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Forcing digest send for dev purposes


@twbartlett wrote:

I've been using rake enqueue_digest_emails and a user who hasn't been seen for a while to test some digest email changes - is there a way to manually trigger the digest from within app? This is purely for dev testing, not to send to a live spam or similar.

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Banner post dimensions


@Shirley_Kleinman wrote:

Hi -

When I upload a photo to a post to create a banner post, it minimizes the image. I'm trying to customize the banner post's dimension in the HTML but for some reason I can't override the previous dimensions.
Can someone plz help?


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Odd markdown results - unexpected whitespace removal


@DeanMarkTaylor wrote:

The following markdown seems to remove white space between letters on the 2nd line

Markdown Code

`leosomethingelse` - `leo address 1` - created `1 year` - mem `period 11` & `period 12` -  seen `6 hours ago`
`leo` x `leo address 2` - created `>10 years` - mem `period 05 to period 08` - seen `never on this planet`

Actual Result

Expected Result

As it displays on here right now

leosomethingelse - leo address 1 - created 1 year - mem period 11 & period 12 - seen 6 hours ago
leoxleo address 2- created>10 years- memperiod 05 to period 08- seennever on this planet


Introducing a new line between the two lines displays this result, noting the white space between characters on the 2nd line is correct:

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How to reorder categories


@Ethosyde wrote:

How do you re-order categories? Like for example, if I have five categories and I want the bottom category to be the top one.

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How to change default view


@Ethosyde wrote:

When you click Discourse logo on top banner (top left corner), is there a way to have it default to a certain url or even a category? such as all category view? I love all category view, see everything.

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"User Visits" report link on admin dashboard broken

Show avatar of thread creator in header regardless of position in topic


@RaceProUK wrote:

Just wondering what people think of having the avatar of the user who created the topic visible in the header at all times. Well, except when reading the first post, of course smile

Yes, I can think of a suitable use case. The reasoning behind it… well, I won't go into it; suffice to say it would have been extremely useful earlier today, and I wouldn't have felt compelled into the course of action I subsequently followed.
Jeff and Sam can probably make an educated guess, I expect…

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Color Scheme for admin section


@Ethosyde wrote:

So when I am trying to edit colors, I got it the way I like, however when I am within the admin section, then customize, on the left panel where it has the color schemes, its all not showing the text for the schemes, until I place my cursor on top of it, then it appears (highligthed?).

Is there something I can do for that?

Also, can you have a general color scheme then a admin portal color scheme?

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Attachments broken as of recent update - replicated on try


@tobiaseigen wrote:

Hi all - had a puzzling thing happen today.

A member emailed in a post with a 2.8mb PDF attached. I was able to see the post, edit it for formatting, and also download the attachment myself and read it. A few hours later, a colleague tried to download it and it didn't work anymore! She then uploaded the same file again. Both links did not work and led to a discourse "The page you requested doesn't exist or is private." message.

Nothing in the error logs. v1.3.0.beta9 +118

I know discourse works some magic to ensure files are not duplicated on the server, and I suspect something went wrong with a background process somewhere. But I don't know where to look.

And I'm disconcerted.

Anyone have ideas?

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How to update profile information in Discourse


@kennym wrote:

I would like to sync profile information like the bio, and website URL from my website to the discourse user forum. Users are currently all logging in via an SSO endpoint on the main website. Is there any way to update the discourse user profile via an API call?

I have tried doing something like this, unsuccessfully:

require 'single_sign_on'
class DiscourseSsoController < ApplicationController
  before_filter :authenticate_user! # ensures user must login

  def sso
    sso = SingleSignOn.parse(request.query_string, secret)
    sso.email = current_user.email # from devise
    sso.name = current_user.name # this is a custom method on the User class
    sso.username = current_user.name # from devise
    sso.external_id = current_user.id # from devise
    sso.sso_secret = secret
    sso.avatar_url = current_user.image_url
    sso.bio = current_user.bio
    sso.custom_fields["profile_url"] = SOME_URL

    redirect_to sso.to_url(ENV["DISCUSSIONS_SSO_LOGIN_PATH"])

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Polls do not work with header tag

RollBack button show up

Right procedure to display likes (or anyother) column in the main page


@raul_pareja wrote:


Sorry guys for most likely an obvious question here, but I got confused with what is the right procedure to display the likes column in the main discourse page.

Right now it shows Category Users Replies Views and Activity, well actually I just want to add the likes column there, only this, so the users are free to sort it by likes (actually they requested me to enable this feature).

I have been reading related topics but I want to do just he opposite of hiding anything, and I have seen also the query string that works which is domain.name/?order=likes, so once I go to Admin -> Customize -> CSS/HTML -> new ... what do I have to type here, just a CSS snippet or do I need to run a script in the section?

  • In case of the CSS, what do I have to type in the display section of
    the .topic-list .num.likes ?
  • In case of the script section, is there any documentation regarding
    the objects and methods like Discourse.NavItem or show some easy example?

As always any help will be more than wellcome.


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The best way to edit Markdown.Editor.js?


@Steven wrote:

Hi everyone !

I made a lot of progress recently but I don't seem to be able to do one thing : editing the Markdown.Editor file.

I tried two things :

  • launcher ssh app. I edited two plugins files (poll, lazyYT) without any problem but my modifications of the Markdown.Editor.js (I tried simple things first, like delete the lines makeSpacer(X);), are not taken into account in my forum.
  • I tried to follow these instructions : https://meta.discourse.org/t/use-custom-translation-file/13786/12
    But during the rebuild app, the bootstrap fail.

Thanks to some plugins, I have been able to add some toolbar buttons. I would like to delete the spaces after the buttons 3 and 7 for example.

I can deal without these modifications, but I'm curious. I am (more or less) able to work with the launcher ssh ou write a plugin, if you have any idea.

(Sorry for my poor english, I hope it's clear)

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Attachments Broken After Upgrade / Switch from S3


@ATPJD wrote:

Hi -

We're on hosted Discourse, and I think we were just switched to locally-hosted attachments. (v1.3.0.beta9 +121)

We now receive this error upon attempting to click a link to an attachment:

"The page you requested doesn't exist or is private."

What is the proper channel through which to request support to help fix this issue across our forum?

Thank you.


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Oneboxed Posts May trigger Unexpected Notifications


@abarker wrote:

When oneboxing a post using the http://discourse.example.com/p/post_id format, unexpected notifications can be triggered. Specific instances that have been noticed primarily occur when the oneboxed post originates in a topic which contains a mention in the title. However, this issue does not occur when the onebox is triggered using the http://discourse.example.com/t/topic_id/post_number format.

For example, http://what.thedailywtf.com/p/236408 triggers a mention notification for one of our users as the title of the parent topic is "Hanzo'd by @­accalia - just!" However, the link http://what.thedailywtf.com/t/hanzod-by-accalia-just/8204/5 – which points to the same post – does not generate the mention notification.

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Copy/Paste Excel - Both an Image and text


@strager wrote:

When copy/pasting data from excel it currently does two things:

It creates a text block with all of the contents completly unformatted
It creates an image of the contents that looks good but cannot be edited within discourse

The handling of this feels very clunky and without some manual cleanup looks terrible. Here is an example:

Clue Answer
Police officer. ____________________ copper
Lone Ranger’s horse. ________________________ silver
If they are not here, they ___________. argon
To press a blouse. ________________________ iron
Motto for an oil well‑drilling company. __________________________ boron
What should you do with dead people’s bodies? ________________________ barium

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Site logo converts to small logo after x time


@Yuun wrote:

The site logo (top left of the site) will, after some time has passed, switch over to the small site logo. So far this has only happened while I've been tabbed away and the time it takes for this to happen seems to vary (from less than a minute to (at least) a few minutes), but I've observed it both on my forum and on this meta forum.

Apologies for the vague description, I've had trouble pinning down details in what I've decided is the bug version of "a watched pot never boils". It's not a huge deal either way, and a refresh will switch it back to the regular logo, but I thought I'd make a mention of it. Browser is Chrome, if that matters.

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Alignment Issue on the Categories page

Badge based on link stats?


@jesselperry wrote:

Would there be any way to run a badge query on number of clicks on a link? I find that users will click a link and it will be really popular, but the topic originator never gets any likes to the post (or far less than the number of clicks to the website).

Any way to run a badge query on that?

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