bundle:18:in `<top (required)>'
/usr/local/bin/bundle:23:in `load'
/usr/local/bin/bundle:23:in `<main>'
An error occurred while installing json (1.8.2), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install json -v '1.8.2'` succeeds before bundling.

I, [2015-03-04T09:52:12.610230 #40]  INFO -- : Terminating async processes
I, [2015-03-04T09:52:12.610354 #40]  INFO -- : Sending INT to HOME=/var/lib/postgresql USER=postgres exec chpst -u postgres:postgres:ssl-cert -U postgres:postgres:ssl-cert /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/postmaster -D /etc/postgresql/9.3/main pid: 67
2015-03-04 09:52:12 UTC LOG:  received fast shutdown request
2015-03-04 09:52:12 UTC LOG:  aborting any active transactions
2015-03-04 09:52:12 UTC LOG:  autovacuum launcher shutting down
I, [2015-03-04T09:52:12.610516 #40]  INFO -- : Sending TERM to exec chpst -u redis -U redis /usr/bin/redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf pid: 180
[180 | signal handler] (1425462732) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2015-03-04 09:52:12 UTC LOG:  shutting down
2015-03-04 09:52:12 UTC LOG:  database system is shut down
[180] 04 Mar 09:52:12.679 # User requested shutdown...
[180] 04 Mar 09:52:12.679 * Saving the final RDB snapshot before exiting.
[180] 04 Mar 09:52:12.691 * DB saved on disk
[180] 04 Mar 09:52:12.691 # Redis is now ready to exit, bye bye...

RuntimeError: cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'bundle install --deployment --verbose --without test --without development' failed with return #<Process::Status: pid 292 exit 5>
Location of failure: /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:105:in `spawn'
exec failed with the params {"cd"=>"$home", "hook"=>"bundle_exec", "cmd"=>["su discourse -c 'bundle install --deployment --verbose --without test --without development'", "su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake db:migrate'", "su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake assets:precompile'"]}
[88361564] +job log(die, 69702f20d7b8f6810d59064c7cdf69141e647f790d7d85698ea6838efb33f95b, samsaffron/discourse:1.0.7)
[88361564] -job log(die, 69702f20d7b8f6810d59064c7cdf69141e647f790d7d85698ea6838efb33f95b, samsaffron/discourse:1.0.7) = OK (0)
[88361564] +job release_interface(69702f20d7b8f6810d59064c7cdf69141e647f790d7d85698ea6838efb33f95b)
[88361564] -job release_interface(69702f20d7b8f6810d59064c7cdf69141e647f790d7d85698ea6838efb33f95b) = OK (0)
[info] POST /v1.15/containers/69702f20d7b8f6810d59064c7cdf69141e647f790d7d85698ea6838efb33f95b/wait
[88361564] +job wait(69702f20d7b8f6810d59064c7cdf69141e647f790d7d85698ea6838efb33f95b)
[88361564] -job attach(69702f20d7b8f6810d59064c7cdf69141e647f790d7d85698ea6838efb33f95b) = OK (0)
[88361564] -job wait(69702f20d7b8f6810d59064c7cdf69141e647f790d7d85698ea6838efb33f95b) = OK (0)
[info] DELETE /v1.15/containers/69702f20d7b8f6810d59064c7cdf69141e647f790d7d85698ea6838efb33f95b
[88361564] +job rm(69702f20d7b8f6810d59064c7cdf69141e647f790d7d85698ea6838efb33f95b)
[88361564] +job log(destroy, 69702f20d7b8f6810d59064c7cdf69141e647f790d7d85698ea6838efb33f95b, samsaffron/discourse:1.0.7)
[88361564] -job log(destroy, 69702f20d7b8f6810d59064c7cdf69141e647f790d7d85698ea6838efb33f95b, samsaffron/discourse:1.0.7) = OK (0)
[88361564] -job rm(69702f20d7b8f6810d59064c7cdf69141e647f790d7d85698ea6838efb33f95b) = OK (0)
[root@iZ94mj4nj92Z discourse]#

已经加了 web.china.template.yml 参照[这个][1]

  [1]: https://meta.discoursecn.org/t/ruby/51/3

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Onebox link image and ssl


@MarkoK wrote:

Hello, I have a small question and I hope that I'm in the right place.

I just started messing with Discourse and I'm quite happy with it. Now I posted my first "real" post to my installation and noticed something odd.

I have https installed and I have enabled download remote images to local setting. Still this onebox image is not local and it is not over https.

Here is the link to my site and you can see the problem: https://pleikka.fi/t/maaliskuun-ps-pelit/23

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Link to pre-populated "New Topic" form


@oli wrote:


I've had a quick search around and I can't find anything on this, so I'm hoping someone here might be able to help.

Is it possible to link to a discourse board's "Create a new Topic" form and pre-populate the topic subject and body? A bit like the "?subject=" part of a mailto link.


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Don't show topics from a category on home page


@hkk12369 wrote:

Is there a feature where I can disallow a category from displaying in latest and email digest?

I have a category on my forum where users are allowed to discuss random things. I still want discussions to be allowed but not to display in latest/email digest because they are not useful for other users.

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Configuring chrome omnibox search

Big White Gap at Footer after updating to latest Discourse version


@Mohammad wrote:

The latest discourse update to version v1.3.0.beta2 +1 introduced a big white gap at the footer of the Forum. This gap looks like a design mistake or the introduction of an unwanted div section as highlighted in the image below

<div id="user-card" class="ember-view show-badges"></div>

I am experiencing this problem on all my pages at http://ask.mybloggertricks.com/, I don't want to use the display:none property to hide this "user-card" ID because I feel it has some important purpose. Kindly share a quick fix for this problem. Is this some design flaw on all forums or something wrong on my forum?

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