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Guidance on creating a Facebook Single-Sign-On


@noamraph wrote:

I'd like my Discourse instance to have Facebook SSO, that is, no registration will be needed, the facebook login would log in to the site. The goal is to make it super-easy for Facebook users to participate.

How should I implement this? I see that the current SSO requires a URL. Should I implement another webapp which would do the facebook login and implement the Discourse SSO interface? If so, can I run this webapp on the same server hosting Discourse? Or should the SSO be done by interfacing with the Discourse code directly? If so, how?

Please forgive my newbieness. I hope to learn fast.

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User can't sign in


@NomNuggetNom wrote:

We have a weird scenario on our instance where one of our users can't login to the site. When they do, they get a "500 error, Error updating information." I am able to impersonate the user without an issue, but the user has tried multiple computers/phones/browsers/etc and nothing has worked yet.

We use SSO to override logins, but I don't think that is the problem. Luckily we did some trial and error and I managed to snag a log of the problem:

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'e.get("controller").show(t,n,s[0]).then')
Url: http://forum.minecraftpvp.com/assets/application-b9c1b446bc3b33a4b6ea85ac9b2ce0ab.js
Line: 16
Column: 56780

There is no backtrace. Any clue what's going on here? Happy to provide any other info needed.

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Error Upgrading to latest build, out of memory

How to import a Phorum database (via Vanilla Porter)


@multicam wrote:

Here is the problem -

We have a students forum that we have been running since 2009 on Phorum (LAMP based forum) -
This solution was great then, but it started to date and lack functionality and support.
On top of that, backing up the database was a bit of a mission (+3Gb of sql data -- phorum is saving avatars and other images in the database).

Discourse provides a lot of forum formats to import from, but not Phorum.

The solution-

After a few hours scratching our heads and testing different methods we came up with this solution that actually worked really well:

  1. Export mysql Phorum data to a local file "export-phorum.sql" -- this is the longest part of the process
  2. Setup a local LAMP server (eg MAMP) and import the Phorum database
  3. Install "Simple Machines Forum" on the local server > link
  4. Install "Phorum to SMF 2" > link
  5. Install "Vanilla Porter" > link
  6. Use Vanilla Porter to generate the vanilla-export.txt file
  7. Tricky bit :: search/replace the generated file for category id "1000001" and replace it with "-1" (root category). More details here > link
  8. Import the modified vanilla file following those instructions > link
  9. Ta da! We have successfully imported +3000 users +20000 posts +100 categories


  • The items 1 & 2 are superfluous if you can afford to do temp installs on the production server -- In our case it was a necessity as this server was running a really old version of PHP -- and it feels cleaner wink
  • After importing all that data, the admin was complaining about a large queue of pending jobs that eventually went away -- gmail avatar collection?
  • We lost the user avatars in the process (we are now looking at scrubbing the Phorum database for avatar data and using the api to upload the missing avatars)
  • All the imported users are now active -- we will use the API to de-activate them.
  • Uploaded files were not moved across -- in our case we are 30 of those that we have re-attached by hand with the admin account.
  • We recommend to thoroughly clean the Phorum database up before going through the process (spammy users and posts, users with no posts, etc)

That's all folks. We thought that it could be interesting to share our process on that one, and even if it sounds heavy, it only took us half a day to get there, including (long) download times and struggling at step 6.

Of course comments and suggestions are welcome.

Have a good one!

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Clarification of Edit Heat


@Mittineague wrote:

We've been tweaking our Edit Time Window in hopes of finding a balance between convenience for members and problems for Moderators.

While discussing, the topic of the "sequential replies" and "dominating topic" modals came up.
@jasmine also tweaked the "history hours", i.e. edit pencil heat, settings and it seemed they didn't do what I thought they did.

i.e. going by

it seemed the settings were
"edited soon after posting = low, edit done later after posting = high"

What I had thought, and from what my checking supports, is that
"low = greater time after edit, high = shorter time after edit"

That is, the heat starts off Hot and cools down
As said, I confirmed this by looking at the link class and an edit 7 minutes after the post was made it was "heatmap-high"

Am I missing something here, faulty logic, or maybe the option copy is not what I think it means?

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Avatar display error bug

Discourse alpha version


@Pirat wrote:

I have a question, when the new version will be released discourse
whether there is a mock-up of the new design?

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Direct password resets by admin / moderator /staff?


@Benno wrote:

I've looked around and this question comes up a few times but without a clear answer as far a I can see.

Would it be possible to allow an admin/moderator/staff to do a direct password reset on behalf of the user without the email re-activation procedure?

So, users asks for a password reset by direct email / Facebook message to the forum administrators.
Admin/moderator/staff goes into /admin, sets a password for the users and emails / Facebook messages the password back to the user.

I have a converted forum that does not have the original passwords for the converted users and a lot of users have issues with the current password reset method (email messages get flagged as spam or simple do not arrive at all).
The proposed direct password reset method would be a big help.

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Administrators and users admin/users/list/active


@Pirat wrote:

propose to make one new functions for the administrator
The administrator can change any user's email
and then once you Anonymize User account becomes useless and can not be changed without whipped a confirmation email

In general, I suggest making all database functions within the discourse admin

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Email drip campain


@Alex_Flom wrote:

Is it possible to send a series of emails to a new user?

For example:
Day 1: Send welcome email
Day 3: Send email from the community manager, with tips on how to start
Day 5: Send another email with links to popular discussions


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Discourse Russian community


@Maestra_Powers wrote:

I'm hosting this as one of my Discourse forums.
But I have no idea how to drag people there. smile My other forums was about games, where you usually create guild and then a forum for a guild. I never created forum before community. So for now I just post guides there about things that I've figure out in Discourse. They are mostly for me, to not forget how things works. laughing But if someone would like to post there as well or start a conversation, you are very welcome! wink

Привет, русскоязычное коммьюнити! blush Рад вам сообщить, что у нас есть свой форум, посвящённый Discourse:
Пока на этом форуме нет активности, потому как я не шарю в SEO и понятия не имею как его раскручивать. smile Я ещё ни разу не создавать форумы вперёд сообществ. Поэтому, в настоящий момент я пишу там гайды, в основном для самого себя, чтобы не забыть как я реализовывал определённые моменты. laughing Если кто-то желает поучаствовать в написании гайдов, или начать обсуждение - милости прошу! wink

З.Ы. Этот форум не пятиминутка, можете не опасаться что через неделю он отвалится. Я держу форум о играх с 2009 года. Недавно я перевёл его с phpBB на Discourse, и заодно решил поднять первый русскоязычный форум о Discourse на том же хостинге. Так что, пока мой основной игровой проект живёт и развивается, форум о Discourse тоже никуда не денется.

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Can't update a user message as admin (version v1.3.0.beta5 +63)

CVE-2015-1855: Ruby OpenSSL Hostname Verification

Invite sent emails discrepancy Discourse vs Mandrill


@kmvoges wrote:

I invited 149 users to our private discussion forum using the Bulk invite method as described here

Now when I check my admin console for sent emails, there are only about 20 to 30 invites being displayed, while the bulk user invite processed succesfully for 149 invites sent.

When I check our mandrill account, it also states 149 invites sent.

Where is this discrepancy coming from? Am I not seeing an option to list all sent emails?

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Can anyone enable HTML & iFrames within admin posts on my Discourse installation?


@LeoB wrote:

Discourse only allows its own markup language in posts, and allows embedded content in posts only to the extend that they are supported by onebox.

I think that's great for the posts of my forum users. That way, they don't have to know what they're doing, and and evil people cannot do any harm.

But as the forum admin, I do not want these restrictions in my own posts.

When I'm posting on my forum from my admin account, I would like to be able to use normal HTML code within my posts, and especially iFrames or embed codes. It's important for me, because I sometimes want to embed content that is not supported by onebox.

I'm looking for somebody who can either show me how I can make this happen, or who thinks that he might be able to "hack"/modify my installation so that HTML will be allowed and executed within all forum posts created by users with "admin" status.

Please respond to this topic if you think you can help.

I'm offering fixed price payment, based on your estimate of how time consuming it would be for you to implement this for me.

Thank you so much guys!


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When bulk inviting users to a group, user profile settings do not reflect the fact that the are part of that group

Badges more prominent on profile page


@jesselperry wrote:

I love that badges are very prominent on user card when it pops up. It would be nice if badges were that prominent on the user profile page, right under the profile background, perhaps underneath/in the same area as the Joined/Last Post/Seen information. IMHO badges are too hidden on a user profile, being on a separate page, from a button underneath all the buttons on the left for replies/responses, etc.

Thoughts? thought_balloon

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Discourse in a subdomain, Amazon AMI


@vmayoral wrote:

Hi everyone,

I've been running Discourse for a while with great results but i decided to change my server so i had to move it to a new machine.

After configuring httpd and a subdomain:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName erlerobotics.com
  ServerAdmin contact@erlerobot.com

  DocumentRoot /var/www/html

  <Directory /var/www/html>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    allow from all

  ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/erlerobotics.com.error.log
  LogLevel warn
  CustomLog /var/log/httpd/erlerobotics.com.access.log combined

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName forum.erlerobotics.com
  ServerAdmin forum@erlerobot.com

  DocumentRoot /var/www/forum

  <Directory /var/www/forum>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    allow from all

  ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/forum.erlerobotics.com.error.log
  LogLevel warn
  CustomLog /var/log/httpd/forum.erlerobotics.com.access.log combined

(tested that the subdomain is working with a simple file on it http://forum.erlerobotics.com/index.html).

Copied all the files from /var/discourse to the new server, installed docker and finally bootstrapped and started the container through the launcher script however i can't get to see my old Discourse but only what is into the subdomain folder (in this case, a simple "Test").

No matter what i but i keep seeing the index.html of the subdomain.

Am I missing something in my httpd.conf file?.
Thanks in advance,
In the app.yml i've got:

#  - "80:80"   # fwd host port 80   to container port 80 (http)
  - "85:80"   # fwd host port 80   to container port 80 (http)
  - "2222:22" # fwd host port 2222 to container port 22 (ssh)

so i was expecting something to show up if I type http://forum.erlerobotics.com:85

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Top menu row not shown after topic opened


@omfg wrote:

I just realized what exactly has been (slightly) missing and that is probably related to my browsing habit: assuming you're using a PC:

  • Go to a category (say, ux)
  • Notice top row menu items like Latest, New, etc.
  • Click on one of existing topics
  • Now the top row is gone and you have to hit the back button in order to be able to click on Latest or New again.

I realize that the current approach may be less distracting, but I've found myself slightly inconvenienced by it and I until today I didn't realize what it was....

Personally I'd like to see the top row menu displayed (at least on desktop) at all times.

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Best Practice for auto-flagging watch words


@benjaminsanborn wrote:

Hello, first post here.

I would like to have the ability to set up words or phrases in the content of a post that, when used, automatically creates a flag for a moderator to review. The use-case is watch words that indicate a suicide threat.

A nice-to-have on top of that would be the ability to let a flag be "hidden", so it only appears in the moderator list, not on the original post.

I've done some looking around, but I haven't found an existing implementation of this feature. If it doesn't exist, I'm going to take a stab at a plugin to accomplish the same.


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