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Is the wiki-style Topic available?


@snaphappi wrote:

It seems like the wiki feature was added, but I can't figure out how to add/access it. I am running v1.3.0.beta3

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What are the common types of notifications in Discourse?


@WendyHawkins wrote:

We are leveraging the Discourse API for a mobile app and trying to determine what common notifications and alerts to account for.

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No way to dismiss usercard when opened by keyboard


@TechnoBear wrote:

Use j,k navigation to focus on a post and then tab to the avatar/username and press Enter to open the card.

There is no way to close it again using the keyboard. (Workaround is to press Enter again to visit the profile page, then u to return to the original page, but that's a pain.)

Firefox 36 and Chromium 41 on Ubuntu Gnome 14.10.

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Discourse instability since 1.3 beta3


@Matthieu wrote:


For several days we have strong instability with our discourse instance. Almost each time we do an action we get an error and we have to do it a second time to make it work.

While editing a post (wiki or not)

  • Edit a post -> save edit -> topic reload with old content ... troll
  • Edit a post -> preview display correctly the new content -> save edit -> post is updated

return to homepage

  • display a "cannot read latest.json"
  • try again
  • display correctly the last version.

cannot load

Same problem as the homepage but for topic:

We try again once and it is ok

create/edit a topic

  • when saving display this error:
  • save again without changing anything and it goes fine...

unknown error

Sometimes this happens:

Empty editor

Sometimes when trying to edit a post, the editor is empty ... have to reload it a couple of time before the content appears.

We also get an error 400-something, I will post it there the next time I get it.

I do not know if it comes from Discourse or from our server configuration. Do you have any idea what could cause all these troubles ?

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Clean Dockerless Installs


@pl3bs wrote:


I've been working on figuring the ins-outs of installing discourse on VPS that doesn't support docker. The issue with discourse currently is that it's a bit of an advanced install without docker. The issue with docker is that it's not supported on most cheap VPS. After coming up with a flawless process, and consolidating the steps necessary, I decided it was worth it to go about providing installs for people who have cheap VPS and would like discourse on their server.


This is for a clean install of discourse including all core components. You will have a full working install that upgrades, creates backups, restores, and everything else from within the admin panel. Included is fail2ban for added security. If the server resets for any reason, discourse is restarted.


  • Base Install $25
  • LAMP/LEMP for PHP/HTML5 Sites Plus Install $35


  • Fresh Ubuntu 14.04 Installation on VPS
  • 2gb Memory combined real and swapfile
  • Root Access via SSH
  • A-record Pointing to subdomain


I have been gifted a database from my first client and friend's discourse instance to showcase the install on different VPS offerings. The database is identical, and can be played with to compare performance. One thing I noticed was the difference in infinite scrolling speed.

You can find these VPS at:

The ServerMania VPS is clearly the winner. This is the 2GB+2GB SSD Cached $56/y special

The OVH Classic is by the month $3 and $7 respectively, so lower initial payment. It seems the Classic 2 is about 50% slower than the ServerMania at infinite scrolling, but should be good for a medium sized community. Classic 1 is for test environment, and beginning communities. It's limited to 1 vcore and 1.1GB, so you would hit a wall quickly. One button upgrade is available to the Classic 2, 3, and 4.


The showcase data was provided from the awesome community called Cognitive Journeys

We are a community of people looking for the truth in all the news that is being spread today. In this day and age, thanks to technology, it has become easier than ever to discuss conspiracies, unravel the truth about the paranormal, make new discoveries, and unearth more mysteries.

Even where our backgrounds or opinions differ, we hold the truth between us as the most valuable object, and we know that each of us holds a puzzle piece the other needs to see the complete picture. It is a spirit of humility, camaraderie and mutual interest that leads us towards our goal.

Apply your mind. Apply your heart. Connect the dots of yesterday and today----for tomorrow.

Come join us on this journey of seeking truth and answers.


You can shoot me a message here, or find me on skype at pl3bscheese
Have a question regarding this service? Feel free to ask. If I'm not available on skype you can just send me a message. I keep a tab of meta open

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Hosting - what counts as a page impression for billing?


@rhulse wrote:

We are looking at using Discourse, and will embed the output of topics on certain pages. We frequently have pages with 10s of 000s of views so this could have a big impact on which plan we should be on. I presume I'm correct in assuming you count these remote calls?

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Specifying maximum uploaded (not thumbnail) image width and height


@scottfsmith wrote:

Hi, I have a relatively new discourse site up, http://growingfruit.org. Everything has been going great, in a way too great as I am getting lots of image uploads and at the current rate it could end up maxing out my hosting plan in a few years. I was having complaints from novice users not able to upload larger images so I upped that limit to 10MB. But, I am now seeing 100MB per week of uploads and the site is still young.

I don't need a short-term solution to this problem but I would sleep better if I knew I could just compress the existing images on the server in /var/discourse/shared/standalone/uploads/default/nnn/ directories and not have anything break. It would be even better if I could resize them. I tried compressing one image and it still loaded fine and nothing seemed to break, but if there is metadata stored in the database about the images there could be some problem down the road perhaps.


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Changing default locale after installing Persian translation does not switch forum layout to rtl


@Simon_Cossar wrote:

I am setting up a forum for a group that coordinates shipping medical textbooks between the west and Afghanistan. We would like the forum user interface to be available in either English or Persian.

I have set up a Discourse development environment and followed the instructions from the How to add a new language topic. I have used the fa_IR (Iranian Persian) files from Transifex. I am able to select Persian in the default locale settings. The translated strings appear, but the site layout is not switching to right-to-left. When I select Hebrew or Arabic the site layout does change to right-to-left.

Any help to get this working would be appreciated.

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Mandrill security breach -- what to do in discourse?


@larsiusprime wrote:

Just got this email from Mandrill, suppose some of you might have as well?

Important Security Notification From Mandrill

We're writing to let you know that we recently discovered a security vulnerability in Mandrill's infrastructure that you should be aware of. At this time, we're confident that no customer data was compromised as a result of the vulnerability, but we feel it's our responsibility to let you know exactly what happened and what we're doing about it.

Blah blah blah, skipping to the point:

What you need to do:

Although there's no evidence that your API key was exposed or accessed, we strongly recommend deactivating all API keys for your account and generating new ones. Additionally, we offer several security-related features we encourage you to use:

  • Alerts to notify you when a new IP is used to access your account or your account information is updated
  • API key restrictions by IP or API call, based on how and where the API key is being used
  • Two-factor authentication using Yubikey, Google Authenticator, or SMS
  • IP whitelisting for limiting web-based access to your account
  • Account Security overview, which includes a list of IPs used to access your account, the method of access, and first and last date of access

So... anyone know what knobs/switches I need to twiddle in discourse to make sure I've properly covered this security issue?

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Not able to edit user profiles (as admin or moderator)


@Benno wrote:

As admin or moderator I don't seem to be able to edit most profile settings for a normal user (like change its email address, reset its password, edit custom profile fields, change its avatar etc.).

Am I missing something or it this by design?

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Extra "newline" symbol when pasting text


@Maestra_Powers wrote:

Bug in OneBox, very annoying. If you copy some text and last symbol is space, when you paste it, after space there will be extra "newline". You can test it by double-clicking on any word in this text with space after it, copy and paste in in OneBox. I tested this with text editor - pasting there gives normal result, so it's issue with pasting in OneBox, not copying from OneBox. I also tried to copy word with space from text editor and paste it in OneBox - yea, "newline" apears on pasting.

P.S. I'm not sure if this important or not, but I use latest FireFox.

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Error when trying to view an email from a user's preference page


@watchmanmonitor wrote:

I've recently updated one of the forums I'm working on. 944c0db

I'm bouncing back and forth between Admin and User's preference page trying to fill in some full names. Viewing someone's email will tell me who they are, but if I do it from the user's profile page I get this error, which is logged:

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
Url: [FQDN]/assets/application-ea98de13baf37557a958317a1bc29054.js
Line: 34
Column: 69
Window Location: [FQDN]/users/[any-user]/preferences?undefined-renamed=&undefined-renamed=&undefined-renamed=&undefined-renamed=

There is no problem viewing their email address from the admin page, but I can't fix their Full Name there. grumpycat

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Installing Discourse on a website running Wordpress


@mikeem wrote:


I've a wordpress instillation on a digitalocean droplet (multisite configuration and on Apache server) and I'd like to add Discourse.

So my site is www.example.com and hosts my blog. I want Discourse on www.discourse.example.com.

I know there's a Docker instillation available but I imagine installing that would mess my existing Wordpress instillation.

Any ideas on how I'd go about adding Discourse on a subdomain of my droplet?


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Custom groups field is blank


@ky_metro wrote:

I'm no longer able to add users to custom groups , as of 4bad697. EDIT: see post below.

I've tried both in the groups page and on the admin user page. The latter sometimes gives "An error has occured". Sometimes it appears to work but doesn't stick, on page reload the group is gone.

This worked fine yesterday. Pretty sure this latest version introduced the problem.

Logged error:

ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique (PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "index_group_users_on_group_id_and_user_id"
DETAIL:  Key (group_id, user_id)=(41, 1494) already exists.
: INSERT INTO "group_users" ("created_at", "group_id", "updated_at", "user_id") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING "id")

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Any plans in the works for Tapatalk and Panjo plugins or similar functionality?


@ATokar wrote:

I run an automotive related vBulletin-based site and I'm considering moving it to Discourse in the future. We have two plugins that are quite popular, Tapatalk and Panjo. If you don't know what TT is, it's a plugin that allows your forum to be accessed via the TT Android and iOS apps. Panjo is a relatively new marketplace plugin that modernizes the "For Sale" experience on vBulletin-based sites.

Are there any plans for such plugins or similar ones or to integrate this functionality directly into Discourse?

While neither of these plugins are absolutely vital (although I'm sure some people only visit forums that they can access via TT), they are highly valued and not having such features would be a major turn-off for some people and site owners.

Thoughts? Any information would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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Image resizing not working, mobile view not scaling correctly


@sb56637 wrote:

Hi, I noticed that on my 7" Android tablet, using the stock Android browser and also on mobile Firefox, the portrait version of topics with wide images aren't scaling correctly, making it necessary to horizontally scroll. Here are a few examples:

Any suggestions? Thanks a lot.

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Problem with discourse upgrade from AWS on t2.micro


@snaphappi wrote:

I tried to upgrade to beta4 using the the admin console and got a memory allocation error:

***  Bundling assets. This might take a while ***
$ bundle exec rake assets:precompile
Purging temp files
rake aborted!
Errno::ENOMEM: Cannot allocate memory - rm
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activesupport-4.1.9/lib/active_support/core_ext/kernel/agnostics.rb:7:in ``'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activesupport-4.1.9/lib/active_support/core_ext/kernel/agnostics.rb:7:in ``'
/var/www/discourse/lib/tasks/assets.rake:12:in `block in '
Tasks: TOP => assets:precompile => assets:precompile:before
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

Can I fix this by upgrading from an ssh terminal session?

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Giant blank space at bottom of pages after entering a reply redux

Slugs error for persian language

Uploaded Emoji are a bit desaturated?


@iamntz wrote:

Hi guys. I tried to upload a new emoji but both size and colors seemed to be a bit off. So i tried the following:

  • downloaded an existing emoji (that is bundled into Discourse)
  • tried to re-upload

After that, i opened both images in new tabs (so there is no css involved) and I have this result:

(left image is the uploaded one)

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