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Remove "Popular Posts" on digests with few posts


@tobiaseigen wrote:

On our system, many people subscribe to get digests daily or every few days. The template for digests looks odd in this case, with "Popular topics" at the top. Digests for discourse sites used for blog discussions also have this effect, like this example from @codinghorror blog received today. It seems to me that if there's only one post (or even 5), it shouldn't have a heading with "Popular Posts".

edit: compare this to WordPress.com notifications - just got one this morning from my wife's blog. Frankly, I like the WordPress.com notification better, since it is more clearly just a notification about a new post.

Note to self: a more general question that I need to dig into is to what extent it's even possible to edit these templates.

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"Go to top" button for topic list

Better button styles


@hunterboerner wrote:

The buttons that we currently have are, well... not awesome. I'd like to document my complaints and try to provide a few suggestions.

First, a fade transition. Fading colors feels like the interface is less responsive and also messes with the colors. Second, they don't feel consistent. Most other links are not buttons (cancel, hide preview, or not styles like them in the case of the new, unread, etc links). Many aspects of discourse are clearly taken from stackoverflow and I think we could take a few more.

  1. Remove fades.
  2. Only change button background color, not the text color.
  3. Differentiate between buttons that serve as links and ones that perform an action. (Answer your question vs Questions, Tags, Users, etc)

Another thing worth considering is using a border style/underline to show which of the top links is currently active.

(Image of current buttons for posterity.)

Thank you for taking the time to read.

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'Save Changes' button should be disabled while profile picture is still uploading


@Benno wrote:

I just noticed this when changing my profile picture.
You can click 'Save Changes' while the image is still uploading. This effectively cancels the image upload (and your changed setting).

It might sound silly but with uploading a relative large image or on a slow connection, it can take unexpectedly long for the image to complete uploading and the user might close the dialog box with the 'Save Changes' button already.

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Custom group totals are inaccurate (on initial display)


@AdamCapriola wrote:

When visiting http://discourse.example.com/admin/groups/custom ...

The group total shown I think is either the all-time number of members to join the group or the peak number of members to be in the group. It's not the current number of members in the group though:

After you click the group, the number changes to show the actual number of users currently in the group:

It's a very minor bug, but it does throw me off from time to time!

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Good resources for understanding the API?


@nmiles wrote:

Today I was working with the API and discovered a couple of useful resources.

  1. This shows (the entire?) api: https://github.com/discourse/discourse_api/blob/master/routes.txt

  2. If you can do something interactively but don't know how to do it with the API just go to Chrome, go to More Tools > Developer Tools, and you can see all the API calls that application makes in order to do the function you just did interactively.

I wonder if there are other non-obvious ways to learn more about the API? Unfortunately I am mostly Ruby illiterate (we Python people think that Ruby is a four letter word) so looking at Ruby code might not be very enlightening to me.

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A new Shared Hosting Provider for Discourse is Coming!


@pl3bs wrote:


I'm in the process of starting up a shared hosting company for Discourse. Many people on this forum have expressed a want for an easy to set up, maintain, and low-cost Discourse instance via shared hosting. It seems a mid-range goal of Discourse is to be as easy to deploy, and use as wordpress. Currently there are many one-click options for wordpress installs.


  • Auto-deploy your discourse instance directly after payment via web browser.
  • Reconfigure your hostname, and mail settings via web browser control panel
  • Add plugins via web browser control panel
  • Shared hosting means lower price point


Until now installs required paying a pro to do it for you, else going into the server and directly configuring files. This is no longer necessary. You can deploy your instance without having to log into the server, or touch a configuration file. Discourse installed, just like shared hosting smile


  • Xeon processers on server grade hardware
  • VmWare ESXi based virtualization architecture
  • 1gbps port

ETA: May 2015

I need to finalize the scripting and make the front-end look pretty. More details to come as they unfold.

Please feel free to leave feedback and message me if you would like to discuss something. I am looking for a web-developer who would like to help make front-end user experience as pleasant as possible.

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Show Discourse version on the /about page


@Benno wrote:

I don't think the Discourse version is show anywhere (except to the admin on the Dashboard), why not add it to the /about page?
I'm currently researching Discourse usage and would be interested to see which version site admins are running.
To a normal user this would let them know which forum software is being used.

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Recategorizing topics as an admin


@NomNuggetNom wrote:

This has thrown me and a few other admins off. Recategorizing topics is a little more complicated than it needs to be for admins. The problems I have with it are are:

  • I don't expect to have to edit someone's topic to recategorize it (I always forget where it is..)
  • It alerts the users that I edited the first post, which is confusing for the user. I am consistently asked what I edited.
  • It doesn't alert anyone else to the fact that I recategorized it.

I think it would avoid confusion to put it in the wrench menu, and post a staff message saying "I have recategorized this from X to Y." All other topic manipulation tools play by these rules, so it would be logical and consistent.

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"Send me an email for every new post" also notifies for self posts


@swisspol wrote:

If you enable "Send me an email for every new post" in your account preferences, then you get email for your own posts, which doesn't make sense IMO.

I'm using this setting as a forum moderator to know about everything that's being posted.

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More helpful wrench option names


@NomNuggetNom wrote:

I have always been a little fearful of clicking anything in this menu:

Mainly because I don't know if it will immediately act. For the longest time, I didn't know how to control whether or not a topic auto closes. I had to have someone tell me to click "Auto Close," which despite the name, does not auto close the topic. It opens an option menu. As of the recent update, same story goes for Pin Topic. So a simple change:

  • Rename "Auto Close" to "Auto Close Options"
  • Rename "Pin Topic" to "Pin Topic Options"

These would indicate that you aren't directly performing the action, but you're opening a menu with more choices.

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Changing or removing the last poster avatar highlight


@codinghorror wrote:

Here's a thought for tweaking blur and radius:

.topic-list .avatar.latest:not(.single) {
  box-shadow: 2px 4px 8px 2px #999999

img.avatar {
  border-radius: 100px;
  box-shadow: 1px 3px 3px 0px #999999;



after (alt)

and a slightly less radical proposal with no drop shadows on non-latest avatars:

.topic-list .avatar.latest:not(.single) {
  box-shadow: 2px 4px 8px 2px #aaaaaa

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Ctrl-B selects asterisks


@ky_metro wrote:

Repro steps: You want to type bold text, so you set boldface with Ctrl-B. The editor inputs **strong text**, all selected. If you immediately begin to type your text, the selection will disappear and your asterisks will be gone, leaving your text un-bolded. Currently you must re-select the words before typing. Minor annoyance but there it is.

It'd work better to only select the words, and not the surrounding asterisks. Alternatively, you could omit the words and place the cursor between four asterisks. I've seen Markdown editors do it both ways.

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Autospec failing on new install


@ajoy39 wrote:

This is a development system setup with the advanced developer guide.

after installing all dependencies and gems, and setting up the db, tried to run autospec to make sure everything was setup right. Got this:

/home/*user*/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.3/gems/rspec-core-2.99.2/lib/rspec/core/deprecation.rb:20:in 'warn_deprecation: undefined method 'configuration' for RSpec: Module (NoMethodError)
../home/*user*/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.3/gems/rspec-core-2.99.2/exe/autospec:3: in ''
../home/*user*/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.3/bin/autospec:23:in 'load'
../home/*user*/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.3/bin/autospec:23:in ''
.. /home/*user*/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.3/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in 'eval'
../home/*user*/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.3/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in ''

this sort of seems like an error unrelated to discourse itself but googling the error message only turned up 1 thread from 2010 which was unhelpful in solving the issue so I am hoping someone else has encountered this error and can point me in the right direction.

Here's the thread I found just in case someone more knowledgable than i can see something I missed

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Latest.json - duplicate post at crossover between page 0 and 1?

es6 in server side plugin javascript


@masda70 wrote:

While developing a plugin, I wanted to include a server_side .js.es6 asset:

register_asset "javascripts/plugin_code.js.es6", :server_side

Client-side, the file compiles to vanilla javascript that the browser can interpret.

Server-side, however, a PrettyText::JavaScriptError - Unexpected reserved word error is being thrown when interpreting:

import someImport from 'path/to/module'

offending line of code:

lib/pretty_text.rb:113:in `block in create_new_context

It makes me think the required feature has not be implemented. Am I wrong?

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Changing background of /faq /about etc


@dbm wrote:

Greetings, i've struggle to change background of /faq /about etc ones. I've changed the background but the thing is once i click from menu or visit it background isnt show, only when i refresh it it seems to load it (I've done that thru CSS), any other tips are more then welcome thanks! (preview below)

After coming to FAQ and refresh (background loads)

After switching to "About" or any other page, and coming back to FAQ\

Planing to add white background to all of the pages like this smile

Problem solved with;

Problem solved with;

.body-page {width: 100%;margin-top:40px;}
.body-page p, .body-page h2, .body-page section{padding-left:20px;padding-right:20px;}
.body-page .nav-pills {
    margin-top: -40px;

.body-page {
    border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px;

    box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
    border-color: #E5E5E5 #DBDBDB #D2D2D2;
    background-color: #FFF;

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G+ and facebook buttons in header


@djcyry wrote:

Hello ,

How can i add the g+ /facebook like buttons here :

I have try to add the code from Personalise option but doesnt works . thanks

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Bug image discourse

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