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Migration service failed to map some topics to categories


@dugjason wrote:

We used the hosted migration service to move existing content over from Drupal to Discourse; I spotted some cases where topics had not been mapped to a category within Discourse. This in turn caused UI issues when viewing those topics, and scrolling down the page. Take a look at http://community.datasift.com/t/i-have-been-waiting-for-historics-access-since-alpha-access-any-update-appreciated/500 and scroll down the page for an example; you'll see the topic subject overlaps our logo.
Update: it looks like these topics may be assigned to a category, but they do not show up when listing topics in that category, nor can I change the category of these topics

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Extending File Upload


@rodmctainsh wrote:

Hi All,

Would it be feasible to create a plugin for Discourse that allows an external system to be notified in real time when a file is uploaded, as opposed to having to use the API to periodically crawl the uploaded files - assuming that is possible?

This webhooks plugin looks really handy - https://meta.discourse.org/t/webhooks-plugin/25176 - but I can't see any file upload related events to hook into. Would they be something that is likely to be implemented or am I looking in the wrong place (uploads_controller.rb).



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How to force redirect from https to http on Docker installation


@kennym wrote:

I have setup Discourse on Digital Ocean with Docker, and it's sending out with URLs that point to the https version of the site, however it's not setup yet. Meanwhile they get a blank page - is there a way to tell nginx to redirect all traffic from https to the the http version of the site with Docker?

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Media Library For Discourse


@Qasem_h wrote:


If possible, a media library system design for dc like wp
To better manage files and the Media
thank you

The Media Library Screen allows you to edit, view, and delete Media previously uploaded to your blog. Multiple Media objects can be selected for deletion. Search and filtering ability is also provided to allow you to find the desired Media.

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width and height attribute oddities


@RaceProUK wrote:

It seems the application of <img> widthandheight attributes is no longer being applied correctly; looks like a regression of this issue.

To save me posting a gazillion example posts, I'll link to the WTDWTF thread instead:

Update: It only happens if they're the same image; if the images are different, the attributes work properly…

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Should error and message emails start with the same prefix?


@watchmanmonitor wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Clarification on site_domain_name and site_name:

Many error emails don't seem to do so otherwise, and I want all my forum related email to go to one folder. (pending member request, etc)

I'm on the fence about the error emails.. if they do contain [Watchman Community] then it's clear where they came from. If they don't have the same prefix, it may not be clear where the error email was sent from.

Should the email saying that a message bounced also start with the same [Site Title] as normal emails?

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Installing mail server exim4 and Docker?


@doudou wrote:

I want to install a mail server and discourse docker on a same DO vps. These are my steps:

Install exim4

aptitude install exim4

vim /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf


dc_other_hostnames='example.com; localhost.localdomain; localhost'
dc_local_interfaces='; ::1;'

now restart the exim4

Add DNS record

MX example.com mail handled by example.com with priority 1

SPF example.com v=spf1 ip:DOip ~all

Install Discourse

According to Github/ discourse / docs / INSTALL-digital-ocean.md

setup app.yml


Test Mail setup

echo "success" | mail -s success mymailbox@tld.com

./launcher mailtest app to mymailbox@tld.com

I can immediately get test emails from these two methods successfully.

However fails to get activation email

I lost here, I cant't get mail. confused

Create admin in console

./launcher enter app
rake admin:create
input your email address

Now you can access into discourse,

you still didn't get activation mail.

Let's see the Email Settings

port	25
authentication	plain
enable_starttls_auto	false

When you enter a email address to send test mail in the blank, I got connection refused (553 error).

What I suppose is I have to set up the mail authentication via sasl??

But I add docker internal ip to exam4, and don't want authentication for my site users. what should I do next?

PS. substitute example.com to your domain.tld

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Javascript IDE or dev environment


@NomNuggetNom wrote:

Do you folks use a JavaScript IDE of any sort? Coming from good old Java and Eclipse, I have never felt comfortable with anything but an IDE. If you guys don't, what's your environment set up?

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Pressing shift+enter in quoted text isn't undoable


@dandv wrote:

Here's a block of quoted text for your convenient if you want to repro by editing this post:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, PRESS SHIFT ENTER HERE consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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Topics appear blank in development mode

Public content but must need to register to see the content


@rnovino wrote:

We want to make our site public but users won't see the content if they are not login. I check the settings it has the private feature but it hides all the content.

we want to make all the categories and topics public but in order for them to see the content they need to login is that possible with discourse?

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Deactivate image download


@eha wrote:

how can i deactivate the image download option.
i don´t want visitors to be able to download fullsize images/pictures from the forum. would be great if there is an option for the article editor to choose if other users or visitors should be able to download his fullsize uploads...

tnx, eric

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Should the popup below the navbar?

Intranet integration

Discourse in Meteor?


@matthewdavis wrote:

There was a discussion at Meteor and things get interesting when a commenter spoke about Discourse could consider implement in Meteor, moving away from RubyonRail for isomorphic javascript, Latency Compensation and ultra fast development cycle.

With some packages from Meteorhack helps improving the security features for Meteor, Discourse team could lead in contributing Meteor and Node.js world since RubyonRail has been slowly decline in favour of better performance and less miss hits in Node.js.

Why not give your team a try and see how things go? I bet it's gonna fun!

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Quoting a post with multiple quotes fails


@GeertJohan wrote:

Lets say I have a post that quotes another post multiple times, quoting that post results in an error and markup code being displayed.

Lets place a second line of text here so I can create an example.

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Tab characters not shown in composer text area in Chrome


@thangngoc89 wrote:

I have this simple php snippet. Copy and paste it in the composer between

// code here

But in the composer, I get different indentation between composer and preview

$categories = array(
	'Xe' => array(
		'Xe máy',
		'Xe ô tô',
	'Điện thoại, Viễn thông' => array(
		'Điện thoại',
		'Linh kiện, phụ kiện',

echo Form::select( 'categories', $categories);

Github Gist for code : https://gist.github.com/thangngoc89/aaa2425803e2ca85f303

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Vertical (not horizontal) subcategory list on categories page


@tobiaseigen wrote:

The discourse update I did last week changed the subcategory list to a vertical list, which I then pointed out to all members as an improvement. People were excited about it.

Then the update today reversed that change and now they're on a horizontal list again.

Is there a simple css change to bring this back? I'd be grateful for a code snippet.


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Set solid color as profile/user card background


@jesselperry wrote:

Would be great to be able to just select a solid color (similar to perhaps MailChimp color selector) as profile and user card background. Instead of having users have to find an image they like then upload. A quick/easy way to customize profile - and make it more likely users will.

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Unknown error saving post, try again. Error: 500 Internal Server Error


@pacharanero wrote:

Continuing the discussion from After upgrade to Unknown error saving post, try again. Error: 500 Internal Server Error:

I have started having sporadic errors when posting:

"Unknown error saving post, try again. Error: 500 Internal Server Error"

I am on latest updates as of today. (260b94e) Stock Docker install with New Relic and poll plugins only.

Error logs:

ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique (PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "index_topic_users_on_topic_id_and_user_id"
DETAIL:  Key (topic_id, user_id)=(697, 3) already exists.
:       INSERT INTO topic_users(user_id, topic_id, notification_level, notifications_reason_id)
       SELECT user_id, 697, 3, 6
         FROM category_users
        WHERE notification_level = 3
          AND category_id = 5
          AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM topic_users WHERE topic_id = 697 AND user_id = category_users.user_id)

I'm a bit worried that this is self-inflicted ie related to some hacking I did in the Rails console to amend CategoryUser entries in order to make all my users Watch a category by default. But I did this weeks ago and I haven't had any problems until now. So I'm open to the idea of this being my ill-advised meddling OR a bug.

Incidentally, trying to see if there really is a duplicate entry:

pry(main)> Topic.where(id: 697)
=> []

pry(main)> TopicUser.where(topic_id:697)
=> []

Is there any other information that I can supply to help solve this? The backtrace was about 4 screens so haven't dumped it here but it's in this pastebin http://pastebin.com/30GGAXmK


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