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Tabbed hamburger menu

Support for "Legal note" in hamburger menu


@uwe_keim wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Adding Advertising:

The above topic is from 2013, I found no other matches when searching for "Impressum", the German word for "Imprint" or "Legal Note".

To be on the safe side, I would like to have an additional (configurable?) hamburger menu item "Impressum" which links to an editable page, just like e.g. the "FAQ" page does.

Alternatively, I would like to be able to edit the contents of the "About" page.

So my suggestion is:

Please provide an additional configurable/renamable hamburger menu item "Legal note" to a configurable content page.

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"Sorry, your token has expired." Cannot reset password


@webalys wrote:


I've just launched yesterday my first forum with Discourse, and I'm so thrilled. Discourse is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G smile
This is a private community hosted on https://www.discoursehosting.com (works very well, and some cool plugins installed).

My only problem. As it's a private community, with invite only, there is no account creation allowed. And if a user logout or try to connect on another browser, the password reset doesn't works.

The password token is sent via email, but when I click, I will get this message:
"Sorry, your token has expired. Please try resetting your password again."

Any idea on how to fix it?


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Adding and editing user custom fields


@watchmanmonitor wrote:

Here's my experience with a custom field, as added via the Admin-> customize feature.

  1. Admin interface -> Add a custom field
  2. Mark it: Not editable after signup, required at signup, show on public profile (see below)
  3. have a new user register - All works as expected
  4. [Grumble that Full Name is still optional]
  5. View the new user in Admin area
    • user field is visible, but not editable
  6. View the user's preferences page, Custom Field isn't shown
    • Field is not visible to the user when logged in as him/her
  7. As the admin, looking at my acount in admin, I can't edit the field

As I see it, 5 and 6 are not working as expected.

I'd like to see the custom field on the user's profile page, and I'd like the Admin to be able to edit the field from the UI at all times.


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Link to new user after invite is accepted?


@watchmanmonitor wrote:

I just had three people accept our invite.

In the activity bubble, it'd be nice if that could link to their new profile instead of to the "my/invited" a page

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Mass Move Topics?


@ATokar wrote:

I searched around a bit but did not find an answer...Is there currently a built-in function to select multiple topics and or all topics in a category so that they can be moved to another category?

I see that you can select topics but can you "select all" and can you move them?

Any information would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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Profile image upload needs more fix

Upgrade view has JS error under CloudFlare SSL


@modius wrote:

Am running a site under SSL through CloudFlare. The upgrade screen fails with a Javascript error which effectively blocks upgrading Discourse through the web.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeChild' of undefined

I have other sites running through CloudFlare with the same settings (with the exception of SSL) and have no problem upgrading through the web.

I can still upgrade by going through SSH

ubuntu@hub: /var/discourse# ./launcher rebuild app

Is this a Discourse bug or an artefact of Cloudflare SSL?

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Edit full name in Admin


@watchmanmonitor wrote:

Related to Change full name in profile:

At the moment, in order adjust many users to meet new requirements, I need to visit the Admin page to set a title, and the user's page (as admin) to edit their full name.

I'd love to see Full Name on the admin page, and editable, please.

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Restore failing during db migrate


@jwives wrote:

Attempts to restore my forum from a backup made earlier today are failing during db migration:

[2015-03-19 03:23:18] Migrating the database...
[2015-03-19 03:23:18] EXCEPTION:
No migration with version number 20150318143915

Unfortunately this backup is all that is currently left of the old discourse install - that server's dead and was not properly backed up so I can't just spin up a new copy of it. Due to an issue with the host (running CentOS) crashing after an updated container was run the discourse install became a bit out of date -- the backup was exported from v1.1.x.

I now have a new install of discourse stood up running 1.3.0.beta3 (on Ubuntu 14.04LTS as CentOS ended up causing some pain w/ docker). I realize that the proper way to do this would be to import a backup that was created from the same version of discourse -- but I am not entirely sure what the exact version being run previously was, nor am I aware of a way to build an old version..

Any advice (aside from the obvious 'have better backups', as that is something I'm working on) is appreciated.

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Cannot send out email


@superbull wrote:

Hi, I deployed using discourse_docker in a centos virtual machine within our company intranet.
The mailtest seems passed:


WARNING: many networks block outbound port 25 - consider an alternative (587?)
unable to establish TLS, continuing: STARTTLS extension not supported by server.

But I cannot receive email after I singup for a new account.

I checked the email_logs database table.
the skipped field is f.
It seems OK.

I tried using the same SMTP configuration with PHP using PHPMailer. The email can be sent successfully. (The PHP code is running outside docker container)

Any one can help me?
How can I debug this?

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iPad Image Upload is nearly impossible in iOS8


@rovo wrote:

I was using Discourse on my iPad last night and realized and I can't upload images stored locally on the device. I'm thinking this could be a little difficult to implement. Are there plans for this feature?

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Moderated mailing list option?


@watchmanmonitor wrote:

Hey all,

Often, emails come to our list which are specific support requests, not relevant to the others on the list, resulting in poor signal to noise ratio.

I'm considering making a moderated forum, where posts need to be approved by a staff member. I have looked, and assume it's a trust level thing, but I'm missing the related setting which would hold new posts for moderation. Can someone point that out?

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Docker install allows nginx log files to keep growing?


@benito_m wrote:

Is there a way to configure (e.g. via containers/app.yml) the maximum disk space the nginx log files are allowed to take up?

Here's what I have

> sudo du -hs /shared/log/var-log/nginx/*
0       /shared/log/var-log/nginx/access.log
5.9G    /shared/log/var-log/nginx/access.log.1
5.7M    /shared/log/var-log/nginx/access.log.2.gz
8.0K    /shared/log/var-log/nginx/access.log.3.gz
13M     /shared/log/var-log/nginx/access.log.4.gz
1.2M    /shared/log/var-log/nginx/access.log.5.gz
5.8M    /shared/log/var-log/nginx/access.log.6.gz
80K     /shared/log/var-log/nginx/access.log.7.gz
0       /shared/log/var-log/nginx/error.log
44K     /shared/log/var-log/nginx/error.log.1
4.0K    /shared/log/var-log/nginx/error.log.2.gz
4.0K    /shared/log/var-log/nginx/error.log.3.gz
4.0K    /shared/log/var-log/nginx/error.log.4.gz
4.0K    /shared/log/var-log/nginx/error.log.5.gz
4.0K    /shared/log/var-log/nginx/error.log.6.gz
4.0K    /shared/log/var-log/nginx/error.log.7.gz

I installed via the standard instructions here. The site has been running with about 100 users for about 9 weeks.

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Discourse is Awesome!


@rovo wrote:

Discourse does a great job harnessing EmberJS and Ruby. I've installed an instance of it, and I'm wildly impressed front to back. Are there any other known open source projects that are similarly making use of this stack, but not discussion/forum focused? Such as a marketplace(eCommerce), CMS, or any other kind of platform?

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System edit when adding image from web?


@Rainbowresidue wrote:

Hello Everybody,

I was wondering if someone could please enlighten me about something.

When you edit your post it shows a white pen in the top right corner.

Now when you add an image from the web (even though you are not editing) after a couple of minutes, why does it show a red pen?
Nothing was edited, only an image url inserted into a post.

This happens every time we insert an image url into our posts, and would like to know why this happens and whether this can be turned off.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Reports on user activity


@optimus wrote:

It would be awesome if there was a way to run reports on user activity (topics posted, topics read, likes, etc.) and be able to export report to pdf or excel format. Has anyone had similar need and found a good solution?

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Encryption of _forum_session cookie


@apotry wrote:

I want to check whether a user is logged in from a different app (nodejs) running on the same server and domain (but different subdomain). I can access the _forum_session cookie but it is encrypted. I have tried the following script, but the cookie seems to have a different length:

So my question would be:

How can I decrypt the _forum_session cookie?

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Badges: Member needs more explanatory text


@omouse wrote:

I just got upgraded to members status on a forum and I wasn't sure what "granted invitations" meant and I had to dig through the badges list to figure it out. I can understand why there's a link instead of the actual text (it'll always be up to date) but it might be nice if the sentence explained more clearly what is meant by an invitation.

All I see is this: "Granted invitations" (screenshot)

It would be more clear if it read: "Granted invitations (you can now invite new users to topics)"

Or some other wording.

The url of the page I was on was: /badges/2/member

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Redirect non www to www version on digitalocean?


@SMT wrote:

Hello, I can redirect domain on normal shared hosting accounts But I am completely noob on digitalocean. How can I Redirect non www to www version on digitalocean?

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