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WebmasterTools: How to add it?


3 posts

Pablo Corral (PabloC) wrote:

How to configure Google WebMasterToolsto a discourse installation?

  1. Using Google Analytics is not possible because the code is not in the HEAD, and in fact, Webmastertools says that analytics code is not well implemented.
  2. Using Google Tag Manager, also not possible (I think)
  3. Adding a META: no possible from the Admin panel. Need a plug in for this?

The only way is to add an HTML file.

Is there another simple way?


Sidekiq won't start on FreeBSD 9.2--No log info that I can find


4 posts

John Grasty (JohnGrasty) wrote:


I've got everything installed and running on my FreeBSD 9.2 server…except sidekiq. Here is all that exists in the sidekiq.log file:

2013-11-14T20:48:50Z 96485 TID-7wdtdug INFO: [Sidetiq] Sidetiq v0.4.3 - Copyright (c) 2012-2013, Tobias Svensson <tob@tobiassvensson.co.uk>
2013-11-14T20:48:50Z 96485 TID-7wdtdug INFO: [Sidetiq] Sidetiq is covered by the 3-clause BSD license.
2013-11-14T20:48:50Z 96485 TID-7wdtdug INFO: [Sidetiq] See LICENSE and http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause for licensing details.

2013-11-14T20:48:50Z 96485 TID-7wdtdug INFO: [Sidetiq] Sidetiq::Supervisor start

2013-11-14T20:48:50Z 96485 TID-7xq0xfg INFO: [Sidetiq] Sidetiq::Actor::Clock id: 17276574660 initialize

2013-11-14T20:48:50Z 96485 TID-7xq0xfg INFO: [Sidetiq] Sidetiq::Actor::Clock id: 17276574660 shutting down ...

Oh Discourse gurus, is there another place I can look for debugging information?


Discourse should render LaTeX


23 posts

Why not? (why) wrote:

LaTeX support should be easy to implement using MathJax.

IMHO this should be an official plugin (but maybe disabled by default).

If you agree, Like this post.

How to get href value from post on click?


1 post

Gauri Singh (Gauri_Singh) wrote:


I am using this jquery code for alert href value, but when i do alert html body doesnt contain href attribute. It changed to some class="no-href". Pls help me..

$(document).ready(function() {
var href = $(this).parent().html();

Miniprofiler times - what's appropriate? What's fast? What's cause for concern?


6 posts

Lee_Ars wrote:

I haven't taken the time yet to disable the miniprofiler, and I occasionally glance up at it as I'm popping around adjusting things and posting test messages. I'd like to be able to make some intelligent judgements on performance by looking at it, but without knowing more about the expected ranges of timings I should be seeing, it's not hugely more useful to me in judging site responsiveness than my eyes are.

I know I'm probably missing out on stuff and that there are lots of ways I could be taking advantage of the miniprofiler and its detail output if I were debugging, but I'm no good at that stuff (which is tending to be a recurring theme in my posts here! blush).

For example, I just did a shift-refresh on my forum's front page, and I got a single line in the miniprofiler of 79.9ms:

Is that...is that good? I think what that's telling me is that it takes longer to render and paint the page in my browser than it takes to generate it, so that's good, assuming I'm reading that right.

Popping into /admin, I see two lines, one to get /admin/dashboard at 23.9ms and one to get /admin/dashboard/problems at 34.7ms. This seems quick—is it? Clicking around on messages, I get varying times; 300.9ms, 214.4ms, 156.9ms, 317.9ms, all executing action show.

Can one of you fine folks toss out some rough guidelines for what numbers we should be shooting at in the miniprofiler, and what would indicate a "fast" site versus one that's struggling?

Can I assign an icon or change the color of a specific group?


2 posts

Kenneth Lowrey (Kenneth_Lowrey) wrote:

I have coaches that I want to highlight. I have already assigned titles and titles are good, but I want more...

Is there a way to assign a color or an icon to a coach so that these coaches stand out?


Attachments saved in Amazon S3 broken in


16 posts

Steve Baer (stevebaer) wrote:

I just updated our discourse from to at http://discourse.mcneel.com and now all attachments are not working. We are getting the following error message

(hmm... at least attachments are currently working at meta.discourse smile

Should I update to HEAD on git or is there a configuration setting I need to change. Attachments have been working for months for us and I haven't really changed anything with respect to our discourse configuration; only updating when a new release is available.

How can I review deleted posts?


2 posts

Kenneth Lowrey (Kenneth_Lowrey) wrote:

I have several admins on my Discourse site and we are deleting some posts. For example someone tries to sell "make enhancement cream" so we delete the post.

Is there a place I can go to review all deleted posts?


Gem issue: message_bus- @ rubygems.org


5 posts

Harry Seo (ok_harry) wrote:


I found some strange issue after merging the following commit.

After installing message_bus gem from rubygems.org, permission error ocurres just in case when the gem repository is owned by other user (eg. root) than discourse owner.

I found some rb files missing 'r' permission for others.

# find . -name '*.rb' -exec ls -alF {} \; 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2696 Dec  6 11:45 ./message_bus/client.rb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 60 Dec  6 11:45 ./message_bus/em_ext.rb
-rw-r----- 1 root root 624 Dec  6 11:45 ./message_bus/message_handler.rb
-rw-r----- 1 root root 1483 Dec  6 11:45 ./message_bus/diagnostics.rb
-rw-r----- 1 root root 455 Dec  6 11:45 ./message_bus/rails/railtie.rb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4362 Dec  6 11:45 ./message_bus/rack/middleware.rb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1669 Dec  6 11:45 ./message_bus/rack/thin_ext.rb
-rw-r----- 1 root root 2502 Dec  6 11:45 ./message_bus/rack/diagnostics.rb
-rw-r----- 1 root root 602 Dec  6 11:45 ./message_bus/message.rb
-rw-r----- 1 root root 2076 Dec  6 11:45 ./message_bus/connection_manager.rb
-rw-r----- 1 root root 6541 Dec  6 11:45 ./message_bus/reliable_pub_sub.rb
-rw-r----- 1 root root 44 Dec  6 11:45 ./message_bus/version.rb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7626 Dec  6 11:45 ./message_bus.rb

I quick-fixed this issue by using chmod manually.

find . -name '*.rb' -exec chmod a+r {} \;

I know that this is not the discourse issue.
But I found that you are the owner of message_bus.
Would you please check the message_bus- in rubygems.org?

Thank you,

Using Escape key on revision history page, make the link can't pop up again until page refresh


3 posts

YOU wrote:

using Escape key on revision history page, make the link can't pop up again until page refresh

clicking close button seems fine, though.

How can I create a private section to my Discourse site?


2 posts

Kenneth Lowrey (Kenneth_Lowrey) wrote:

I have an instance of Discourse and I want to create a private section.

First of all I have my site set up so everyone has to enter a username & password to enter the site. What I want to do is have some topics or categories that are reserved for certain people. These are my customers that paid a higher price for my program.

How can I do this? It seems like I would use group and trust levels but I'm not clear on how to do this?

And guidance is appreciated.

Add a custom section for html head


6 posts

Michael (michaeld) wrote:

Continuing the discussion from WebmasterTools: How to add it?:

After the great additions of "Content -> Top of the pages" and "Content -> Bottom of the pages", would it be possible to add a "Content -> HTML header", which would be added at the end of the HEAD ? Such a section could be used for these kind of integrations.

Suggestion: using https:// instead of git:// in Gemfile


3 posts

Harry Seo (ok_harry) wrote:

My development server is behind a firewall which allows only well-known ports like ssh, http and https.

The following line in the discourse Gemfile gives me an error after long waiting.

gem 'redis-rails', :git => 'git://github.com/SamSaffron/redis-store.git'


Updating git://github.com/SamSaffron/redis-store.git
github.com[0:]: errno=Connection timed out
fatal: unable to connect a socket (Connection timed out)

When I change git:// to https://, it works fine.

I found the similar issue on Stack Overflow.

Flickering in the preview with syntax highlighting


1 post

Kasper Peulen (Kasper) wrote:

This is not really a bug, but it may be a little bit annoying. Syntax highlighting is flickering with every keypress. This caused by this code:

// Called after the preview renders. Debounced for performance
  afterRender: Discourse.debounce(function() {
    var $wmdPreview = $('#wmd-preview');
    if ($wmdPreview.length === 0) return;


    var post = this.get('model.post'),
        refresh = false;

    // If we are editing a post, we'll refresh its contents once. This is a feature that
    // allows a user to refresh its contents once.
    if (post && post.blank('refreshedPost')) {
      refresh = true;
      post.set('refreshedPost', true);

    // Load the post processing effects
    $('a.onebox', $wmdPreview).each(function(i, e) {
      Discourse.Onebox.load(e, refresh);
    $('span.mention', $wmdPreview).each(function(i, e) {
      Discourse.Mention.load(e, refresh);

    this.trigger('previewRefreshed', $wmdPreview);
  }, 100),

(see also https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/views/composer/composer_view.js)

If I just remove the debounce, this doesn't happen anymore. I don't see why this debounce is necesary. Besides that, if this debounce is removed, I won't need this pull request anymore: https://github.com/discourse/discourse/pull/1721 to let the mathjax preview not flicker.

Shouldn't you be able to tag with multiple categories?


54 posts

Cade Roux (caderoux) wrote:

A LOT of forums try to help with a huge volume of users by having an entire hierarchy of forums. The problem with this is that things SPAN categories. I'm thinking of HEAVILY trafficked forums like XDA Developers. They have sections for each phone and then even sections for the vendor-specific model. Seems to me if you wanted to be a successful forum replacement, you'd have to target the most successful forums (e.g. XDA Developers) and review their actual usage of features and determine how to solve those same problems they are solving, but in a better way.

This is where I think allowing multiple categories (a la SO tags) would be a better solution to the extensive hierarchy of sub forums which a lot of big popular forums tend to use to help users find things and track things.

Development seed data contains invalid usernames


1 post

Ben Lubar (ben_lubar) wrote:

In development-image.sql there are two usernames of the form x.y, which is not allowed. Suggested fix: change them to x_y.

Please visit our Discourse Forum! (Directory)


93 posts

F. Randall Farmer (frandallfarmer) wrote:

I know I'd like to visit various new Discourse servers once in awhile as they come up. As you'd like a visitor or two, please post your URL here and a description of the purpose of your site and any other notes...

So far, the public Discourse servers I know about are:

Plugin Tutorial #1 - How to manipulate the text in the composer?


4 posts

Régis Hanol (zogstrip) wrote:

So, you want to manipulate the text in the composer but have no idea how? Let met guide you through the creation of a basic plugin that will turn the text into Pirate Speak.

First of all, you need to create a plugin.rb file that will be your entry point.

# name: pirate-speak
# about: plugin that transform the text into pirate speak
# version: 0.1
# authors: Régis Hanol

register_asset "javascripts/pirate_speak.js", :server_side

I highly recommend that you add at least the following pieces of meta data:

  • name: the name of your plugin
  • about: a one line description of your plugin
  • version: the version of your plugin

Then you can add the code of your plugin. Here, we're only registering a javascript asset that will also be used on the server side. Why? Because we use the same javascript code for baking and cooking (ie. post processing) the posts on the client-side and on the server-side. If you want your text-manipulation plugin to work properly, you have to indicate that this file must be used when post-processing the posts on the server, hence the :server_side argument.

Let's have a look at the file we've just registered:

function piratize (text) {
  return text.replace(/\b(am|are|is)\b/ig, "be")
             .replace(/ing\b/ig, "in'")
             .replace(/v/ig, "'");

Discourse.Dialect.postProcessText(function (text) {
  text = [].concat(text);
  for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
    if (text[i].length > 0 && text[i][0] !== "<") {
      text[i] = piratize(text[i]);
  return text;

First, there's our core function: piratize. It takes a string as argument and uses regular expressions to transform the text into a basic pirate speak. You are more than welcome to improve that function and submit pull requests wink

But the most important part is the call to the Discourse.Dialect.postProcessText function. This tells Discourse to call our anonymous function whenever the text in the composer/post needs to be post-processed. The text argument might be a string or an array of string. That's why we use text = [].concat(text) at the beginning to convert that string into an array if needs be. Then we go through the array and call our piratize function for each element in the array except when the element is an html tag (ie. it starts with a <). Finally, we return the text array so that it can be used in the rest of the post-processing pipeline.

The finished Pirate Speak plugin source code is available on GitHub if you want to have a look.

Another great example is @sam's ALL CAPS plugin which converts the text to UPPERCASE.

Also, if you want advanced text manipulation plugins, you might want to check out

Can you move the "General" category out of the first page


1 post

Kenneth Lowrey (Kenneth_Lowrey) wrote:

I have topics tagged with the "General" category cluttering my front page. I would like to make it so these these posts are note the first thing a user sees when accessing the site.

Out General Category out I say....

Multisite migrate fails with "database configuration does not specify adapter"


22 posts

Filip Ćakić (steelmaiden) wrote:

Grrr i get this error when running bundle exec rake multisite:migrate
: "database configuration does not specify adapter"

  adapter: postgresql
  database: mydatabase
  username: myuser
  password: mypw
  # host: /var/run/postgresql
  pool: 5
  timeout: 5000
  db_id: 2	# ensure db_id is unique for each site
  ### If you change this setting you will need to
  ###   - restart sidekiq if you change this setting
  ###   - rebake all to posts using: `RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake posts:rebake`
    - mysite.forum.com

What could be the problem?

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